Thursday, 2008-02-14

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greywhind_mithro: maybe in a few minutes00:08
mithrogreywhind_: okay00:11
mithropoke when you have time00:12
mithrohrm no Appleman123400:20
mithro~seen Appleman123400:20
tpbmithro: Appleman1234 was last seen in #tp 1 day, 0 hours, 34 minutes, and 45 seconds ago: <Appleman1234> but I would like to finish a significant portion of work on it when I should have done by end of today before doing either00:20
greywhind_mithro: poke... though i'm rather tired00:30
mithrogreywhind_: so we have about 3 months until you officially finish, right?00:31
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greywhindmithro: yeah00:32
greywhindmithro: although I'd like to apply for the Summer of Code as well00:32
mithroassuming we get into it00:32
mithroof course you are *very* welcome to be a normal volunteer :P00:33
greywhindmithro: yeah, but it would be nice to have the SOC tacked on as well.00:34
mithrogreywhind: of course :P00:35
mithrogreywhind: so my goals with tpclient-pywx over the next couple months is00:36
mithro 1. Finish the XRC replacement00:36
mithro 2. Get into a 3 month release cycle00:37
mithro 3. Concentrate on making it easy to use tpclient-pywx00:37
mithroI'm hoping for a 0.3.1 in the middle of march00:38
greywhindmithro: all sound good00:38
mithroso what do you think you would like to work on?00:41
greywhindmithro: ease of use, perhaps? or any XRC replacement you need help with?00:41
mithrogreywhind: on a side note, it should be pretty easy to do the next release00:42
greywhindmithro: that's good00:42
mithrogreywhind: won't have all the "we haven't done a release since major changes" have pretty much been ironed out00:42
mithrobah, that sentance kind of changed direction in the middle00:42
mithrogreywhind: all the "we haven't done a release since major changes" bugs have pretty much been ironed out00:42
greywhindmithro: oh, by the way, have you managed to find a way to get a Windows build of 0.3.0?00:43
mithrogreywhind: yeah00:43
greywhindmithro: because i'd like to show it to a couple of people00:45
mithrogreywhind: yeah, I hope to do an upload tonight00:45
mithroI ran into similar style of problems you with when packaging mac00:45
mithrohence the like 10 commits last night00:45
greywhindmithro: i see.00:50
greywhindmithro: did my most recent package work, by the way?00:50
mithrogreywhind: not sure00:50
mithroI need to poke the guy again00:50
mithroI'm pretty sure it will00:50
greywhindmithro: k. any problems, let me know00:50
mithrowill do00:51
mithrogreywhind: so any idea what specifically you want to work on?00:52
mithrohow are the forward/back buttons going?00:52
greywhindmithro: well, i don't know what you'd like to change, interface-wise, to be more user-friendly00:52
mithrogreywhind: well - you must have your own thoughts on that00:52
greywhindmithro: the forward/back buttons work, but i may move them since you think they'd be better elsewhere00:52
mithrowhat don't you think works, how could it be better?00:53
greywhindmithro: i've been working on the layout bug, and I'm still not sure what's wrong with it.00:53
mithroI'm going to see if I can borrow a Mac box to give it a try on00:53
greywhindmithro: hmm... the downloading of the images slows down the client - maybe it should be an option, or user-initiated00:54
mithrogreywhind: it does?00:54
mithroit shouldn't00:54
greywhindmithro: yeah, while images are downloading, it's nearly impossible to interact with the client.00:54
mithrogreywhind: oh, that sucks :(00:55
greywhindcould just be my lack of RAM, i suppose00:55
greywhindmithro: i noticed it most when using the forward/back buttons00:55
mithrogreywhind: what type of machine do you have?00:55
greywhindmithro: Intel iMac, 1.8 ghz dual core, 512 mb ram00:56
mithrowhat speed connection?00:56
greywhindmithro: 7 mbps down, 512 kbps up00:57
greywhindmithro: only happens when i select a bunch at once and it brings up the progress bar for the download00:58
mithrogreywhind: does it still do it since disabling the MediaDownload prints?00:58
greywhindmithro: yeah00:58
mithroI'll have a look into that00:58
greywhindmithro: i think it has something to do with the progress bar taking all the processor power00:59
