Tuesday, 2008-05-27

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mithro - what you plan to do next week00:00
mithroI think you are doing okay on the first and last option :)00:01
ezodfair enough ;)00:01
ezodbtw, re: the xml spec00:02
mithrosadly, I'm afraid that your project has the least interesting interms of things to show (ie screenshots, etc) - it's probably one of the more useful in the long term00:02
ezodwell, the tpclient-pywx part might be more exciting that way00:03
ezodso what i'm doing is creating a new document with the relevant frames from the current spec plus the new admin frames00:04
ezodit specs what is required for administration only00:04
ezodis that what we want?00:04
mithrodo you think the protocol.dtd will also apply to that?00:04
ezodthat's the idea00:05
mithronash, do you think you could send Fro an poke email - it's kind of sad that none of the ruleset developers are not using tpruledev00:07
mithroI haven't heard anything from him in about 6 months00:09
mithroso I think it's probably a long shot, but who knows00:10
mithrogreywhind: ping me you if your about00:11
greywhindmithro: ping00:23
mithrogreywhind: could you give something a read, I'm trying to write some doco for jmtan and Iwanowitch00:28
greywhindmithro: sure00:28
mithrosending now00:28
greywhindmithro: got it00:29
greywhindmithro: to me, it seems pretty good as far as readability and helpfulness00:32
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CIA-29juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * rb28162b3138b /TODO:03:27
CIA-29Testing git. Added some small tasks on the Todo03:27
CIA-29Signed-off-by: Juan Lafont <juan@juan-laptop.(none)>03:27
CIA-29juanmy777 tpserver-py-dronesec * r375b778e579e /tp/server/ (15 files in 6 dirs):03:27
CIA-29Dronesec init. PlanetGenerator Added03:27
CIA-29Just a copy of minisec with some small changes so far.03:28
CIA-29Previously made PlanetGenerator also added.03:28
CIA-29Signed-off-by: Juan Lafont <[email protected]>03:28
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JLPgood morning everyone04:28
llnzhi JLP04:29
jmtangood morning04:32
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* mithro can't sleep :(05:35
mithro~seen jmtan05:36
tpbmithro: jmtan was last seen in #tp 1 hour, 3 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: <jmtan> good morning05:36
JLPmithro: morning noogler05:36
jmtanhi mithro05:36
mithrohey jmtan05:37
mithroI've got some stuff here for you05:37
mithrobut it needs some work05:37
jmtancool, what's that05:37
mithrojmtan: how to use the cache interface05:38
jmtangreat, i was wondering about that. just got the email05:39
mithrojmtan: I would appreciate it if you help make that a bit more readable05:40
mithrolibtpclient-py still needs quite a bit of work as you have probably guess05:41
mithroand some of the is specific to tpclient-pywx05:42
mithrojmtan: so if you are ever back in Sydney, send me an email and we can have lunch05:43
jmtanokay, sounds great05:43
jmtandoes OnCacheDirty commits changes to the server?05:44
mithrothere is a OnCacheDirty method on the network thread05:47
mithroit does three things05:47
mithro 1. Tries to make the change on the server05:47
mithro 2. Commits the change to the cache05:47
mithro 3. Sends an event to the rest of the application about the change05:47
mithrothe way tpclient-pywx is setup is around an event system05:49
mithrobased around the wx event queue05:50
mithroso the OnCacheDirty method is triggered by StateTracker posting the CacheDirtyEvent05:51
jmtanso can i say that cache.commit does not send any changes (such as new orders) to the server, and it is up to the application to send them once a OnCacheDirty is triggered?05:53
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mithrocache.apply returns an "Event" object05:55
mithrothe application should apply the change to the server, in tpclient-pywx this application is done by the NetworkThread.OnCacheDirty method05:55
mithrothe application should then call cache.commit with the Event object once the changes have been sent to the server05:56
mithroin tpclient-pywx this is done by the NetworkThread.OnCacheDirty method too05:56
jmtanahh ok, i was mixed up05:57
mithrothat make more sense?05:58
