Wednesday, 2021-01-06

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mrecis nvcm programming supported with the ice40up5k with linux?11:54
daveshahusing Radiant/Diamond programmer, probably11:54
daveshahnot with the open tools11:54
mrecok guess it's best to stay with windows then11:55
mrecI'll capture the usb protocol once I have time for it.11:55
daveshahthe main problem is there's no way to test/debug it without wasting a load of chips11:56
mrecare you sure? I think it should be enough to compare the output of a program with the captured usb protocol11:57
daveshahafaik you have to do things like wait for things to finish so the timings will differ between chips11:57
mrecyou will get the timestamps when capturing usb11:58
mreclattice has sent me lattice ice programming spec 2.211:58
mrec"Main Memory Block Programming Procedure" that looks like what you're writing about12:00
daveshahyeah we've never seen that document before12:00
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atkI'm trying to figure out why this is happening but I'm kind of lost, I am using yosys 0.9, ghdl 0.37 and a ghdl-yosys-plugin which works with both of those. When I'm trying to synthesize some vhdl which includes a component referencing a the high frequency oscillator of the lattice iCE40 UP5K called SB_HFOSC this ends up imported as sb_hfosc_bb46708f6068eb928bf02fe36bccacb3fb1f43e9 which obviously23:12
atkwon't work. What am I doing wrong and is this even the right channel?23:12
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