mithrogreywhind: yeah - we probably need to rate limit the download progress messages00:59
mithro(atleast on the mac platform)00:59
greywhindmithro: seems likely00:59
greywhindmithro: is there supposed to be a way for players to send each other messages? or is the messages window only for auto-notifications at the moment?01:00
mithrogreywhind: only for auto-notifications01:01
mithroit would be good if we could support filtering the messages01:01
greywhindmithro: i think players being able to send messages would be a great feature to add at some point, then01:01
mithrogreywhind: I think the server probably supports it01:01
mithrothe protocol definately does01:01
greywhindmithro: i mean, that would allow diplomacy and such without having to resort to outside communication like IRC or e-mail01:02
mithrogreywhind: so what is your time going to be like over the next 3 months then?01:02
greywhindmithro: similar to how it has been recently. an average of at least 5 hours a week.01:02
mithrogreywhind: you see this -
tpb<$3> (at
greywhindmithro: yep :)01:02
mithroyour our 9th biggest commiter :)01:03
mithrogreywhind: do you have finals/important exams/etc ?01:03
greywhindmithro: eventually i'll have a few finals.01:03
greywhindnot until mid-late may though.01:04
mithrogreywhind: is this your last year of high school?01:07
greywhindmithro: yeah01:07
mithrogreywhind: so you have about 60 hours of work left01:08
mithro5 hours a week, 4 weeks a month, 3 months?01:08
greywhindmithro: officially, yes, about 6001:08
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mithrogreywhind: do you need to show that you achieved something by then or?01:09
greywhindmithro: i just have to keep my hours log going and write about my work each quarter, as i have been01:09
greywhindmithro: and get your evaluations for this quarter and the next01:09
mithrogreywhind: okay01:10
greywhindmithro: the new version of the client should show that i've been doing something :P01:10
llnzmithro: add me to the TP Group on LinkedIn please01:10
mithroso you would like to work on the messages interface?01:10
greywhindmithro: i could try that, if you'd like. i'm open to other things, though, if you would like something else improved01:11
mithrogreywhind: I'm wondering if you should put some more time into various overlay stuff? - although I'm happy for you to work on what _you_ want01:12
greywhindmithro: yeah, overlays are good too. anything specific?01:12
mithrogreywhind: well - maybe the first thing would be the multiple resource selection?01:13
greywhindmithro: ah. yeah, forgot about that.01:13
greywhindi'll start with that, and then we can decide where to go from there.01:15
mithrollnz: you have been approved, and I added you as a manager01:15
llnzcool, thanks01:15
mithrosomewhere in the next 6-8 months tpclient-pywx will move to tp0401:15
mithronash: your now a manager too01:15
* nash resists temptation to add the 's'01:16
greywhindmithro: anything else you'd like to talk about?01:18
mithrogreywhind: no, that is all01:19
greywhindmithro: k. see you tomorrow, probably. i might not be here Friday - i've got a Robotics tournament to go to all day.01:19
greywhind(that's my Friday)01:19
greywhindso... saturday morning for you, i believe.01:20
mithrocurrently averaging about one commit very 4.5 hours :)01:20
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CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * rf7da3888e64f /tpserver/ (playerview.cpp playerview.h):03:38
CIA-19Made Design mod list work like Components, much simpler.03:38
CIA-19Also noted change to maximum number of ids in a <foo>Ids_List frames has03:38
CIA-19dropped by one with TP04 fromtime field.03:38
mithrohey llnz03:40
llnzhi mithro03:41
mithroso when can we expect a tpserver-cpp release?03:42
llnzwhen i get to it03:42
llnzat a guess, between 2 week and 6 months03:46
mithroi'm hoping to do a 0.3.1 release in middle of march03:47
llnzwhen are you going to announce 0.3.0?03:48
mithroprobably this weekend03:49
llnzok, cool03:49
mithrowe now have working windows an mac os x binaries03:49
mithroI spent my yesterday evening working on getting it packaged under windows03:50