mithroeventually I'm going to split the OnCacheDirty method into the three seperate parts05:59
jmtanhow about the node argument in cache.apply? i know it is a changenode, but what should it contain?06:01
mithroin tp orders are provided in a queue interface06:02
mithrothis turns out to be quite complicated06:06
mithroas libtpclient-py allows you to have multiple outstanding orders06:06
mithroso libtpclient-py provides a "ChangeList"06:06
mithrowhich is a way of providing support for orders which have been created but have yet to be committed06:07
mithro(or removed)06:07
mithroa ChangeNode is just an element in the list06:08
mithroStateTracker is probably a good example of how ChangeNodes are used06:09
mithrofor example06:10
mithroif you look at06:10
mithroevt = self.application.cache.apply("orders", "create after", self.oid, node, order)06:10
mithrothat creates a new node after the given node which contains the order06:11
mithroself.oid <- object id to create the new order one06:11
mithronode <- position in the order queue to create the order after06:11
mithroorder <- the order to be created06:11
mithrojmtan: ping?06:13
mithrodoes that make any sense at all?06:13
jmtanya, i'm still wrapping my head around it06:13
jmtannot feeling so well since Sydney, so a little slow..06:13
mithrojmtan: so of course, it's your job to help improve the doco too :)06:14
mithroI wish I had a white board06:14
mithroit is much easier to explain using a white board06:14
mithrojmtan: do you know what a doubly linked list is?06:15
jmtani'm sure there are some internet white boards, but nvr used them before06:15
jmtanyeah it can go both ways? circular linked list?06:15
mithroas in you store a pointer to the next and the previous item06:16
mithrofundamentally the ChangeList is that06:17
mithrowith a ChangeNode being a node in the list06:17
mithroto make things a little more interesting, a ChangeNode stores a list of changes which are pending for that node06:18
mithroA change node always starts out in the "Adding" state, then it can have a bunch of "updating" states, and then it can finally have a "removing", "removed" state06:18
mithrostates = ["creating", "idle", "updating", "removing", "removed"]06:19
jmtani saw that the cache object contains several changelists, such as orders and objects06:19
mithroit only contains a changelist for compound objects06:20
mithroIE Orders, Messages06:20
mithro(things which have an object and a slot)06:20
mithrothings which have a real id are much easier to deal with06:20
mithroChangeList != ChangeDict06:21
mithroa ChangeDict is just a dictionary which stores the last modtime as well as the object06:21
llnzmithro: find a sane way to have orders and messages with straight ids and I'll start on tp0506:21
mithrollnz: there was a thread about it we never finished06:21
llnzmithro: i know06:22
mithroI will resurrect it when I have the time06:22
mithroonce you have wrapped your head around the changelist it works okay06:22
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mithrotake a look at the cache.apply and cache.commit methods06:23
mithrothey show how the cache and change list is manipulated06:23
mithrothe client should never directly change the cache or changelists06:24
mithrojmtan: actually I know a something which could make it a little clearer06:25
mithrouncomment line 13606:26
mithroand then you can see how the events in tpclient-pywx propergate around06:26
mithroit's a little messy06:26
mithrobut it might help06:26
jmtanwhich file is that?06:27
mithrowell I should head back to bed06:29
jmtangood night, thanks for the help06:29
mithrohope that helped and wasn't as confusing as it seemed :P06:30
mithroexplaining things at 3:00am in the morning is probably not the best idea :)06:30
jmtanit does seem clearer, i'll try out the code and see how it goes06:31
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r58a3833c3edd /doc/log_book/todo/05-27-add-the-tak-benchmark.txt: Added the task of tak benchmark.07:02
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jothamwell thank the lords for that07:34
jothamfinally got opengl and cocos to love each other07:35
llnzhehe, cool07:35
jothammeans i have a scene/UI manager + access to raw opengl commands07:35
jothamprobably find some other issues, but it means i can mix up the UI and doing things like drawing stars with raw opengl calls07:36
