Thursday, 2008-03-06

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TBBlemithro: Ping?02:55
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TBBleCrap, I killed him... Very slowly04:18
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mithrohey people05:18
mithro~seen Appleman123405:18
tpbmithro: Appleman1234 was last seen in #tp 7 hours, 48 minutes, and 35 seconds ago: <Appleman1234> bbl05:18
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Ohmjust a quick note: downloading gutsy via repos worked fine for me06:03
mithroOhm: cool06:03
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mithroOhm: any thoughts what we should to do keep you around after GSoC ends? :)06:22
Ohmmithro: exiting new projects to work on06:39
OhmI'd guess06:39
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JLPahoy all06:40
mithrohey JLP06:40
Ohmobviously the community needs to keep it's activity up even after GSoC, and the ex-mentors still need to be available for help when the times are rough06:40
Ohmit's hard to compete with studies, which are both craving and have a monetary (or at least life-changing) goal06:42
OhmI think the most important thing to me would be that there is an active community actually playing the game06:43
Ohmthat way, it'd feel like my project and my time spent with TP matters06:44
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JLPthis then probanly means an interesting ruleset is very important, so that people would love to play it, and a nice client to play with06:45
mithroJLP: sadly it seems that users tend to like forums :/06:47
JLPmithro: hehe, i have the same feeling, i like mailing lists so much more06:47
OhmphpBB is both a blessing and a curse06:48
Ohmit's an excellent forum, the gold standard06:48
Ohmbut it also makes everybody expect there to be a forum06:48
mithroit's also an insecure peice of shite06:49
OhmOh, I wasn't aware06:50
mithroOhm: phpBB has be one of the most exploited pieces of php code in existence06:51
Ohmalso one of the most popular06:51
mithroIt's mod system is also makes it impossible to apply security updates or move to a later version06:51
Ohmso the focus is to be expected06:52
mithrophpBB 3.0 should be a huge improvement06:52
mithroI need to add a bit more to the06:54
mithro   #. What steps will you take to encourage students to interact with your06:54
mithro      project's community before, during and after the program?06:54
mithroany ideas?06:54
peresbefore: free beer, during: free beer, after: free beer06:55
peresand mithro: i have my key ready for you06:56
mithroperes: cool!06:56
mithroemail would probably be better06:56
peresok boss06:56
mithroperes: applying for GSoC again?06:57
peresscummvm is, right06:57
Ohmmithro: well, you've been actively posting to the GSoC mailing list, you're active on irc, you respond to all inquiries06:57
pereswe're using the free beer tactics :P06:57
Ohmyou've often suggested that students interact with the community well before GSoC, and I think that's a lot of good work on your side06:57
Ohmperes: Tell me more about this free beer of yours.06:58
OhmIs it free as in freedom, or free as in.. beer?06:58
mithroJLP: you got time to read this application and add your thoughts?06:58
peresOhm: we're promising the student we will forward them a sixpack for every landmark they reach in development06:58
peresmithro: key is on its way07:00
Ohmperes: hah07:00
Ohmhas it been working as well as you'd hoped?07:00
peresOhm: they fell for this trick last year, 7 of them :P07:00
JLPmithro: sure07:01
mithroperes: didn't mean the tp-devel list! ah well :)07:01
peresdid i :O07:02
peresi forgot to change the address07:02
* peres feels kinda silly right now07:02
mithrohe he07:03
mithroperes: what username do you want? "peres" ?07:04
peresmithro: good07:04
peresperes is good, i mean07:04
JLPdamn, i really don't know which webhost to choose07:05
JLPmithro: how about this one -
tpbTitle: Professional phpBB Hosting Services by the No.1 phpBB Host: Free phpBB installation, phpBB templates, phpBB tutorial. (at
JLPbrb, have to jump into another office07:06
mithroperes: can you try sshing to "[email protected]" ?07:08
