Thursday, 2008-05-29

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mithroJLafont: ping?00:10
Alklomionyou're here this time, mithro!00:10
mithrowe have a meeting tommorrow right?00:11
AlklomionI'm having issues getting all the library files free of errors00:11
mithrowhat problems are you having?00:13
Alklomioni'm assuming i'll have to replace them with string representations00:14
mithrodid you look into finding open source replacements?00:15
mithroincluding looking at the GNU classpath stuff?00:16
mithroAlklomion: you want to try very hard at not doing work :)00:18
Alklomionseems weird using other people's code00:20
Alklomionfilterinputstream worked00:20
mithroyou want to try and do it as much as possible :)00:20
Alklomionthere's three classes with enums left, two use hexadecimals in their enum. Which would seem better: store them as strings and convert back to hex, or store them as integers?00:23
mithrointergers definately00:23
mithroanything else?00:28
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mithrohey llnz00:31
Alklomionwow, i've never seen that before. You can store the hex code in an int. so int i = 0xf1 is entirely fine00:33
llnzhi mithro00:33
mithroAlklomion: oh, yeah you can do that :)00:34
mithroAlklomion: I haven't seen you commit anything recently00:37
Alklomioni really should do that00:37
mithroyou should probably be commiting once a day at a minimum00:38
mithroas it would let me check you various changes00:38
Alklomioncvs version: warning: unrecognized response `Unknown command noop at /usr/bin/git-cvsserver line 134, <STDIN> line 4.' from cvs server00:40
Alklomionwhen i try to add new folders(adding the netbeans build files)00:40
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Alklomionweird, then it acts as if it didn't muck up00:41
mithroAlklomion: you need to add files in the directory00:41
CIA-54alklomion /tmp/e6tl2WDDLp/dZ32H344z3-midp * rc23f0ca96db1 / (34 files in 6 dirs):00:45
CIA-54Adding the files, as per Tim's request so that the library can be checked using Netbeans by someone else other than Brendan00:45
CIA-54via git-CVS emulator00:45
CIA-54alklomion /tmp/dZon1sFMjW/CiQZW36idE-midp * r641b7c29404a /src/net/thousandparsec/util/
CIA-54FilterInputStream external class, used in LimitInputStream00:48
CIA-54via git-CVS emulator00:48
mithrohrm, I can't find where I have the java checkout00:52
CIA-54alklomion /tmp/lTfNyCR3eC/2UyhYUpvlH-midp * r8b0594a38113 / (63 files in 2 dirs):00:53
CIA-54Fixed visitor inheritance erros using method overloading00:53
CIA-54Fixed syntax errors previously missed.00:53
CIA-54Begun implementing fixes to enum issues.00:53
CIA-54LimitInputStream fixed using an external class implementation of FilterInputStream00:53
CIA-54via git-CVS emulator00:53
mithroAlklomion: any idea how to load the Netbeans project?01:04
Alklomiondidn't work?01:04
mithrooh, the nbproject directory?01:05
AlklomionIt should recognise it as a project with the NBProject directory there (i think)01:05
Alklomionand then it should load the build inside it (again I think)01:05
mithrooh it seems working now01:07
mithro(Netbeans is just being difficult01:08
mithroso you should you be using MIDP-1.0 profile?01:09
mithroTarget "build" does not exist in the project "libtpproto-java".01:11
mithroBUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)01:11
mithroAlklomion: any idea?01:12
Alklomionso what did you do? open the midp project?01:13
mithroI don't think I have successfully built a project01:15
Alklomionweird - i just copied my entire netbeans directory to another place, went open project, located the folder called midp and it worked01:16
Alklomiondoes the midp project folder have three folders called  build dist and nbproject?01:17
mithrono dist directory01:18
mithroI'm just going to re-download netbeans01:19
tpb<> (at
Alklomionthat's my folder structure01:22
mithroyou must actually need to add something inside the dist folder01:23
llnzgit totally ignores empty folders01:24
AlklomionI"m unsure, i removed dist folder from another copy and it still loaded01:25
mithrolets wait for this to finish01:26
mithrodownloaded and installed01:36
mithroAlklomion: still the same01:42
mithrohow do you click build?01:42
Alklomioni don't click build, i just open the project in netbeans01:42
mithroand then?01:43
