Monday, 2008-01-21

greywhindmithro: no, i don't think i have00:00
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mithrogreywhind: cool00:00
greywhindmithro: i've been working on the home and find buttons00:00
mithrogreywhind: that is good00:00
greywhindmithro: i have a question about the find button, though00:00
greywhindmithro: do you want it to simply try to go to the first/best match, or pop up a list of all possible objects matching the text?00:01
mithronot sure, I was thinking something along the lines of the systems menu?00:01
greywhindmithro: systems menu?00:02
greywhindmithro: oh00:02
mithroyou know the universe tree on the side00:02
greywhindmithro: yeah, i see00:02
greywhindmithro: seems rather redundant, in that case...00:02
mithrogreywhind: yeah, I was just wondering that00:02
greywhindmithro: maybe we should replace the find button with something else?00:03
mithrogreywhind: possibly00:03
greywhindmithro: or just remove it00:03
mithrogreywhind: one thing I would love you to work on - change the "mouse mode" icon dependent on what mouse mode00:03
greywhindmithro: hmm... i could try00:04
mithros/icon/button graphic/00:04
mithroI think maybe remove the find option for now00:04
greywhindmithro: will do... i assume you know how to recreate it, if i remove it from XRC and we later decide we want it?00:05
greywhindmithro: or i could just do self.Find.Hide() in init00:06
mithrogreywhind: it should be pretty easy to recreate00:06
mithrogreywhind: btw did you end up getting a local server going?00:06
greywhindmithro: why don't we just hide it for now... same effect, and it doesn't really add any significant filesize00:07
mithropossible bugs?00:07
greywhindmithro: no, i didn't try recently00:07
greywhindmithro: the speed of connecting to a server seems to have increased00:08
mithrogreywhind: well it no longer downloads order descriptions each time00:08
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llnzi have 1 hr 30 minutes, my time starts.... now00:33
mithrollnz: anything you want to mention about tpclient-pywx before the release on Monday?00:45
llnznot really, did you see my bug though?00:45
greywhindmithro: icon switching works now... but there seems to be a bug with zoom out00:49
mithrollnz: yes00:50
mithroit will be fixed00:50
llnzi'm looking forward to the new release00:50
mithrollnz: so am I00:51
mithrogreywhind: cool00:51
greywhindmithro: fixed the zoom out but00:53
greywhindmithro: *bug00:53
mithrogreywhind: cool00:53
greywhindmithro: i'll push it. - i have the feeling i'll need to change it a bit to get the icons the correct size on Linux/Windows, but let's see...00:55
CIA-12noegnud tpclient-pywx-statetracker * r75802ab5b7f3 /windows/main/ Merge with FloatCanvas changes.00:56
CIA-12noegnud tpclient-pywx-statetracker * rd04e4efa8d24 / (9 files in 2 dirs): Icons for MouseMode button change depending on mode.00:56
CIA-12noegnud tpclient-pywx-statetracker * r9b953668b8b3 /extra/wxFloatCanvas/ Fixed bug in FloatCanvas zoom out method.00:56
mithroMerge with FloatCanvas changes?00:56
greywhindmithro: err... that should read statetracker00:56
greywhindmithro: not FloatCanvas00:56
mithrogreywhind: opps :P00:56
greywhindmithro: sorry00:57
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * r5ced10233b6e /windows/xrc/winConnect.xrc: Moved the location of the Find button to be a little more obvious what it means.00:58
greywhindmithro: hmm... probably should have noted that my patch also hides the find button...01:03
mithrogreywhind: yeah01:03
mithrogreywhind: try using gitk before you commit01:03
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greywhindmithro; good idea01:04
mithrogreywhind: cool on the icon changing01:08
mithroseems to work fine01:09
mithroicon is still the wrong size on linux01:09
greywhindmithro: thanks - i'll fix that... hopefully tomorrow, if not, then tuesday01:09
mithrogreywhind: okay cool01:09
mithroanyway, heading home now02:03
mithrosee ya02:03
llnzcya at LCA mithro02:06
* llnz wanders off02:06
llnzlater all02:06
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jothamdamn just missed him02:25
tpb<> (at
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mithrohey people03:13
jothamhey mithro03:20
jothamgive this a whirl03:20
tpb<> (at
mithroI guess I should install pyglet :)03:20
jothamalso i got them to fix the macosx installer of pyglet, so that's good03:21
mithrojotham: yeah, they are pretty fast to respond normally03:21
JLPahoy *03:31
JLPmithro ping03:31
mithroJLP: see the logs03:31
* JLP looks at logs03:31
JLPmithro: yeah i still have the ebuilds on the hard drive here03:36
JLPi also submitted a couple of them to gentoo to include them into the portage03:36
JLPmaybe we should create a special git folder/project for packaging where we could collect various recipes for packaging03:39
mithrojotham: where should I be getting the FPS?03:45
mithrotim@vaio:~/pyglet$ python opengl-fps-readout.py03:45
jothamidentical to my laptop03:46
mithrookay cool03:46
jothambut i am not sure what the deal is, because on my vastly high spec machine i get 86fps03:46
mithrodunno - it's probably got to do more with how it degrades with more complicated stuff?03:50
jothamsounds reasonable, but i think i'll ask on their mailing list03:51
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * rcd2717bbf5b8 /windows/ Fixed 1874559 (Does not respond to async time remaining frames.)05:32
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * r88c849cb9d3f /windows/main/
CIA-12Added a bunch of keyboard shortcuts.06:25
CIA-12(Changed the icon changing to be part of the SetMode method).06:25
CIA-12 - Escape, Go back to Select Mode06:25
CIA-12 - Delete, remove the currently selected order06:25
CIA-12 - <, next order06:25
CIA-12 - >, previous order06:25
mithrogreywhind: you disappear yet?06:26
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mithromorning people18:04
mithrohey nash18:05
jothamhey mithro18:08
mithrojotham: having fun with pyglet?18:09
jothamhaven't played with it yet18:09
jothamjust read the manual18:09
mithronash: tpclient-pywx-dev has keyboard shortcuts :P18:09
jothamthen it was time for work18:09
jothamand my bug reporting to pyglets list resulted in their newest news item :p18:11
mithrojotham: yeah I saw that :)18:11
nashmithro:  What is the shortcut for 'delete this, check out e17, build, install, downoad galaxie, and run that' ? ;-)18:12
mithronash: the same one which kicks the galaxie developer in the nutts ;)18:12
nashCtrl-alt-cokebottle-n ;-)18:17
nashbetween the ctl & alt18:28
mithroso my bugs to fix before release is down to about 2018:30
nashNot a bad one18:36
mithroI think I should probably be able to release on Monday18:46
mithrobut I need people to do testing :)18:48
nashyeah yeah...18:48
mithromake sure you get the statetracker branch19:21
nashmithro: Shall do19:31
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