Thursday, 2010-05-13

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shenkiglew: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa00:02
glewshenki: thanks, that prompts me to save it in a file, should i name this something specific?00:03
shenkithat will produce a file ~/.ssh/, thats the one you want to send to mithro00:03
shenkiuse the defaults00:03
glewwell the terminal is asking my to enter a file to save the key in00:04
shenkiensure you use a strong password, as this file will allow you to login to our server00:04
shenkiso if you use the defaults for the file name, ~/.ssh/id_rsa is the password protected private key: make sure no one else gets a copy of that.00:06
shenkiand ~/.ssh/ is the public key; you can share that with anyone. we will place that in a file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys,which gives you access to ourserver without you setting a password on the server00:08
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glewok thanks for the help00:10
shenkino worries00:10
tansellezod, pong00:21
glewtansell, hey00:40
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tansellcahirwpz, ping?10:05
cahirwpztansell, pong10:06
tansellcahirwpz, got time for a quick review of your progress so far?10:06
cahirwpzwell... yes10:07
tansellso where are we at? You've decided that using libtpproto2-py is a good idea and started writing a client?10:08
cahirwpzyes - I've decided to use libtpproto2-py and fix all its bugs I encounter during tpserver-py development10:09
cahirwpzI wrote a simple client that's able to talk to tpserver-py to verify my work10:10
cahirwpzI'll extend this client with automated tests10:10
cahirwpztoday I made a branch in tpserver-py (called gsoc2010), switched libtpproto-py to libtpproto2-py and started to port server to twisted10:11
tansellcahirwpz, can you push this server to github?10:12
cahirwpzas soon as it's functional and ready to be presented - yes10:12
tansellcahirwpz, I would prefer to push early and push often10:13
tansellthen you are less likely to waste your time going in the wrong direction10:13
tansellcahirwpz, I would also like to add a sub-goal of trying to make the tpserver-py code more tested10:13
cahirwpzso which repository should I use - my own, or push the branch to original tpserver-py repo ?10:14
tansellcahirwpz, your own "working" repository for now - as your happy with your changes we can then push to tpserver-py with a "clean" patch10:15
cahirwpzand the other thing is that I'll probably frequently modify libtpproto2-py and server won't work without those changes10:15
tansellcahirwpz, you should be pushing both obviously10:16
tansellgithub lets you "fork" a repository really easily10:16
cahirwpzok - I'll try to fork and push my changes today10:17
cahirwpzlets get back to review10:18
cahirwpzwe settled that remote console is not what we want and we'll be waiting for administrator extensions for tp04 protocol10:18
cahirwpzalso I know how to implement zeroconf support10:19
tansellcahirwpz, has twisted gained zeroconf support - or do you have to impliment that from scratch?10:21
cahirwpzthe last thing which is quite vague to me is built-in http server and game data download10:22
tansellcahirwpz, that should be trivially easy for you to support - it's basically adding a http server to serve the battlexml and media files10:23
cahirwpztansell, it does not have explicit support for mDNS, however it contains full DNS server implementation so... I guess it's got everything we need10:24
cahirwpztansell, yes... but I still don't understand in what way mentioned data is related to games / players, why do we need authorization and so on...10:25
tansellcahirwpz, so you understand that there are graphical objects which are displayed to the user right?10:26
tansellIE ship pictures10:28
tanselland such10:28
tansellthe client uses HTTP to download these pictures10:29
cahirwpzmhm... and why we need authorization for that ?10:29
tansellanother type of media is "battle descriptions"10:30
tansellbattle descriptions are a blow-by-blow record of what happened in a battle10:30
cahirwpzsomething like battle log ?10:31
tansellyeah - exactly like a battle log10:31
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cahirwpzok... something else which is considered to be downloadable game data ?10:32
tansellthey are the two main components at the moment10:32
cahirwpzok... and why do we need authorization here ? why users should be restricted to download all available battle logs or gfx files ?10:35
tansellusers shouldn't be able to download other people's battle logs10:35
cahirwpzthere's one-to-one mapping between a game and a battle log, correct ?10:36
tansellthe battle log is for each "encounter"10:36
tansellIE it says "Ship A and B fought it out and Ship A won"10:36
cahirwpzand who should be able to access a single battle log ?10:37
cahirwpzowners of both ships ?10:37
tanselleach person gets a personalized battle log10:38
cahirwpzshouldn't download of battle log be covered by tp protocol ?10:39
