Tuesday, 2009-06-30

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alanptansell: is there a set equation for the calculation of missile/torpedoe build times?00:30
alanprather, product cost00:30
tansellalanp, sure00:30
tansellyou use 1t of uranium, the missile costs 1t of uranium00:30
tansellnice and simple :P00:30
alanpso there is no actual production cost besides the resources?00:31
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tansell-laptopalanp, back now01:10
tansell-laptopalanp, no their is no cost for the torpedo hull01:11
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* Landon -> nap02:08
Landongetting a basic framework down for going through rounds though, woo02:09
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CIA-21landon tpclient-pyogre * r8d3a4eb5e56f /src/battleviewer.py: Whoops, events are called with battlexml entities, not IDs03:34
Landonhow do I merge with git?03:38
LandonI did git stash, then pushed the above changes and came back to what I was working on03:38
Landonnow I'03:38
Landonm told fatal: You are in the middle of a conflicted merge.03:39
tansellLandon, come back?03:39
llnzyou need to fix the conflict, commit the changes, then you should be ok03:39
Landonok, so I just need to commit?03:39
llnzmaybe not commit if it's a working copy change03:39
llnzcheck git status03:40
Landonok, I think I have it now, thanks03:41
CIA-21landon tpclient-pyogre * r4279b0870a3d /src/battleviewer.py: Basic round progression added, not automatic yet04:00
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epyonLandon: got all needed media?07:56
jmtanLandon: here's your chance to request new ship models :)07:57
Landonoh, heh07:58
LandonI'll have to see what I have now >.>07:59
Landonspeaking of ships though, I was wondering why one of the ships has no textures in various places08:09
Landonthe frigate08:10
epyonnone of the ships were textured initially\08:11
Landonyeah, looks like theres just a generic texture allover it, just wondering why some parts aren't covered :\08:12
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jmtanthat's the result of pasting a generic texture all over it; the "shuttle" models, which are from vega strike, contains custom texture coordinates08:18
jmtanso their texturing is a lot nicer08:18
jmtanalthough i'm not sure why there are some untextured portions either08:18
LandonI'm really not sure what's supposed to be going on with the frigate either, it looks lopsided08:19
epyonI can fix them one day, but you'll have to get mithro's or nash's permission for me to commit half day to media :P08:19
mithroopps had I missed a conversation?08:19
jmtanthe frigate looks alright to me, like a b-wing08:21
Landonnot sure we're looking at the same frigate then, uploading screenshot08:22
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r0372a4ce7de1 /tpserver/ (Makefile.am common.h designstore.cpp playerview.h):08:22
CIA-21Added a common.h header file08:22
CIA-21* added a IdSet typedef08:22
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r7bbb9a4bc557 /tpserver/playerview.cpp: PlayerView IdSet's08:23
Landonjmtan: http://lfowles.org/images/battleviewer/badfrigate.png08:23
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3QKc> (at lfowles.org)08:23
epyonthat's because it's not a single mesh08:24
epyonI wanted to fix that but never gad time :/08:24
* epyon wants to model -_-08:24
* Landon read that wrong08:25
epyonthat too08:25
Landonan epyon flying through space, shootin his lasers eh?08:25
epyonLandon: do a google image search on epyon to get the unintended pun you did :P08:27
epyonhowever the connectiom is imcidemtal08:28
epyonI took the name from buddhist mythology08:28
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r6d239cbafa46 /tpserver/designstore.h: IdSets in designstore header (forgot to save)08:29
* Landon -> bed08:31
Landonhopefully I can have a gui tomorrow, I finally got CELayoutEditor figured out08:31
* llnz wanders off08:37
llnzlater all08:37
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CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r36b94cd5822e /tpserver/ (board.h common.h): IdList added to common, substituted in Board08:37
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rb4b2fafaba77 / (13 files in 2 dirs): Message class now to be referenced by a shared_ptr09:02