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CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * r2464a651bdf4 /tpserver/playeragent.cpp:06:25
CIA-19Properties now support TP04 difference lists.06:25
CIA-19As a side effect, the list of property Ids now contains the real modtime06:25
CIA-19for the property instead of 0. That might help clients.06:25
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * ra60ebdd1dc6d /tpserver/playeragent.cpp:06:35
CIA-19Category support TP04 difference lists.06:35
CIA-19Basically the same as properties, and same side effects.06:35
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * ra15a07330788 /tpserver/playeragent.cpp:06:44
CIA-19Resource Description does difference lists.06:44
CIA-19Same as Category and Property.06:44
CIA-19llnz tpserver-cpp * rf8968dec9472 /tpserver/playeragent.cpp:07:01
CIA-19Fixed size check for get<foo>Ids (or types) frames.07:01
CIA-19Gives limited support for TP04. Done in Object, Board, OrderType and ObjectType.07:01
mithroyay :)07:08
llnzjust need to finish object, objecttype, board and ordertype for difference lists to be done07:10
llnzquick checklist:07:12
llnz- difference lists07:12
llnz- object view07:12
llnz- fixed persistence07:12
llnzthen i can release tpserver-cpp07:12
* llnz wanders off07:15
llnzlater all07:15
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remaximhi nash, are you there?17:24
remaximping mithro17:24
mithroremaxim: pong, sorry at work so can't really talk to much17:24
remaximnp... if I have a specific question, may I ask it?17:25
nashremaxim: yo!17:25
remaximhi nash, great to see you here ...17:25
nashremaxim: I'm here most days ;-)17:26
remaximI know... but I live in germany! so it would be better for me if you were here most nights ;)17:26
nashAnyway.. you poked?17:28
remaximsorry but what exactly do you mean with poked?17:29
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nashYou asked if I was there - poke in irc slang17:30
remaximoh... yes!17:30
remaximI could need a link to the mailing list archives so I can ask some questions ;)17:31
nashOkay.. off the website somewhere..17:31
remaximI think I found it17:32
nashI just have all the emails locally ;-) procmail puts them all in ~/Mail/Lists/TPDevel ;-)17:32
remaximokay... you're right about my method to play those tracks... it's not good at all17:33
nashYou tried it?17:34
remaximnope... I mean the idea behind it17:34
nashremaxim: let me know when you are back17:37
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mithroremaxim: sure, please feel free to ask17:46
mithroI'll try and get back to you17:46
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remaximnash, about that new songs you wanted to have: I ll start working on a battle track as soon as there is a good version of the battleviewer17:48
remaximI can't imagine right now how to add a hurry up song or a beginning song17:49
nashJust a quicker tempo17:49
remaximbtw. I think G 9-2 is a good beginning song ...17:49
remaximthat's not super mario ;) but I can try it out I ll tell you how it sounds to me17:49
remaximok... maybe G 9-2 isn't that good at the beginning, I just think that the main melody in the middle is quite like "looking forward to lots of plunder"17:51
remaximok, maybe we ll talk about those songs another time, as I don't have too much time these days to do anything17:52
nashThat I can understand17:53
remaximnash, do you have a link to galaxie for me?17:53
nashAnd I don't mind G 9-2 at the beginning17:54
nashremaxim: It's in the tp revision control, but chances are you won't be able to use at the moment17:54
remaximmithro, how does CC-BY-SA sound to you?17:54
nashthere is no stable release17:54
remaximah... ok :(17:54
remaximare there any screenshots?17:54
nashThere used to be...17:55
* nash looks17:55
remaximare they looking good?17:55
nashremaxim: Average17:55
nashActually give me a week or two, I want to get a few things ironed out, and then sort of build to a release17:56
nashIt's annoyingly close, but I need to wait for debian pacakges to be in17:56
remaximwhen do you need the music?17:57
remaximor the license of the music17:57
remaximnash, you told me that about not approved licenses: "Not directly, but I can get advice on licences easily enough." ... may I ask where?18:00
