Monday, 2008-03-03

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mithro~seen greywhind01:44
tpbmithro: greywhind was last seen in #tp 2 days, 7 hours, 24 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: <greywhind> good01:44
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mithrowb llnz02:05
llnzthanks mithro02:05
mithrollnz: when do you head out again?02:05
llnzthursday afternoon02:05
mithroahh cool - I was thinking it was tommorrow02:08
mithrothe GSoC applications open tommorrow02:09
mithros/applications/mentor applications/02:09
mithros/mentor/mentor org/02:10
mithroyou get the point02:10
* mithro pokes xdotx 02:10
xdotxmithro: yo02:14
mithroxdotx: you have pmsg :)02:17
xdotxmithro: huzzah! how right you are02:19
mithrowell I'm off to bed05:46
jothami haven't even left work yet05:46
mithrojotham: :(05:46
* llnz hasn't seen his head yet05:59
llnzoh, wait...06:00
* llnz sees it in the bottom corner of the panel session06:01
JLPmorning all06:27
llnzhi JLP06:27
Ohmmorning people06:47
Ohmmithro: sorry, no, I was pretty much working all night yesterday06:47
llnzhi Ohm06:47
Ohmand after breakfast, I'm going to start working again06:47
Ohmi thought of two good things to do with tpclient-pywx before the GSoC starts06:49
Ohmchange the drag-behaviour from this to more "interactive"-feeling, make it keep floating a bit in the direction you just dragged (depending on your velocity when you release the mouse button)06:51
Ohmsort of like how scrolling works on the iPhone06:51
Ohmaswell as smooth zooming, and making objects scale up to a larger size when zooming.06:51
OhmWhat do you think? It won't get me introduced to the AI/tpcl or such, but it will get me familiar with your git repos, introduce me to your mailing lists, and be a valuable Python experience06:53
llnzOhm: sounds good to me06:53
llnzmithro has gone for the night, he should be around again in about 9 hours or so06:54
JLPdon't objects already become bigger when zooming in, aren't they just very small compared to distances between them sou you would have to zoom a lot ot see them grow larger06:55
llnzJLP: that is true06:55
llnz10^6 distance vs 10^1 size06:56
JLPbut yes, the zzoming step could inrease a lot when only one object is on screen06:56
llnzor a "system view" for a single star system, cf Master of Orion06:57
Ohmyes, that would be extremely nice06:57
JLPOhm: i suggest you file a bugfeature request about this to our bug tracker06:58
OhmI don't think realistical scales are very important when it comes to zooming, the aesthetics and functionality are more important imo06:58
OhmWhat does the TP community think about realism VS fun?06:58
llnzfun first, imho06:59
llnzbut realism doesn't hurt, most of the time06:59
OhmI'll file the feature request (in, right?) and see what people think07:00
OhmBut that'll have to wait until after I get home from campus07:00
llnzyes,, sounds like a good plan07:01
* llnz wanders off07:01
llnzlater all07:01
JLPllnz: bye07:01
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* JLP goes installing mandriva linux 2008.1 rc1 also on his laptop, brb07:03
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Ohmtime for shower and then bike to campus07:06
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JLPWyk3d: ahoy07:33
Wyk3dhi :)07:36
*** JLP changes topic to "Thousand Parsec - || Why not help out? - || Ideas for Programmers (and GSoC) - || tpserver-cpp vs tpsai-py, 5 done! Yay! - || IRC Logs at"07:36
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Wyk3dwhat's the best way to use git on windows currently ?07:42
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JLPWyk3d: did you check this out -
tpbTitle: WindowsInstall - GitWiki (at
Wyk3dah no i haven't, thanks :)07:45
JLPWyk3d: hope it helps, i can't halp much with windows, haven't used it for quite a while07:47
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JLPremaxim: ahoy09:59
remaximdoes anyone know how to get out of the mailing list?10:00
JLPi think that the instructions for unsubscirbing are sent in the welcome e-mail which you get when you subscribe10:01
remaximok, thx... I ll have to look it up10:02
