Monday, 2009-08-10

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CIA-26landon tpclient-pyogre * r782c723cc74e /src/battlexml/ ( move.xml): Added move event parsing00:44
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tansellLandon, so where are we at?01:09
LandonI'mgetting move tested so I can get it completely in the client from xml->client, after that I plan to work on more weapons unless there's a more pressing goal I need to hit01:11
Landon(more specifically move parsing, I'm also looking at uncommenting weapon type from the dtd and getting that put in so it's not just a random weapon)01:12
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tansellLandon, so do we have any video of torpedo weapons?01:21
Landonno, I wasn't able to work on it the past 2 days, but when I left them they weren't working right for some reason01:22
Landon(the trail and the torpedo were shooting different directions o.O)01:22
Greywhindtansell: ping?01:27
tansellGreywhind, pong01:27
tansellkinda busy but I'll try and respond01:27
Greywhindtansell: so it seems like whenever I use __str__ to get a representation of the order and then use fromstr() to try to reconstruct it, even if I call fromstr() on the same type of object, it gives me an error about extra data01:28
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CIA-26landon tpclient-pyogre * rd77d301a1e27 /src/battlexml/ Added move into the states table so battles can be rewound appropriately02:07
CIA-26landon tpclient-pyogre * rde7d50dc6610 /src/battlexml/battle.dtd: Moved weapontype out of the comments in the dtd02:07
CIA-26landon tpclient-pyogre * ra1676ccb5c42 /src/battlexml/ Weapontype is now parsed if available and added on to the Entity object02:07
tansellGreywhind, hrm?02:16
tansellGreywhind, look at how the libtpproto-py does it02:16
tanselland the cache saving stuff does it too02:18
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totematthewd: hello :)05:29
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llnzmy backup isn't complete05:46
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tanselltote, so where are you at?06:10
totetansell: orders are almost done, only list/string/object arguments left06:15
tansellso where are designs at?06:20
matthewdtote: Howdy... sorry I'm running late :/06:22
totetansell: at research stage, orders is taking all my time06:23
totematthewd: np06:23
toteis the object argument used for anything?06:25
tanselltote, loads of things!06:26
tansellIntercept/MoveTo order comes to mind06:26
tansellit's used in Risk for most arguments06:27
CIA-26joelboh tpclient-pyweb * rf684f2454de9 /frontend/scripts/map.js:07:14
CIA-26Added string argument to orders and fixed a bug that made it impossible to select07:14
CIA-26the correct order.07:14
toteso what is the most important thing to do after im finished with orders?07:35
tanselltote, well how much longer have you got?07:59
tanselltote, prove that you can play a game completely to the end would be a good start08:00
tansellI would do a screencast at something like 10-50X normal speed08:00
tote5 days left08:01
tanselltote, hrm08:07
tansellhow good are you? :)08:07
totewhat do you mean?08:08
tansellwell if you where good you could probably knock off a design viewer08:09
tansellbut I have not actually played with your client recently08:11
tansellso there could be bigger problems08:11
tansellwatching a screencast of you playing minisec to the end would bring up plenty of issues I could complain about08:11
toteis it easy to start a minisec server?08:14
tanselltote, how have you been testing?08:14
toteagainst the demo1 server08:15
tansellbut that would be hell slow08:16
tanselland only testing a small subset of functionality08:16
toteit has worked for me speedwise :)08:17
tansellvery time you have to download the universe it's going to take 10's of seconds as appose to seconds08:18
tansellplus how have you been testing against risk, rfts and other rulesets?08:18
totebetween 6-9 sec :P08:18
totei haven't, i thought the demo had everything i needed08:19
tanselltote, I have no idea how you got that impression - you should have really be testing with a server locally (and a bunch of different configs)08:19
tanselltote, and it has like 10 minute turns08:20
tansellhow do you test things like turn transition works properly?08:20
tansellthere is a script in libtpclient-py that ezod wrote which starts up a server and some AI on it08:20
tanselluses the singleplayer stuff08:22
toteand to wait 10 min at most is no problem, i can still code while i wait :P08:22
tanselltote - I'm worried your going to discover a whole bunch of bugs now you play through 10-15 turns in 1-2 minutes08:23
totewe will see :)08:24
totewhere can i find that script and what do i need to run it?08:25
* llnz wanders off08:25
llnzlater all08:25
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tanselltote, you need to setup a singleplayer setup08:46
tanselland it can be found somewhere in libtpclient-py08:46
tansellpoke ezod08:46
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CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r7e4e1aeacc0f /tpserver/ (board.cpp playerview.cpp): Removal of createFailFrame from board and playerview -- FrameExceptions used instead08:55
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r56417323dcb1 /tpserver/commandmanager.cpp: Removal of createFailFrame from commandmanager -- FrameExceptions used instead08:55