mithroJLP: well - don't forget you have to check the M2F stuff?07:08
mithroJLP: otherwise, looks okay07:11
peresmithro: git says permission denied07:11
mithroperes: I just want you to try and ssh in for the moment07:11
mithroMar  6 07:10:07 verbal sshd[28503]: Received disconnect from 14: No supported authentication methods available07:12
mithromake sure you are using your ssh-key07:12
peresyes, that thing07:12
peresseems like i can't retype the passphrase07:14
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Ohmmithro: tried putting the gaming miniconf torrent up for the slashdot crowds to see?07:18
mithroOhm: any idea where to put it?07:18
OhmI don't know, you could try doing it by just submitting it as news07:18
Ohmwrite a newspost for TP, or on your blog, make sure there's a link to the torrent and some general comments on the event07:19
Ohmthen submit a link to that news post to slashdot, with an appropriate summary07:19
* mithro is lazy :)07:20
* JLP is back07:20
peresmithro: i sent you another key... please forgive me07:21
mithroperes: try again now07:23
JLPmithro: m2f is just a plugin for phpbb right? so if phpbb works you just add the m2f and it should work?07:24
mithroJLP: except m2f needs to be able to send/receive email07:24
mithroJLP: but phpbb needs to send the registration email anyway07:25
JLPwell i guess that should be in the basic package for hosting07:26
JLPi guess it is best if i first e-mail them and ask them if this is supported by them07:27
peresmithro: my putty window is closing too fast after i log in, do you get any error message?07:28
mithroMar  6 07:27:16 verbal sshd[2686]: Accepted publickey for peres from port 62842 ssh207:28
mithroMar  6 07:27:17 verbal sshd[2687]: (pam_unix) session opened for user peres by peres(uid=0)07:28
mithroperes: you should be able to set putty to not close07:29
mithrobut it looks like it is working07:29
mithroperes: what do you want your git repository to be called?07:29
mithroperes: do you want to use our public sandbox?07:32
tpb<> (at
peresmithro: can i have a subdirectory inside that? i guess it would be better until my stuff is usable07:32
mithroperes: sure! just clone it and create one07:33
peresmithro: easier said than done07:33
mithroperes: what do you want to use git or cvs?07:33
peresmithro: anyway, i'm going to purchase a very expensive dinner at the convenience store right in front of my hotel now, and will be back in half an hour07:33
mithroperes: okay07:34
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mithroJLP: any thoughts on the application?07:35
JLPmithro: did you send it by e-mail to me?07:39
mithroJLP: yes07:39
JLPmithro: just a moment so that i check the mail07:40
JLPmithro: should we have a template?08:06
JLPi think that some questions like: do you have a blog? what 4X games did/do you play?08:07
JLPwould be usefull08:07
mithroJLP: feel to edit it and send it back :)08:16
JLPmithro: just sent08:19
mithroJLP: cool08:20
Ohmmmmmmmmmmaster of orion 208:28
Ohmtrying to buy a second monitor for my pc08:29
Ohmfor extra nice programming goodness08:29
OhmIt used to be alright with just one widescreen one, but it seem with python nobody is going to care about the artificial 80-col limit08:30
Ohmanyways, gotta head out and do some math08:30
Ohmsee you later08:30
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peresmithro: i'm using git08:34
tpb<$> (at
mithroperes: so you have a git repository already?08:35
peresnot yet08:36
mithroperes: ahh that is easy then08:36
mithrodo a "git clone git+ssh://[email protected]/git/sandbox.git"08:37
mithrocd sandbox08:37
mithromkdir peres08:37
mithrocd peres08:37
mithro<add your content>08:37
mithrogit add *08:37
mithrogit commit08:37
mithrogit push08:37
mithroDon't forget to setup your git config settings08:37
mithro$ git config --global "Your Name Comes Here"08:38
mithro$ git config --global [email protected]08:38
peresgit clone says fetch-pack failed08:39
peresmmm wait08:40
peresi forgot to specify my key08:41
peresany idea on how to pass parameters to ssh in that long command line?08:42