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bddebianIf any of you gutsy users get a chance can you try the python client packages again?10:25
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remaximhi mithro12:01
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JLafontallo all12:22
bddebianHello JLafont12:24
JLPJLafont: ahoy12:24
bddebianJLafont: Were you one of the Gutsy users?12:24
JLafontNot unless I decide to reformat my laptop to Linux12:27
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JLafontbrb, have to go to a doctors appointment so he can tell me: "Yes! You are still sick! Here have more drugs to make you feel better!"12:28
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Ohmbddebian: I'll try it out now13:46
bddebianOhm: Great, thanks13:47
Ohmseems to have worked13:48
bddebianIf they don't work, I quit ;-P13:48
Ohmworks :)13:48
Ohmnow I'll just wait for the sound to work on the tutorial vid, and then I'll start playing games13:50
Ohmmithro: watching first vid of miniconf now14:00
Ohmyou have a TP shirt14:01
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Wyk3dis tp compilable under windows / visual studio ?14:26
OhmI heard mithro has managed to compile it under windows14:28
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Wyk3dso i guess that means it might work but there are no plans to support windows or ?14:29
Wyk3dor planned but not done yet ? :)14:30
JLPWyk3d: i guess the problem is only that none of the developers use windows anymore and so it is not checked if it works well14:42
JLPbut the python stuff should work without any problems under windows14:42
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Lukstrping, SoC organization applications are up15:30
Ohmso for everybody in the channel: What is your profession? If you work, where? If you're a student, where?15:32
LukstrOooh I like this.15:33
Ohm<-- Comp-Sci student at the Linköping University in Sweden15:33
* Lukstr is a 2nd year Engineering Systems & Computing (B.Eng) student at the University of Guelph, also minoring in Computer Science15:35
JLPOhm: physics student at university of ljubljana (slovenia), currently working in documentation and qa at one of the software companies15:35
* Lukstr is in Canada15:36
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OhmAdded a feature request ticket for tpclient-pywx16:17
tpbBug #1906535: Universe view improvements16:18
LukstrOhm: Mind if I add comments>?16:26
Ohmnot at all16:29
Lukstrpriority a bit high?16:30
Ohmyeah, should definitely be lowered16:32
OhmI didn't see any way to change it16:32
Ohmah, nice to have a proper term for it, thanks for the comment16:34
ErroneousOhm: an hour late - I'm a software engineer for Gibbs & Associates (, located in California.16:35
tpbTitle: Welcome to (at
OhmErroneous: Looks fun. Is it?16:39
Erroneoussure! :)16:39
Lukstrnice, looks like fun software16:42
Lukstrhave any CnC's at the workplace?16:42
Erroneousour president is of the opinion that we'd be significantly less productive if we spent all our time playing with a cnc machine ;)16:43
tpb<> (at
Ohmjesus christ this comic is funny16:58
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llnzhi all19:21
JLPllnz: ahoy19:22
mithrohey llnz19:28
mithrothe org applications are open now19:29
mithrohey JLP19:29
Ohmhey mithro, what do you do for a living?19:30
mithroCurrently I write C++ models for mobile phone simulation19:30
JLPmithro: yo19:31
Ohmand how do you find time to be so active in the community?19:31
mithroOhm: to be honest, not really :/19:31
mithrothe fact that I'm on a junior salary :)19:32
Ohm(what's that?)19:32
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greywhindmithro: hey19:34
OhmYes, but what is the difference between salary and junior salary?19:34
greywhindmithro: i've got the multiple-resource selection working except for the popup, but i'll finish that now19:35
mithrogreywhind: cool19:35
greywhindmithro: some of this week, i'll have to work on the quarter summary19:35
greywhindmithro: it would be cool if you could do another evaluation as well.19:36
mithrogreywhind: okay19:37
mithrogreywhind: forward me the forms again19:37
greywhindmithro: will do19:37
