Wednesday, 2008-02-13

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mithrogreywhind: I want to convert the last bit of hand build stuff (the order panel stuff) with XRC00:00
greywhindmithro: i'll rebuild it with the cg-reset00:00
mithrogreywhind: thanks00:01
mithrogreywhind: I think we should probably try and to a release every couple of months00:01
greywhindmithro: probably a good idea00:01
mithrowoot - we are beating the freeorion project
tpb<> (at
greywhindmithro: yay00:03
greywhindmithro: can you remind me of the command to upload the completed DMG?00:04
tpb<> (at
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greywhind_the heck is going on with my internet?00:06
greywhind_1/4 done uploading00:08
nashmithro: I'm sure we can get someone from free orion to do some dummy commits00:08
nashElse get them to start using TP as their protocol for orion...00:08
mithroI'm slowly convincing the Outer Space guy to use TP as his protocol :P00:12
greywhind_mithro: it's done by the way00:16
greywhind_mithro: i'm going to sleep now, so let me know if there's any problems tomorrow00:17
mithroyou going to be round much the rest of the week?00:22
greywhind_mithro: yes, i should be00:32
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mithrogreywhind_: okay, I would like to discuss where we go from here00:48
jothamman, talk about attitude on the pyglet list01:09
nashmore fun?01:09
jothamjust basically being talked down to01:10
jothamrather than being told 'check out this undocumented feature'01:10
jothamor,... 'yes, you have to do it in opengl, our library sucks'01:10
nashSend a little email to the list admin, or a senior dev, saying the attitude sucks01:11
nashThey need to kick some heads01:11
jothamit's ok, i'll just write my code and ignore them01:11
jothamthen if they ever act friendly tell them to die01:11
jothamit usually works well01:11
jothamalso his email address abreviates to [email protected]01:12
jothamwhich amuses me01:12
jothamso we have a single input touch screen here01:16
nashVery common01:16
jothamand i want to figure out if i can pick up the random jitter of clicks it makes when you rub your hand over it01:16
jothamand deduce some sort of group movement in a direction01:16
jothamso someone could stroke it (don't ask)01:16
jothami figure it should be pretty easy01:16
jothami think we will have to make some kind of brush01:19
jothamor glove01:19
jothamdragging on touch screens sucks balls01:19
nashDriver needs to smooth things more01:22
nashWe drag happily on lots displays01:22
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jothamoh i was talking about the actual physical act01:24
jothami think the surface on this one must just blow01:24
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* nash leaves now01:37
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JLPmorning *04:16
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mithrohey JLP04:19
mithrodang missed Appleman04:19
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mithrohey remaxim05:36
mithroI'm currently in front of my windows box05:36
remaximgreat :)05:36
mithrodo you want to interactively look at this music?05:37
mithroI probably have a little bit of time to05:37
remaximI am not sure if have time right now...05:37
remaximI just take it...05:38
remaximOK let's do it05:38
mithroremaxim: i'm often around at this time05:38
mithroif you want to try for another night05:38
mithroI have to admit I find this interface very very confusing :P05:40
remaximjust look at the sequencer... the part where the notes are in05:41
mithroThe missing sounds are in "G 8-2.rns"05:41
mithrothey are part of SubTractor205:41
remaximI think it's quite easy compared to other music programs05:42
mithroa bunch of "Logos*.wav" and "FEP*.aif"05:42
remaximI hm...05:42
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remaximI m usually at school at this time... today I m just truant05:42
mithrodon't go telling me that05:43
remaximyou're in australia and I m over 18, so I really don't care05:43
mithrosays "Please download the ReFill "Reason Factory Sound Bank" containing "Logos-01_F1.wav"05:44
