Thursday, 2009-08-13

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tansellllnz, ping me when you have a moment or two00:34
llnznow is fine00:34
llnztansell: ping00:36
tansellllnz, pong00:58
tansellGreywhind, ping?01:09
tansellwe totally missed our meeting01:10
Greywhindtansell: oh, true01:10
tansellGreywhind, where is the media stuff at?01:10
Greywhindtansell: i've dealt with all the comments on issue 1000201:10
Greywhindtansell: i've started a bit on the other ones01:10
llnzbrb, reboot to linux01:11
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Greywhindtansell: the reason the binds aren't part of the mixin is that the mixin would then have to define the OnMediaUpdate, which always deals with panel-specific stuff, so there's no real common code there01:12
Greywhindtansell: and DownloadAbortEvents aren't needed by any of the panels, only by the downloads window01:12
tansellGreywhind, it can define an empty OnMediaUpdate01:12
Greywhindtansell: true01:12
tansellGreywhind, the DownloadAbortEvents means download of some media failed01:12
tansellit's never going to arrive01:12
tansellso if you waiting on it - that's not going to work01:13
Greywhindtansell: right, but the panels don't wait, they just display something else and then, if it happens to eventually arrive, they update the display01:13
tansellIt shouldn't say "waiting" if it's been aborted01:14
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tanselland I think your mistaken on the lack of commonality in OnMediaUpdate01:15
Greywhindtansell: they each call their own functions when the media update happens.01:16
tansellgot the code handy?01:17
Greywhindsome update a single object, some update everything, etc.01:17
Greywhindfor panelInfo:01:17
Greywhinddef OnMediaUpdate(self, evt):01:17
Greywhindif (self.current == -1):01:17
Greywhindwhereas for SystemIcons:01:17
Greywhinddef OnMediaUpdate(self, evt): self.UpdateAll()01:17
Greywhindfor panelPicture, it's completely different01:18
Greywhindso i could add the binds and an empty method to the mixin, but it won't decrease the code much01:19
Greywhindi'll do it if you think that's a good idea though01:19
tansellyou upload the latest version?01:22
Greywhindtansell: not yet, still working on the changes01:22
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* llnz wanders off to NZ python users group meeting01:47
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alanpezod: ping01:48
alanpezod: I don't seem to get the same warnings as you, am building with -Wall01:49
Greywhindtansell: any idea what might be causing this error01:55
GreywhindTraceback (most recent call last):01:55
Greywhind  File "./tpclient-pywx", line 130, in Post01:55
Greywhind    function(event)01:55
Greywhind  File "libtpclient-py/tp/client/", line 892, in OnMediaDownloadDone01:55
Greywhind    if self.CheckURL(evt.file):01:55
Greywhind  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode/wx/", line 14524, in __getattr__01:55
Greywhind    raise PyDeadObjectError(self.attrStr % self._name)01:55
GreywhindPyDeadObjectError: The C++ part of the FoldPanel object has been deleted, attribute access no longer allowed.01:56
tansellyour accessing an object which the C++ side thinks as been deleted01:57
Greywhindit never did that before...01:59
Greywhindoh, got it02:02
tpbTitle: Issue 10002: Added threaded downloading, fixed up code in - Code Review (at
tpbTitle: Issue 9001: Improved media support by centralizing media calls and adding a download manager. - Code Review (at
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CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r1d171d8ae2a2 /tpserver/ (adminconnection.cpp adminlogger.cpp adminlogger.h): AdminLogger now holds a shared pointer, and has no more dangerous methods07:16
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r939042e99536 /tpserver/ (playeragent.cpp playeragent.h): PlayerAgent doesn't need getConnection07:16
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r9dea2dba2c5c /tpserver/playeragent.cpp: PlayerAgent minor cleanups07:16
epyondamn wrong window ^_^07:17
* tansell beats his head against stupid daylight savings issues07:47
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CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r58edb4444af3 /tpserver/ (playeragent.cpp playerview.cpp playerview.h): PlayerAgent vs PlayerView -- moved get* frame processing to player agent08:16
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r712d4a8bfd4a /tpserver/ (objecttypemanager.cpp objecttypemanager.h playeragent.cpp): OrderType processing moved to PlayerAgent08:16