nashremaxim: I can add the music in at any time.18:01
nashAnd if it is in a central place it si good18:01
nashAnd I have enough for now - I probably need to be careful, so need to package seperately18:02
nashIdeally mithro should set you up a svn repo and you can push the tracks there (git is not so good for large binaries) when they are ready, else a generic upload account to send them too18:03
mithrowe have a subversion repository for media18:03
nashThen have a script to repackage when they change, and a downloader in galaxie & tpclient-py to get them18:03
nashmithro: Does remaxim have commit access?18:04
mithronash: not yet18:04
remaximerr... there is a file telling that every content in the media repository is gpl....18:04
remaximmy tracks definitely won't be released under the gpl...18:05
nashremaxim: Not sure what GPL means for music either18:05
remaximyep, that's what it's about! gpl just isn't made for music18:06
remaximnash, you told me that you could get some advise about licenses... I have a very interesting license right here18:07
nashSorry, basically I can get it through work18:08
nashWe need to deal with varous CC ones anyway, and we do most of the common software licences18:08
nashremaxim: Which licence is it?18:09
remaximit has no name yet ;) ...18:09
nashremaxim: One piece of advice we've been given multiple times is: Use the most common licence you can find which matches, in most countries _intent_ is imporantant18:09
nash(Canada is the exeception)18:09
remaximI can send you the license ... it is quite short18:10
mithromy biggest concern is getting the stuff into debian18:10
mithrowhich means custom license is pretty much a big no-no18:11
mithro(as it means fighting through debian legal)18:11
tpbTitle: ubuntuusers - No Paste Service (at
remaximmithro, I know... but maybe it's worth the fight!18:12
mithroI would really prefer either GPL or  GPL and CA-BY-SA dual license18:12
remaximI promise that if I could use that license, I ll would compose a lot more tracks as the motivation would be much higher18:12
nashmithro: What does GPL mean for music?  An mp3/ogg sounds like compiled code - what is the human readable bersion?18:12
remaximusing one of the now given licenses is quite a pain in the ass...18:13
nashremaxim: There is always the public domain ;-)18:13
remaximnash, maybe replace the gpl software with gpl games ...18:13
remaximnash, public domain sucks in my eyes18:13
nashremaxim: It's simple, and most people understand it... ;-)18:14
remaximnash, but not what I want ... and probably many other musicians as well18:14
remaximmy intention is to help free and open project without allowing everybody using your music for free in their non open or commercial software18:15
nashremaxim: Don't worry, I'm being facetious18:16
remaximthat license I ve send you is just a very early version... but what do you think of it?18:16
remaxim:) puhhh ...18:16
remaximI already had too many ideology fights because of that license ...18:17
nashremaxim: It is like the old artistic licence and it has the same flaw.18:17
remaximold artistic license? may I see that one?18:17
nashBasically I ship propeitry program + trivial GPL program + FSAAL media18:17
* nash finds licence18:19
tpb<> (at
remaximthat's what is my problem as well... but if it's possible to add a sentence like " the main goal of the work of art should be to enhance the experience given by the free software " ....  nobody can just add a trivial gpl program18:20
remaximbut I am no lawyer... I am just thinking of what is possible18:20
nashremaxim: Maybe spend some time looking at - they have more licences then you can imagine18:20
nashremaxim: So I plonk galaxie on the disk and use the media there18:20
nashMain goals are relevant, the question is what can I do with it?18:21
nashDon't forget I need to be able to play it in my music player too18:21
remaximif you plonk galaxie on the disk... then you have to sell that disk as "commercial game + galaxie" cause otherwise the main goal of the media would be to improve the experience of the commercial game ... as nobody even knew that galaxie is on that disk18:23
remaximyou're allowed to play it in your music player, because the license is about shipment, not about usage18:24
