Monday, 2008-05-26

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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r39a713255cad /schemepy/mzscheme/ (mzhelper.c
CIA-29Added support for mzscheme string.02:09
CIA-29There are byte string and char string in mz.02:09
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r111340f9b280 /schemepy/mzscheme/ Add compile support for mzscheme.02:30
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mithromissed him03:14
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r9b5acf9d1a29 /schemepy/guile/ Fixed the bug of ref-couting of Guile SCM object.03:27
llnzmithro: does tpserver-py allow addCategory and remove category?04:05
mithronot sure04:14
* mithro is heading to bed04:14
llnzhave a good day04:18
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * rae19f857789c /schemepy/ (guile/ mzscheme/
CIA-29Manage the ref-count of mzscheme object.04:24
CIA-29Those object held in Python should be kept from garbage04:24
CIA-29collected by mzscheme.04:24
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JLPahoy everyone05:17
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llnzhi JLP06:06
CIA-29pluskid schemepy * r0f652936b0b7 /schemepy/mzscheme/ (mzhelper.c
CIA-29Added Python Object holding in Scheme for mzscheme.06:06
CIA-29But it is still not working now. The 3m and CGC memory06:06
CIA-29model seems to be rather complex in mzscheme.06:06
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llnzhi Marcel-07:33
Marcel-hi llnz07:33
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IwanowitchAny documentation or examples on how to use libtpclient-py? tpsai-py doesn't seem to work for me.08:18
llnzIwanowitch: tpsai-py uses an old version of the libraries08:19
llnztpclient-pywx uses libtpprot-py and libtpclient-py08:19
llnzthere is pydoc on the website for them too08:19
llnzStart in the python section of
tpb<> (at
IwanowitchAh, nice. Thanks.08:22
llnzno problem08:22
* JLP nominates Thousand Parsec as Best Project for Gamers for 2008 community choice awards09:11
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tpb<> (at
llnzthat's odd09:14
llnzi get a broken image symbol where the nomination form should be09:14
llnzand why are some of the links to doubleclick (then back to sf)09:15
llnzredirect back...09:16
JLPheh, it's SF, they are strange09:17
llnzhehe, the NZ open source awards are open for nominations too:
tpbTitle: New Zealand Open Source Awards 2008 | NZOSA (at
* ezod is mavrinac on sf.net09:25
ezodi can has be on list?09:25
* llnz adds ezod09:26
ezodthanks :)09:26
llnz14 developers says sf09:29
llnz29 says ohloh09:30
JLPllnz: you can add at least jezuch09:38
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JLPbddebian: ahoy09:43
bddebianHello JLP09:43
llnzJLP: done09:45
* JLP was so busy he forgot to pay for his domain :(09:50
* llnz wanders off09:51
llnzoh, before i go...09:51
JLPnoone stollen it yet, it's paid and all should be back soon :)09:51
llnztpserver-cpp 0.5.1 later today09:51
* llnz wanders off09:51
llnzlater all09:51
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ezodare ohloh commit lists just inherently out of date?09:55
ezodwow, looks like the record stops a whole 11 hours before my first commit :\09:58
JLPin enlistments it says that config branch for tpserver-cpp was updated 17 days ago10:06
ezodany idea what my "committer name" would be?10:09
ezodi've tried aaron (ssh key user, what CIA bot reports), ezod (actual git account), and my full name... no dice10:10
JLPi think it would be aaron10:10
ezodNo recognized committer with that name.10:11
* ezod shrugs10:11
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * red91064660c9 /schemepy/mzscheme/ (Makefile mzhelper.c Added a mzscheme type to hold Python objects.10:23
JLPoh i see ohloh added jabber integration, let's see how useful it is :)10:26
ezodJLP: it appears their jabber user isn't even online :(10:29
JLPseams to work here10:34
ezodfrom ohloh: Metrics updated 17 Apr 0811:11
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CIA-29jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rf2898108186d /modules/games/risk/ (TODO risk.cpp risk.h): implemented createGame methods (create - universe,galaxy,planet). Created Dummy galaxy/planets.11:35
