Wednesday, 2009-07-01

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tansellGreywhind, you have extra semicolons in objectutils.py00:01
Greywhindtansell: i'm going to remove them. stupid C++00:01
chereztansell: How does ObjectDesc know that it makes Objects?00:04
cherezI don't believe they reference one-another in protocol.xml.00:04
tansellyou mean Object classes? the fact that it's called "ObjectDesc" :)00:04
tansellGreywhind, closer to this
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
tansellcherez, they don't it's just kinda implied00:05
cherezSo how would parser know that ObjectDesc generates Object classes?00:06
cherezCutting the last 4 characters off any packet with desc at the end?00:06
tansellactually take a look at the experimental branch00:07
tansellof document.git00:07
tansellcheck out00:08
tansell1665                         <typefield>otype</typefield>00:08
tansell1666                         <typeframe name="OrderDesc" idfield="id">00:08
tansell1667                                 <getlist name="parameters">00:08
tansell1668                                         <getfield name="type"/>00:08
tansell1669                                 </getlist>00:08
tansell1670                         </typeframe00:08
tansellin the object00:08
tpb<> (at
tansellso I guess you could say it's "backwards"00:10
cherezThat's so much nicer with which to work.00:11
tansellcherez, the experimental branch or?00:11
tansellwell I think the experimental branch is dead00:12
tansellthe typefield/typeframe describes the same information00:12
tansellit's pretty easy to convert between the two00:12
cherezSo how is the parser going to figure out what describes what?00:15
tansellit can use that typefield/typeframe stuff00:16
tansellwhich lets you figure out that Objects are described by ObjectDesc frames00:17
cherezOh, that would do it.00:17
cherezI think I've got that all in-head, but it's pretty late so I'm going to bed.00:20
cherezThanks; I'll see what I can get written up tomorrow.00:20
tansellcherez, I would draw a diagram before I go to bed if I was you :)00:20
cherezI'll try.00:21
tansellGreywhind, that make sense?00:23
Greywhindtansell: working on it00:25
Greywhindi think i'll be able to get it00:25
tansellGreywhind, no guarantee that the code actually works :P00:25
Greywhindtansell: i didn't use it :P00:25
Greywhindthanks though00:25
tansellGreywhind, you understand the difference?00:28
Greywhindtansell: yeah00:28
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tansellso from looking at the code, the ObjectDesc doesn't actually set any attributes on itself00:29
tansellinstead everything is in a list called arguments00:29
tanselland I'm pretty sure the length calculation is wrong00:30
tansellLandon, any luck with the video stuff yet?00:33
Greywhindtansell: there is no list called arguments00:34
tansellself.arguments = arguments00:35
Greywhind  File "./extra/", line 168, in getOrderQueueLimit00:36
Greywhind    print desc.arguments00:36
GreywhindAttributeError: type object 'DynamicObject' has no attribute 'arguments'00:36
Greywhinddesc = objects.ObjectDescs()[subtype]00:36
tansellso it appears this is totally broken then :P00:37
tansellthose arguments are never transferred to the DynamicObject class00:38
Greywhindtansell: is there any way to get the value from an IntegerStructure?00:39
tansellGreywhind, what do you mean?00:39
Greywhind<GroupStructure 0xa3969cc Orders>00:39
GreywhindQueue:  <ObjectParamOrderQueue 0xa3969ec Order Queue>00:39
Greywhind<IntegerStructure 0xa396a0c queueid>00:39
Greywhindcan i get the queueid from that?00:39
Greywhindthat's what's in the properties00:40
tansellsomething along those lines00:42
tansellsame way you would access the value normally00:42
Greywhindbut you said it didn't set attrs on itself00:42
Greywhindit's the object desc00:42
Greywhindand i need to match the queueid with the one from the object00:42
tansellGreywhind, you are confusing yourself00:42
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tansellyou missed the difference that I was trying to point-out in my pastebin example00:43
Greywhindtansell: well, yeah, you're looking through the object itself, then getting just the maxslots from the object desc00:44
Greywhindbut since the object desc doesn't set attributes on itself like that, i can't do it that way00:44