nashremaxim: Not at all, it's the main goal of the licence, not the media.  And it's not a requirement, it's a goal18:25
remaximhow about it's not allowed to be used in closed source games18:26
remaximas I already told, I am not a lawyers... I m just wanting to know what's possible18:26
nashI assume you mean closed source programs18:26
remaximnope... closed source games!18:26
remaximthat way you're still allowed to play it with WMP or Winamp ;)18:27
nashSo my closed source "educational utility" is fine, as is my closed source game + autoplay list for winamp18:28
nashremaxim: Seriously, it's a _hard_ problem.  If you want CC-BY-SA-NC go for it, and we can work out a way to include it as appropriate.18:28
remaximI don't know any way to act against autoplay lists for winamp! and I don't have any problem with individuals deciding that they want to listen to my music while playing a closed source game18:29
nashremaxim: I don't think you can.18:30
remaximme neither18:30
remaximnash, thanks but it's not only about those tracks! NC means for all projects that it causes problems... that license should be a compromise18:31
nashremaxim: For what it's worth, I fully recognise your intent.18:32
remaximI can release it as CC-BY-SA for your project! I didn't put that much effort in it that I would be totally down if somebody "steals" the music for their game ... but it would be great to have a good license for future work18:32
remaximand maybe that license could help open source games to get new contributors ;)18:32
nashremaxim: No one can steal it, BY is still there.18:32
remaximnash, "steal" == use it for their closed source games.... that's why the quotation marks18:33
nashThe issue is, for you to deal with, is are you happy for someone to use it with their program and make money?  Or even shove it on a CD and sell it at store?18:33
nashI release most of my code under a BSD+notification licence18:33
nashYou can shove it anything, and all you need to do is put my name in small writing in the documentation18:35
remaximsell it at a store is not that bad... if people know that they can get it for free as well... there is still the SA clause...18:35
nashExactly ;-)  And it means your name is still on it18:35
remaximusing it for commercials, or closed source software is worse18:35
remaximso may I ask where you could get some legal advise from? from someone you know or someone in the internet?18:36
nashBut it is still open, and the people with the game can still use your music where they like - in fact the SA clause says they have to be able to do it reasonably easily18:36
nashremaxim: Through work as I said18:36
remaximah... ok! if you feel the same way I do about the license you could ask that person about the license18:38
mithrowe pretty much can't a NC license18:38
mithrowe pretty much can't use a NC license18:38
nashWe have the company lawyer, plus we use one of the OSS specialists from Linux Aus (Brendan something)18:38
remaximI mean it doesn't have to be bulletproof ( gpl isn't bulletproof as well if you look at ti-vo)18:38
mithronash: oh? You contract Brendan Scott?18:39
nashremaxim: No, but then again a lot of kernel developers don't care18:39
nashmithro: Yes, that's him18:39
nashAnd yes, occasionally18:39
nashHe is fairly expensive though :-/18:39
nashHe reviewed some of the licenceing for FancyPants for us18:39
remaximyou better don't ask the brendan guy ;)18:39
remaximfancypants? sounds familiar to me18:40
mithronash: he gave a talk at the Gaming Miniconf in 2007 :)18:40
nashremaxim: It's the product we sell ;-)18:40
nashremaxim: Ahh...18:40
remaxim  ;)18:40
tpbTitle: - (at
nashSo did I ;-)18:40
remaximin the top left corner ;)18:41
nashWe predate it18:41
remaximI would sue them :D18:41
remaximwhat do you have your lawyers for?18:41
remaxim;) :-P18:41
nashheh - none on staff ;-) And if fst started sueing people like that, I'd resign ;-)18:42
nashThe company I work for - fst.net18:43
remaximlooks interesting18:44
nashgenerally ;-)18:46
remaximno, the site of yours ;)... as well as the company18:47
remaximnash, the song will be released under CC-BY-SA ... so you're free to use them as such ones from now on18:50