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CIA-29pluskid schemepy * re89e4a5bcb1b /schemepy/mzscheme/ (mzhelper.c Testcase test_symbol passed for mzscheme backend.12:27
CIA-29jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r1c3149b909bc /modules/games/risk/ (13 files): Refactoring code layout. Added my TODO's to TODO file in risk folder.12:49
CIA-29jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rfaf47e0299fb /modules/games/risk/ ( TODO planet.cpp planet.h risk.cpp risk.h): Made getters/setters for Armies property in Planets type.12:49
CIA-29jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r415c0482d432 /modules/games/risk/ (galaxy.cpp galaxy.h): Created galaxy type which has special "bonus" property for describing a galaxies bonus to reinforcements12:50
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CIA-29jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r2ac13ecc98ad /modules/games/risk/ (TODO risk.cpp): Added logic for onPlayerAdded and startGame13:56
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CIA-29jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * r7fbd24e9b532 /modules/games/risk/ (10 files): Made sure every file ends with newline. Updated TODO file.15:05
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JLPJLafont: ahooooy :)17:06
JLafontwhats up?17:06
JLPJLafont: not much :( busy relaxing after some construction work :)17:10
JLafontJLP, ahh that does sound really nice17:11
mithrohey JLafont17:13
mithroso GSoC officially starts today17:13
mithroJLafont: so where is the code? :)17:15
JLafonthey mithro17:15
JLafontI'm working on it17:15
JLafonthaven't made a commit yet17:15
JLafontCsv is the greatest thing ever17:16
mithroJLafont: commit early, commit often17:16
mithroJLafont: we can't see your progress unless it's committed17:16
mithroI'll be back in 5-10 minutes17:16
JLafontmithro: alrighty. I'll do a commit tonight17:16
mithroand then we can discuss how we should move forward17:17
mithrokind of like the first of weekly meetings?17:17
mithrothat sound okay?17:17
mithroIwanowitch: you had some questions about libtpclient-py17:17
mithroit will be a good time to ask questions17:18
mithrobe back in 1017:18
CIA-29jphr tpserver-cpp-risk * rc1f41f9c52d2 /modules/games/risk/risk.cpp: Went over code at end of day and fixed up miscellaneous errors and omissions.17:32
mithrookay I'm back now17:34
JLafontwelcome back17:34
mithroJLafont: okay, from this week onwards, weekly status reports are *compulsory*17:35
JLafontyes sir17:35
mithrothey should include the following information17:35
mithro - what I did this week17:35
mithro - what I didn't do this week, but planned to do and why I wasn't able to do it17:36
mithro - what I plan to do next week17:36
JLafontsounds good17:38
mithrookay cool17:39
mithronext thing, each commit should be a single "logical" unit17:40
mithroIE, a bug fix17:40
mithroor a feature addition17:41
mithroit is likely that you will need to do a couple of hundred commits a week when you get going17:41
JLafontok, I already have a big commit with some initialization and unit reader and a couple of fixes. Should I just push that in and then start doing the single feature commits?17:42
mithrothat sounds reasonable17:43
mithrodid you get around to doing a squash commit of the two planet name generation patches?17:43
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JLafontI have them as part of my big commit17:44
llnzmorning all17:44
JLafonthi llnz17:44
mithroJLafont: my recommendation is to do a branch before the bit commit17:46
mithroand then seperate it out into a few smaller commits17:46
mithroand then push your branch17:46
mithrohey llnz17:46
JLafontMy commit is all in a dronesec branch right now17:46
JLafonthow can I seperate it out it? I'm not that familiar with git17:47
mithroyou can create as many branches as you want17:47
mithroJLafont: you pull up something like gitk and just copy out the various bits of the patch17:48
llnzhi JLafont, mithro17:49
JLafontmithro: sounds simple enough17:49
mithroJLafont: if you prefer, you can export the patch as a plain text file17:49
JLPllnz: ahoy17:52
llnzhi JLP17:53
mithroJLafont: so where are you up too?17:55
JLafontDronesec initializes and I have the unit information handler working. I  just have to get units to produce17:57
mithrothat sounds really good18:03