Greywhindso i need to traverse the .properties of the ObjectDesc and find the one related to this object, then somehow get the values from that00:45
Greywhind*this order queue00:45
tansellyou can't do this ->  so i need to traverse the .properties of the ObjectDesc and find the one related to this object, then somehow get the values from that00:45
Greywhindwhat can i do?00:46
tansellso I'm just fixing libtpclient-py now00:49
tansellwhich should let you do the first option00:50
tansellGreywhind, pushing the fixes now01:04
CIA-21mithro libtpproto-py-tp04 * rdfa261974c75 /tp/netlib/objects/ Make the extra data stuff work correctly.01:05
Greywhindtansell: ok01:06
Landontansell: recordmydesktop seems to work, but I'll need to do a bit more work before I'm in a recording state again01:07
Landon(my functions used to use id as an argument, now they use the entity which is harder to get at from console in the viewer)01:07
CIA-21mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r2d2788e25559 / Don't die on a gconf error.01:14
CIA-21mithro tpclient-pywx-tp04 * r904eb25b2ffa /libtpproto-py: Update the libtpproto-py submodule.01:14
tansellGreywhind, in theory01:14
tansellthe ObjectQueueParam should have a .maxslots now01:15
Greywhindtansell: ok. i'll look into it soon.01:15
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Greywhindtansell: hmm01:43
Greywhindfor propertygroup in group = getattr(obj,
Greywhindprint getattr(desc,
Greywhindthat doesn't seem to work01:43
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tansellso you know how you do a02:15
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tansellGreywhind, you still about?03:25
tansellI got halfway through describing how to do it and then got called away from the desk :P03:25
Greywhindtansell: s'ok03:35
Greywhindi'm here, but i'm going to sleep soon03:35
tansellGreywhind, so you can just read the value directly from parameter03:36
tanselltake a look at
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
Greywhindoh, you put it in the object itself?03:38
tansellit's on the object structure which is per class03:54
tpbTitle: Issue 7001: Added code to hide the list of orders in a queue when that queue can hold only one order at a time. - Code Review (at
Greywhindand now, i sleep04:05
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tansellhey llnz04:21
tansellhow are things?04:21
tansellllnz, did the wedding photos ever get uploaded?04:21
llnzhi tansell04:22
llnznot bad04:22
llnzi have the set of photos on CD04:22
llnzshould be online next weekend04:22
tansellllnz, great!04:23
tansellso you planning to go to LCA in wellington?04:24
llnzi'm in wellington, so yes04:26
llnzif things are going well, i should be in a flat with megan04:26
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* llnz actually looks at starting the third rewrite of minisec combat, this time actually getting it right05:58
* tansell is pondering porting tpserver-py to tp0406:07
tansellnot going to happen, but I am thinking about it :P06:21
tansellI need a non-computer hobby06:25
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Landonis it dinner time or breakfast time06:57
Landonmy body can't seem to make up its mind06:57
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* llnz wanders off07:44
llnzlater all07:44
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CIA-21landon tpclient-pyogre * r1c135aa950cb / (media/battleviewer/battleviewer.layout src/ The battleviewer now has a (non-functional) gui08:28
mithroLandon: screenshot? :P08:37
Landonnot much to look at atm08:42
Landonof course its a gui08:42
Landonbut its just the controls atm08:42
Landonthinking about how I want to go about getting the info boxes in08:42
Landonso that bit is blank :P08:42
tpb<> (at
mithroLandon: your using text characters for the buttons?08:44
LandonI might change that though later08:45
Landonunless I can find a good one for play/stop08:45
mithrofigure out at by the \ :)08:47
mithroI would move it to the corner and make the corner be the top left instead of the bottom right08:48
LandonI think the corner is baked in08:49
mithrohave a chat to jmtan, he might be able to point you in the right direction08:50
mithroyou could move the whole thing to the top left corner08:51
mithrotote: ping?08:51
Landonlooking at the guis imageset right now and that's just how it is :\08:52
tpb<> (at
mithroLandon: you could use the images in that for the buttons?08:53
Landonhm I think I can08:54