mithroepyon: how does the shared_ptr work? Is it some type of reference counting thing?09:06
epyonref counted09:08
epyonas long as you don't get a circular reference they're perfect09:09
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CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r54b691c8630e /tpserver/ (common.h frame.cpp frame.h playeragent.cpp playeragent.h):09:50
CIA-21IdModList type added to common09:50
CIA-21* packing of IdModList type added to Frame09:50
CIA-21* substitutions where uses09:50
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * ra99e54aee100 /tpserver/ (playerview.cpp playerview.h): IdModList in PlayerView10:13
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r71f1c85fd7f0 /tpserver/ (commandmanager.cpp objecttypemanager.cpp ordermanager.cpp):10:13
CIA-21CommandManager, ObjectTypeManager, OrderManager IdModList used10:13
CIA-21* TODO: Modifiable base object10:13
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r87f0ea377c77 /tpserver/ (Makefile.am common.h modifiable.h): Introducing Modifiable trait class10:13
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epyonmithro, I'm gonna do multi-inheritance probably10:39
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rfa39d0d96875 /tpserver/ (board.cpp board.h modifiable.h): Board now derives from Modifiable10:53
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rc8df81ce91f5 /tpserver/ (4 files): ResourceDescription now uses Modifiable trait class10:53
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r549e76af9297 /tpserver/ (design.cpp design.h designview.h playerview.cpp): Design now uses Modifiable trait class10:53
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rde35dfce5580 /tpserver/ (designview.cpp designview.h): DesignView now uses Modifiable trait class10:53
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r7cfe75839634 /tpserver/ (5 files): ComponentView now uses Modifiable trait class10:53
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r3328efe9f17f /tpserver/ (modifiable.h object.cpp object.h): Object now uses Modifiable trait class10:53
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r962a17902be0 /tpserver/ (modifiable.h object.cpp object.h objectinfo.cpp objectinfo.h):11:05
CIA-21ObjectInfo made Modifiable -- some problems noted11:05
CIA-21* modification is tied to dirty -- made Modifiable virtual11:05
CIA-21so tocuh can be overloaded11:05
CIA-21* need for a Dirtyable class trait11:05
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rc1fba8b90ffe /tpserver/ (modifiable.h object.cpp object.h objectinfo.cpp objectinfo.h):11:16
CIA-21Dirtyable checking integrated into Modifiable11:16
CIA-21* object updated11:16
CIA-21* objectinfo updated11:16
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r0542996bda19 /tpserver/ (objectrelationships.cpp objectrelationships.h): ObjectRelationshipData now uses Modifiable trait class11:34
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r417135f8412a /tpserver/ (category.cpp category.h): Category now uses Modifiable trait class11:34
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r20d18338aae4 /tpserver/ (objectview.cpp objectview.h): ObjectView now uses Modifiable trait class11:34
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r1642d01f7289 /tpserver/ (modifiable.h orderqueue.cpp orderqueue.h): OrderQueue now uses Modifiable trait class11:35
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * radf57cb3bdd9 /tpserver/ (player.cpp player.h): Player now uses Modifiable trait class11:42
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r7b2d96c91a15 /tpserver/ (property.cpp property.h): Property now uses Modifiable trait class11:42
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r402dcf9cf913 /tpserver/ (objecttype.cpp objecttype.h): ObjectType now uses Modifiable trait class11:42
epyonWoah, I'm flooding the channel D:11:42
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * re0ed2f6f590b /tpserver/ (orderqueue.cpp orderqueue.h): OrderQueue modtime removal11:45
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llnzmorning all16:11
mhilmimorning llnz16:57
llnzhi mhilmi16:58
mhilmijust setup a virtual kvm across my linux laptop and windows desktop.. really cool :P17:00
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r6c95960b4380 / (9 files in 2 dirs):17:00