jothamreason is a fun toy05:45
remaximhm... I m quite sure that all instruments I used for G 8-2 are in the full version of it, as I don't have any thor refills05:45
remaximjotham, did you work with it for some time?05:45
remaximand yes... it surely is05:45
jothami used to use it a lot yes05:46
jothamthat, reaktor from native instruments and ableton live05:46
jothamreasons filters are weak, ableton has much nicer ones05:46
remaximmaybe I have to try those out... if I find time and some demos ...05:47
mithroremaxim: so I'm currently looking at "G 8-2.rns"05:47
remaximbut thanks for the tip05:47
remaximmithro, do you see the "s" buttons on the left?05:47
jothamman, that pyglet thread keeps going05:47
mithroremaxim: S is for making it in solo mode?05:47
remaximyes... that way you can find out which instruments don't work05:48
remaximbut only if the section you're playing is not bleached!05:48
mithrowell, I just selected "SubTractor 1"05:49
mithroand it seems to play fine05:49
remaximyou have to find a colored section for playing it05:49
mithroon wait, I'm confusing myself05:49
mithroit's G9-2 which has the missing sounds05:49
remaximyou're not only confusing yourself ;)05:50
remaximwhich ones are missing?05:50
llnzhi all05:51
remaximsome off topic question: is nash from australia as wel? I have to chat with him some day05:51
remaximhi llnz05:51
mithrothey are part of SubTractor205:51
llnzthings go ok today jotham?05:51
jothamsort of05:51
jothami was still there at 8pm05:51
* llnz wonders if jotham is just trying to Lee05:51
llnzgrrr... just trying to avoid Lee05:52
jothamoh no05:52
jothamthe last few months really have been terrible05:52
jothamthat's why i've done very little on tp05:52
jothamhelen clarke is going to present our software on the 19th05:53
jothamand then i'm pretty much free05:53
jothami got my first email on the 22nd feb 2007 for this proj05:53
jothamand she'll present on the 19th feb 200805:53
llnzwho are you working for (if you can say)?05:53
llnzoh, cool05:53
remaximmithro, those names are really messed up... the subtractor2 (which usually is a synti) is a sampler in this composition ;)05:54
remaximI got confused myself because of that05:54
mithroyeah, the SubTractor 2 is totally silent, I can see the little "Note On" flashing, but now sound05:54
CIA-12lee libtpproto-cpp * r3f0b27c4709f /tpproto/frame.h:05:54
CIA-12Added TP04 frame types.05:54
CIA-12Also added missing licence information.05:54
CIA-12lee libtpproto-cpp * r3c0a0208a2ae /tpproto/ (finished.cpp finished.h):05:54
CIA-12Added Finished frame for player finished turn messages.05:54
CIA-12Not yet added to build.05:54
CIA-12lee libtpproto-cpp * rb4d15dc80ee5 /tpproto/finished.h: Fixed header protection in finished.h05:54
CIA-12lee libtpproto-cpp * r3ca6ce82240b /tpproto/ (getgameinfo.cpp getgameinfo.h):05:54
CIA-12Added GetGameInfo frame.05:54
jothamthis is the current revision of what i've spent a year working on,
CIA-12Not yet added to build.05:54
tpb<> (at
CIA-12lee libtpproto-cpp * r7503b9825e1b /tpproto/finished.h: Corrected typo of FinishedFrame.05:54
CIA-12lee libtpproto-cpp * r6705778d1ea6 /tpproto/ Added FinishedFrame and GetGameFrame to build05:54
CIA-12lee libtpproto-cpp * r3f67420c5607 /tpproto/ ( setfilters.cpp setfilters.h): Added SetFilters frame.05:55
CIA-12llnz libtpproto-cpp * re2dd231d2659 /.gitignore: Updated gitignore to get some more generated files05:55
CIA-12llnz libtpproto-cpp * r486af30efed5 /tpproto/ ( gameinfo.cpp gameinfo.h):05:55
CIA-12Added GameInfo frame.05:55
CIA-12Unpack method not yet implemented, want to put some05:55
CIA-12features into Buffer to make unpacking better first.05:55
CIA-12llnz libtpproto-cpp * r0de051bfa01a /tpproto/ (20 files): Merge branch 'buffer-rework' into tp04frames05:55
CIA-12llnz libtpproto-cpp * r52985f09bbd7 /tpproto/gameinfo.cpp:05:55
CIA-12Wrote GameInfo::unpackBuffer.05:55
CIA-12Made easier thanks to recent changes to Buffer.05:55
CIA-12llnz libtpproto-cpp * rac67deb5fcd4 /tpproto/ (5 files): Added GetObjectTypesList and GetObjectDesc frames.05:55