mithroLandon: dunno08:54
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totetansell: pong13:38
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CIA-21joelboh tpclient-pyweb * re4fd4e0c6085 / (3 files in 2 dirs): Frontend: Displays a message now in the message component.14:32
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CIA-21landon tpclient-pyogre * r95b2ecd257b1 /media/battleviewer/battleviewer.layout: Added a MultiLineEditBox for Log messages18:59
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tansellmorning people20:11
tansellalanp, you proabaly want to add a name to that ping20:12
tanselltote, I wanted to know how you are/where going20:12
Greywhindtansell: i added a -1 default return value. should i resubmit for review, or just assume it's LGTM?20:21
Greywhindi mean, it's basically a 1-line change20:21
Greywhindbecause at the moment, the code that uses that function doesn't care what the return value is if it's not 120:22
tansellGreywhind, just submit it20:22
Greywhindtansell: ok20:22
Greywhindwait, for review? or push it?20:23
Greywhind"submit" could mean either :P20:23
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tansellGreywhind, commit it :)20:26
Greywhindtansell: ok20:26
Greywhindtansell: comments on ?20:28
tpbTitle: Issue 6003: Three small code cleaning fixes. - Code Review (at
Greywhindsince that one is really three changes, should i merge without the --squash?20:41
alanptansell: did you catch my ML e-mail?21:00
alanpre: "Save" in the client's design window21:00
tansellso your first patch looks right - can you send me a copy of that?21:03
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tansellalanp, poke?21:35
tansellalanp, do you want to send me a copy of the first patch that you created for the design window?21:39
tansellI can then look at your second problem21:39
alanpe-mail, dcc?21:40
tansellemail me the git patch is probably best21:44
tansellso currently when logging into a mtsec server I just get a segfault22:03
tansellalanp, want a copy of the stack trace?22:04
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
alanpsorry about that22:18
alanptansell, sorry, I included a relative path in the configuration file22:19
alanp2009-07-02 12:04:17 < Debug > Error: could not load components XML file22:19
alanpI should probably make the server stop when that happens22:19
alanpif you run it from the tpserver-cpp directory it willw ork22:20
alanp(that was on my todo to fix)22:20
tansellalanp, did you fix the CacheDirty problem?22:51
tansellwelp I fixed tpclient-pywx22:56
alanpWe tried some things, but it ended up giving more errors22:56
alanpdid you get the server running properly and connected now?22:56
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CIA-21mithro libtpclient-py-stable * r4bcdb81d4683 /tp/client/ Only chec the nodes when they actually exist.23:01
CIA-21mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * rcfbab40b714b / Don't die on a gconf error.23:02
CIA-21mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r1d7e9c6c1a0d /windows/main/ Fixed an overzealous search and replace.23:02
CIA-21mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r48412c3ab5a3 /windows/main/ Design modification time must be positive.23:02
CIA-21mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * rd3e974213b7a /libtpclient-py: libtpclient-py bump.23:02
alanpwhat did those changes fix?23:05
tansellthe problem you where having23:07
tansellnow it's a server side problem23:07
tansellalanp, you where so close23:07
tansellalanp, you needed one more line change in winDesign.py23:07
tansellGreywhind, ping?23:24
alanp2009-07-01 23:25:51 < Debug > Odd, client sent wrong player id -123:26
alanpon "Save"23:29
tansellalanp, that doesn't explain which field that is wrong23:32
alanpit's definitely sending the design to the server now, that was my main thing23:33
tansellprobably self.owner23:33
tansellthe client has no idea who'll end up as the owner when it sends a new design23:34
tansellso it's perfectly reasonable to send -123:34
alanpit does look like a soft warning too23:34
alanpERROR: Missing or extra expression in (define New DesignDesignType (make-design-vtable "pwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpw")).23:35
tansellthat is rather "interesting" :P23:36
alanpnot sure what's up with the pw* either23:37

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