jothamand maybe get the best of both words07:36
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llnzlater all09:25
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JLPbddebian: heyo10:46
bddebianHello JLP10:46
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ezodanyone around who can field a request for commit access to the documents repository?11:37
ezodi'm hoping to start committing my admin protocol xml11:37
ezodalso maybe the web repository, so i can do a php file to display it?11:38
CIA-54jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r18865314c93a /modules/games/risk/TODO: A test commit11:40
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mithroheyo people12:09
mithroanyone alive today?12:12
mithro~seen jphr12:15
tpbmithro: jphr was last seen in #tp 4 days, 12 hours, 26 minutes, and 52 seconds ago: <jphr> goodnight, thanks for the help llnz12:15
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mithro~seen Epyon12:16
tpbmithro: Epyon was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 2 days, 9 hours, 23 minutes, and 40 seconds ago: <Epyon> life sucks12:16
mithro~seen jotham12:16
tpbmithro: jotham was last seen in #tp 4 hours, 40 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: <jotham> and maybe get the best of both words12:16
mithroezod: ping?12:20
mithroezod: re: the document access, done!12:21
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CIA-54jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rc81bd4e82dee /modules/games/risk/ (TODO galaxy.cpp galaxy.h): Removed packExtraData from galaxy. Updated TODO.13:53
mithrohello nuleren13:57
mithrohow goes everything?14:02
nulerenpretty good, I'm about to push several commits in a bit14:02
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mithrohi! jphr :)14:06
jphrhey, so you finally got a free moment :P14:06
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mithronot really,14:06
tpbmode change by services.wf on worldforge: +o ChanServ14:06
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mithrohave WiFi going properly14:06
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jphrah yes, wifi == free (or maybe wasted) time all th etime14:06
mithrosomething like that14:07
mithroany luck with your bus error?14:07
jphrgdb narrowed it down to a function14:07
mithrodid you see my last email?14:08
* mithro is watching videos at the same time :)14:08
jphryes, thats why I popped on14:08
jphri don't really have any reason NOT to be on irc14:08
jphrProgram received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.14:08
jphrReason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x0000000414:08
jphr0x00062bb0 in TurnTimer::secondsToEOT ()14:08
jphrthats gdb printout, by the way14:08
mithrois that the bt like I suggested?14:09
jphroh sorry, didn't see THAT message14:10
jphri'll brb after I run that14:10
jphrwhat is the easiest way with make to recompile for debugging?14:10
ezodmithro: thanks14:11
CIA-54aaron documents * rcf3bdd68f913 /protocol/admin.xml: Initial creation of admin.xml with a partial protocol specification.14:12
jphrmithro: (durf, -d14:13
mithrojphr: I have no idea14:14
jphrill do some digging14:14
mithroyou could just add it to CFLAGS14:16
mithrobut it might strip the binaries during install :/14:17
jphrfrom what i've found yeah its CFLAGS=-g14:19
jphrlooks like while its running it stuffs them in there too14:19
mithrojphr: hrm?14:20
jphrmithro: just watching the make run it looks as if they all have -g if you "make all CFLAGS=-g"14:21
mithronormally you do it the other way around14:25
mithro"CFLAGS=-g make all"14:26
jphrah yes14:26
mithrobtw, you should poke Lee about a "--enable-debug" or "--disable-debug" in the configure script14:26
jphrif you say so  :P14:26
jphrhow does he prefer to be poked? irc ? dev-ml?14:27
mithroemail of some sort14:27
mithrobetter check that it doesn't already exist :)14:27
mithrodebug should probably be enabled by default most of the time I think14:27
jphrlooks like it might be, i ran a clean make and I saw -g in every g++ call14:28
mithrosounds okay14:29
jphrTurnTimer line 62, do you want the full Ddd output for it?14:29
mithrowell, you probably want to start with a bt14:29
jphrsorry, i ran bt14:30
