Saturday, 2020-04-18

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ashfaq1717how to convert NOR2 to NOR3 using techmap08:11
daveshahDo you mean one NOR2 to one NOR3? Techmap isn't for combining cells08:15
tpbTitle: cxxrtl: add support for simple and templated C++ black boxes by whitequark · Pull Request #1963 · YosysHQ/yosys · GitHub (at
ashfaq1717i have replaced nor 3 to combinations of nor 2 similarly I want to do vice versa08:17
daveshahextract is intended to be the opposite of techmap08:18
ashfaq1717can you please write me the verilog code for extract map nor2 nor308:20
ashfaq1717can I put this on github?08:28
ashfaq1717module NOR3X1(input A, B, C, output Y);wire first_output;NOR2X1 first(.A(A), .B(B), .Y(first_output));NOR2X1 second(.A(first_output), .B(C), .Y(Y));endmodule08:29
ashfaq1717this was nor3 to nor , I want a code for nor2 to nore308:29
daveshahWhat happens when you do extract with that file?08:30
ashfaq1717I don't know exact syntax how I connect signals of nor2 to nor3 as I done for the above, I want a file which can do this using extract or techmap08:34
ashfaq1717can I extract with the same file?08:35
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ZirconiumXashfaq1717: that's what daveshah is asking you to do08:40
ZirconiumXBesides, couldn't you at least thank me for that code?08:40
ZirconiumXCongrats, whitequark08:41
ashfaq1717when I use extract map with the above file it says 0 matches found it means we can't extract with the same file08:46
ashfaq1717thank u ZirconiumX but I couldn't understand your code08:46
ZirconiumXashfaq1717: how come? You literally straight-up copied it08:48
tpbTitle: How to convert one cell to a combination of other cells? · Issue #1891 · YosysHQ/yosys · GitHub (at
ashfaq1717brother its Ok, it replaces the cells nor3 to nor2 I have checked it, but doing vice versa with extract it dosn't replace nor2s to nor 308:50
* ZirconiumX sighs in being non-binary08:51
ashfaq1717any solution?08:54
ZirconiumXI've never used extract because I've never needed to use extract08:55
ashfaq1717its Ok. any one else?08:56
ZirconiumXThe thing is, by the time you need to use extract it is too late to do the thing you want to, generally08:56
ZirconiumXIt's far better to use techmap to break high-level things down into what you want, than to use extract to build up into what you want08:57
ashfaq1717can you give me a example08:59
ZirconiumXSay you want to make a specific adder08:59
ZirconiumXIt's best to try mapping either $add or ideally $alu to build the adder out of the cells you want09:00
ZirconiumXRather than try to build an adder from extracting half and full adders09:00
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ashfaq1717how to convert DFFSR to DFF_P or DFF_N? what are benifits of doing so while Yosys automatically map to DFFSR?10:27
ZirconiumXashfaq1717: dffsr2dff10:28
daveshahThat's been removed10:28
ZirconiumXAnd the benefits are that the DFF cells are simpler, use less area and need less routing.10:29
daveshahopt_rmdff does everything it did10:29
ZirconiumXSince I'm on my phone I don't have access to the latest docs, and Claire's only get regenerated when there's a major release10:29
ashfaq1717from where can i get dffsr2dff file10:37
ZirconiumXashfaq1717: since opt_rmdff replaces it, use opt_rmdff instead10:38
ZirconiumXWhich is probably run by default, actually10:41
mwkwhitequark: that isn't the pull request that you needed stable avail_parameters order for, right?10:41
whitequarkmwk: nope, turns out i didn't need it after all10:45
mwkok, fair enough :)10:46
ashfaq1717please refer me dffsr2dff file I want to see the difference by using it10:47
mwkashfaq1717: just dig it out from git, it was removed in
tpbTitle: Get rid of dffsr2dff. · YosysHQ/yosys@38a0c30 · GitHub (at
mwkbut it really is just a subset of opt_rmdff10:54
mwkdoing the same transform, but badly10:54
ashfaq1717i synthesis a simple alu, run yosys script after abc , i use extract map to replace gate cells with a macro add cell but same result found no match as for nor3 previously,10:59
lambdaashfaq1717: why do you want to do that though?10:59
ashfaq1717I want to create an example how can I reduce the area by replacing many cells with a macro cell11:00
ashfaq1717i am unable to synthesis a design to split it in gate cells and then map these cells to a macro cell11:23
ashfaq1717kindly refer me some xample11:23
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