mithroJLafont: so you went the same route as TIMTrader, using CSV files to describe various stuff?18:08
Iwanowitchmithro: about libtpclient-py... I'm not entirely sure how to use it and what the important bits are.18:13
mithroIwanowitch: the way to use it is quite simple18:14
mithroyou use it to download the universe, and then you can access it via dictionaries18:14
mithroyou should be able to do something like this18:19
mithroconnection = Connection()18:19
mithro# Download the entire universe18:19
mithroif connection.setup(host=host, debug=debug):18:19
mithroprint "Unable to connect to the host."18:19
mithroif failed(connection.connect("tpsai-py/%i.%i.%i" % version)):18:19
mithroprint "Unable to connect to the host."18:19
mithroif failed(connection.login(username, password)):18:19
mithro# Try creating the user..18:19
mithroprint "User did not exist, trying to create user."18:19
mithroif failed(connection.account(username, password, "", "tpsai-py bot")):18:19
mithroprint "Username / Password incorrect."18:19
mithroif failed(connection.login(username, password)):18:19
mithroprint "Created username, but still couldn't login :/"18:19
mithrocache = Cache(Cache.key(host, username))18:19
mithroreturn connection, cache18:19
mithro(that is taken from tpsai-py18:19
mithro~seen greywhind18:20
JLafontmithro: yeah18:20
tpbmithro: greywhind was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 0 days, 20 hours, 27 minutes, and 2 seconds ago: <greywhind> llnz: do you want to tell me so I can pass it on to him, or e-mail him directly?18:20
mithroJLafont: and it's working okay?18:20
JLafontmithro: Its simple right now. But its working perfectly18:21
JLafontI was surprised at how it didn't give me any problems18:23
mithrookay cool18:30
mithroIwanowitch: does that help?18:32
mithroonce you have a cache object18:32
mithroyou just look into the various dictionaries18:32
mithrocache.objects[<object id>]18:32
Iwanowitchmithro: is tpsai-py supposed to run?18:36
mithroIwanowitch: I have not updated tpsai-py for the new way for dealing with orders18:36
IwanowitchSo the ImportError I'm getting is expected?18:36
mithroit will run with the 0.2.x version of libtpclient-py, but not 0.3.x series18:36
mithro~seen jmtan18:37
tpbmithro: jmtan was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 4 days, 13 hours, 17 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: <jmtan> archlinux18:37
Iwanowitchmithro: I can't import Cache18:43
mithroIwanowitch: hrm?18:43
mithroyou need to import tp.client.threads first18:45
mithrotim@vaio:~/oss/tp/tpclient-pywx$ python18:45
mithroPython 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Apr 21 2008, 11:12:42)18:45
mithro[GCC 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)] on linux218:45
mithroType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.18:45
mithro>>> from tp.client import threads18:45
mithroNo module named avahi_disabled18:45
mithroNo module named bonjour18:45
mithroUsing pyZeroConf ZeroConf implimentation...18:45
mithro>>> from tp.client.cache import Cache18:45
IwanowitchIndeed, seems to work.18:46
mithroit's an evil circular dependency18:47
mithroI'll have to figure out how to fix it sometime18:47
IwanowitchYeah, looks bad... But well, it seems to work now.18:48
mithroyou probably won't need the threads stuff in an AI client18:50
mithroyou change the cache by issuing "CacheUpdateEvent"s18:51
mithrothey are a little tricky to get right18:52
mithroso you'll probably should ask a load of questions about them18:52
mithroit would be also very good if you help improved the documentation so the next person doesn't have to worry as much18:52
mithroporting tpsai-py to the new API would probably be a fairly good introduction18:53
IwanowitchAny particular reason why Cache isn't at ?18:53
tpb<> (at
mithroI have no idea18:54
IwanowitchOr is it that evil dependency thing that makes the generator fail, perhaps?18:54
mithroIwanowitch: possible18:54
Iwanowitch(the doc generator, that is)18:54
mithrothe doc generator is epydoc18:54
mithroso you should be able to run it locally18:54
IwanowitchGets generated fine locally.18:58
IwanowitchUsing epydoc 3.0beta1 though.18:59
mithroit could be a generation script being screwed18:59
mithroor it could be generating against an old verions of the code19:00