tansellcahirwpz, no, because the battle logs can be huge (megabytes in size)10:40
cahirwpzI can hardly find any good reason (for now) to keep it separated from TP protocol...10:40
tanselland battle logs have associated media contents10:40
tansellyou don't want to that over the tp protocol as it has no way of doing things like resuming10:41
cahirwpzwhat do you mean by resuming and lack of it in tp protocol ?10:43
tansellcahirwpz, you can't resume a file mid-transfer10:43
cahirwpztansell, ok - that's good explanation10:44
cahirwpzbut on the other hand using tp protocol you can download records one-by-one10:45
cahirwpzisn't that exactly what one would want to download battle logs ?10:46
tansellcahirwpz, no - you want the complete battle log so you can seek around it10:46
cahirwpzeach battle log entry should be transferred as single short record, and client would then download all records10:47
cahirwpzcan't battle logs be divided into records ?10:48
tansellcahirwpz, that would take forever10:48
tansellcahirwpz, there could be thousands of actions in a single log10:48
cahirwpzhmm... XML files tends to be larger and more time consuming to create10:49
tansellcahirwpz, think of it like a log of the moves in a chess game10:49
cahirwpzstill you need to create them on server side - presenting each move as binary record is less time consuming (in terms of CPU time and transfer time)10:50
cahirwpzam I wrong ?10:50
tansellcahirwpz, sure - but then we design yet another binary protocol - compressed xml turns out to be pretty good10:51
cahirwpzthis soultion seems messy to me - some things will be implemented twice because of representation differences10:53
tansellcahirwpz, like?10:53
tansellthe battle format is not an "over the air" format10:54
tansellit's closer to the graphic files then it is to the rest of the tp data10:54
* llnz wanders off10:54
llnzlater all10:54
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cahirwpzok - I assume for now that you're right - we will get back to this topic before I start implementing built-in http server10:55
cahirwpzfor now I feel I know just enough to continue10:56
cahirwpzI've got another question about protocol design10:56
cahirwpzFEATURES response can return information about the server (for example - that it does support SSL)10:57
cahirwpzI thought it might be a good idea to add command StartTLS, and drop using two sockets one for TP and one for TP-over-SSL protocol10:59
cahirwpzsuch command would be invoked be client if it knows that server support TLS10:59
cahirwpzafter OK response from server - both client and server would start TLS negotiation10:59
tansellcahirwpz, see the filter negotiation stuff11:00
cahirwpzthis is similar to behaviour of FTP+TLS and I believe many protocols does it this way11:00
cahirwpzwhere should I look for it - TP protocol description ?11:01
tpb<> (at
cahirwpzso... should I support additional port - 6924 ?11:03
tansellcahirwpz, if you want to support HTTPS Tunneling11:03
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tansell<cahirwpz> so... should I support additional port - 6924 ?11:10
tansell<tansell> cahirwpz, if you want to support HTTPS Tunneling11:10
tansellcahirwpz, I'm about to head home - any quick questions?11:10
cahirwpzit seems I was disconnected11:11
cahirwpzso tp:// tps:// and tp+http:// services are using port 6923, and tp+https:// is using 6924, correct ?11:11
tanselltps:// uses port 692411:11
tansellas it sets up the SSL connection *before* the Thousand Parsec connection11:12
tanselltp+https:// uses 443 normally11:12
cahirwpzdo we need tps:// after all if TLS is supported by tp:// ?11:13
tansellbecause TLS is only new in tp:// and no client actually supports it yet11:13
cahirwpzBTW I was unable to connect tpclient-pywx and tpserver-py over tps://11:14
tansellit's not well tested11:15
cahirwpzhas anybody tested SSL lately ?11:15
cahirwpzthen I suppose none of the clients works with tps:// ;-)11:16
tansellwell, very little of TP has been well tested - something I hope that GSoC helps with11:16
tansellcahirwpz, we are kind stuck in a phase half way between protocols and have been for a while11:17
cahirwpzI hope I'll help you with that and provide you a *really* good server implementation11:18
tansellcahirwpz, is porting tpserver-py to TP04 on your todo list?11:18
tansell(it shouldn't be all that hard, tpserver-py already has quite a flexible object model)11:19
cahirwpzwell if libtpproto2-py won't give us headaches then porting tpserver-py to TP04 will be fairly easy11:20
cahirwpzat least it's something I believe in now11:20
tansellokay, well I need to head home11:21
tansellI may (or may not) be on a bit later11:21
tansellcahirwpz, bloging your thoughts and progress is a good idea too11:22
cahirwpz... it'll be hard to get used to that :/11:22
cahirwpzbut I suppose I'll have to sooner or later11:23
cahirwpztansell, see you later... I'm getting back to code11:25
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llnzmorning all20:45
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