Alklomionoh.. I think i know what may have happened01:43
AlklomionYou currently don't have any of the generated files, right?01:43
mithrohow do you check the code compiles?01:43
Alklomioni'm getting that error too01:44
AlklomionCould not load definitions from resource testngtasks. It could not be found.01:45
AlklomionTarget "compile-single" does not exist in the project "libtpproto-java".01:45
mithrowhat where you doing before to compile?01:45
AlklomionBUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)01:45
mithroTarget "build" does not exist in the project "libtpproto-java".01:45
mithroBUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)01:45
Alklomioni'm confused now. I've been relying on the errors netbeans tells me01:46
mithrowell, I actually managed to build a mobile project01:50
mithroI'm seeing enums in this code I have01:51
Alklomionwhich class?01:51
AlklomionI've not touched that class yet.01:55
AlklomionTwo errors left in src-generated01:55
mithrohow are you checking the errors?02:02
Alklomionnetbeans is telling me where the errors are02:03
Alklomionso that's why i assumed it is compiling it02:03
mithroI figured out how to build02:04
mithrogo to02:04
mithroand it should display a list of ant targets02:05
mithrojust rightclick on the "debug" target and go run02:05
Alklomionwrote that one down so I don't forget it :)02:09
Alklomionon the left side, if there's a tab claled project, i've been working off that02:09
mithroI sent you an email with the output02:10
llnzmithro: when you have some time, could you add some to
tpb<> (at
llnzmaybe something on how to create and remove remote branches02:14
mithroI think we should probably stop using cogito02:15
llnzexcept cogito setup's don't automatically move across02:16
llnzc.f. jphr's mistake02:16
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mithrollnz: do we support "hybrid" clients? IE ones which support tp04 only partly?02:26
llnzno, but there isn't too much difference between tp03 and tp04, other than objects/objectdesc and fail frame02:28
mithroI think I could probably add objectdesc support to tp0402:29
llnzoh, and getFOOidlist02:29
CIA-54alklomion /tmp/VzMQ4ZAoFZ/zBhY0JUZ9Q-midp * re95933c54731 / (4 files in 2 dirs):02:30
CIA-54Replaced enums with static inner-classes that should do the same job, as enum is not supported in MIDP.02:30
CIA-54Fixed syntax errors in Order.java02:30
CIA-54via git-CVS emulator02:30
mithro17 errors!02:34
mithrollnz: does tpserver-cpp have game frames I can use to detect new games?02:35
mithroAlklomion: I should probably head to bed02:37
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mithrohey jmtan02:38
jmtanhello mithro02:38
Alklomionmithro: catch you tomorrow - i'll work on this some more. I'll research what i can do to the URI errors and see if it is possible to implement it from classpath stuff02:38
llnzmithro: yes02:38
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mithrollnz: tp04 only?02:38
llnzi have to have a number of reasons for you to upgrade libtpproto-py ;-p02:39
llnz"upgrade to tp04 and get gameinfo frames, filters, difference lists, player lists, object parameters, references on fail frames, etc..."02:43
llnzand all that is *already* in tpserver-cpp02:44
llnzI'm currently catching up in libtpproto-cpp once I've got async support working02:45
mithroTP04 still not finialised :)02:47
llnzoh boo hoo02:51
llnzyou were pushing tp03 before it was finalised02:51
nashWait... TP03 is finished?02:52
* llnz wonders if he can be bothered with tp03 support in libtpproto-cpp02:52
mithronash: something like that ;)02:53
* nash goes home03:14
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mithroAlklomion: I'll talk to you tommorrow right?03:18
mithro9:00am your time?03:18
mithroin my calander now03:22
tpb<> (at
mithrolook okay?03:25
CIA-54alklomion /tmp/PSyLjqJEGV/TSpaZxVRCx-midp * r25edc4e4c3d3 /src-generated/net/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03/
CIA-54Fixed For-Each loop in this file, replacing it with a For loop03:27
CIA-54via git-CVS emulator03:27
Alklomionmithro: yeah, should be fine03:27
* mithro heads to bed03:27
CIA-54pluskid schemepy * r61fca06a59d4 /schemepy/mzscheme/ (mzhelper.c Testcase of pycallable passed for mzscheme.03:27
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JLPgood morning everyone04:51