Iwanowitchmithro: So, are you proposing I update tpsai-py to work with the new libtpclient-py to get some experience with the lib and improve documentation?19:02
mithroIwanowitch: that would be what I would do19:02
mithrobut it's up to you19:02
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mithroit does add the extra complexity of dealing with tpsai-py code (which is not the nicest)19:03
mithrohey greywhind19:03
greywhindhey mithro19:03
mithrobut it means you have something to compare too19:03
greywhindsorry i haven't been on much lately.19:03
IwanowitchFine for me. Can't promise I'll finish the job if it takes too long though.19:03
Iwanowitchmithro: tpsai-py is for MiniSec, right?19:06
mithroIwanowitch: it also uses a rule based type system19:07
mithroso it might give you a few more ideas19:07
mithroit uses a kind of explore and reduce mindset19:08
mithrogreywhind: your near Chicago right?19:12
greywhindmithro: actually, not particularly near it, no.19:12
mithrogreywhind: oh? your on the same timezone as Chicago right?19:12
greywhindmithro: nope. pretty sure it's on central time, and I'm on mountain time19:13
greywhindmithro: 2 hours earlier, i think19:13
mithroI must be confusing your location with someone else19:13
mithrowhere are you located then?19:13
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CIA-29jm tpclient-pyogre * r6270cb411709 /src/ Press C to center on selected object20:09
CIA-29jm tpclient-pyogre * rf4c4055df056 /src/ ( Allow arrow keys for map scrolling20:09
CIA-29jm tpclient-pyogre * r1c9920a0d7ce /src/ Use minus and equals key for zooming20:09
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llnzhi nash20:52
nashheyo llnz20:53
* nash needs to look for his GSoC student20:53
* nash pokes Iwanowitch20:54
Iwanowitchnash: I've been good and I didn't cause any trouble!21:03
nashIwanowitch: Next time it will be a cattle prod if you do21:03
IwanowitchWouldn't think about it!21:04
nashSo... have you started yet21:04
* nash knows you still have school.. but I still need to write reports for google for you to get cash...21:05
IwanowitchWell, yeah... Ive been taking a look at libtpclient-py and bounced some questions off mithro.21:05
IwanowitchHe suggested I try fixing tspai-py first to get a feeling for the library.21:06
nashSo have you got it working yet?21:14
IwanowitchNope. The library still goes a bit over my head at the moment.21:17
nashYou know what it is trying to do?21:18
IwanowitchYeah, mostly... It's just that navigating Python isn't really easy.21:18
IwanowitchThough it might be my lack of experience with it.21:18
* nash knows how you feel ;-)21:27
nashI find python code is written a bit too much like a scripting language often.  Too few comments21:28
nashToo little structure21:28
nashJust put some debug in and see what it does when you expect it to21:38
nashElse find a version that did work and roll back to that, and see what breaks21:38
IwanowitchIt's not going to be for today. I'm heading to bed.21:52
nashfair enough21:54
nashTalkto you later21:54
IwanowitchI suppose I'll see you around if I manage to stay awake this late.21:54
IwanowitchIt seriously feels like a pain to live in wildly differing timezones.21:55
nashI'm used to it ;-)21:55
nashwe deal with europe & asia21:55
nashat work21:56
* mithro is back21:57
mithrohey nash21:57
nashback in au or back in irc?21:58
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mithroback on IRC22:13
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mithrowb greywhind23:50
mithrogreywhind: I could use your feedback on some stuff23:53
greywhindmithro: i have to go AFK again, but i should be back23:53
mithroezod: ping?23:53
ezodmithro: pong23:56
mithroezod: how goes everything?23:56
ezodmithro: pretty well, worked on a module for tpserver-cpp to log to the remote admin client23:57
ezodtoday that is23:57
ezodshould have the XML spec done shortly as well23:57
mithroezod: so you know about the status reports?23:58
ezodmithro: anything different than my blog posts? the weekly report ones23:58
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mithroezod: not hugely, it would be good if you include the following23:59
mithro - what you did this week23:59
mithro - what you didn't do this week (and why)23:59

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