Tuesday, 2021-01-05

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poztitHi, is Yosys can format Verilog code ? I search the Yosys manual but found nothing revelant10:55
poztitlike clang-format for example10:56
Loftypoztit: no, Yosys cannot format Verilog code11:41
poztitLofty: ok, thank you for removing the doubt11:55
Sarayanpoztit: I think slang can12:14
poztitYes but it's the big gun to achieve just formating ^^12:21
SarayanI don't see in which way yosys is a smaller gun :-)12:34
poztitYeh true, in fact I use apio to develop on a TinyFPGA and it use Yosys to do the synthesis, so I would like to do the much I can with the tool already install12:39
poztitSarayan: Do you use a formater for your projects ?12:46
SarayanI avoid verilog :-)12:47
SarayanI'm a nmigen fan12:47
Sarayanwhich has python formatting12:47
poztitOh interesting !12:48
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Sarayanmake install doesn't install the cxxrtl headers?  (or any header for the matter)15:39
Sarayanah it does, how did the compiler miss them?15:41
Sarayanwhitequark you are insane15:53
Sarayanclang++ -c -g -Wall -std=c++17 -O3  -I/people/galibert/share/yosys/include m68k.cc15:53
Sarayanm68k.cc:3191:264192: fatal error: bracket nesting level exceeded maximum of 25615:53
Sarayanm68k.cc:3191:264192: note: use -fbracket-depth=N to increase maximum nesting level15:53
Sarayanwow, the line is >265K chars long15:55
cr1901_modernSarayan: I pinged wq, since she's not in this room rn lol15:56
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modwizcodeSarayan: How are you generating the cxxrtl source for that module17:08
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