remaximthere maybe will be just some slight differences to the final versions... but that's OK18:51
remaximhave fun with them18:51
nashremaxim: thank you ;-) Cool18:52
remaximif you're interested in that license you could still show it to your lawyers ;) ...18:52
nashCan you email it to me18:53
nashI'll slip it in next time we are talking media18:53
remaximthat draft is not by me... the guy who gave me this told me that RMS and Eben Moglen had the ideas for that license ( i trust him, but you don't have to) ... what I wanted to say is that there could be some (till many) mistakes in it18:56
remaximis a rtf okay?18:56
nashrtf is good18:57
nashremaxim: The idea is understandable, and I like it, but not sure how the hell to make it work18:58
remaximsame as me ;) ...18:58
remaximnash, your email add is the same as in the devel?19:02
remaxim*mailing list19:02
remaximnash, you've got mail! at least you're supposed to have mail ;)19:08
nashI'll have it shortly19:09
nashI greylist ;-)19:09
remaximah... I just looked up greylisting... looks interesting :D19:10
nashremaxim: Not so effective anymore - botnets killed it19:10
nashStill useful19:11
nashSaves about ~50 emails a day19:11
remaximmaybe a usuall spamfilter is better?19:11
remaximI think you should have that email by now...19:13
remaximI just want to make sure that you have it and then go sleeping19:13
nashremaxim: It will take a while.  I'll let you know if I don't have it tomorrow19:14
nashremaxim: I use greylisting & baysian & spammassissin19:15
remaximthat's quite much! I bet you still get many spam mails19:16
remaximI have to get some sleep now...19:17
remaximhave a nice day! and thanks for trying it with the license19:17
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mithrojotham: have a good night?20:53
jothamyeah, spent a lot of time talking to a friend about the worthlessness of introspection20:53
jothamand now i am soldering switches to a usb interface pcb :p20:56
mithrojotham: so got any cool battleviewer stuff to show yet? :P21:22
jothamlike i said, i've been reading the red book21:26
jothamyou saw what happend when i asked a question on the forum21:26
jothami spent an hour reading it today, and 1.5 hours yesterday21:26
jothamso this project its getting its share of my time21:26
mithrojotham: still working on the lasers?21:29
jothambeing able to draw lines...21:29
jothamis pretty important regardless21:29
jothamnext drama is figuring out how to detect clicks21:33
mithroone way that some people use is to draw everything in it's own color21:34
mithroand then detect the colour under the mouse pointer21:34
mithroit's actually very good for opengl21:41
mithrobecause it lets you see exactly what people are clicking on as it's using the exact same layout21:41
mithro(and it allows for transparent bits)21:41
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mithrohey bddebian22:18
mithrohow goes that apt repository?22:18
mithromanage to bash tpclient-pywx into shape?22:18
mithro is still looking pretty empty :P22:19
tpbTitle: Index of /debian (at
bddebianYeah, I'm trying to find out if /usr/lib/tpclient-pywx is actually allowed22:19
bddebianOf course in typical Debian fashion, I'm listening to the crickets22:19
mithrobddebian: well - do you want to assume it's the case for the moment so we can have debs? :P22:21
bddebianWell it seems to violate FHS to me but I'm no expert on the matter22:22
bddebianWhere was that debian/rules file you showed me last night?22:22
bddebianDoh right, thx22:24
mithroif you checkout our git repositories we have some debian directories where22:24
tpb<> (at
mithroyou can also browse it on the web :P22:25
bddebianJust out of curiosity, why /usr/lib/tpclient-pywx?22:25
mithrobddebian: because that seemed to be what mailman and similar where doing22:25
greywhind_mithro: not /usr/local/games?22:27
*** greywhind_ is now known as greywhind22:27
bddebianNothing should be in /usr/local.. :-)22:27
mithrobddebian: things which install from source go into /usr/local :)22:27
mithrounless you --prefix them somewhere else22:27
greywhindmany games default to /usr/local/games22:28
bddebianActually since it is architecture independent, it should really be in /usr/share I think22:28
nashgreywhind: Anything packaged stays away from /usr/local22:28
