Wednesday, 2008-05-28

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mithroheyo people00:03
pluskidhi mithro00:04
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nashpants on mithro00:22
mithropluskid: you got some time to go through stuff?00:43
mithroI have about an hour before I need to be in bed00:43
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mithrohey nash00:45
mithrohow goes everything?00:45
pluskidhi mithro00:45
pluskidI'm working on mzscheme now00:46
nashI'm okay00:46
mithrodid my emails to the schemepy list help with the usage stuff?00:46
mithroI noticed that you have not replied to them00:46
pluskidmithro: yes, they are helpful00:46
pluskidI'll reply them later00:47
mithrois there anything you want to know from me?00:47
pluskidHmm, currently not I think.00:47
pluskidI'm trying to finish the mzscheme backend before this week end00:47
pluskidThen I'll look at the tp-server and tp-client and TPCL00:48
mithrookay then00:48
mithrohave you had a chance to look at the pypy stuff?00:48
pluskidI checked out the code00:49
pluskidI tried to run it00:49
pluskidit runs on CPython without problem00:49
pluskidI got Jakub's mail.00:50
mithroit's possibly interesting to see how the performance of CPython verse compile version (using PyPy and RPython stuff)00:50
pluskidYes, I haven't figured out how to do the translation yet.00:50
mithroI've never done the translation process - might be good idea to ask Jakub00:51
pluskidBut if the translation result is C stuff, it will be another backend instead of the fallback00:51
mithrohe has some benchmark performance00:51
mithropluskid: another backend which uses the exact same code as the python fallback00:52
pluskidBut I don't like to include the whole PyPy codebase as the fallback, maybe we'll need to write a small parser for PyPy Scheme00:53
mithrohow big the PyPy codebase?00:56
CIA-54pluskid schemepy * r4a944aaa2690 /schemepy/ (guile/ mzscheme/mzhelper.c mzscheme/ Testcase of list and dict passed for mzscheme.00:56
pluskid158M    pypy-dist00:56
pluskidinclude all demos and examples00:57
mithrooh, you won't want to include the whole PyPy, just the schemepy directory?00:57
pluskidPyPy scheme is 616 K00:58
mithropluskid: oh, your on too btw00:58
tpbTitle: Planet Python/SoC (at
pluskidpypy directory is 97 MB00:58
pluskidmithro: you added it? thanks!00:59
mithropluskid: they picked it up as it was python related01:00
mithropluskid: I'm pretty sure we only need the 616k part01:00
pluskidYes, but as Jakub said, it used PyPy's parser01:00
pluskidI guess we can write a tiny parser and separate the code from PyPy01:01
mithroI guess we should email Jakub about it01:03
mithrohow big is ?01:04
tpb<> (at
pluskidmithro 4.6M01:05
mithroI don't know enough about PyPy to know which bit we need01:06
pluskidmithro: me too01:06
pluskidIt seems PyPy has a RPython language which is rstricted Python01:06
pluskidPyPy Scheme is written in RPython01:06
mithroopen source to the rescue, lets ask Jakub! :)01:06
pluskidmithro: now? Or when I finish mzscheme ?01:07
mithrowell, send him an email while you finish mzscheme :)01:08
mithrohe'll probably take a bit to reply01:12
mithrospecially if you ask some more in depth questions01:13
pluskidI see01:14
mithroso gsoc officially started on Monday01:15
pluskidIt's  already Thursday here :p01:15
mithroonly tuesday here01:16
nashpluskid: And where the hell are you if it is Thursday?01:17
pluskidnash: what do you mean?01:18
mithropluskid: I think you mean it's Wednesday01:18
nashIt's Wednesday here.. and I'm in +10 timezone01:18
pluskidnash: Ah, I made a mistake! :p01:19
nashpluskid: That would make sense then ;-)01:19
nashpluskid: Else there is a timezone I'm not aware of... else this years april fools joke was for real01:23
pluskidnash: what's that joke? is there a URL?01:24
tpbTitle: gDay with MATE (at
nashpluskid: make sure you read the faq01:24
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pluskidnash: ha, I'll look at that later. Head for classes now. :)01:25
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CIA-54juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * rdb4659b4c420 /tp/server/rules/dronesec/drones/ Fixed Dronepedia to work with tpserver-py and standalone02:25
CIA-54juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * re08dbcd09806 /tp/server/rules/dronesec/ Popuate and new players added ignore systems02:25
CIA-54juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * r8471b8f8123f /tp/server/rules/dronesec/ (7 files in 3 dirs): Dronepedia implemented to work correctly. Should have turns come out infallibly.02:25
CIA-54juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * rb19f60cd44da /tp/server/utils/ Fixes to the PlanetGenerator02:25
JLafonthmm where did mithro go!!!02:27
* JLafont wakes up mithro02:27