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llnzhi JLP, Marcel-05:21
CIA-54llnz tpserver-cpp * rc284819a3408 /tpserver/frame.cpp:05:21
CIA-54Check that no frame has set an incorrect frametype in tp04.05:22
CIA-54Only protects against outgoing frames.05:22
Marcel-hi llnz05:22
JLPllnz: ahoy05:27
* JLP got Space Empires IV (used), will check it out when he gets back from work and has some time05:28
* llnz has 53+ patches for libtpproto-cpp on his local branch05:32
JLPllnz: nice :) what have you been up to?05:35
llnzworking on async support05:35
llnzjust starting on tp04 object parameter classes now05:36
llnzas i need them to finish async support05:36
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CIA-54pluskid schemepy * ra6be032651c9 /schemepy/mzscheme/ Testcase of multi VM passed for mzscheme.08:22
CIA-54pluskid schemepy * ra31f04fa5082 /doc/log_book/todo/05-29-remove-scmrangeerror.txt: Added the task of removing ScmRangeError.08:22
CIA-54pluskid schemepy * ra9dfd0ce8012 / (3 files in 2 dirs): The exceptions of mzscheme now mapped to schemepy exceptions.08:23
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tpbaloril has joined on worldforge09:26
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* llnz wanders off09:48
llnzlater all09:48
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CIA-54jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * rec7ffd516e45 / (src/ windows/system.layout): Populate orders list with allowable orders10:26
CIA-54jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * ra47d0fbf196e /src/ Right-click on a target planet to move selected fleet there10:26
CIA-54jmingtan tpclient-pyogre * r7b17e041ec1d /src/ Allow window close button to actually close the window10:26
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mithrojmtan: ping?10:58
jmtanwhat's up?11:00
mithrojmtan: could I have some very cool looking screenshots by early next week11:02
mithroi'm giving a talk which includes Thousand Parsec and I would like to show it off11:02
jmtanjust screenshots? any ideas for what you would like to have11:03
mithrobe back later11:05
mithrohave to head to work11:05
jmtansure, cya11:05
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mithrojmtan: sorry about that11:46
mithroI'm going to have to run of again real soon too11:46
mithroso,, just anything which looks pretty is good11:47
mithro~seen Iwanowitch11:49
tpbmithro: Iwanowitch was last seen in #tp 20 hours, 33 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: <Iwanowitch> And how does it affect libtpclient-py, fi it does?11:49
mithromaybe load a cool 3d model for the ships and have a planet or something?11:50
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pluskidhow to create a remote git branch?11:59
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CIA-54jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r8d7845b51ba2 /modules/games/risk/ (8 files): Converted Armies to Resource. Fixed data packing. Client now loads properly.13:35
CIA-54victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r932979712a4a /gencon/ Included a listener on the standard input stream as an inner class (still in prototype form). Ironed out user-input issues.13:36
CIA-54jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * refe9ff33445a /modules/games/risk/risk.cpp: Added Planet::setDefaultResources call to Risk::createPlanet function13:46
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mithrojphr: ping?15:19
mithro~seen jphr15:23
tpbmithro: jphr was last seen in #tp 1 hour, 47 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: <jphr> wahoo!15:23
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mithrohey JLafont15:23
mithroyou where after me the other day?15:24
JLafonthey mithro15:24
mithroask away15:24
mithroI have 30 minutes left of lunch15:24
JLafontI was testing out my unit production order. And it seems that on rulesets using tpserver-py, build orders don't fully go through. I was using tpclient-pywx to check and it won't let me add a unit to the production queue15:25
JLafontStill trying to figure out where the problem might be15:26
mithrowhat do you mean "go through"?15:26
mithroyou check what is being sent over the wire by turning on debug15:27
