Tuesday, 2008-01-22

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mithronash: any luck00:08
nashnot yet00:20
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nashon phone..00:20
mithronash: well, I'm heading home in a minute01:39
nashmithro: Probably have to wait to tomorrow I'm afraid01:41
mithrookay then01:42
mithroi'm going to the GF's house tonight01:42
mithroso not much is going to get done01:42
mithrono greywhind today :(01:42
mithroI will merge statetracker back into development however01:43
nashThen I'll test dev ;-)01:43
mithronash: assuming I get time before tommorrow01:48
mithroanyway gnight01:48
nashsee you laster01:54
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JLPahoy *06:05
JLPmithro: ping06:08
mithroJLP: hey06:08
JLPmithro: i think it is time for me to switch back from KDE 4 to TP work06:08
mithrogood time06:09
JLPso i guess for now it would be the best to start testing your new work06:09
mithroeven better06:10
JLPstatetracker is the right branch to get?06:11
mithroJLP: any luck?06:23
JLPmithro: just finished cloning and updating06:26
mithroJLP: cool06:27
JLPmithro: connected just fine06:29
mithrotwo ways to quickly add move orders06:31
mithrothe "waypoint" mode06:31
mithroand the "right click on destination"06:31
JLPtried the waypoint mode, somehow managed to add a move order to my planet :)06:33
mithrooh? :P06:34
mithrocan you log a reproducable bug report?06:35
JLPyup i will add a bug report with what i did06:36
JLPi think i just selected my first fleet that is created by default, switched to waypoint mode and started clicking on nearby planets06:38
mithroJLP: well that will add move orders06:38
mithro(to the selected fleet)06:38
mithroyou shouldn't be able to select the waypoint mode if the object can't move06:39
JLPi think i didn't even have the planet selected so it is also quite strange to me how did it get added to the planet06:40
mithroso if you select the planet is the move order still on it?06:40
mithroif you keep clicking a system it will cycle through objects at that location06:41
JLPwhen i get back to the planet the client closes and I get a message: Unable to insert the order...06:42
mithroJLP: yeah, that is what I would have expected06:43
mithrocan you restart the client and see if you can do it again?06:43
JLPafter i reconnect i can see the planet selected and there is a move order with U in Turns column06:43
mithrothat doesn't make much sense06:43
mithrocan you send me the contents of ~/.tp and your URI to connect?06:44
JLPok now i closed and restarted the client and the move order is gone06:44
mithroit you don't restart the client, it will reuse the already open connection06:45
JLPok, i'll try to reproduce the steps i did before to see if i get the bug again06:45
JLPyup i did it agin06:46
mithrookay cool06:50
mithrolog a bug report :)06:51
mithrodid you see the keyboard shortcuts?06:52
mithroDelete, remove the currently selected order06:54
mithro                      * <, next order06:54
mithro                      * >, previous order06:54
mithro                      * Esc, change back to mouse mode06:54
JLPbug filed: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1877205&group_id=132078&atid=72309906:59
tpbBug #1877205: Move order gets added to Planet when using Waypoint mode06:59
JLPnew bug: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1877217&group_id=132078&atid=72309907:08
tpbBug #1877217: Messages pane wrongly shows 100 of 100 messages07:08
mithroJLP: known bug, I'm yet to fix the Message pane at all07:08
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r8fe8d096a292 /windows/main/panelStarMap.py: Reset the starmap mode when changing the object externally.07:09
mithroJLP: does that fix you bug?07:10
mithro(the waypoint mode one)07:11
JLPmithro: should this be in statetracker branch?07:12
mithrothe statetracker branch is gone now :)07:13
JLPhm didn't see the merge commit07:16
JLPso i should just switch back to development branch now and it should have everything i should test?07:16
mithrojust use "cg-branch-chg origin git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/tpclient-pywx.git#development"07:17
mithrothen cg-update07:20
JLPok, done, i'll wait until my new fleet builds and then i'll check07:20
mithroI just removed the development branch and then renamed the statetracker branch to development07:21
JLPmithro: about the waypoint mode, when you click on systems, to what does it set the waypoint? as there is no way to exactly select a specific object in system this way only by left-clicking07:25
mithrocurrnetly the primary system07:27
mithroI'm going to fix it so that it you click on the system it will cycle the objects07:27
mithrosame way selection works07:30
mithroJLP: so that fixes your problem?07:44
JLPmithro: fleet built, let's see07:48
JLPmithro: yup all seems ok with the new fleet and following the same steps07:49
