Thursday, 2021-12-02

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bl0xWhat would be needed to improve xc7 ISERDESE2 support? Is there anything I could do?13:54
sf-slack<acomodi> @bl0x I believe that there might be an issue while techmapping the ISERDESE2 to the VPR-specific primitive (
sf-slack<acomodi> In any case, I suggest to reduce the case at a minimum and open a GH issue in
sf-slack<acomodi> with steps on how to reproduce this13:57
bl0x@acomodi thanks, will do!14:57
bl0x@sf-slack thanks, will do!14:58
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sf-slack<nelson> Submitting a PR on symbiflow-arch-defs results in a couple of CI errors which would seem to have nothing to do with the few lines of code I changed. They include:21:03

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