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CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rf7d4e31a1c91 /tpserver/ (ordermanager.cpp ordermanager.h playeragent.cpp): OrderManager getOrderTypeIds frame processing moved to PlayerAgent09:00
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * ra9a6ab4198d0 /tpserver/ (4 files): PlayerAgent now takes a shared_ptr to PlayerConnection -- internally it's stored as a weak_ptr, but converted to shared_ptr on processing09:00
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r938678e7fe90 /tpserver/ (playeragent.h playerconnection.cpp playerconnection.h): PlayerAgent now held as a shared_ptr09:00
epyonyay, weak_ptr FTW09:00
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rcaf2d43c2f4d /tpserver/ (logging.cpp logging.h logsink.h): Logging now holds shared_ptr's to LogSinks09:17
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rd93a970baac5 /tpserver/ (adminconnection.cpp adminconnection.h): AdminLogging fixed09:17
epyondamn :P09:29
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totedamn list arguments are kinda hard :/13:32
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CIA-26alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * r63ca44072ac9 /modules/games/mtsec/ (6 files): Various cleanups.16:27
llnzmorning all16:30
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CIA-26alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * rb93abfea3398 /modules/games/mtsec/xmlimport.cpp: xmlimport.cpp warning fix16:38
alanphey llnz16:39
llnzhi alanp16:39
alanpweird warning16:41
alanp    uint32_t damage = fleet->getDamage();16:41
alanpuint32_t Fleet::getDamage() const{16:41
alanp        uint32_t damageNeeded = static_cast<uint32_t>(ds->getDesign(shipNumber)->getPropertyValue(hpPropID));16:41
alanp        if (damage >= damageNeeded) {16:41
alanpgives double -> uint32_t warning on damage >= damageNeeded16:42
alanpwhat did i screw up here?16:42
llnznot sure, that line looks alright16:44
alanpi thought so too16:44
* alanp will ignore for now16:45
CIA-26joelboh tpclient-pyweb * r8cc57f55b0d2 / (backend/ frontend/scripts/map.js): List argument type is now working.16:59
CIA-26alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * r22e7ffb6a705 /modules/games/mtsec/avacombat.cpp: My eyes are playing tricks on me, fixed pesky warning.17:06
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epyonAnyone know a linux tool to count non-comment lines of code?19:41
tansell-laptopepyon, sloccount19:42
tansell-laptopllnz, snap!19:42
llnzit powers our sloc page19:42
epyonllnz: can you run sloccount on the main tpserver and tell me just the loc (without tinyxml)? Just academic curiosity19:45
llnzi don't have access to source currently, sorry19:46
epyontansell-laptop: ?19:46
llnzepyon: btw, the last time i checked, avahi and mzscheme were broken19:46
epyonllnz: I know19:47
epyonI'll fix them right after I come back from vacation19:48
epyonmysqlpersistence is also broken, but it's only a couple of fixes19:48
epyonthere are tests to be made after I finish the current part anyway.19:49
epyonalso integration of the mtsec branch19:49
epyonI'm sure it will be easier for me to integrate alanp's code than for him to integrate it into mine :>19:50
alanpuh oh19:54
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epyontansell, llnz : (Not so) final report published, maybe you'd like to take a look :)20:18
llnzwill do shortly20:18
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec - GSoC 2009 (at
epyonbtw, llnz, I'd like to have some tracker for the further work on the refactor branch (once GSoC is over I'll need some more organization to the tasks ahead to motivate me) -- those TP have such services, or should I rollup my own?20:23
epyonI don't want to mess up the google code one, if I did it'd have like 95% tasks related to the refactor branch -_-20:24
llnztracker? as in bug or ticket tracking?20:24
llnzjust use the google one, noone else does20:24
epyonheh, that doesn't sound much positive :P20:25
epyonthe sad thing is that I realized that I almost completely failed on the original objectives :/20:26
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Greywhindtansell: ping?23:06
CIA-26landon tpclient-pyogre * r60bab7b6ee7f /src/ Starts playing automatically23:48
CIA-26landon tpclient-pyogre * rec2ab60906d5 /src/ ( Added a better lock checker since the frame listeners generally don't have access to the battle manager23:48
CIA-26landon tpclient-pyogre * rf1af11d848b5 /src/ ( Moving now locks properly\!23:48

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