CIA-21Identifiable, Nameable, Describable trio17:00
CIA-21* prepared base classes17:00
CIA-21* example implementation on Board example17:00
alanphey everybody17:00
mhilmihey alanp17:01
llnzhi alanp17:02
alanpllnz: do you have time to explain using a property value to set a variable?17:05
llnzalanp: i could try17:05
llnzmhilmi: your blog posted sounded positive, i hope you are going well17:06
mhilmillnz: thanks. still a little frustrated but trying to piece things together17:06
mhilmiill be sure to poke you when i have questions :P17:07
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llnzalanp_: the mzscheme tpcl implementation is a lot easier to understand than guile, more straight fordward17:30
alanp_doesn't work for me, though17:30
alanp_unless something has been changed17:30
epyonduh, a ton of work done today :D17:32
llnzepyon: was looking good17:32
alanp_llnz, how do the implementations differ?17:32
llnzi wrote the mzscheme one17:33
llnzall the property values should be initialised to zero, unless i'm mistaken17:36
alanp_gives an unbound variable error though :(17:37
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llnzhummm... maybe it should set them to zero then18:08
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mhilmihey llnz, you ever seen an error like this in the libtpproto "undefined reference to `boost::throw_exception(std::exception const&)'"?18:44
llnznope, that's odd18:45
alanp_can we make it set them to 0?18:45
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llnzalanp: yes19:02
llnzi will implement it tonight, then you will need to merge from the origin/master branch19:03
alanpok, perfect19:06
alanpis there any problems setting them to 0?19:06
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epyonnash :)19:19
nashepyon: how is life?19:20
epyonall fine now19:20
nashSo when do I start looking at your review?19:20
epyongot rid of the university impediments :)19:20
nashI saw your message19:20
nashBTW: Do you know off/have any cool rogue-like dungeon generators in either C or lua19:21
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nashepyon: The mid-session review ;-)19:21
nashHow big is it?19:21
* nash notes C++ -> C is not hard, or I can just wrap it ;-)19:21
epyonAh, but that's still like a week from now19:21
epyonNah, a whole framework19:22
epyonbut I'm sure you can fin d tons of C dungeon generators on the web19:22
nashWhat is the output?19:22
nashProbably... just looking for one which is vaguley not woeful19:22
epyonTry here : http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php?title=Articles19:23
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3Qbi> (at roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org)19:23
nashepyon: Cool19:25
nashSo you having fun yet?19:25
epyonshould I try to round up the changes made so far for the midterm, or can I go my own pace ( but I still can write a short report on what was done, and what is left, especially that it seems the plan needs revisiting )19:25
epyonfun with tpserver?19:25
nashreport is good19:26
nashOwn pace is better19:26
nashbreaking momentum just for a review is silly19:26
epyonok, good -- because I'd rather not get distracted and try to do things too rash for the review19:26
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CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r0e018aa60735 /tpserver/ (board.cpp board.h describable.h nameable.h): Name and desc are protected not private20:02
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r76a319dabd4e /tpserver/ (category.cpp category.h designstore.cpp): Category derives now from Describable20:02
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CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r38264db13337 /tpserver/ (design.cpp design.h designstore.cpp): Design derives now from Describable20:20
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rf66c82a3b2a7 /tpserver/ (designstore.cpp property.cpp property.h): Property derives now from Describable20:20
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CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rdf2d78ef7536 /tpserver/ (component.cpp component.h designstore.cpp): Component derives now from Describable20:46
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r889a5323f8da /tpserver/ (Makefile.am object.cpp object.h objectinfo.cpp objectinfo.h): Removed obsolete ObjectInfoData20:46