JLPi'll also try with a completely new login just to make sure :)07:49
JLPmithro: also fine, so i'd say this one is fixed07:52
mithrokeyboard shortcuts work?08:00
JLPmithro: Esc works; Delete/>/< don't seem to work08:05
mithroyou need to be moused over the starmap08:06
JLPoh i was trying to use them from within order pane08:06
mithrooh and you have to have an order selected first08:07
mithroJLP: actually log a feature request to make them work on the order panel too08:08
JLPok i will08:09
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mithroopps wrong channel16:53
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mithrohey nash16:58
mithroJLP found a bunch of bugs :)16:58
nashmithro: In tpclient?16:59
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mithronash: so, different people see different problems :P17:02
mithronash: statetracker has been merged back to development17:08
mithroanyway off to work17:16
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mithrowell, at work now17:42
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mithrohey JLP - you around atm?18:37
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r17fd646fbf26 / (4 files in 3 dirs):18:37
CIA-12Moved the common order shortcuts to the StateTracker module.18:37
CIA-12(Short cuts should now work on the Orders and Starmap windows.)18:37
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r7ffd53a787a9 /extra/StateTracker.py: Shift "order left/right" now adds the left or right order to the selection.18:37
JLPmithro: yup, still awake18:38
mithrosaw your bug come in just then18:39
mithroit appears there is a problem with the updating of the orders after a turn18:39
JLPmithro: i've also noticed that there is no more context menu in order pane, is this intentional?18:40
mithroJLP: yes, I need to re-enable it18:41
mithroJLP: feel free to log a bug report anyway19:16
JLPmithro: done19:21
mithroJLP: probably should have a right click context menu for the waypoint move bit too19:28
mithroJLP: i could also use "qualitive" feedback19:31
mithroJLP: hrm, I can't seem to reproduce https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1877246&group_id=132078&atid=72309919:35
tpbBug #1877246: After Universe update order list is not updated19:35
mithroJLP: got any more information about how to reproduce it?19:37
mithroah huh!19:42
mithrothe object has to not be selected when you do an update19:42
JLPmithro: hm i think i had it selected here, the update dialog comes up, i selected to update and when the client comes back the same fleet was selected but the orders were not updated19:44
JLPanyway have to go sleeping now, see you again in about 8 hours19:59
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-development * ra19595a7f050 /extra/wxFloatCanvas/GUIMode.py: Fix typo in the double click method.19:59
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r75b036f7999c / (3 files in 2 dirs): Refresh all objects (not just the selected one) when cache is updated.19:59
mithroJLP: give that a try if you have not gone to bed yet :)20:00
mithronash:  so about that testing you promised20:03
mithroJLP: any idea how I can type non-ASCII characters on my english keyboard?20:04
nashThousand Parsec Client Library Version (0, 2, 3)20:05
nash'module' object has no attribute '__installpath__'20:05
mithrohrm.... how did you install?20:06
mithroyou follow these instructions - http://www.thousandparsec.net/wiki/Ubuntu_Setup20:09
tpbTitle: Ubuntu Setup - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at www.thousandparsec.net)20:09
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CIA-12mithro libtpproto-py * r75847ca25753 /tp/netlib/xstruct.py: Properly "unencode" utf-8 strings.20:28
mithrohey greywhind_20:28
greywhind_mithro: hey - i'm going to fix the icons now20:28
mithrodidn't see you around yesterday20:28
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greywhindmithro: it was a holiday here - Martin Luther King Jr. Day20:29
mithrogreywhind: perfect time for Thousand Parsec coding ;)20:29
mithrogreywhind: the statetracker branch is gone20:30
mithrouse development again20:31
greywhindmithro: don't want to turn in _too_ many extra hours... might make them think i need to take another class ;)20:31
mithrogreywhind: I won't tell if you don't tell ;)20:31
greywhindmithro: sounds good20:31
mithrothe new order node system in libtpclient-py seems to be working really well20:32
greywhindmithro: that's good - what's its purpose?20:33
mithrogreywhind: got lunch now20:35
mithrowill explain the theory when I get back20:35
greywhindmithro: alright20:35
mithroand then watch me get lambasted by nash about how wrong the structure is ;)20:35
greywhindmithro: ok, i think i've fixed it... let me push and you can see if it works20:47