jphrits 20 lines ,want it here? lol14:30
mithroand you probably want to find out which variable it's dieing on14:30
mithronope, pastebin it14:30
jphr(sorry not familiar with pastebin?)14:30
mithrogoogle pastebin :)14:30
jphrwell isn'14:32
jphrt that convenient14:32
mithrothat is a very interesting place for it to be dieing14:33
mithrocan you do a "bt full"14:33
mithroI have no idea what is going there :P14:35
mithrocan you do a14:35
mithroprint timer14:36
jphrCannot access memory at address 0x014:36
jphrwant me to rerun and try again?14:36
jphrsame thing14:37
mithrookay, NFI :)14:37
jphrtry again but right before I try and start network? or can I even do that14:37
CIA-54aaron tpserver-cpp-config * r1e46cebfc68a /tpserver/ (Makefile.am adminlogger.cpp adminlogger.h): Added basis for admin protocol log sink.14:38
CIA-54aaron tpserver-cpp-config * r7cc2c44df831 /tpserver/adminlogger.cpp: Removed some unneeded stuff from AdminLogger.14:38
CIA-54aaron tpserver-cpp-config * r27ba3867fc0b / (sample.conf tpserver/logging.cpp): AdminLogger can now be enabled as a log sink via log_admin setting.14:38
mithroI'm afraid you have hit my limit of understanding here14:38
mithrodoes minisec do this too?14:38
jphri belive so, I can give it another try and bt it14:39
mithrocan you disable avahi?14:39
mithro(I don't know if tpserver-cpp has an option to do that14:40
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jphryou know I wanted to because it was compiling funny with avahi and mac, but I did get it working14:41
jphrI even crashed out on a linux box though14:41
jphrwhats the easiest way to grab an older copy of the git repo?14:42
mithroyou mean, back of to a tag?14:42
mithroor just a couple of commits?14:42
jphrback to a tag, back to when I know it worked14:42
mithrogit checkout <tag name> # make sure all your changes are committed first14:43
jphrI'm going to play with this on a linux box for a little bit14:43
ezodre: disabling avahi, i believe so, otherwise there's a useless USE flag in my ebuilds ;)14:48
jphrI'd love to know how14:48
ezod1 sec14:48
ezodit's just --disable-avahi, looks like14:49
ezodat least that's what emerge is passing based on the USE flag14:49
CIA-54nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * r22c3176deaf5 / (5 files in 3 dirs):14:50
CIA-54Used the tpserver-cpp ruleset book to create a basic module for TaE. Module is located in modules/games/tae/14:50
CIA-54You can load, create, and start the module with tpserver-cpp, but the module is currently empty.14:50
ezod(to the configure script)14:50
CIA-54nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * r04b30262b97d / (5 files in 2 dirs): Added a quickstart configuration for tae.14:50
CIA-54nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * r001860a2d002 /modules/games/tae/ (universe.cpp universe.h): Added a universe object, derived from the minisec universe object, to TaE14:50
CIA-54nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * r36fc6bd601d6 /modules/games/tae/ (emptyobject.cpp emptyobject.h spaceobject.cpp spaceobject.h): Added emptyobject and spaceobject (taken from minisec) to TaE.14:50
CIA-54nuleren tpserver-cpp-tae * r13978d2b9fbb /modules/games/tae/tae.cpp: Implemented a basic solar system object (using emptyobject) into TaE14:50
mithronuleren: cool14:53
mithronuleren: I would really prefer you look into adapting TaE to a simultaneous turn structure, it will be much faster game play and nicer UI14:54
mithrowell, I'm heading to lunch14:58
jphrmithro: see you later, I'm going to keep looking for what happened to my server :(14:58
mithrodoes it work back older version?14:59
jphrhaven't gotten to trying that14:59
nulerenmithro: Ok, I'll try to think something up15:14
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* ezod needs some protocol help15:27
CIA-54jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r1ee091311de8 /modules/games/risk/risk.cpp: Commented out some player adding logic until other bugs are resolved15:38
CIA-54aaron documents * raa7119f97301 /protocol/admin.xml: Added more frames and some basic command parameters.15:43
mithrojphr: ping?16:07
jphrmithro pong16:07
mithrojust looking at your problem now16:08
jphryeah I might have double posted on the ML16:08
mithro2008-05-27 14:34:14 < Info  > Bad username or password16:08