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r88fe42981afc /tpserver/ (object.cpp object.h): Cleanup after ObjectInfoData20:46
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * ra18d8f7dae1f /tpserver/ (object.cpp object.h): getModTime in Object can now be standard20:46
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rc58a66d61b73 /tpserver/ (object.cpp object.h): Object derives now from Describable20:46
tpbTitle: CIA.vc (at cia.vc)20:48
tansellcherez, got a blog post?20:50
llnzepyon: hehe, the day has just begun though20:54
epyonit's 3 in the night here xP20:54
tansellwoot, tpserver-cpp is tending towards tpserver-py structure :P20:58
epyonit is? O.o20:58
llnztansell: what do you mean?20:59
tanselltpserver-py has a base class called Describable :)21:00
epyonBTW, tansell, are you going to send out TP-merchandise goodie packs this year too? I'm envious of Donata's TP-shirt, and my girlfriend want's one :P21:02
tansellepyon, you'll have to wait and see - but I do need people's addresses :)21:04
epyonI'll gladly supply one :)21:04
llnzepyon: there is a good reason for the ObjectInfo class21:04
epyonllnz: that being?21:04
llnzto let it vary by player21:05
epyonwell, it was onl;y created in object21:05
llnzit's not used directly in the universe model21:05
llnzi know21:05
epyonWe'll refactor it later if need be21:05
llnzbut playerview could add a different one, or rather modify it21:05
epyoncurrently I want to simplify the code as much as possible21:05
tansellcherez, poke poke? we are suppose to have a meeting now right21:07
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chereztansell: I'm here.21:09
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * r42043ea549d8 /tpserver/ (objectparametergroupdesc.cpp objectparametergroupdesc.h): ObjectParameterGroupDesc derives now from Describable21:12
CIA-21epyon tpserver-cpp-refactor * rcca7e5e8c06a /tpserver/ (player.cpp player.h): Player now derived from Describable21:12
tansellcherez, so - your weekly report?21:15
tansellcherez, I'm also missing like 4 daily reports21:16
cherezTyping up the weekly report.21:18
epyoncherez: what's your project?21:18
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cherezepyon: libtpproto2-py21:19
epyonpy! O.o21:19
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cherezEr... yes?21:19
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tansellcherez, so....21:29
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cherezAll that I really need to do with Parser is figure out how parameters are put into packets.21:33
tansellso I don't see any blog post?21:33
Greywhindhey tansell21:35
tansellhey Greywhind21:36
Greywhindtansell: i have a few rather small code cleaning things, can i lump them together?21:37
tansellGreywhind, put them in separate commits but upload a single code review?21:38
Greywhindtansell: sure21:38
Greywhindtansell: http://codereview.mithis.com/600321:43
tpbTitle: Issue 6003: Three small code cleaning fixes. - Code Review (at codereview.mithis.com)21:43
tansellcherez, it's getting quite close to lunch time21:43
cherezWell, I put up a post, but I don't believe there's anything you're not aware of in it.21:44
tansellcherez, so we agreed on daily blog posts right?21:46
tansellso by that theory you did nothing on 25-29th?21:46
Greywhindto be fair, even i don't post _every_ day - sometimes there just isn't that much to say :P21:47
cherezThe last few days I've spent more time trying to grok the protocol than coding, and I find it pretty hard to write much about that.21:50
tansellcherez, as well, your weekly blog post leaves something to be desired - you didn't include any actual link to figleaf/coverage output21:51
tansellcherez, did you log a bug with the coverage people/21:51
tansellcherez, there where some discussions on IRC right? linking to them is good idea too21:51
tansellcherez, also mentioning stuff like "I still don't really understand how XXX works, will discuss with mithro tomorrow" helps me understand where you are stuck21:52
tansell(and when)21:52
* JLafont comes out of hiding21:53
JLafontOh you just had to say XXX didn't you?21:53
* JLafont goes back into hiding21:53
* Greywhind pushes JLafont back into his hiding place.21:53
Landonto be honest, I really didn't understand that movie either :P21:53
