Tuesday, 2009-08-11

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alanpwhy is it that when i move to a planet, i can still be 6000 away from it :(00:18
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tansellback now01:12
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llnzdemo1 restarted01:25
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alanpllnz: ping01:48
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tansellcherez, ping?01:56
chereztansell: Pong.01:56
tansellcomments on 900201:56
cherezAlright, thanks.01:58
alanpllnz: nevermind01:58
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tansellcherez, your other one has comments now02:51
tansellGreywhind, ping?02:51
chereztansell: Thanks.02:51
CIA-26landon tpclient-pyogre * r886a5fc53d65 /src/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Move states are now supported by the round controls02:52
CIA-26landon tpclient-pyogre * rd98901175760 /src/battlemanager.py: No progression at all when ships are warping in as well as keeping the event queue clean when hopping between rounds02:52
tansellepyon, I'm sure that normal C++ exception classes record the line number/filename information by default02:52
tansellalanp, you should be generating battlexml02:53
tansellcherez, you should run a server locally02:54
chereztansell: I'll be trying that tomorrow.02:55
* llnz thinks himself should finish up battlexml support02:55
tansellalanp, it's very good debugging output if you add loads of comments02:55
Greywhindtansell: pong03:01
alanpi know :(03:08
alanpi just found that out today, unfortunately03:08
alanpI will do it after03:08
* alanp doesn't know how he missed it03:09
alanpbut i will do it regardless03:09
alanpholy crap, i finally got fleet vs planet03:11
alanpcouple more test cases and i will commit and immediately go to sleep (after blog post, of course) :P03:11
CIA-26alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * r8d79492e0be2 /modules/games/mtsec/ (8 files): Planet vs. Fleet now somewhat working, I need to test and clean this up some more but it is working in a basic sense.03:21
alanpwork = cut out03:22
tansellGreywhind, you had some stuff for me to look at?03:31
Greywhindtansell: http://codereview.mithis.com/1100103:35
tpbTitle: Issue 11001: Fixed pasting of orders in the order queue, along with libtpproto-py fix. - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)03:35
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tansellGreywhind, so - explain this to me?03:46
tansellGreywhind, http://codereview.mithis.com/1100103:50
tpbTitle: Issue 11001: Fixed pasting of orders in the order queue, along with libtpproto-py fix. - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)03:50
Greywhindtansell: on the not worked before comment, yes, it should not have worked before03:51
Greywhindtansell: the unreachable line, i'll remove03:52
Greywhindtansell: you're right, i just need the subtype. I'll put that in instead of the whole order03:53
tansellGreywhind, so your InsertBefore/InsertAfter right click options didn't work either?03:54
Greywhindtansell: probably true04:02
Greywhindtansell: although that code is in ObjectOrderTracker04:03
Greywhindtansell: which isn't used by the Orders panel04:03
Greywhindtansell: orders panel uses the Orders tracker and the Object tracker separately04:03
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tanselloh? so this should be using the orders panel right?04:05
Greywhindtansell: yes, i just fixed that code in case something else uses it04:06
tansellcan you put it in a separate CL then?04:09
Greywhindtansell: i don't think it's really necessary - it's basically just making that function the same as the one right above it04:11
tansellGreywhind, well put in a separate commit04:12
Greywhindtansell: ok, i'll see what i can do04:12
tansellgit add --interactive is your friend04:24
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llnzJLP: ping?06:18
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tanselltote, ping?06:19
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totetansell: pong07:25
totetansell: u were right btw, ive found a few bugs :/07:25
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tanselltote, hopefully nothing too serious?07:42
totenah only small bugs atm atleast07:44
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totetansell: which ruleset contains most features?07:54
tansellthey all contain different features07:54
tansellfor example mtsec makes very use of designs07:55
tansellwhile risk has wormholes07:55
tanselland minisec is basic07:55
tansellrfts has things like "variable" turns (IE you can do different actions each turn)07:55
toteok, i tested a risk game, and tried to connect with tpclient-pywx and i get this when i try to login: global name 'DescriptionError' is not defined07:56