JLafontWell. I can't finish sending out a production order since either the client or the server won't allow any units to be designated to be built15:27
mithrowon't be built could mean a lot of things15:28
mithroplease be more descriptive15:28
mithroand assume I can't see anything you have15:28
JLafontahh ok15:28
mithroif you check the logs15:29
mithroi have jphr some instruction on how to report good problems15:30
JLafontI started a new game using minisec. Populated it and added a user. I then got on tpclient-pywx and tried to do a BuildFleet order. I used the drop down menu to find a fleet to build. Now normally the numbered box next to the dropdown would let me change the values. In this case it doesn't and when I click the Add button. It refuses to add that fleet to the list.15:30
jphrmithro: hi15:30
JLafontDunno if that helps any15:31
mithroJLafont: that sounds like a maximum is not set15:31
mithro(or set to zero)15:32
mithroscreenshots and exact instructions (include commands to run) will help me reproduce the problem15:32
mithrobe back in 5 minutes15:33
mithrohave to change rooms15:33
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mithrojphr: ahh! I was going to suggest you convert armies to a resource15:44
mithrobut I see you already had that idea15:44
jphrmithro: it just seemed stupid to try and force stuff with it any other way, i realized it really is just a resource anyways15:44
mithromeans you can always add new resources on modified risk rulesets :)15:45
mithroYou can probably just get rid of starsystems if they serve no purpose15:45
jphrmithro: haha yes, and everyone elses code is far more relevant for learning off of :P15:45
jphrdo I just place rogue planets?15:45
jphryou obviously saw my message that I got all my ducks in a row ?15:46
jphroh, i got everything displaying once I converted to resources15:46
jphrso I can move on and arrange the map as it should be, give everything names, etc. Really excited about getting past those deal breaking bugs15:47
jphrI wanted to ask you about implementing a list for planets that link to adjacent planets (since we were going to have paths between planets) or at least get you thinking about that15:48
jphrand thirdly! just to give you way to much, I wanted to know about "drawing" lines on the map15:48
jphr(I don't expect answers to all three right now, that would be cruel)15:48
mithrodrawing the lines is unlikely to happen soon15:52
mithroyou want to use a range list15:52
mithroactually, I'm not sure15:53
jphrregardless, I believe its possible to populate an order "drop down menu" with some items from a list?15:53
tpb<> (at
mithrothe types of order parameters15:54
jphrso a move order would take a # of armies and you would pick a territory15:54
jphri'll take a look15:54
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jphrmithro: yeah that is definitely getting bookmarked :P15:55
jphrmithro: oh I had another question. Is it possible to have a planet's "information" display its resources. I noticed with my planets they don't display their "Armies" resource in the information pane16:02
mithroit should do if you have the resource setup correctly16:03
jphrok, I will play with that a bit more tomorrow once I have my star systems cut out16:04
mithrocheck out ship parts in minisec16:04
mithro(i think the only resource in minisec)16:04
mithroMTSec has a whole bunch of resources too16:04
mithrodon't forget the resource overlay16:04
mithroin the client16:06
mithroyou can switch to the resource overlay16:06
jphroh yes16:06
mithrothe drop down which currently displays systems16:06
mithrolook at it on mtsec, it's quite pretty16:13
mithroyou can thank greywhind for that16:13
mithrojphr: your progress seems good :)16:14
mithroJLafont: so... where are you at?16:14
jphrmithro: appreciate that :D16:14
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JLafontmithro: <--- steps with screenshots16:15
tpb<> (at
mithrohow do you "start a game of minisec"? that means start up tpserver-cpp to me ;)16:16
JLafontoh heh16:16
mithrotpserver-py also have minisec and minisecplus16:16
JLafontI'm just using minisec right now16:17
mithrothis is probably a "I haven't touched tpserver-py in a very long time" bug :)16:18
mithrowhat is correct information for login?16:18
mithroyou know you can start tpclient with a URI16:19
mithro./tpclient-pywx tp://test:test@localhost/16:19