jphr2nd one has an edit16:08
mithrothat is interesting16:08
jphryou shoudl see the bug i get when I fool around on linux16:08
jphrI can actually LOAD the risk ruleset, but get a bastardized mix of risk and minisec if I log on (which I can on linux for some reason)16:09
mithroyou should just reply to your original message16:09
mithrorather then start a second new thread16:09
jphryeah I didn't see it in my client so I accidentally resent :(16:09
jphr(i need to turn on the option to send messages to myself even if i am the author)16:10
mithrojphr: the mailing list should send it back to you16:11
mithrojphr: are you using any sort of persistence?16:12
jphrconfig option or in my ruleset?16:12
mithroconfig option16:13
jphrnot specified16:13
jphrshould I try a no?16:13
mithroOkay, some tips about writing a good help email16:14
jphrears open16:14
mithro - include the exact steps you are doing to cause the error16:14
mithro 1. Start server from my risk branch (<git id>) with the config file I have attached16:15
mithro 2. Connect using tpclient-pywx using the tp://guest:guest@localhost16:15
mithro 3. The output on the console will look like this16:16
mithro <output on the console>16:16
mithrothe more detail the better16:16
jphrok, i was probably cutting out a lot I thought wouldn't be appreciated16:16
mithroIf you have tried the *exact* same procedure on Linux and Mac and there is a difference, explain how it differs and where it differs16:17
mithromake sure that you are using the latest version of everything and that all the trunk changes have been merged into your branch16:18
mithrotake the following sentence "I can log on but I get a bastardized version  of minisec and risk together, with some orders from one and some from  the other, but with minisec's map."16:18
mithrothat does actually give me any information16:18
mithrowhen and where is it occuring16:18
mithroinclude screenshots of the output16:19
mithroinclude all the steps you have done to try and debug16:19
mithrothe more information you include in the first email, the more likely we are to be able to16:20
mithro a) reproduce your problem16:20
mithro b) figure out how to fix it16:20
jphrwell I should probably get back to the drawing board to write out a better request for help16:21
mithrowell, all the above should already be at hand as it's part of the debugging process16:23
jphrwell I am up to date on the main -> risk front16:25
mithromake sure you don't have any unpushed changes (otherwise how can we reproduce the bug?)16:26
jphrso let me type this up, do you mind putting a little reply to my thread saying I am rewriting it, as I am not getting the thread in my client, and i've tried getting mail a few times so far16:26
mithrojphr: it's probably a good idea to find out why you don't have it16:27
jphrhmm, I checked my options on the ML pref pane, i SHOULD get my own messages, so that is odd16:29
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mithrowhat email client are you using?16:30
mithroAppleMail might be doing something "smart" by not showing your own emails16:31
jphryes apple mail16:31
jphri'll check it online16:31
jphrnah, even in All Mail online it isn't there. I can see that i've sent it, but not received from the ML back16:32
mithrooh, you are using gmail16:37
mithrocheck you spam folder?16:38
jphrI will16:42
jphrnot there either :( i bet if you reply to one I will be able to see it16:42
* mithro you check your sent email?16:43
jphryes, it did send from me to tp-devel16:46
mithroit appears to be a gmail thing16:53
mithroyou can just reply to your send message16:54
mithro(at least in gmail's interface)16:54
Iwanowitchmithro: with libtpclient-py, how do you create an order in a way that both the cache and the server know about it?16:57
IwanowitchThe way I read it now...16:59
mithroIwanowitch: I have been working with jmtan to create the documentation for that16:59
IwanowitchIt seems as if the connection needs the "basic arguments" and the cache needs an an event.16:59
IwanowitchWhich seems inconsistent to me :/16:59
mithrothe NetworkThread class will take an event and apply it to the server17:00
mithrosending you some very preliminary information17:02
mithroIwanowitch: sent17:02
Iwanowitchmithro: thanks17:03