* epyon spotted JLafont 21:55
tansellcherez, so mid-term evaluations start next week21:56
epyonLandon: do you have a blog?21:56
Landonepyon: yeah, it's being tracked on the TP planet21:56
tansellepyon, did you see http://www.thousandparsec.net/planet21:56
tpbTitle: Planet Thousand Parsec (at www.thousandparsec.net)21:56
chereztansell: Those are good points, I'll work on articulating better in my posts.21:56
Landon(unless you want to read the non SoC relevant stuff :P)21:56
tansellcherez, I understand your going to get stuck on stuff21:56
epyonOMG, there's a planet, I'm being tracked D:21:56
tansellcherez, if you where sitting next to me, I would know your stuck because you keep swearing to your computer :)21:57
tansellcherez, as well, writing out your thoughts on stuff helps us make it easier for the next person who might get stuck on the same problem21:57
tansellcherez, if I don't hear anything all I can assume is that your off playing computer games or something21:58
epyonsooo, the two most interesting projects for me are the WebClient (can't find that one on the planet) and the Ogre Client (that's you Landon?)21:59
tansellLandon is working on a 3d battle viewer (to be part of the 3d client)22:00
epyonThe cool part :P22:00
chereztansell: How nice that would be. :P I understand what you're saying, though.22:00
Landonepyon: battleviewer :P so close enough22:00
Landonhrm, I wish I had a scanner22:01
epyonLandon: feel free to knock me unconscious with requests about graphics stuff22:01
tansellcherez, so your currently still stuck on parametersets?22:01
cherezNow it's the structure of packets with parameters I'm unsure about.22:02
tansellyou mean the use/descstruct or?22:02
cherezYes, and how that translates into an actual xstruct representation.22:02
tansellso the best way to think about this is how you would do it manually22:04
* epyon is really surprised that his makeshift models from two years ago are still around TP O.o22:04
tansellepyon, we never throw away stuff22:05
Landonuploading a gui sketchup atm if anyone wants to give me comments/ideas22:05
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3QdO> (at lfowles.org)22:05
epyonLandon: Not hungry at the momemnt22:06
epyonLandon:  but looks somewhat.... tasty? O.o22:06
cherezLandon: I think that's a gooey.22:06
LandonI could send you some engineering paper if you really wanted?22:06
chereztansell: Right....22:07
epyonLandon: have you clicked that link? ;]22:07
Landonjust did -_-22:07
tansellfor the descuse stuff you are going to have to have some type of loop, right?22:07
tansellLandon, 403 forbidden22:08
tansellwhere you do something like22:08
tansellif parametertype == x: then unpack y22:08
Landontansell: just uploaded the correct image, let me change permissions22:08
Landonok, refresh all22:09
chereztansell: Right; I'm not certain how the y is stored.22:09
Landontansell: apparently you missed out on the original (incorrect) upload :P http://lfowles.org/images/battleviewer/gooeysketchup.jpg22:10
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3QdR> (at lfowles.org)22:10
cherezStill a pretty good gooey.22:10
tansellcherez, so y is stored on the objectdesc packet22:11
epyonLandon: I liked the former gui better22:11
epyonOr should I say Gooey instead of GUI :P22:12
Landonformer gooey model is half gone :(22:12
epyone-mail me a part22:12
epyonOh wait that wont work22:12
tansellcherez, so have a look at http://git.thousandparsec.net/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=libtpproto-py.git;a=blob;f=tp/netlib/objects/ObjectDesc.py;h=95155ec6a4df677924a99d9f39b0930176c7ba9a;hb=tp04#l18122:13
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3QdV> (at git.thousandparsec.net)22:13
tansellfor an implementation22:13
tansellI have to go to lunch (have a guest today) - but when I get back we can discuss more22:13
* epyon wants to be forced to do graphics work22:13
cherezAlright; enjoy your lunch.22:14
Landonepyon: some awesome planet textures would be fun :P22:17
Landonthinking a bit about dramatically upping the scale of the planet22:17
Landonso 1) lasers look better, 2) it's a planet!22:17
* epyon would rather suggest an atmospheric shader for the planet22:18
alanpmy blog gets a ridiculous amount of viagara spam22:34
alanpshould probably turn comments off22:34