llnzjotham: i'll take your word for it, no flash installed here05:55
CIA-12llnz libtpproto-cpp * r3cc9424c4c76 /tpproto/ ( objecttypeslist.cpp objecttypeslist.h): Added ObectTypesList frame type.05:55
CIA-12llnz libtpproto-cpp * r523bc3a00ba3 / (9 files in 2 dirs):05:55
CIA-12Moved ObjectParameter to ObjectOrderParameter to make way for new ObjectParameter.05:55
CIA-12ObjectParameter will be parameters of Object, where as05:55
remaximmithro, subtractor2 is basically the main melody of the song...05:55
CIA-12ObjectOrderParameter is an OrderParameter about an Object.05:55
CIA-12llnz libtpproto-cpp * r54a2ad7c004f /tpproto/ (7 files):05:55
CIA-12Added ObjectDescription, ObjectParameterGroup and ObjectParameter.05:55
CIA-12This does not include a Visitor for ObjectParameter, changing05:55
jothamthe site is for 5-9 year olds, so it's not really going to be enjoyed by people much older =)05:55
CIA-12Object to use ObjectDescriptions, or any of the ObjectParameter05:55
CIA-12types. These will be done later.05:55
CIA-12llnz libtpproto-cpp * r8c157cf4ce1e /.gitignore:05:55
CIA-12Added two more files to .gitignore.05:55
CIA-12Namely the two test programs.05:56
llnzthat's it for libtpproto-cpp for now05:56
remaximso err... is nash from australia?05:56
mithroremaxim: yeah05:56
mithroremaxim: he is in Sydney05:56
remaximok... thx05:56
remaximok... I have to catch him someday05:57
mithroremaxim: it actually doesn't sound to bad without Sub Tractor 2 :)05:57
mithroremaxim: he is only here during work outs 9:00am to 5:00, UTC+10:0005:57
mithrojust listing to the mp3, the SubTractor2 does make it more interesting05:58
remaximyes... that's what the problem is05:58
remaximer... I can't find where I have the sampled instrument from!05:58
remaximmithro, you liked the 9-2 song anyway and didn't have some critical feedback for it...05:59
remaximso maybe you don't need that instrument?05:59
mithroyeah, I do really like 9-205:59
remaximso.... are there any instruments missing for 5-2 or 8-2?06:00
mithroremaxim: no, they seem fine06:00
remaximok... can we just work trough the feedback post of yours?06:00
remaxim"> At the very beginning, there are some very very quiet synthesiser keys.06:01
remaxim> It sounds better if you bump up the treble so they are not so quiet."06:01
remaximwhat keys had you been talking about?06:01
remaximthat's G 5 btw06:01
mithroThe ones in Combinator 106:02
remaximmithro, ok... you have it open as well, lets try it out to make it louder06:02
remaximif you go to the rack and to top so you can see the mixer06:03
remaximjust pull the combinator 1 stuff till it's on 127 (the loudest one06:03
mithroit's already pretty much at the top?06:03
remaximis it loud enough for you? or do you think it's still too quiet?06:03
remaximyes it is06:04
mithroremaxim: it still sounds to quiet to me06:04
remaximok... then pull it back to 100 please06:04
remaximif you scoll down you see an instrument with the name analog pad 1 on it06:05
mithrobumping up the Master Volume seems to help06:05
remaximon the right side there is the master volume ...06:05
remaximplease tell me how loud you like it...06:06
remaximdid you pull it back to 100 on the mixer?06:06
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mithroremaxim: yeah06:06
remaximok... just tell me how loud you like it!06:06
mithroI turned it up to about 4dB06:07
mithrowon't go any louder then 6.2dB06:07
remaximdo you need it even louder than 6.2?06:07
remaximyou probably realize that if you turn it up that loud it starts to annoy you after a while... do you?06:08
mithroremaxim: I thinking 3dB seems about right (with 100 on the mixer)06:08
remaximI personally think that it's too annoying that way... I ll try to make a something in between06:10
remaximcould you close the song and start it again, so we have the original version once again?06:11
mithroI think at the beginning when it's the only other thing on06:11
mithroit could be a louder06:11
mithroand then get quieter before it gets too annoying06:12
remaximyes that s a good way of handling it...06:13
remaximI personally would use it as it is06:13
