Wednesday, 2008-03-05

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* llnz ponders03:21
mithrohey llnz03:22
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mithrohey Epyon04:16
Epyonhey mithro :)04:18
mithroso, what happened to those cool ships?04:19
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CIA-12mithro tpserver-py * r44e77fe58d13 /tp/server/db/ Another sqlalchemy 0.4.x fix.07:08
CIA-12mithro tpserver-py * r4f2e262ea1f8 /tp/server/bases/ Updated some documentation and remove excess prints.07:08
CIA-12mithro tpserver-py * r341cf875b3fe /tp/server/bases/ Start of a connection tracking table (for information on the number of connections and similar).07:08
CIA-12mithro tpserver-py * rcd0d32135dbc /tp/server/bases/ Fixed the constraint on the new Connection table.07:08
CIA-12mithro tpserver-py * ra8b068d0101b /tp/server/ (bases/ Fixed the name for gameadd to be consistent.07:08
CIA-12mithro tpserver-py * r08b0b005dc4c / (tp/server/ tpserver-py-tool): Added support for game removal.07:08
CIA-12mithro tpserver-py * rc37651156893 /tp/server/bases/
CIA-12Fix the locked method.07:08
CIA-12Added support for checking the state of a specific game.07:08
CIA-12mithro tpserver-py * r3dcc1db77ac3 / (tp/server/bases/ tpserver-py-tool): Add support for cleaning up stale locks.07:08
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CIA-12mithro tpserver-py * r052b1917b591 /tpserver-py-tool: Make it slightly harder to accidently remove a game.07:16
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JLPmorning all07:24
mithrohey JLP07:25
llnzhi JLP07:30
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mithrollnz: well, have a good trip07:42
* mithro is going to head to bed07:43
llnzmithro: thank you07:43
Ohmllnz: where are you heading?07:47
mithrohey Ohm and good night :)07:48
Ohmsleep well07:49
llnzOhm: a job interview in Mountain View, CA.... a long way from home (14 hours in a plane)07:50
* llnz wishes his laptop was faster...07:54
llnzas soon as apt-get is finished i'm going to bed07:56
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Ohmgood luck, then08:00
Ohmmay I ask which company?08:00
llnzit starts with 'g', has the motto "don't be evil" and runs GSoC :-)08:01
* llnz will probably be around tomorrow morning (NZ time)08:02
llnzbecause I'm going now08:03
* llnz wander off08:03
llnzlater all08:03
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OhmC-programmers: How does one check what data-type a a pointer is pointing to?14:59
OhmLike, intp(x) or something14:59
Ohmreturns true if int, false if not15:00
Wyk3dyou have to know what it's pointing to in advance, you cannot check it's type15:00
Wyk3da pointer is just an address15:00
Wyk3dwith no information about type15:00
Wyk3dat run time15:00
Wyk3dat compile time you know what it points to15:01
OhmSo there's nothing like the find utility that checks the structure of something and figures out what it is?15:02
Wyk3dwell there is dynamic_cast15:02
Ohmbut yeah, I guess figuring out the difference between an int and a char would be hard15:02
Wyk3dbut there's no difference between an 16 bit int and a float15:03
Ohmokay, thanks anyways15:03
Wyk3dyou can find differences between classes15:03
Wyk3dwhat did you want to do anyway ?15:03
Ohmno idea, it was a friend wondering15:08
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OhmI see plenty of _("asdf") strings in the python code17:01
Ohmwhat does the _() stuff do?17:02
Ohmdlg = wx.MessageDialog(self.application.gui.current, msg, _("Update?"), wx.YES_NO|wx.YES_DEFAULT|wx.ICON_INFORMATION)17:07
Ohmfor example17:07
llnzoh, i believe that marks a string as needed translation17:08
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llnzhi mithro17:09
JLPOhm: it's for translation17:09
mithromorning llnz17:09
Ohmso does it have any programmatic meaning, or is it just a note in the code for "things that need attention"17:10
Ohmor perhaps an automated way of looking the string up in a language table?17:10
llnzthe latter, iirc17:11
Ohm_("some string)17:12
Ohmalso hi17:16
Ohmso it seems to me that the config window has no settings of it's own, but instead fetches individual settings-pages from each other window?17:17
mithroOhm: this tpclient-pywx?17:18
mithroeach primary window can provide a preferences panel17:18
mithroOhm: look at "class ConfigMixIn(object):" in winBase.py17:19
Ohmyes, tpclient-pywx17:19
Ohmthanks, I'll check it17:19
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mithrohave to head to work17:24
mithroi'll be back in 30 minutes17:24
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Ohmjesus christ it's hard to get into Python17:31
Ohm*python code17:31
Ohmvariables don't need declaration, and I haven't got a good grasp of how Python treats scope17:31
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Ohmhey again17:50
OhmI dislike the lack of variable declarations :(17:50
OhmIt's hard to tell which functions share variables and which just happen to name them identically17:51