Landonalanp: put in recaptcha? :P22:35
Landonthats what I'm going to do with mine whne I finally get a blog going22:35
alanpi guess22:36
Greywhindtansell: ping, whenever you get back from lunch23:24
tansellback now23:28
Greywhindtansell: how are order queue quantity limits specified?23:28
tansellquantity limits? you mean number of orders?23:29
Greywhindthe maximum number of orders allowed in the queue23:29
Greywhindyou said some could be limited to 1 order, for instance23:30
tansellsadly it's kinda hacky - but it's specified on the object23:30
tansell(actually the object description)23:30
tansellcherez, ping?23:30
chereztansell: Pong.23:31
tansellIntegerStructure('queueid', 'The ID number of the queue.', size=32, type='unsigned'),23:31
tansellIntegerStructure('numorders', 'The number of orders in the queue.', size=32, type='unsigned'),23:31
tansellListStructure('ordertypes', 'A list of order types that can be put in this queue.', structures=[23:31
Greywhindyeah, but isn't that the current number of orders in the queue?23:32
Greywhindor is it the maximum?23:32
tanselloh, you are right23:32
tpb<http://ln-s.net/3QeF> (at git.thousandparsec.net)23:34
Greywhindhuh... that's not in the client's description of an order queue23:34
tansell 537                         <descstruct>23:35
tansell 538                                 <structure>23:35
tansell 539                                         <integer type="unsigned" size="32" readonly="yes">23:35
tansell 540                                                 <name>maxslots</name>23:35
tansellso it'll be found on the ObjectDesc23:35
Greywhindoh, so it's not in the actual object. gotcha.23:35
Greywhindnow i just need to figure out where to get object descs23:35
tansellcherez, so did you have a look over ObjectDesc.py?23:38
tansellLandon, ping?23:38
tansellso I would personally dock the controls in the bottom left/bottom right23:39
tanselland have them fly in/fly out23:39
Landonfly in/out? as in on mouseover/mouseout or while the events are going on?23:40
Landonor just at the start/end of everything23:40
tansellI'm talking about the forward/backward controls23:41
tansellso when you put your mouse in the corner the controls slide out and you can click things23:41
Greywhindtansell: what do i use to index the ObjectDesc()?23:42
LandonI was thinking about having the ship list do that as well23:42
Landonand a sticky button up there with the hide/minimize23:43
chereztansell: Yeah; but if I'm not mistaken this means that parameters are too heterogeneous to be easily represented with the structures module.23:44
tansellcherez, what do you mean?23:45
tansellcherez, only the descuse stuff is special23:46
tansellcherez, only the descstruct stuff is special23:46
tansellthe usestruct stuff works fine with the structures stuff23:46
cherezUse parameters aren't packed in the same way as desc parameters?23:48
tansellthe usestruct stuff appears on the instances23:49
tanselldescstruct stuff appears on the classes23:49
tansellis one way to think about it23:49
tansellObjectDesc == classes, Object == instances23:49
cherezBut both feature a list of parameters, do they not?23:50
tansellso from an ObjectDesc you build an Object subclass23:51
tansellIE You create a Ships class which is a subclass of Object23:51
cherezOh, so the Object will have a set structure that is derived from the associated ObjectDesc.23:52
tansellcherez, yes!23:54
Greywhindtansell: can i check the type of an ObjectDesc property using: if type(queue) != parameters.ObjectParamOrderQueue:23:54
Greywhindor is that only for Object properties?23:54
cherezGah, so ObjectDesc is a class factory.23:54
tansellcherez, yes23:54
cherezGive me a few minutes to remap my understanding of the library.23:55
tansellcherez, assuming you mean what I think you mean :P23:55
tansellGreywhind, you can loop over the Object properties and when you find a parameters.ObjectParamOrderQueue - check the OrderDesc for maxslots23:56
Greywhindyou mean ObjectDesc, right?23:56
tansellyou know how you find properties currently?23:56
Greywhindtansell: yeah23:57
tansellGreywhind, that is what you continue to do23:57
Greywhindtansell: so basically, this would work: http://pastebin.com/dfa9354323:57
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)23:57
tansellGreywhind, no23:58

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