Ohmnow that we have some devs in here19:38
tpbBug #1906535: Universe view improvements19:38
OhmI posted that feature request19:39
mithroOhm: yeah, I saw19:39
OhmWas that a good way to do it, is there anything that I should have done different?19:39
OhmLike dividing it up into 4 different requests19:39
mithro*Zooming should cause the star icons to scale up.19:40
mithroI don't think that would be implimented any time soon19:40
mithrowe use to do something like that, and it just didn't work well19:40
mithroOhm: the others look okay19:44
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mithrowell that was unpleasent19:48
mithrodid I miss anything?19:49
JLPmithro: nope19:49
greywhindmithro: form is sent.19:49
greywhindlet me know if you can't open it19:50
OhmWhat is the TLD of tpclient-pywx?19:58
OhmI have used apt-get install19:59
Ohm(wanting to disable splash movie)19:59
Ohm /usr/bin ?20:00
mithroOhm: when you start it on the console it should output the location it is installed to20:04
Ohmah, cool20:07
Ohmnice, found it and managed to turn off splash movie20:09
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Ohmmithro: does tpclient-pywx have any way of automatically gathering settings from a config file?20:11
bddebianHowdy folks20:11
Ohmhey man20:12
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CIA-12noegnud tpclient-pywx-stable * r09c9212800e4 /windows/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Resource overlay: modified so multiple resources can be selected and shown.20:15
CIA-12noegnud tpclient-pywx-stable * rcce8ed3e60ac / (4 files in 2 dirs): Merge with stable.20:15
Ohmfeels odd with code that cares about indentation20:18
greywhindi'm sure you'll get used to it20:18
OhmYeah, no doubt20:19
OhmIt's actually kind of nice. No more wondering wether your friends programmed something wrong since their emcases botched the indentation (often indicative of syntax errors)20:20
greywhindmithro: tell me if there's any problem with the patch.20:20
Ohmmithro is not here20:21
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greywhindso he wasn't. i have quit messages gagged.20:21
mithrodid I miss something?20:21
greywhindmithro: did you see the patch i pushed 5 mins ago?20:22
mithrowireless has been rather unreliable20:22
Ohm02:13:44 > mithro: does tpclient-pywx have any way of automatically gathering  settings from a config file?20:22
greywhindmithro: let me know if you find anything wrong with it. it should fix the resource selection20:22
mithroOhm: what do you mean?20:22
OhmAny automated way of setting variables at startup depending on the contents of a user created configuration file20:23
Ohmso that settings for, for example tips window, keyboard shortcuts, ETA blinking, default window size, etc can be gathered in a file20:24
Ohmand so that the effort of adding a new option is small20:24
llnzOhm: there is a config file for tpclient-pywx20:24
llnzlook in ~/.tp/20:24
Ohmonly a tips file, cache, NOSPLASHMOVIE, and a media subdirectory in there20:25
mithrotim@vaio:~$  ls -l ~/.tp20:25
mithrototal 4820:25
mithro-rw-r--r-- 1 tim tim 33453 2008-03-02 23:23 cache.dHA6Ly90ZXN0QGxvY2FsaG9zdA=20:25
mithrodrwxr-xr-x 3 tim tim  4096 2008-01-21 22:02 media20:25
mithro-rw-r--r-- 1 tim tim   663 2008-03-02 22:43 pywx_preferences20:25
mithro-rw-r--r-- 1 tim tim    15 2008-03-02 23:24 pywx_tips20:25
llnzpywx_preferences iirc20:25
Ohmhm, maybe it is created only when I have set some options to non-default values20:26
Ohmyep, just tested20:27
Ohmwow, that file is really strange looking20:27
OhmI was thinking something more along the lines of .bashrc or the likes20:28
mithroOhm: it's a python pickle20:28
Ohmserializing objects to ASCII files is a new one20:30
Ohmlooks good20:31
greywhindmithro: you fixed the keyboard shortcuts on Mac, right?20:31
mithrogreywhind: no, not yet20:31
mithroI spent all of last weekend working on the Miniconf videos20:32
greywhindmithro: ah. k. i thought you'd mentioned fixing it, but i guess not.20:32
LukstrWhy did you decide on server-side media (i.e. planet images, etc.) instead of keeping that all clientside?20:32