JLafontOh well02:29
JLafontI guess I'll ask him tomorrow02:29
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llnzhi all04:50
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CIA-54pluskid schemepy * r56f8f62ab613 /schemepy/mzscheme/ (mzhelper.c Testcase for lambda passed for mzscheme.05:30
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ezodanyone around who knows how orders work in the protocol?07:33
llnzhi ezod07:35
ezodhey llnz07:36
ezodso the Order frame is Response based07:36
ezodbut when a client issues an OrderInsert, it contains an Order frame?07:36
llnzthe orderinset frame has the same contents as the order frame07:37
llnzthere is a bit of shortcutting going on07:37
ezodso basically it's just an order frame with a different id and pointed at the server instead?07:38
ezodalright, got it, thanks07:38
CIA-54aaron documents * r97c1399ff8b8 /protocol/admin.xml: Added Command and CommandResult frames.08:11
* llnz wanders off08:43
llnzlater all08:43
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CIA-54aaron tpserver-cpp-config * rd719cf2e512f /tpserver/adminlogger.cpp: AdminLogger constructs and sends LogMessage frames.09:54
CIA-54aaron tpserver-cpp-config * r0e6b12fe8e91 /tpserver/adminlogger.cpp:09:54
CIA-54Revert "AdminLogger constructs and sends LogMessage frames."09:54
CIA-54This reverts commit d719cf2e512fb490d5276f8e46b06cc5be12ab35.09:54
CIA-54aaron tpserver-cpp-config * r4351eca1b329 /tpserver/adminlogger.cpp: Temporarily disabled LogMessage frames in AdminLogger due to possible design flaw.09:54
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CIA-54victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * r297c3738a28f /gencon/ ( Changed the internal structure of the client for more efficient autorun testing (and better user-friendliness)12:07
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CIA-54jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rb0d9bf149fd3 / (modules/games/risk/risk.cpp quickstart-risk.conf): Added object visibility code to onPlayerAdded. Tweaked quickstart12:19
CIA-54victor.ivri gencon-rfts-ai * rc07317258715 /gencon/ ( Added comments for sake of convenience and organization.12:21
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Iwanowitchmithro: heya15:13
Iwanowitchmithro: what is a slot in an Order?15:15
IwanowitchAnd how does it affect libtpclient-py, fi it does?15:16
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CIA-54nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * r9f13967fa703 /modules/games/tae/tae.cpp: Added logic to create the basic game board out of solar systems15:53
CIA-54nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * r6ab16ecf3f90 /modules/games/tae/ ( starsystem.cpp starsystem.h tae.cpp):15:53
CIA-54Broke out the star system object into its own class. Added more15:53
CIA-54parameters to the star system object to allow for future game logic.15:53
mithronuleren: how is it going?16:17
nulerennot bad16:18
mithrohow is your progress going?16:19
mithrohave you been testing with tpclient-pywx, or are you not at that stage?16:19
nulerena quick question: what's the container type of an object?  I see like 2 for planet 1 for emptyobject... where does this number come from?16:19
nulerenyep i've been testing with tpclient-pywx as I go16:19
mithrocontainer type?16:20
nulerenyeah that may be a tpclient-cpp question...16:20
mithroI'm afraid I need a little more context16:20
mithroit could be a bit a number of things16:20
nulerenjust looking at some of the objects made for other modules, they have a function that's: getContainerType16:20
nulerenand most just return a number16:21
mithroTP03 -
tpb<> (at
nulerensuch as 1 or 216:21
mithronuleren: oh, I have no idea about that16:21
mithro~seen llnz16:21
tpbmithro: llnz was last seen in #tp 7 hours, 37 minutes, and 33 seconds ago: <llnz> later all16:21
mithrosend an email to the list would be my suggestion16:21
mithrowe don't support TP04 in tpclient-pywx yet, which is going to be a pain for all the students16:22
mithroas you are limited to what is describe on that TP03 page for testing16:23
mithrounless someone is going to dive into helping out with tpclient-pywx :)16:24
nulerenso, tpclient-pywx will basically only recognize the objects and parameters listed on that page you just linked me?16:25
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mithronuleren: it will not download the game if they are not in that list (and as describe by that list)17:10
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mithro~seen jphr18:05
tpbmithro: jphr was last seen in #tp 1 day, 0 hours, 28 minutes, and 11 seconds ago: <jphr> well i'm heading out for the day.18:05
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mithroheyo people23:51

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