JLafontahh. Well in this case it would be something like  ./tpclient-pywx tp://blah@tp:blah@localhost/16:20
mithrowell you actually mean16:20
JLafontthen yes16:21
mithroyou want to write testing instructions for idiots :)16:21
JLafontI know! >.< It just hurts sometimes16:22
mithroI know, but it saves the person trying to help you much more time16:22
mithroand it should be part of your debugging as it helps you find the minimial case of when the error occurs (and hence what could be causing it)16:23
mithrooften I find in writing instructions I figure out what the problem is ;)16:24
mithroso it's almost status report time again16:34
mithroI'm going to be tough this week, so make sure you make them good16:36
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CIA-28jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r04db8977bd74 /modules/games/risk/ (constellations.txt risk.cpp risk.h): Phased out star systems in favor of lone planets. Named every planet after constellation counterpart. Added txt documenting them17:30
jphrmithro: ping?17:31
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mithrodamn missed him17:47
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jphrmithro: ping?18:06
CIA-28jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r2227bc15f376 /modules/games/risk/ (planet.cpp risk.cpp): Changed planet creation back to star->planet for mean time. Planets did not display properly alone. Will look into switching back.18:12
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CIA-28nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * r67e1c250909d /modules/games/tae/ ( tae.cpp): Added the planet object18:39
CIA-28nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * r5ff705c13070 /modules/games/tae/ (ownedobject.cpp ownedobject.h planet.cpp planet.h): Adding files I forgot to add from previous commit18:39
CIA-28nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * r35a77001b2d7 /modules/games/tae/ (tae.cpp tae.h):18:40
CIA-28Added 7 new resource types. Added some temporary code to test the18:40
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CIA-28jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r5f9f98ba4ae2 /modules/games/risk/ (move.cpp planet.cpp risk.cpp): Cleaned up some personal TODOs19:13
jphr_night all19:13
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mithromorning nash19:17
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mithroAlklomion: morning19:26
Alklomionheya mithro19:26
mithro4:30 here19:26
nashmithro: We can;t help it if you are behind19:27
Alklomionhow's the new time zone/climate zone thing going?19:27
mithropretty good19:27
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Alklomionis it warm in the morning there? i hate the cold mornings19:28
mithroit's not to bad19:29
mithrojust doing an update now19:29
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* mithro watches netbeans bring his laptop to a halt19:30
Alklomiontakes ages to load it the first time19:32
mithroI'm still getting 17 errors19:32
mithroall from Enum's and generics19:33
nashsounds like it's ready for release19:33
mithroshouldn't these be fixed by now?19:33
mithroAlklomion: I'm just looking at the action items from the last meeting, we where targeting to have all compile errors finished by today right?19:35
AlklomionYeah and I'm about a week behind19:35
AlklomionOne class in net.thousandparsec.netlib contains errors (TP03Decoder)19:36
Alklomionthousandparsec.netlib.tp03 rather19:36
Alklomionand three classes in thousandparsec.netlib19:36
mithrohow are you finding this out?19:39
AlklomionWhen you've opened the project, on the left top side of the screen theres tabs for files, projects services and classes. clicking projects, i look at the source packages19:40
mithrosending you a screenshot19:40
Alklomionover e-mail?19:42
Alklomionaah, right19:43
mithrothat shows you what I see19:43
mithroI don't see any thousandparsec.netlib.tp0319:43
AlklomionI've been copying the directory from src-generated/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03 in to src/thousandparsec/netlib19:44
Alklomionnetbeans would complain otherwise19:45
mithroso I should do a move19:45
mithrocan you describe me exactly what I should do to get what you have19:47