mithroyou guys are the first people to start using libtpclient-py who is not me :)17:03
IwanowitchAll the better for the project, I suppose.17:04
mithrolibtpclient-py was split out of tpclient-pywx but it's still fairly coupled17:04
IwanowitchSo it is necessary to use a NetworkThread? Might be a bit hard to hack that into tpsai-py...17:08
mithroyou can use NetworkThread without actually using it as a real thread17:09
mithroyou can just call the function17:09
IwanowitchThat sounds... so wrong :)17:09
IwanowitchJust the OnCacheDirty function, then?17:10
mithroyay dynamic languages17:10
mithroIwanowitch: I have some patches I have yet to push which splits the code out anyway17:10
mithroso it's only a temporary thing17:10
mithrofeel free to help update the documentation :)17:14
CIA-54jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r3f297f4014fd /modules/games/risk/risk.cpp: Added two DEBUG_FN_PRINT to createPlanet and createStarSystem17:18
Iwanowitchmithro: Hmm, using the current code would be a pointless exercise if you're going to change it again... Any idea of when you'll push those changes?17:21
Iwanowitch(though don't feel stressed or something)17:23
jphrmithro: ping?17:28
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jphrwell i'm heading out for the day.17:36
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mithroIwanowitch: it wouldn't be pointless18:39
mithroas from your point of view18:39
mithroit will be a two line change18:39
llnzezod: i don't think AdminLogger needs a config setting, one should be associated with each AdminConnection18:40
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ezodllnz: ok, what if i just make it default to yes?19:25
llnzi don't think you need an config setting at all19:25
llnzwhen the adminconnection is created, create a adminlogger, associated it with the adminconnection (to send the log messages), and add it as a sink to Logger19:26
* ezod nods19:27
ezodoriginally i was going to have one adminlogger do a send-to-all type thing19:29
llnzwhile that would work, i think the other way is better19:29
llnzgives more control to each adminconnection19:29
llnzfor example, each could have different levels of logging...19:30
ezodllnz: i assume this means adding an addLogger() to Logger?19:33
ezodllnz: nm, looks like it's already here19:33
ezodwell, prototyped anyway19:34
llnzhumm... it might need a few little changes19:35
ezodwhat if i add a string param to addLog for the map key?19:36
ezodand then removeLog just uses the string to index the removal19:36
llnzwould have to be unique19:37
llnzmight be easier to have a different map (or even just a set) for externally managed LogSinks19:38
ezodi was thinking that, just an array19:38
ezodadds some redundancy to doLogging19:39
ezodlike, non-desirable type of redundancy :)19:39
ezodbah, i'll think of something here19:40
llnzit's not a huge issue redundancy in doLogging, it's only 4 lines long19:41
llnzand i could rewrite that to 319:41
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mithrohey greywhind20:35
mithrohow goes things?20:41
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greywhind_mithro: i wonder if you have an opinion on this question jmtan asked me20:47
greywhind_"Since there are a few different object types (planet, fleet) each with their own set of orders, should I handle them the same way as tpwx, using the same window for all objects generically or should I create a dedicated window for each object type?"20:48
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mithrogreywhind_: there may be hundreds of object types in some games20:52
greywhind_mithro: so you'd suggest a unified window?20:53
mithrothe client should not care about the object type20:53
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CIA-54aaron tpserver-cpp-config * ra4a99d59d5d5 / (5 files in 2 dirs):22:28
CIA-54Added external logging facilities to Logger.22:28
CIA-54Each AdminConnection now has its own AdminLogger.22:28
ezodllnz: when you get a chance, let me know what you think ^^22:28
* ezod hopes it's deallocating properly22:30
llnzlooks good to me22:33
llnzi might look at changing that around later22:38
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pluskidhi mithro!23:53
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