* llnz wanders off08:01
llnzlater all08:01
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CIA-26joelboh tpclient-pyweb * r4c23a2d3c7f5 / (backend/middleman.py frontend/scripts/map.js): Fixed a bug that made it impossible to play a ruleset with wormholes.08:53
CIA-26joelboh tpclient-pyweb * rc6b5a2c53fa3 /frontend/scripts/map.js: Another fix for wormholes.09:02
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CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * re759c8fc468e /tpserver/ (79 files): Frame -> OutputFrame for output frames09:10
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r37f14da95856 /tpserver/ (4 files): TcpConnection passes right Input/Output frames09:10
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r0e59c6249cac /tpserver/ (19 files): frame.h split into input and output files09:10
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r271ffbea1aea /tpserver/ (47 files): Removed unnceccesary frame.h includes09:10
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r2493b6b40609 /tpserver/ (adminconnection.h playerconnection.h): Removed unnceccesary frame.h includes from headers09:10
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r795135e23296 /tpserver/ (14 files): Unneccesary forward declarations and includes removed09:10
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rcffbb7b8a56d /modules/games/minisec/ (14 files): MiniSec now working with OutputFrame's09:10
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * re7b7d1d56f5d /modules/games/mtsec/ (14 files): MTSec now working with OutputFrame's09:10
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r45e7181280b6 /modules/games/risk/ (8 files): Risk now working with OutputFrame's09:10
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * reb32e9db024d /modules/games/rfts/ (14 files): RFTS now working with OutputFrame's09:10
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * raa0f9a1ac703 /modules/games/tae/ (18 files): TAE now working with OutputFrame's09:10
epyonthat completes Input/Output frame transition...09:11
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llnzmorning all16:56
llnzhi cherez117:01
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epyonnash: I'll be going on a week vacation friday20:48
nashcan you give me a updated status  report?20:48
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epyonI'll post something for sure before leaving20:49
epyonin brief - I'm in the middle of many things :>20:49
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epyonHowever I'm dedicated to finish them all20:49
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epyondid a biggie recently with the split of Frame to Output/Input frame classes20:50
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epyonevaluations start the 17th, and end the 24th, so I'll have to fill mine in the 23rd after coming back20:52
epyonnash: however I know my work will be much incomplete when I go on vacation.20:54
* epyon want's to continue as a part of the team though ^_^20:55
epyon... especially the untouched ASIO transition.20:55
nashI'll look for the post ;-)20:56
nashHave a good vacation20:56
epyontry to choose "yes" on the survey :>20:56
epyonoh, and I'll still be working till the 17th however.20:58
nashepyon: I'll flip a coin20:58
epyonheads or tails?20:58
nashheads, of course20:59
tansell_laptopcherez, hope you are already writing that status report?20:59
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chereztansell_laptop: : Is that distinct from my weekly update?21:02
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cherezThen yes.21:03
tansell_laptopcherez, we ready for a update then?21:16
tansellcherez, poke?21:19
chereztansell: pongke?21:19
cherezI'm making my update longer since I couldn't post last week. :/21:19
cherezErr... do you call something that's... not a singleton?21:20
llnzobject? class instance?21:22
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cherezI'll go with object.21:24
tansellcherez, so?21:30
chereztansell: Update posted.21:30
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tansellreading now21:32
tansellcherez, did you get the comments I added to your CL?21:36
cherezI was about to address those.21:36
tansellcherez, so you really need some tests to find some of those bugs21:37
tansellcherez, you should be running a local server21:38
tanselldebugging with a remote server is an insane idea21:38
tansellcherez, so how much longer have you got?21:38
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cherezI'll be trying to set up a server tonight.21:39
cherezWell, the firm "pencils down" date is next monday, so by that, it would be six days.21:39
tansellit takes less then 5-10 minutes to get the server running21:39
