Friday, 2009-08-14

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cherez1Why won't you speak to me, server? :(01:00
llnzat what point are you having trouble?01:09
llnzthe actual tcp connection? after the connect frame?01:09
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cherez1llnz: The connection frame seems to... not do anything.01:18
cherez1The server is receiving it and identifying the protocol version, but it stops there.01:18
cherez1(That's sending a tp04 connection.)01:18
llnzcherez1: will be around in an hours time?01:19
llnzok. I'll race home and I'll give you a hand01:22
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Greywhindmithro: ping?02:30
tansellGreywhind, pong - sorry I've been teaching a course all day02:34
Greywhindtansell: no problem02:36
Greywhindtansell: is there any way we could get either demo1 server restarted with the newest server version or get another server running that has a newer server version?02:37
tansellGreywhind, why?02:38
Greywhindtansell: i'm trying to test on Windows, but there seems to be some sort of issue with demo1's object list or something02:38
tansellGreywhind, well your going to need to compile tpserver-cpp for windows to do the release anyway02:38
Greywhindtansell: it gives me an error that ValueError: The object isn't new enough to update the dictionary with! Current 2009-08-11 17:55:09, update 2009-08-10 21:25:0902:38
Greywhindtansell: are there any instructions for compiling tpserver-cpp on windows?02:39
tansellI can't remember where02:40
tansellI think in the ./windows/ directory or something02:40
tansellcherez1, sounds like your not sending the full packet02:40
Greywhindtansell: do i need to build tpserver-cpp for Windows myself for the release, or does someone else have the capability to do that already? it sounds like a large setup.02:42
tansellGreywhind, you'll need to do it02:43
tansellyou cross compile from Linux for Windows02:43
Greywhindtansell: i didn't change tpserver-cpp though, so wouldn't someone else normally be in charge of doing tpserver-cpp builds? i can do it, but it seems like someone else would have done it before02:44
cherez1tansell: As far as I can tell, the packet is the length defined in the header, and it contains all the members that a connection frame has.02:44
cherez1Let me double check everything.02:45
tansellyou turn on debugging on both sides?02:46
cherez1On client side; I'm not sure how on the server.02:47
Greywhindtansell: well, anyway, i guess i can reboot and try to cross-compile the server on linux... any idea what i'll need?02:47
cherez1Would it be this log_level value in the .conf?02:48
Greywhindtansell: the readme says to get things from your blog... is that still valid?02:48
tpb<> (at
tansellshould be02:48
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llnzcherez: sorry, got held up03:59
cherezllnz: No worries.03:59
cherezTo start a connection, should a TP04 client need to do any more than send a connection frame?04:00
llnzyes, that's it04:02
llnzcan you try connecting to demo104:02
llnzi'm watching04:02
llnzlooks like the packet you send it either too short (length doesn't match the data length), or isn't flushed properly04:04
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llnzso... what do you send?04:05
cherez'TP\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00)\x00\x00\x00\x15libtpproto2-py/0.4.0 '04:05
cherezI might be mistaken about that space at the end.04:06
cherezSpace was there; I removed it now.04:07
cherezWithout the space the string would be:04:10
cherez\x28 should be the length, which comes to 40, and I count 40 characters in the string.04:10
llnzfound the problem04:13
llnzthat length should be 2404:14
llnzit's the length of the data, not the whole frame04:14
cherezWell, I have a lot of code to fix.04:14
llnzthe xml doesn't say that clearly, but the older protocol docs do04:14
llnzsubstract 1604:15
llnzsubtract that is04:15
cherezThat actually shouldn't be much hassle....04:16
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cherezHave to update all my unit tests.04:16
cherezIt worked!04:21
cherezThanks, llnz!04:21
cherezNow, to strategically subtract 16 in my unit tests.04:21
llnzdo you have changes to protocol.xml?04:23
llnzif you do, please change header to make the length field clear that it's only the data length04:23
cherezAfter that I can push it tot he documents repo. That and fixing some name inconsistencies are all I did.04:24
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toteMap (F):05:52
totewhat does that mean?05:52
llnztote: what context?05:54
totewhen i run risk with the script in libtpclient-py05:54
llnzoh, it's asking for a filename '(F)', that will be loaded as the map05:55
toteokey, is it needed to play risk?05:57
totehmm why is move order in risk of type list but it has no options :/06:03
llnztote: i hope you are using the generic methods for all the generic bits, order descriptions, the option descriptions, etc06:04
llnzwell... order desrcriptions tell you the type of the arguments each order needs06:05
llnzthe server sets them and sends them to the client06:05
totewell my backend code works basicly the same as tpclient-pywx06:06
llnztpclient-pywx creates the gui fields for the order parameters on the fly06:07
llnzit knows what each type needs06:07
toteyeah, so do i06:07
llnzsorry, i might have misunderstood your comment above06:08
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
totethis is why i send from my frontend to my backend06:09
totewops, backend to frontend*06:09
toteand builds up form elements based on what type of arguments there is06:10
toteproblem is i thought that list arguments would always have options, but it doesnt seem to have that06:11
toteodd that i thought that or that it doesnt give me options?06:14
llnzodd that it has no options06:16
llnzbut i guess that is possible06:16
totehmm now it seems that no orders has options06:16
totethe build fleet order on the demo server worked yesterday but it doesnt work now06:16
toteit gives no options06:16
toteand i haven't changed my code since then06:16
llnzhehe, it's getting more and more odd06:19
totei think i have found the error, its in my code (:P), if i check object.order_types how can i find the options for list args then?06:24
toteonly solution i can find atm is the dummy create all order_types and then use the default value for every argument and then remove the order06:25
llnzah, probe order was created just for that06:27
toteprobe order?06:28
llnzsend the default values for the order (frame type OrderProbe) to a specific object, and it returns an order with all the read-only fields *for that object*06:29
totehmm is there any code that uses it atm that i can look at?06:30
llnztpclient-pywx uses it06:31
llnzbut i don't know where to look for the calls to make it happen06:31
llnzmithro: ping06:34
tote"grep -nR 'OrderProbe' *" return no result in the pywx code, same with just probe06:37
llnzgrep for Order_Probe06:43
llnzand there is something in libtpclient-py with orders_probe06:44
llnzsomething in the cache06:44
CIA-26joelboh tpclient-pyweb * r8b9e6d30113f / (3 files in 2 dirs): Fixed a bug that made it impossible to send orders with no arguments.07:03
totei tried to create an Order_Probe object, but it only gave me the default values07:04
llnzits the reply to sending the order_probe that you want07:04
toteso i should apply the order_probe to cache?07:05
llnzno idea, ask mithro07:06
totemithro: ping :)07:10
llnzi might not be around much over the next few days07:55
* llnz wanders off07:56
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totemithro: ping? :)18:01
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totemithro: i need to sleep, but i have one problem left, and i need to figure out how to use order probing, as i cannot send the right start values for list arguments from just order_types19:11
totemithro: hope we can talk about it tomorrow, in about 6-7 hours :)19:11
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