Wednesday, 2021-12-01

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tristanCHello folks, I'm getting started with fpga through the retroclash book. I somehow managed to generate a bitfile for the nexys a7, but I had to update the prjxray-db files using the project HEAD to add the missing artix7/xc7a50tcsg324-1/part.json file.15:51
tristanCIs there a conda incantation i could use to do this automatically, or is it expected to copy the missing files from the prjxray-db repository?15:52
sf-slack<acomodi> Hi tristanC! I think that the conda package needs to be bumped to the most recent one:
sf-slack<acomodi> here is a collection of the prjxray-db packages15:56
tristanCacomodi: perfect, thank you!15:58
sf-slack<manili.devteam> Hi all, Here is a proposal of an idea of mine called vgFPGA. I’ll be so happy to talk about it with other people. So please feel free to contact me via Slack DM.16:00
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mithroacomodi / nelsobe@ -
mithroFinally able to reproduce the behaviour that nelsobe was seeing17:15
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bl0xI'm wondering how to use the iserdese2 oversample mode for xc7 platform. vpr complains about missing arch model: Message: Failed to find matching architecture model for 'ISERDESE2'23:24
mithroPeople here might find interesting23:32
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