Friday, 2010-05-14

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tansell-laptopglew, ping?01:10
glewtansell-laptop, hey01:10
tansell-laptopglew, so I've been recommending people use github for the moment01:28
tansell-laptopezod, yeah - allows a student to have multiple branches, etc01:29
ezodok cool01:29
ezodi like github :)01:29
tansell-laptopezod, I'm also pushing a mirror of our code to github01:30
tpbTitle: thousandparsec's Profile - GitHub (at
ezodyep, following01:33
glewso i still need to get you my ssh public key01:33
tansell-laptopglew, well to github01:34
glewtansell-laptop, ok so now i only have to set up an account at github01:36
tansell-laptopfor now01:36
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* llnz wanders off04:39
llnzlater all04:39
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tansell-laptopStupidIncarnate, ping?06:09
StupidIncarnateping pong06:10
tansell-laptopStupidIncarnate, got a bunch of things we need to check regarding GSoC06:11
tansell-laptopa) your current progress06:12
tansell-laptopb) have you setup your blog yet?06:12
tansell-laptopc) have you caught up with matthewd06:12
tansell-laptopd) what are your plans06:13
StupidIncarnatea) I still need to check out the tp04 version of the lib and see how that runs with tpweb this weekend.06:14
StupidIncarnateb) blog, though only one entry so far.
tpbTitle: StupidIncarnate's Blog (at
StupidIncarnatec) emailed matthewd, but no response. though I see he's in06:15
StupidIncarnated) plans?06:15
tansell-laptopso regarding a) what have you been doing so far, and how is that going?06:17
tansell-laptopd) what do you plan to do over the coming week and a bit06:18
StupidIncarnateI've looked through most of the code i can, pretty confident I understand it enough to manipulate it. (Besides the tp04 version). Javascript won't be any problems, though I might change some of the css calls just for sanities sake06:18
StupidIncarnated) I'm gonna look at tp04 and make sure it runs with tpweb. I got a question about the wormhole thing though. Other than that, it'd probably be best for me to finish my final english project next week so that doesn't interfere with gosc when it begins06:20
tansell-laptopStupidIncarnate, there are likely quite a few big changes needed to the code when you port it to tp0406:23
StupidIncarnatemithro, alright, well I'll survey the damage this weekend and try to plan that in conjunction with my school work06:25
StupidIncarnateat least the initial portion of my timeline's devouted to that06:25
StupidIncarnateso about the wormhole thing?06:28
tansell-laptopwhat about it?06:31
StupidIncarnateon the python client, it has a line drawn from the two planets and the wormhole in the middle. However, on the web client, the location of the wormholes that gets sent is actually directly on top of a planetary system.06:33
StupidIncarnatebut since the system is supposed to eventually support dynamic types, I don't really see how I could do that without at specifying it in the code06:34
tansell-laptopStupidIncarnate, the wormhole has two points06:34
StupidIncarnatewithout specifying*06:34
tansell-laptopso it should be drawn as a line06:34
StupidIncarnatehmm, i'll have to look at it again then, because I thought I only saw one object06:34
StupidIncarnatebut you still have to designate that if it's a wormhole than it does something seperate06:35
StupidIncarnateis this alright06:35
tansell-laptopthere is only one object06:37
tansell-laptopbut it has two coordinates06:37
tansell-laptopany object which has two sets of coordinates should be drawn as a line06:37
StupidIncarnateoh ok06:37
tansell-laptopnot just wormholes06:37
StupidIncarnatethat's easy enough06:38
StupidIncarnateso what's the difference between github and ?06:38
tpbTitle: Git (at
StupidIncarnateand is this github?
tpbTitle: thousandparsec's Profile - GitHub (at
StupidIncarnateerr, the place you were talking about that I also need to submit to?06:39
StupidIncarnateI figured git.thousandparsec was the place the git program submits, but it doesn't display any of my submissions06:41
StupidIncarnatemithro, is git.thou manually updated?06:41
StupidIncarnateoh, there's the github in the logs07:09
StupidIncarnategtg, be back on the weekend07:17
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cahirwpztansell, ping?09:22
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null_000tansell tansell-laptop: ping10:37
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