mithroperes: not really, you probably want to just export your key to ~/.ssh/id_rsa08:47
peresmithro: in windows xp?08:47
mithroor you can create a ~/.ssh/config08:47
* mithro pokes jotham 08:47
* peres needs to read about shells08:47
mithroperes: how are you running git?08:49
mithrovia the git-shell thing?08:49
peresi'm trying both things, the gui and the shell08:51
peresthe shell looks more promising08:51
mithrowhen in the shell you should be able to just do a08:53
mithrocd ~/08:53
mithroand it will take you to the real directory?08:53
JLPmithro: i will also post the text from /. to FGD forum08:53
tpbTitle: FreeGameDev: Welcome to the forum (at
mithroJLP: cool08:54
peresmithro: when you say i need to export my key into id_rsa, you mean i need to copy the file and set that name, right?08:55
mithroperes: you created the key in putty right?08:55
mithroyou'll need to export it to openssh format for ssh to read it08:55
peresmithro: done08:56
mithrocan you now do a "ssh [email protected]" ?08:56
peresmithro: i exported my key, but do i need to copy to that ssh/ directory?08:57
mithroperes: any luck?09:01
mithroMar  6 09:00:55 verbal sshd[14307]: Accepted publickey for peres from port 61512 ssh209:01
mithroMar  6 09:00:55 verbal sshd[16639]: (pam_unix) session opened for user peres by (uid=0)09:01
mithro:) ?09:01
tpb<> (at
peresi got an error when pushing09:03
mithroperes: what was the error?09:04
peresunpack failed09:05
peresunable to create sha1 file name09:05
peresis this an error on my side?09:05
mithroperes: can you paste the whole error?09:07
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at
mithroperes: can you try again?09:10
mithroperes: do you mind giving me your full name?09:10
CIA-12_peres sandbox * rc28b7fca5f27 /peres/ (12 files): Initial commit for planet name generator. Things are still pretty rough.09:11
peresit worked09:11
tpb<> (at
peresmithro: i need to go now, will talk to you tomorrow (if girl allows me)09:12
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mithrowell, I'm heading to bed09:51
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JLPJLafont: ahoy13:06
JLafontJLP: How ya doing?13:08
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JLPJLafont: kinda tired these days, can't wait until the weekend comes to relax a bit13:09
JLafontJLP: I completely agree. Especially since I'll be done with the 2 midterms I have13:24
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llnz_laptophello from Mountain View!17:09
mithrollnz_laptop: that was fast!17:11
llnz_laptopyeah, 14.5 hours from CHCH to SFO17:12
Ohmbeen though the rite of passage, or have you yet to prove yourself?17:15
llnz_laptopinterview is tomorrow17:17
xdotxllnz_laptop: how's the jet lag? :)17:18
OhmWhat do you think of the type of interviews google do?17:18
OhmI find doing it like an algorithms exam is odd, but I guess what they really want to measure is your ability to peak-perform, to concentrate in one thing very hard.17:19
llnz_laptopxdotx: not too bad, noise cancelling headset helped a lot17:20
llnz_laptopOhm: there interviews are interesting and varied, depending on who is asking questions17:21
OhmYeah, I guess I have heard of that aswell. Probably been pushed to the back of my mind by the oddity of people actually cramming for a job interview17:22
OhmI hear it's more of a series of interviews, though17:24
Ohmwhat do you expect them to ask about, llnz?17:24
llnz_laptopit is a series of interview and I think they will give me some puzzles and programming problems to work out17:26
llnz_laptopbut i'm not really sure17:26
mithrowell heading to work17:32
mithrosee ya!17:32
Ohmholy hell yes17:49
OhmENSO is now open source17:49
tpb<> (at
Ohmsaw this on google video around 6 months ago17:49
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llnz_laptopwb mithro_17:54
mithro_JLP: ping?17:55
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mithromorning greywhind17:58
greywhindhey mithro - thanks for the stuff :)17:58
mithrogreywhind: stuff?17:59
greywhindshirt, mug, calendar17:59
greywhindvery nice :)17:59
mithrooh - your package arrived today! :P17:59
mithrogreywhind: you owe me a photo17:59