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r39d4c07f0801 /tpserver/commandmanager.cpp: Removal of warnings from commandmanager08:55
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r2f5db1222531 /tpserver/ (objecttypemanager.cpp objectview.cpp): Removal of createFailFrame from objecttypemanager and objectview -- FrameExceptions used instead08:55
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r77e8f033f549 /tpserver/ordermanager.cpp: Removal of createFailFrame from ordermanager -- FrameExceptions used instead08:55
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r4a7705ccc363 /tpserver/ (frame.cpp frame.h playeragent.cpp tcpconnection.cpp): Removal of createFailFrame from frame -- obsolete08:55
epyontime to split frame into input and output frame...08:55
tansellepyon, could you do me a favour and on a debug build of tpserver-cpp report the filename/location that the exception occurred at in the FailFrame?09:00
tansellllnz probably won't like that however :P09:03
tansella full traceback would be ideal - but I don't think it's easy to generate them in C++?09:03
alanp_gdb can do it09:05
tansellalanp, yes - but I don't think a normal C++ binary can just go "please print me a traceback"09:06
alanp_no, i don't think so :-)09:09
alanp_not like python anyways09:09
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epyontansell, it's easy if you do it via macro magic09:27
epyontansell: however, it turns out that this information is useless. The message itself can be tracked in the code09:28
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * ra0bb913d02dd /tpserver/ (frame.cpp frame.h tcpconnection.cpp): getPacket in Frame now constructs and returns a std::string09:28
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * ra47f26969659 /tpserver/ (frame.cpp frame.h tcpconnection.cpp): Frame::setData now takes a std::string09:51
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rbd5976d2f6bc /tpserver/ (frame.cpp frame.h tcpconnection.cpp): Frame::setHeader now takes a std::string09:51
alanp_macro magic? :-)09:53
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CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r5e89cfef11cb /tpserver/ (playerhttpconn.cpp tcpconnection.cpp tcpconnection.h):10:13
CIA-26rheaderbuff hidden in TcpConnection10:13
CIA-26* added getHeader protected function for playerhttpconnection10:13
CIA-26* refactored playerhttpconnection initially10:13
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CIA-26alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * r85429f664f09 /modules/games/mtsec/avacombat.cpp: - Further changes to AVACombat, damage calculation and debugging output11:12
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epyonNow this is going to be an ugly hack...15:49
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llnzmorning all16:41
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CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r3f0dc1006089 /tpserver/ (frame.cpp frame.h): Frame uses a std::string for storage now17:14
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r920a8eb228cd /tpserver/ (8 files): Renamed unpackStdString to unpackString -- updated exception catching17:14
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r7d6b2b6be33a /tpserver/ (frame.cpp objectparametergroupdesc.cpp): Exception handling cleanups17:14
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * ra6b65d486bd7 /tpserver/ (frame.cpp frame.h): Results of pack operations weren't used, and weren't reported17:14
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cherezIs there a message to cancel an order?17:27
llnzcherez: Order Remove?17:36
cherezllnz: RemoveOrder, actually.17:36
cherezNot sure how I missed it.17:37
cherezAnd kind of strange that it's the only message where the verb precedes the noun....17:37
llnzin which document?17:38
cherezLine 1613 in my copy.17:38
llnzyou could fix that if you like17:38
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CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rb07fb3b548f7 /tpserver/ (frame.cpp frame.h tcpconnection.cpp): Input/Output Frame skeleton18:35
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rf1627cd4394e /tpserver/ (7 files): Creation and sending of OutputFrames refactor18:35
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r3003054fcd35 /tpserver/ (5 files): OutputFrame propagation18:35
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rc823bcc69468 /tpserver/ (40 files): InputFrames in the whole server18:35
llnzepyon: sounds interesting18:36
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CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r4a4774d52137 /tpserver/orderparameter.h: Forgot one Frame*... khhh18:55
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * ra0df24672043 / (7 files in 2 dirs): Minisec now uses InputFrame's18:55
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r78da619658ec / (5 files in 2 dirs): MTSec now uses InputFrame's18:55
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r7fc7e6e912eb /modules/games/rfts/ (8 files): RFTS now uses InputFrame's18:55
CIA-26epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r438ca9b051b6 /modules/games/tae/ (8 files): TAE now uses InputFrame's18:55
epyonllnz: not complete yet, will be spread to the whole server18:57