Alklomionyep, from the main directory of the project, copy the directory at src-generated/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ (called tp03) to src/net/thousandparsec/netlib19:48
mithroI have errors in the util package19:51
mithrohave you fixed that one?19:51
mithro(and maybe forgot to commit it?19:51
AlklomionOh, i haven't touched that package apart from adding FilterInputStream.java19:52
mithroso Pair and AbstractIterator are both have errors19:53
mithroso when should we plan to have all these errors finished by?19:56
mithrohave you looked into the URI problem?19:56
Alklomiona little bit on the URI problem. URI's are just strings, no?19:57
mithroyes, but URI objects let you get bits of the string out20:00
mithrothey are quite complicated to get the right bit out20:00
mithrohave you tried looking in the classpath stuff?20:04
mithro(the gnu classpath I sent you?)20:04
Alklomionto implement URI from gnu classpath, I'd need to also use20:08
Alklomionimport java.util.regex.Matcher;20:08
Alklomionimport java.util.regex.Pattern;20:08
Alklomionall of which do not exist in j2me20:08
Alklomionoh wait, IOException is there :)20:08
mithrodo you really need Serializable? you can probably cull all that20:09
mithroyou can probably remove the stream ones too20:10
mithrowhich I think means that IOException goes away20:10
mithroregex is a little more difficult20:10
mithronash: how do you parse a URI?20:12
nashregex generally20:12
nashstatic const char *urlpattern =20:13
nash        "^tp"           /* The tp */20:13
nash        "(\\+?http)?"    /* 1: Use Http */20:13
nash        "(s)?"          /* 2: ssh */20:13
nash        "://"20:13
nash        "("             /* 3: Start optional pass/username */20:13
nash        "([[:alnum:]]+)"        /* 4: Username */20:13
nash        "(:"            /* 5: Start optional password */20:13
nash        "([[:alnum:]]+)" /* 6: Password */20:13
nash        ")?"20:13
nash        "@)?"           /*   - End username */20:13
nash        "([[:alnum:].]+)" /* 7: Server */20:13
nash        "(:([[:digit:]]+))?" /* 9: Port */20:13
nash        "/([[:alnum:]]+)?" /* 10: Game */20:13
nash        "$";            /* Terminating '/' */20:13
mithroAlklomion: guess you could write some code which does that without using regex - you probably want to use that file as a template anyway then20:14
nashSurely there is a regex?  It's not that hard...20:15
llnznash: that regex fails on ipv6 ip addresses20:15
mithronash: no regex library in MIDP20:16
nashllnz: You are welcome to fix it, you have commit ;-)  Since I haven't tested with ipv6 at all.. not surprised20:17
nashmithro: In which MIDP?20:17
* nash notes that targetting midp is probably the problem20:17
mithronash: how else would you target a phone?20:18
mithroAlklomion: so?20:20
mithrodo you think we could do no errors by next monday?20:21
mithroIE 2nd of June20:21
Alklomioni'm confused now20:21
mithroAlklomion: what with?20:21
Alklomionthe regular expression stuff20:21
Alklomioncould you give an example of a url pattern that might be formed from that regular expression?20:22
llnzAlklomion: tp://Anom:[email protected]:6923/tp20:23
mithrothe do you know what a regular expression is?20:23
Alklomionsort of - i've never used them.. successfully that is20:23
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mithroregex is just a way of specificing a certain type of string to match20:25
mithroso for a URI it's a "nice" way to get the username/password/etc out of a URI20:26
mithroso you have two options20:27
mithro1. find a working regex engine for MIDP20:27
mithro2. rewrite so it doesn't need regex20:27
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mithroAlklomion: make sense?20:30
mithrodo you think we could have a compiling library by Monday?20:31
Alklomionprobably not, no20:31
mithrookay, what is blocking that happening?20:32
Alklomionuniversity work20:34
nashmithro: I probably wouldn't ;-)20:36
mithroAlklomion:  this is technically University work too :P20:36
Alklomiontrue, but I must let a 7000 word research proposal take precedence20:37
JLafontI find myself breaking tpserver-py at least once a day :(20:37
mithroso how much longer do you have? remeber the goal is to have a client login and do something before the term ends20:37
mithroJLafont: breaking in what way?20:38
JLafontTrying to delete a game. So tpserver-py-tool just hand up on me20:38