JLPmithro: pong17:59
mithroJLP: if you send me an email with which provider you wish to go with and I'll sign up for them18:00
greywhindmithro: hmm... we'll see if I can get permission...18:01
mithrogreywhind: how old are you?18:03
greywhindmithro: 18 in June18:03
mithroOhm: wtf is enzo?18:03
llnz_laptopmithro: is lester having issues relaying email?18:08
Ohmmithro: you hold a key and this text field appears on your screen18:09
Ohmthis field is an ultra-intelligent command parser18:09
JLPmithro: mail with link to their site sent18:09
Ohmit might start a program for you, it might switch to a specific firefox tab for you18:09
JLPmithro: and yeah i also owe you a photo in the t-shirt, i completely forgot about it18:09
Ohmit might start an email client or mount an sshfs system18:09
Ohmit's extremely cool18:10
tpb<> (at
JLPsounds similar to launcher in kde4 :) probably it also has pluggable runners which actualy do the job of reacting to the input?18:11
Ohmthat's the one18:11
OhmJLP: yeah, sort of18:12
Ohmalso simiar to the gnome deskbar-applet18:12
Ohmbut not shitty18:12
mithrollnz_laptop: I don't see why it should18:12
mithrollnz_laptop: checking now18:12
greywhindhave you seen Gnome Do, Ohm?18:13
mithrollnz_laptop: seems to be working fine - got any thing in particular you think is not working18:14
mithrojust got an email from JLP fine18:14
llnz_laptopthe three emails I've sent in the last hour or so to various people18:15
mithrollnz_laptop: bounce? more info please18:16
mithroI was able to send an email to wf-infra earler this morning18:17
llnz_laptopno bounce, yet... just....18:17
llnz_laptopok, my test message just got through...18:18
mithroif you give me your ip address I can check the logs18:18
Ohmgreywhind: no, never heard of18:21
tpbTitle: GNOME + Do = Crazy Delicious (at
Ohmholy god, this looks ace18:22
greywhindit's very good18:22
JLPOhm: similar to Katapult if you know it18:22
Ohmno, never used KDE18:24
Ohmgreywhind: is this all done using the keyboard?18:24
greywhindOhm: yes, i'm pretty sure it is18:24
Ohmfound a 14min video explaining it18:26
tpb<> (at
* llnz_laptop wanders off to explore for a few hours before crashing18:45
llnz_laptopbe back tomorrow late-ish (PST)18:45
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Ohmgnome-do installed and configured19:18
Ohmgreywhind: thanks a bunch for the tip, this is great19:18
greywhindOhm: glad you like it. I've been looking at the Enso video - it looks good, but I'm disappointed they didn't go cross-platform from the very start19:18
Ohmyeah, same here19:19
mithrodoing what they want cross platform would be *hard*19:19
OhmHm, does a keyboard shortcut for middle-mouse paste exist?19:19
OhmI get tired of reaching for the mouse just to paste something into a terminal19:20
greywhindOhm: I paste in terminal with ctrl+shift+v19:20
Ohmit worked19:20
* Ohm hugs you19:20
greywhindOhm: and ctrl+shift+c, ctrl+shift+x work like ctrl+c, ctrl+x19:21
OhmVerily am I looking forward to the day when I will never need to use the mouse again.19:21
Ohmneat, thanks19:21
greywhindOhm: multitouch :)19:21
greywhinddefinitely looking forward to that19:21
OhmYeah, but multi-touch is irrelevant for day-to-day activities like chatting, programming and surfing the webs19:22
greywhindOhm: not entirely19:22
greywhindif you have a touch screen rather than a mouse, and can bring up and dismiss a keyboard under your fingers...19:22
Ohmah yes19:23
greywhindmakes reaching for the mouse much less annoying19:23
Ohmthat would be ace19:23
Ohmnot necessarily19:23
Ohminstead of just reaching for the mouse, you might be reaching over the entire table19:23
greywhinddepends on how large your screen is19:24
greywhindbut i'm talking about multitouch like this:
tpbTitle: YouTube - Perceptive pixel (at
greywhindnot just what the new MacBook Pros have, though that's a start19:25
OhmI don't deny that it's extremely cool19:27
Ohmbut I don't think it will apply well to every-day use19:28
greywhindi think it will... did you see the web browser section of that video?19:28
Ohmyes, I did19:28
greywhindmaybe it won't totally replace a mouse + keyboard, especially for gaming19:29