remaximit probably will sound better that way, but if I let it as quiet as it is I think I get more atmospheric sound06:14
remaximthe thing I was think about when composing it was: if you fly quite fast and there is stuff that maybe looks great or anything but you just ignore the most of it and concentrate on the other things06:15
jothamfull of cunt monkeys06:15
jothamwoops haha, wrong window06:16
remaximwhat the fuck are cunt monkeys?06:16
jothamwell, i couldn't give you a formal definition06:16
jothambut for my intents and purposes, a screaming nasty ape-man06:17
remaximI found it on urban dictionary... so it's OK!06:17
mithroI just noticed that you can't hear Combinator 2 at all06:17
remaximmithro, so you agree on that point?06:17
remaximmithro, because it's muted ;) ... the M button is red06:18
remaximare 3 muted lines in it...06:18
remaximthose had been not fitting to good and that's why they had been muted! I just couldn't delete them... I thought that I maybe would use them afterwards06:19
remaximmithro, > I'm not to fond of the "gritty/sandy" sound to some of the stuff towards06:21
remaxim> the end. I think it would go better with some more pure notes.06:21
remaxim ... could you define the instrument once again?06:21
mithroI think the Combinator 3 goes pretty well with the rest of it06:21
remaximit sounds OK, but it is disturbing the rest of the composition...06:22
mithroI'm pretty sure I was refering to Thor 306:23
remaximI think thor 3 makes it much more interesting ...06:24
mithroremaxim: I think you do need Thor 3, its just a little too "fuzzy" for my tastes06:25
mithro(i'm afraid I don't know really how else to describe it)06:25
remaximyou like the melody but don't like the instrument?06:26
remaximmithro, am I right?06:26
mithroremaxim: yeah - it's almost right06:26
remaximdefine almost...06:27
mithroI changed it to April Mist (one down) and the sound sounds totally different :P06:27
remaximI know... I wanted you to try out some other instruments anyway...06:28
remaximdo you like it with april mist?06:28
mithroI actually do quite like it with april mist, but it wasn't quite what I was going for06:29
mithroApril Mist has a much cleaner "sound"06:29
remaximto me april mist sounds akward...06:29
remaximI like the ruff sound of animated pad06:30
mithrotry it with Balance Pad06:31
remaximI have to get some bread ... I ll be back in about 10 min06:31
mithroThe rough sound of animated pad is pretty good, it's just slight to rought for me however06:31
remaximI ll try out the balance pad06:46
remaximwe could try to work with filters as well06:46
mithroremaxim: to be honest, it isn't a huge problem and it is only *my* opinion06:47
remaximI ll try it out anywy06:48
remaximbalance pad doesn't do it for me... I ll try out some filters06:50
remaximno I can't do anything about it...06:51
remaximok... lets go on!06:51
remaximwhat did you mean with extend it to 3 min?06:52
mithrowell, it's only 2 minutes06:52
remaximhad you been talking about looping or adding new instruments and change them?06:52
mithroremaxim: either06:53
remaximboth of them?06:54
mithrowell, you could extent it by loop the background a bit more and adding new instruments06:55
remaximshit... I confused it with neither and waited for further explanation06:55
remaximI m not fond off adding new instruments ...06:55 be honest with you06:56
remaximI think 1,5 min is not too bad...06:56
mithroaccording to this stuff it's 1:59 ~= 2:0006:56
remaximsorry... 2 minutes not 1,506:56
remaximyeah... I dunno why I remembered that it's 1.5 min long06:57
remaximmaybe some prior version06:57
remaximI could expand it to 3 min without adding any instruments, so the songs don't change that quick... is that something you want?06:57
mithroremaxim: it might be worth a try06:58
mithroit feels a little bit short to me when doing other stuff and listening in the background06:58
mithroI'm going to have to head off in about 20 minutes07:00
remaximok... me too07:00
remaximplease delete the last thor3 section ...07:00
remaximwe have to hurry up a little bit07:01