bddebianWell /usr/games/ for the "executable" and /usr/share/tpclient-pywx for the others but I'm trying to confirm that22:28
greywhindnash: k22:29
bddebianThis is the part of the FHS I am struggling with:22:33
bddebian/usr/lib includes object files, libraries, and internal binaries that are not intended to be executed directly by users or shell scripts. [22]22:33
bddebianApplications may use a single subdirectory under /usr/lib. If an application uses a subdirectory, all architecture-dependent data exclusively used by the application must be placed within that subdirectory. [23]22:33
nashbddebian: Isn't there a specific python packaging set of rules?22:34
bddebianYes but mithro doesn't like those either ;-P22:34
nashbddebian: Tell mithro that if he doesn;t like them he can develop his own distribution22:35
mithroI have no preference22:35
mithroI just tried to copy what everyone else was doing22:35
nashif he wants to get in debian &/or ubuntu, he needs to follow their rules - at least for packaging22:35
bddebianIt might be fine, I'm just no expert on the matter22:36
nashbddebian: /usr/share/python-support ?22:36
mithrobddebian: I'm happy to change it if needed22:36
bddebianFor example all of the python-support stuff is in /usr/lib/python-support/<pkg>22:36
mithroI think mailman is the best comparison22:36
nashmithro: It's an old package22:37
mithrothe important similarity, is that things in Mailman should not be accessible via "python -c'import Mailman'"22:38
bddebianI wonder what would happen if I just ran dh_pysupport on the usr/lib/tpclient-pywx22:39
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nashA program using /usr/bin/python as interpreter can come up with private Python modules. These modules should be installed in /usr/share/module, or /usr/lib/module if the modules are architecture-dependent (e.g. extensions).22:39
nashDid I miss something then?  /usr/share/tpclient-py ?22:40
bddebianThat's what I think22:44
nashdo it22:44
mithrobddebian: hrm that won't quite work if you have two versions of python installed?22:45
mithro(as the pyc/pyo files are version specific22:45
mithrobut maybe that isn't a problem22:45
bddebianWe don't ship pyc/pyo files22:45
mithrobddebian: they are generated when you install the package22:46
bddebianI'll be deleting them :-)22:46
mithroin the post-install hook i believe22:46
mithro(I mean the debian package)22:46
mithroatleast that is what other python things do22:46
bddebianThey're supposed to be built with --no-compile22:47
bddebianGah, what have I gotten myself into?? :-)22:47
bddebianI barely know shit about anything and even less in python. :-)22:48
mithrobddebian: my thoughts would be use /usr/lib/tpclient-pywx until someone complains ;)22:48
nashI thought you didn't care?22:49
mithronash: I don't care, but that seems like the path of least resistence and the most likely to get us packages today :P22:50
nashSo will /usr/share/ and less likely to cause greif later22:50
mithronash: installing to /usr/share requires modification of the source code22:50
nashmithro: Fix the source...22:51
bddebianGoddamn Valentines day, there's no on around in Ubuntu or Debian..22:51
mithronash: yes, I can do that - but I'm not doing another release today22:52
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bddebianHow drastic of changes would be needed?  Is it something I could easily patch?22:53
mithrobddebian: possible22:53
mithrobddebian: currently the script searches your library loading path22:54
bddebianOh, hmm22:55
bddebianYou aren't creating shared objects are you?22:56
mithroI guess the install script could rewrite the startup script with the hardcoded directory22:56
mithrolet me just give it a go22:58
mithrobddebian: I think I have it sorted23:28
mithrowas a little more effort then I had hoped23:28
bddebian:-( Sorry23:34
mithrobddebian: nah, that is fine23:35
mithrobddebian: i'm about to push the changes23:52
mithroyou want to setup a repostiory with just the support libs while you wait?23:52
bddebianTo git or where?23:52
bddebianmithro: Yeah, I can do that23:52
mithrobddebian: to git23:53
mithroI'll link you the patch when it's ready23:53
bddebianOK, thx23:54

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