Ohmi could see it becoming extremely fun and usable for strategy games of all kinds19:29
Ohmjust imagine SupCom with that19:29
Ohmoooh lord19:30
greywhindimagine how ridiculous Starcraft players would be then19:30
Ohmeight hundred clicks per minute19:30
OhmRSI and muscle inflamations all aroudn19:30
greywhindmicromanagement would become almost like playing the piano :P19:30
greywhindit'd take years to get to the competitive level19:30
OhmI saw this really really cool video where they had a multi-touch table that would recognize objects laid on top of it19:31
greywhindi think i saw something like that19:31
Ohmthey had a lot of blocks and things that all did different things19:31
Ohmthe first one would just emit a sound19:32
Ohmthen they'd stream that sound through other objects, changing it19:32
Ohmone object would make it change frequency, another volume, another would stop and start it in a certain frequency, causing a beat19:32
Ohmthey'd bind a lot of these together and make some pretty cool music19:32
Ohmturning an object would act like tuning it's effect, so turning a volume object would change the volume19:33
Ohmfound it!19:33
tpb<> (at
greywhindcool stuff19:34
Ohmyeah definitely19:37
Ohmthere's some live stuff in the related videos19:37
Ohmseems like Björk has used it aswell19:41
Ohmchecking out the learning section of the wxPython page20:29
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bddebianHi folks21:06
JLafontbddebian: Allo21:15
bddebianHello JLafont21:15
mithrohey bddebian and JLafont21:37
bddebianHello mithro21:37
mithroOhm: just a warning, wxWidgets is horrible, horrible thing - it's just much better then anything else21:37
mithroJLafont: how goes your AI thoughts?21:38
JLafontmithro: Been thinking about them, but haven't been able to write them down yet. Had a test today and another tomorrow. Once thats done I can flesh out the ideas more21:39
JLafontmithro: Probably going to scrap the whole one AI to rule them all idea and focus on a RFTS AI21:40
mithroJLafont: okay21:40
JLafontmithro: Still thinking of having the AI splitting its focus into small self-sustained regions21:42
mithroJLafont: I would recommend playing the original RFTS for a bit21:42
mithroit works well in DOSBox21:42
JLafontmithro: kk will do21:43
* xdotx nods21:44
xdotxtp rfts needs serious balancing21:44
mithrohey xdotx21:45
mithrowe need to start playing RFTS21:45
* xdotx nods21:46
xdotxmithro: the latest release of pywx client tested on windows?21:47
mithroxdotx: to a degree I did when building the installer21:47
xdotxi could sucker some room mates in to some games21:47
mithroif you test on Windows then I can get the fixes into 0.3.121:48
mithroif you find some bugs which are reproducable, I have a windows system to fix them on21:49
mithroI think there is a "double save" bug21:50
mithrowhich I'm hoping to fix soon21:50
* xdotx nods21:51
xdotxi'll see about getting some testing in this weekend21:52
mithrothere is also an annoying flicker21:52
mithrowhich will have to wait till after 0.3.121:52
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mithroxdotx: more testers is good!23:05
mithroxdotx: I'm hoping to do a 0.3.1 release SOON23:05
mithro(weeks rather then months)23:05
mithrostill got a few MacOS X specific bugs to track down23:05
bddebianWhy? Who cares about OS X? :-)23:06
* xdotx nods23:07
xdotxgotta run23:07
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mithrohey llnz_laptop23:27
llnz_laptophi mithro23:27
mithroJLP: did you get a copy of the emails I forwarded you?23:28
JLPmithro: yup, got them23:30
mithroJLP: i'm not sure how to deal with the fact that we only want to host a subdomain with them23:31
JLPthey have some page How to point my existing domain name to SG23:34
mithroJLP: okay, if you need me to make any NS changes23:37
JLPmithro: i think it should be enough to add to your DNS and point it to their IP at SG23:37
mithroJLP: what is their IP address?23:37
mithroJLP: they only have one?23:39
JLPmithro: that's the only one listed here under Your IP Address23:40
mithroJLP: okay23:40

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