mithroOhm: hrm?17:51
mithroin python globals are FROUND apon17:52
Ohmthank god17:52
Ohmalso, saw a button variable named "butt" ... :/17:53
mithroOhm: have a look at -
tpbTitle: PEP 20 -- The Zen of Python (at
Lukstrmithro: careless globals are always frowned upon :P17:53
OhmI've read some python guides17:54
Ohmsome interesting things17:54
Ohmone thing I don't understand, though17:54
Ohmlists are passed by reference, while other things are passed by value17:54
Ohmto make it more lispy?17:54
mithroOhm: nope, you misunderstand17:55
Lukstrlists are generally always passed by reference?17:55
mithroeverything in python is "passed by reference"17:55
mithropython does not have any "basic types" everything is a first class object17:56
mithro(including ints, longs, floats, etc)17:56
mithroints, longs, floats and strings are all "immutable" however17:58
Ohmdef nochange(x): x = 017:59
Ohmy = 117:59
Ohmprint y # Prints out 117:59
mithroOhm: so does this18:00
mithrodef nochange(x): x = ['hello']18:00
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mithroy = ['not hello']18:00
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OhmSo this applies only toe int, long, float and string types?18:00
mithroprint y # prints out ['not hello']18:00
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mithroOhm: think of python variables as pointers18:01
mithro(if you are a C junky)18:01
Ohmno thanks18:01
OhmI'll just think of them as variables passed by reference. :)18:01
Lukstrsame thing :P18:01
Ohmi know18:02
OhmCan I specify if my own object types are immutable or not?18:02
LukstrI'm sure you can, not sure how18:03
mithroOhm: varibales passed by references is not quite right18:03
mithrothink of them as pointers passed by value18:03
Lukstrso every variable is a reference?18:03
Ohmmithro: but if I print them, I'll get their content, not their memory adress, right?18:05
mithroOhm: yes18:05
OhmI mean, a pointer wouldn't act that way18:05
mithroyou actually get the output of either there __str__ or __repr__ function18:06
OhmI'd have to dereference it18:06
Ohmmithro: Oh, what's __repr__ ?18:06
mithro__repr__ is a magic method found on a class which is suppose to return a "evaluable" (see help(eval) version of the object)18:07
Ohmoh, cool18:07
mithrobe back in 518:10
Ohmwb - how's work?18:18
tpbTitle: general pastebin - mithro - post number 929725 (at
mithroOhm: give that a look18:19
Ohmread it18:22
Ohminteresting way to do things18:23
Ohmdef changeme(y):18:23
Ohm# y += 118:24
OhmHow would I go about that instead, then?18:24
Ohmwould I need to do something like18:24
Ohmdef changeme(y):18:24
Ohmreturn y+118:24
Ohmand then do18:24
Ohmy = changeme(y)18:24
mithroif you meant that last line to be "x = changeme(x)" then yes18:25
OhmWell, either would be the same, right?18:25
mithrobut the y inside changeme is different to the y outside18:26
Ohmso no way of assigning a new value to the variable passed to me?18:26
mithroOhm: nope18:27
Ohmsomething like void function changeme(&x){x++};18:27
mithroPython does not have ** pointers18:27
OhmEnforces a more functional way of writing things (more focus on returning values rather than doing magic to variables) so I'm happy with it :)18:28
Ohmthis still confuses me a bit18:31
Ohmdef change(some_list): some_list[1] = 418:31
Ohmx = [1,2,3]18:31
Ohmprint x # Prints out [1,4,3]18:31
Lukstrthat makes perfect sense?18:32
Ohmonly a bit18:32
Lukstrwhat doesn't make sense to you?18:32
Lukstryou set the second element in x to 418:32
Ohmright, but if x had been an integer and I had set it to 4, it would not have worked that way18:33
mithrosome_list[1] = 4  is just syntactic suger18:33
mithrosome_list.__setitem__(1, 4)18:33
jothamso much programming is18:34
Ohmmakes sense then18:34
mithro"print x" is just syntatic sugar for "sys.stdout.write(x.__str__())"18:34
jothamtrying to explain to some guy, arg0) and functionInstance(arg0); were equivilent18:34
Lukstrthere's nothing wrong with syntatic sugar, is there?18:34
jothami think there is a bit if people don't know that its sugar18:35
OhmLukstr: definitely not18:35
mithro"print x" is even going away in Python 3.0 (it's becoming "print(x)")18:35
Lukstrwell in C  myarray[index] = 4; is just syntactic sugar too18:35
Lukstryet most new developers have no idea how18:36
jothami wrinkle my nose at python 318:36
Lukstror what that actually does18:37
jothamthey are discouraging functional programming18:37
jotham'import this' has become a dogma not advice18:37
jothamwhich makes me sad18:37
mithrojotham: what functional programming have they removed?18:38
jothamoh there was a whole bunch of proposals i read18:38
jothami don't know where any of them got to18:38
jothamremoving stuff like map()18:38
jothami haven't checked in for a couple of months18:38
Ohmthat's horrible18:38
mithrojotham: because you can use list comprehensions now18:39
mithrowhich do everything map does and are clearer18:39