CIA-12noegnud tpclient-pywx-development * r999279c8c4db / (5 files in 3 dirs): Fixed MouseMode icons to be correct size on Linux + Windows.20:51
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greywhindmithro: any suggestions for what i should work on now?21:12
greywhindmithro: err... dinner. just leave me a message here if you think of anything.21:12
mithrogreywhind: okay I'm back21:26
mithrogreywhind: seems to work21:27
mithrogreywhind: you could look at the following21:27
mithro- Fix the order panel to display different colour borders dependent on the order's state.21:28
mithro- Fix the colours for the above and in the order list to look better.21:28
mithroor you could fix the context menu for the orders stuff21:29
mithroor https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1688922&group_id=132078&atid=723099 <- that requires a bit of setup however21:30
tpbBug #1688922: Support for an authenticated http proxy21:30
mithrogreywhind: has this bug been fixed? https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1686225&group_id=132078&atid=72309921:30
tpbBug #1686225: Black cursor on black starfield21:30
mithrogreywhind: this is a mac only one21:32
tpbBug #1587291: Windows and Window Menu Items21:32
mithroplenty to do, take your pick :)21:33
greywhindmithro: i will... other work to do now, unfortunately21:37
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mithrohello mweltin21:40
mithrohave not seen you around here before21:40
mithrogreywhind: pfssshhh21:40
mweltinreally I'm here all teh time.21:41
mithroso are you interested about Thousand Parsec?21:41
mweltinwhat, I don't think I understand the question.21:42
mweltinwhat is Thousand Parsec?21:42
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mithroThousand Parsec is a game which this channel is dedicated to21:46
mweltinahhhh I'm in teh wrong channel21:46
mweltinhahaah #tsp21:46
mweltinis where I wanted to end up21:46
mweltinthats funny21:46
mweltinso while I'm here what is this game about?21:46
mithroit's a turn based space empire building game21:48
mithrokind of like Master of Orion, Stars!, VGA Planets, Reach for the Stars!, Galactic Civilisation and Civilisation21:48
mweltinmmmmmm sounds cool.  board came or computer game or console game?21:50
mweltinits a meta game21:51
mweltina game frame work not so much a game.21:51
mithromweltin: yes, it is a game framework, but we have one demo game, and one fairly playable clone of RFTS21:52
mweltinthat is super cool.21:53
mithroI am in the process of trying to release the new development client21:53
mweltinis it all based on python ?21:53
mithrowhich I has had an almost total rewrite in the last 12 months21:53
mithromweltin: the primary client is wxPython, while the primary server is C++21:54
mithrothere is also a python server, a C client and a bunch of other utilities in various languages21:54
mithrothe primary client runs on windows, linux and mac21:55
mweltinnot bad I never knew anything like this existed, but now that I see it, it makes perfect sense.  I assume you are a developer?21:56
mweltinis it open source ?21:56
* mithro is the founder and leader21:57
mithromweltin: 100% open source21:57
mweltinwell I guess I don't have to ask anyone to "take me to their leader"  (yes I know bad joke, maybe not even qualifies as a joke)21:59
mweltinwell it was nice to learn something new22:04
mweltintake care and congradulations on such a cool project.22:04
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mithroso nash22:20
nashmithro: Package python-wxgtk2.8 is not available, but is referred to by another package.23:01
nashThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or23:01
nashis only available from another source23:01
mithronash: debian?23:29
tpb<http://ln-s.net/r_b> (at wiki.wxpython.org)23:30
mithroi'm sure that wx2.8 was available in unstable?23:30
mithroappears I was wrong, unstable still only has 2.623:32
nash12 meg of download for it, and 42 meg of disk space23:36
mithroyeah, sadly wxPython is HUGE23:37
mithroevil C++ :(23:37
mithroI never said that the client was efficent :(23:40
mithrodoens't even pipeline all the downloads :P23:41
nashThe following requirements where not met:23:43
nash     tp.client > 0.2.9923:43
mithronash: a) can you paste the full output (into a paste bin)23:48
mithrob) what instructions are you following?23:48
nashignore the \23:54
tpbTitle: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)23:54
mithromy guess is sometime in the paste you install libtpclient?23:54
mithrolet me check a few things first23:55
mithroactually I know exactly what is occuring23:56
mithronash: you install the stable version of libtpclient-py23:57
mithronot the development one23:57
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r05eaa33a4565 /requirements.py: Output better information on unable to find the install path.23:59

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