JLafontIt says something like Deleting game, waiting for server.20:38
JLafontAnd then the console is flooded by .'s20:38
JLafonttakes a while for the flood to come20:40
JLafontthe .'s come at a very slow pace20:40
JLafontIts probably my own fault though20:41
mithroJLafont: that sounds like a buffering issue20:47
mithroAlklomion: so when can you have it done by?20:47
mithroAlklomion: and do you think you'll be able to meet your final goal?20:47
Alklomionthe final goal of having a working interface?20:49
mithroAlklomion: no this terms goal of having a login client20:49
AlklomionIf i get the library working, the login client shouldn't take too long20:50
Alklomionbut every step forward i take, it seems i'm taking three steps back because something else is not available in midp20:51
AlklomionI'm wondering if it is possible to write a small parser that is project specific, would that suffice?20:52
mithroAlklomion: you mean for the URI?20:52
Alklomionthere'd be a limited number of ways that a thousand parsec URI could be written no?20:53
mithroAlklomion: sure20:53
mithroAlklomion: but it turns out parsing a tp URI is exactly like parsing any other URI20:53
mithroyou also need to look into why where these errors not picked up in your initial evaluation either?20:55
mithroJLafont: it's waiting for the server to release a lock on the game20:55
mithroand if it's breaking you should try and figure out why20:57
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JLafontI figure its because of some of the changes I've done20:58
JLafontspurs game in 30 mins20:59
JLafontthen full QQ session will begin20:59
mithroQQ session?21:02
mithroAlklomion: so.....21:02
mithroAlklomion: I need to head out very soon21:02
JLafontits kind of like a gaming thing / making fun of the emo kids21:02
JLafontif spurs lose this game they are out. So QQ = sad/depression/ /wrists21:03
JLafontIts just a very long winded joke21:03
* JLafont is bad at general jokes21:03
AlklomionWhen will you be on irc next mithro? I'm looking up how to handle or remove the regular expressions from URI, I don't think it is possible (with my level of knowledge on regexp)21:05
Alklomionto actually trim down the URI class21:06
mithroAlklomion: well, you could gut all the methods and just the GNU classpath one as an "interface" definition21:06
mithroI'm on IRC most days21:06
mithroI'll be around on the weekend21:06
Alklomionerm: well, you could gut all the methods and just the GNU classpath one as an "interface" definition?21:07
Alklomionwhat do you mean by that?21:09
mithrookay, you have to provide a URI class of some sort21:10
mithroand it has to have the methods which are used by the TP03Decoder class right21:11
mithroso you take the file, you remove all the regex code and replace it with custom code21:11
mithrodoes that make sense?21:15
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mithroAlklomion: so21:18
mithrowhen will we have compiling code?21:22
mithroand do you think your this term goal is going to be successful?21:22
AlklomionI'm unsure21:23
AlklomionI'd probably say i'll spend most of this coming week getting it compiling, I will not be able to have it done by monday21:24
mithroso this Friday then?21:24
AlklomionSounds like a semi-safe bet21:26
mithrookay, well I think to reach this goal you need to send me a status report on Monday and on Wednesday21:26
mithrodoes that sound reasonable?21:26
mithroand I want commits atleast that often21:29
mithro1. The library will compile by out meeting on Friday21:30
mithro2. You'll send me a status report on Monday and Wednesday which includes details on progress21:30
mithrothat all okay?21:31
mithromeeting same time as next week21:33
* mithro is heading out now21:34
mithrosee ya21:35
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Asmmanyone had any luck using cvs to access the repositories?22:24
llnzAsmm: some people use them, so yes22:24
Asmmok, thanks, just wanted to be sure the cvs emulation works... which means i must be doing something wrong, not the server :)22:28
llnzok, did you cvs login?22:32
Asmmok, i made it work. I only wanted the code using anonymous cvs, apparently one should nto login, and for git repositories should checkout "master" dir for master branch. Thanks anyway!22:36

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