jothamwhich people in #python who live by 'import this' believe to be unpythonic18:39
jothamgod #python makes me want to gut my eyesockets at times18:39
mithro(oh and dictionary comprehensions :)18:39
Ohmi'm heading to bed18:39
jothami use list comprehension a fair bit18:39
Ohmsee you tomorro18:39
jothambye Ohm18:39
mithrojotham: map/apply/reduce have all been removed because nobody used them correctly and list/dict comprehensions work so much better (and are faster)18:40
jothami didn't know it was faster, that's good to know18:43
jothamthe only good thing i saw to come out of the peps for 3 was unicode type hinting18:43
* llnz wanders off to go to airport20:03
llnzcya later20:04
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mithroJLP: ping?20:22
JLP_mithro: pong20:22
mithroJLP: how goes the videos? - any luck with a subtitled version?20:23
JLP_mithro: no ptogress yet, i'm kinda waiting to get home and do it on the other computer with a properly working soundcard20:25
mithroJLP: do you think you have some time to take on another fairly important task?20:25
JLP_mithro: depends on how important and hard it is20:26
mithroJLP: well, we really to set the forums up again20:27
mithro(as you have mentioned)20:27
JLP_mithro: hm, i've never done this before, what would i need to do?20:29
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mithroStep 1 - Setup PHPBB 3.020:30
mithroStep 2 - Setup mail2forum 2.020:31
mithroStep 3 - Import mailing list archives20:31
JLPmithro: i can try, although i would have to read up about it before to see how to do it20:33
mithroJLP: well I've only done it once :)20:33
* JLP like the banner on phpbb website, could fit nicely on our forum :)20:33
mithroJLP: Step 4 - Find a phpbb 3.0 theme which fits with our website20:34
mithroJLP: I don't really want to run it on the same server as the rest of the thousand parsec services20:35
mithroso, Step 0 - Find a hosting service20:35
mithrosomething around $10-20 a month would be fine20:36
mithroJLP: I just don't have time to deal with setting up the forums :/20:36
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mithroJLP: I think you should start with the tp users list too20:37
mithroanyway heading to lunch20:37
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mithrohi Appleman123421:28
mithrohey bddebian21:28
bddebianHi mithro21:28
mithroAppleman1234: so :)21:29
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bddebianHmm, scared him away21:37
mithrobddebian: atleast you have nerves of steel :)21:41
mithroso we have working tpclient-pywx packages for gusty and hardy now?21:46
mithroJLP: so had any thoughts about the forums? :P21:46
JLPmithro: looking at various webhosting providers, so many of them, too much21:47
bddebianmithro: Afiak, why is it not working for you?21:48
mithrobddebian: it's still requiring twisted21:49
mithroThe following extra packages will be installed:21:49
mithro  python-tp-client python-tp-netlib python-twisted-bin python-twisted-core python-zopeinterface21:49
bddebianOh waah21:51
mithrootherwise it works21:51
bddebianActually I fixed it in svn but probably haven't re-uploaded :-(21:52
mithrobddebian: should there also be21:53
tpb<> (at
tpb<> (at
mithrobddebian: it looks like they have been uploaded to incoming21:54
tpb<> (at
mithrojust not in the repository21:54
bddebianI stick them in incoming before importing them to the repo21:54
mithroGet:1 hardy/universe python-tp-client 0.3.0-1tp1 [55.1kB]21:54
tpbTitle: Index of / (at
mithroGet:2 hardy/universe python-tp-netlib 0.2.3-1tp1 [63.2kB]21:54
mithroGet:3 hardy/universe tpclient-pywx 0.3.0-1tp1 [3202kB]21:54
bddebianTypically a repository will having new stuff come into incoming and a cron job sweeps incoming and imports.21:55
mithrolooks like it should be downloading 1tp2 ?21:55
bddebianGutsy should.  hardy is still tp121:57
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mithroahh okay22:03
mithrobddebian: still no email either :)22:08
bddebianI know, I'm sorry.  I really need to spend some time on documentation.22:09
mithroJLP: don't worry to much about who we host it with, as long as they offer a way to get a copy of the database22:09
bddebianBTW, I don't think I can do starmapper. :-(  I just don't know shit about java.22:09
mithrobddebian: do you think you can find someone who could help do it?22:18
bddebianI'll ask around the games team but I didn't have much success when I tried that with megamek22:22
mithrobddebian: jezuch (the author) would probably be interested in helping you figure it out too22:23
JLPmithro: ok, will keep that in mind22:29
JLP4:30 am here now so is hould probably already be sleeping22:29
mithroJLP: would be good if you document it too22:29
mithroJLP: yeah, sounds like you should be in bed :)22:29
JLPwill continue looking when I wake up22:30
mithroJLP: okay cool22:30
JLPgood night all22:30
bddebianGnight JLP22:30
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