epyonbasically we will have separate frame classes for input and output. It's a lot safer that way18:57
epyonIt will have some side benefits too ^_^18:58
epyonwell, as for now, off to sleep.18:59
cherezllnz: There are also PostMessage and RemoveMessage packets in protocol.xml; should those be MessageInsert and MessageRemove?19:44
llnzi note that the enum in tpserver-cpp and libtpproto-cpp both use object(_subtype)_verb19:45
cherezShould I upload my protocol.xml to the documents repository when I'm finished?19:52
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alanpsorry, that was exciting20:00
alanpbuggy still though20:04
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CIA-26alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * r580ffdcf9737 /modules/games/mtsec/avacombat.cpp: Cleaned up AVACombat.... Still could use some work but I'm working on finishing the functionality20:14
tansellmorning people20:15
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cherezllnz: Should AddCategory be InsertCategory?20:18
llnzhumm... it's add20:18
llnzinsert would imply an ordering20:19
cherezSo you insert orders and messages, but add categories?20:19
llnzyes, and add designs20:20
llnzorders and messages are ordered20:20
alanppencil down in 7 hours :\20:24
* alanp cutting it close20:24
cherezI feel your pain. :/20:25
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alanpugh, plus tonight's weeds episode has apparently been leaked20:26
* alanp remains strong20:26
chereztansell: The insert methods in have the option to take the relevant packet type and do some deep magic (which I don't believe would work) to convert it to the equivalent Insert* packet. Is that an important feature?20:28
tansellcherez, yes20:28
cherezAlright, I'll figure out a way to make them cast correctly.20:29
cherezReplacing the __class__ attribute should work....20:29
tansellas long as the classes are compatible20:31
cherezThey only differ by their id, so they should be compatible.20:35
cherezIdentical structures, after all.20:36
alanphey, question about assigning damage20:41
alanpThere is no easy way to change the amount of damage a single ship can take, is there?20:42
tansellcherez, well they should probably inherit from the same base class then right?20:45
cherezThey do.20:45
cherezIt's just that their classes have a different ID number.20:46
alanpdoes resolving damage in minisec really work?20:46
chereztansell: Also, is there any guide for tpclient-pytext?20:46
tansellcherez, nope! It's totally undocumented/self documenting20:47
cherezMeaning I get to make educated guesses from the source code about how the interface works until I get the hang of it?20:48
alanptansell: ^20:50
tansellalanp, I assume it does but I have NFI in tpserver-cpp20:50
tansellpoke llnz20:50
alanpllnz: ping20:50
tansellcherez, yes20:50
alanpllnz: is there no easy way to change the damage of a single ship in a fleet?20:51
llnzalanp: as it is currently set up, no20:51
llnzbut fell free to change the parameters to make it fit20:51
alanpshould i 1) just store the damage in the parameter and cycle over ships every time there is combat and knock whichever one off 2) make a way to edit the properties20:51
alanpprobably 1 is best?20:52
llnzduring combat, you could work with each ship invidually20:52
llnzhave a look at rspcombat in iminisec in the master branch, for example20:53
alanpi'm looking at it20:53
llnznot master, battlexml branch20:54
alanpwhat is the battlexml branch?20:54
alanpah i see20:56
llnzstart of support for battlexml battle descriptions20:57
alanpcrap, i could have gone down this path :\20:57
alanpi guess we can look at that during pencildown or after21:01
mhilmihrm anyone have a test server up? can't seem to connect to the demo server atm?21:01
alanpwhich ruleset do you need?21:01
mhilmidoesn't matter...21:02
mhilmior I hope it doesn't, hehe21:02
alanpgive me one second21:02
mhilmik cool21:03
tpbTitle: Issue 9002: Common - Code Review (at
alanpcrap i dont think i can set one up from here :\21:04
mhilmidang =/ ok ill see if i can...21:05
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tpbTitle: Issue 11001: Fixed pasting of orders in the order queue, along with libtpproto-py fix. - Code Review (at
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Greywhindtansell_laptop: did you see my paste, or did you join after it?21:43
tansell_laptopnope but I will when I get back to my desk21:49
Greywhindtansell_laptop: ok. i think i finally fixed the pasting.21:49
Greywhindi'll be AFK for a while, but i'll check in later21:49
cherezWhy can't debugging network code be extremely easy? :(22:14
alanpfor some reason my fleet can't attack a planet22:32
alanpbut combat is working22:32
* alanp investigates22:34
CIA-26alanp tpserver-cpp-mtsec * r9b9f4a6165d9 /modules/games/mtsec/ (avacombat.cpp avacombat.h mtsec.cpp):22:36
CIA-26- Made the default Missile have a hell a lot of firepower22:36
CIA-26- Combat fleet 2 fleet working22:36
cherezWhat protocol versions does the demo server support?23:00
llnzcherez: should be TP02-TP0423:01
cherezIt won't reply when I connect. :(23:04
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llnzcherez: demo1 appears to be offline, and demo2 has reached it's player limit23:11
cherezllnz: Well, I'm just testing if it can connect right now.23:12
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