OhmLukstr: clients should be able to connect to any game without hassle, pre-downloading, etc20:33
Ohmregardless of ruleset, media, etc20:33
OhmIs the impression I've gotten20:33
greywhindmithro: do you want me to do the "no objects" notification next?20:33
mithrogreywhind: yeah that would be good20:34
llnzOhm: that's correct20:34
greywhindk. i'll see if i can get to it this week around the summary20:34
mithroLukstr: what Ohm said, however there are provisions for shipping a "pre-downloaded" memory20:34
llnzbut the client can pick between different types of media20:35
Ohmmithro: Sorry if I'm bothering you a lot, but I saw a request for making ETA blinking optional in the tracker. Would you accept a patch if I made that possible?20:35
mithroOhm: sure, but you probably want to have a GUI to go with it20:35
Ohmwhile looking through source code I happed on the exact place where it happens20:35
Ohmand the change part would be easy, while the gui-part hard20:36
mithrooff to lunch20:36
OhmI'll start working on it in a day or two, then.20:36
mithrogreywhind: Warning: invalid value encountered in divide20:37
* Erroneous divides by nan20:37
* Ohm raises zero to the 0:th power20:38
greywhindmithro: hmm... is that related to my patch?20:39
LukstrApparently you can crash Microsoft PowerToy Calc if you set two functions equal to each other20:40
greywhindmithro: there aren't any division operations in Resource.py20:42
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Ohmgood night20:52
JLPOhm: night20:53
* JLP should also get sleeping20:54
* JLP goes watching the video from Gaming Miniconf and when he gets sleepy proceed to bed21:03
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llnzhi JLafont21:04
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mithrogreywhind: I think so21:59
mithrogreywhind: you are probably setting a circle's to diameter of zero21:59
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greywhindmithro: ah... that would probably make sense. i'll check it tomorrow22:04
mithrohey bddebian22:07
bddebianHi mithro22:07
mithrohow goes everything?22:07
bddebianJust dandy thanks, you?22:08
mithropretty good, just organising the SoC application22:35
CIA-12noegnud tpclient-pywx-stable * r46c6bd3b26d0 /windows/main/overlays/ Fixed "invalid error encountered in divide" error in Resource overlay.22:36
greywhindmithro: decided to do it tonight22:36
mithrogreywhind: cool22:36
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JLafontmithro: I have a question23:38
JLafontmithro: Does TP currently support a Fog of War? and is it implemented in any rule sets yet?23:38
LukstrJLafont: I love that question, I'm interested too23:39
mithroJLafont: RFTS has a primitive FOW if I understand correctly23:39
mithroit is mainly a server side issue23:39
JLafontmithro: Thats fine, was just wondering. I'm doing a small write up on what I'm thinking of doing with the AI23:40
mithroJLafont: okay cool - is this a SoC thing - or an outside thing?23:40
* mithro is having trouble keeping track of everyone :)23:40
JLafontSoC I would hope23:40
mithroJLafont: okay cool23:41
JLafontmithro: Hah, don't worry about it23:41
JLafontkk, I just did a quick write up for what I'm thinking to do with the AI. Any comments, criticisms and suggestions are always welcome.23:44
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec AI (at
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mithrowe have 3 students working on Thousand Parsec outside the Summer of Code23:45
mithroshenki: do you have paul's non-IRC contact details?23:46
shenkimithro: pschulz? yep23:46
mithroshenki: yeah - can you message me with them?23:46
shenkimithro: do you have bluetooth turned on?23:47
mithroshenki: more after ICQ/MSN/Gtalk or similar23:49
mithrogot his phone number already23:49
shenkimithro: k. see pm.23:50
mithrohe he, shenki sits about 2 meters from me :)23:51
mithroJLafont: okay some feedback23:53
mithro 1st - You should add some specific details on how this might work for the current rulesets23:53
mithroat the moment the document reads a bit "pie in the sky" - you only have 3 months and we want to see something usable in the end23:54

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