Tuesday, 2021-11-30

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tpbTitle: GitHub Actions: reusable workflows is generally available | The GitHub Blog (at github.blog)00:58
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sf-slack<khandels> Hello guys, I am Shashwat Khandelwal. I want to contribute in the Symbiflow organisation. While going through some ideas I found there is an idea to include DSP hard blocks in the Symbiflow tool chain. I found it very interesting. If I want to contribute towards its development then how do you guys suggest I start?10:26
sf-slack<khandels> Any suggestion would be very nice! TIA10:27
mithroacomodi: Regarding the `git-lfs` issue that is reported in https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs/pull/233216:00
mithroacomodi: `git-lfs` is needed when you checkout a git submodule, so anything which causes the `third_party/qlfpga-symbiflow-plugins` to be checked out will fail if `git-lfs` is required...16:02
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sf-slack<acomodi> mithro: this went un-noticed as probably git-lfs is already present in the CI runner setup (as well as locally)16:19
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