remaximand select the last 10 sections of all instruments... then strg+ and then strg+v ;)07:02
mithrostrg+ ?07:03
remaximstrg + c of course ;)07:04
mithrowhats strg? you mean Ctrl ?07:04
remaximyes ctrl...07:04
remaximit's strg in here and I forgot that it's not the same everywhere07:05
mithrocan't copy and paste in the demo version!07:05
remaximWTF? ok... I ll just send you the longer version some time and you tell me what you think of it07:05
remaximlet's go on to song 807:05
remaximwhat is this unpleasant instrument?07:06
remaximmithro, you're still here?07:08
remaximI have to go in about 5 min I think...07:08
mithrojust trying to find it now07:08
remaximah, ok! good07:08
mithroit's Thor 207:08
* llnz wanders off07:09
llnzlater all07:09
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remaximok thx07:09
remaximI have to go now! have a nice day!07:09
remaximand thanks for the feedback07:09
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CIA-12mithro scratchpad * rb7e6803c4131 /setup.bat: Fix the setup.bat for using git (it still referenced darcs!).07:20
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * re89271c24e78 / Removed the excess fullstop.07:21
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r87a0561a2872 / Always leave a space between requirement and description.07:21
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r8f9f6251b9e4 / Seems the localization code only works on Linux.07:21
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r4808dbf216c2 /windows/main/overlays/ Fix the position of pop-ups on Windows.07:21
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r4c36a5e85cce / Include the movie in the builds.07:21
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r90b812205ed4 / Don't exclude unittest as numpy needs it.07:21
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * redefe2a22579 /
CIA-12Added a way to find the location even when frozen.07:21
CIA-12Also output the stderr/stdout to a log file instead of the console.07:21
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r05137b33b673 /tpclient-pywx: Use the new location stuff to find local stuff.07:21
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r8360a857f126 /windows/xrc/ (14 files): Use the location (from requirements) to find the XRC file.07:21
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * rc654cc511085 / Fix for accidental dual use of location in when running on Linux.07:21
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * r798decf852f4 / ( tpclient-pywx.exe.manifest):08:11
CIA-12More fixes for the windows packaging.08:11
CIA-12 - Made find gdiplus.dll from the installed wx package.08:11
CIA-12 - Added a manifest for that windows xp feel.08:11
CIA-12 - Fixed command window which was poping up.08:11
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * ra5321d429e4a /setup.nsi:08:11
CIA-12Updated for the new version.08:11
CIA-12 This file should be autogenerated.08:11
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-stable * rcd3dd3bd167a /windows/xrc/ (8 files): Added start of XRC for the order panels.08:11
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mithrogreywhind_: ping?18:07
tpb<> (at
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mithrojotham: looks like greywhind_ has overtaken you for ninth spot :P20:07
jothami think i'm going to move to the alpha of the new pyglet20:08
jothama lot of new features eh20:08
nashjotham: They need to include a new mailing list20:19
nashI just realised... C macros _are_ in fact lisp20:42
nash look at the parenthesis!20:42
nash ((m)<(n) ? (m) : (n))20:42
nash Tell me that isn't lisp20:42
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mithrogreywhind_: ping?23:54
nash<-- greywhind has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))23:55
nash<mithro> greywhind_: ping?23:55
mithronash: greywhind_ is still here23:56
*** greywhind_ is now known as greywhind23:56
greywhindmithro: pong23:56
mithrogreywhind: got some time to chat about what we should be doing now?23:56

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