cherezis the cpp server the "standard"?21:40
tansellgit clone git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/tpserver-cpp.git ; cd tpserver-cpp; ./autogen.sh; ./configure --prefix=/opt/tpserver-cpp ; make ; ./tpserver/tpserver -d -C ./quickstart-minisec.conf21:40
tansellsomething like that should work21:40
tansellso the suggested pencil down date was Monday21:41
cherezWill I need to make sure all the libraries are installed?21:41
llnzcherez: only requires boost and boost::signal, everything else is optional21:43
tansellllnz, well you need guile21:51
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llnzoh, true21:52
tansell(or mzscheme - but guile is preferred)21:52
llnzwell... guile or mzscheme, aka plt-scheme21:53
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tansellcherez - so what is coverage like for the stuff you have done?22:00
tansellcherez, have you also looked at generation of documentation?22:00
cherezIn common everything but the SSL wrapper has pretty complete coverage. client doesn't have much yet since I've been wrestling with tpclient-pytext.22:03
cherezI haven't looked at generation of documentation.22:03
tansellcherez, it would be good to prove that you can generate decent documentation from your code22:04
tansellso in the remaining week - I think we should aim to do22:04
tansella) have tpclient-pytext connecting and working with objects and orders22:04
tansellb) have auto-generated documentation working and looking good22:04
tansellc) have a auto-generated coverage report being created22:05
tansellcherez, is there anything else you think we should have completed?22:05
cherezI think that rounds it out well.22:06
cherezThe test script already generates a coverage report, though.22:06
tansellcherez, I mean having it automatic as part of the website/checkin process22:07
tansellcherez, I would also like you to collect some stats about stuff you have done22:07
tansellIE how many lines of code you have written22:07
tansellhow many commits you have made, etc22:07
cherezDoes git do some magic help with that?22:09
tansellcherez, I think there is a git-stats module that a GSoC did22:09
tanselldo a google or something22:09
tansellcherez, I would also like you to do through and make sure the files are lint clean22:10
cherezI guess that student had foresight that he'd be asked for those stats.22:10
cherezI've used it a few times.22:11
tansellyou'll probably need to customise the .pylintrc file to match the coding style22:11
tansellbut it would be good if you can make all files lint clean (by adding pylint: disable-msg=XXXX where needed)22:11
tansell(or changing the rc file)22:12
tansellanyway it's lunch time22:12
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Greywhindtansell: with the change to copy only the subtype and string, do you think my order copy/paste is good to go?23:20
tansellpoint me to it23:20
tansellI'll give it a quick once over now23:20
tansellbut I think it's probably good23:20
Greywhindtansell: http://codereview.mithis.com/1100123:21
tpbTitle: Issue 11001: Fixed pasting of orders in the order queue, along with libtpproto-py fix. - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)23:21
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tansellGreywhind, did you split the stuff into two commits?23:22
Greywhindtansell: i will when i do the --squash23:22
tansellGreywhind, LGTM23:23
CIA-26Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * rf137af1fc1ee /windows/main/panelOrder.py: Fixed copying and pasting of orders in the order queue.23:26
CIA-26Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r5fd16434dcfa /extra/StateTracker.py: Fixed method to insert orders in StateTracker.py23:26
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CIA-26Greywhind tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r9585ec03cc07 /windows/main/winIdleFinder.py: Re-added 'object type' column to winIdleFinder.py, now works with tp04.23:31
Greywhindtansell: can you look back at my media stuff?23:33
Greywhindtansell: i'm uploading new CLs now23:33
Greywhindtansell: http://codereview.mithis.com/9001/show23:33
tpbTitle: Issue 9001: Improved media support by centralizing media calls and adding a download manager. - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)23:33
tansellGreywhind, sure23:34
Greywhindtansell: http://codereview.mithis.com/10002/show23:35
tpbTitle: Issue 10002: Added threaded downloading, fixed up code in media.py - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)23:35
tansellGreywhind, git stash is your friend23:38
tansellGreywhind, so I'm still not happy with the mixin class23:42
Greywhindtansell: what would you like done with it?23:47
tanselladding comments now23:52
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