Saturday, 2008-01-19

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llnzhi mithro03:25
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mithrohey llnz07:12
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llnzi have a 16bbp with alpha image with unknown runlen compression....07:24
mithrollnz: that doesn't sound like tpserver-cpp work :P07:24
llnzit's not07:25
* llnz wanders off08:32
llnzlater all08:32
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mithromorning people18:38
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*** llnz changes topic to "Thousand Parsec - || IRC Logs at || Why not help out? || tpserver-cpp vs tpsai-py, 5 done! Yay! - || Happy New Year 2008 !!"19:16
llnzthere you go, all sorted19:17
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mithrollnz: how big a universe is that?19:19
llnz267 turns, 500 planets19:20
mithrothat with all your new changes?19:21
llnzthe last one was, yes19:21
midorikid"tpserver-cpp vs tpsai-py, 5 done! Yay!"  What does this refer to?19:22
mithrowell, when you do a release candidate I can do a check :)19:22
* llnz wonders if he can have a release candidate with known broken persistence and missing object view19:24
midorikidMy guess is 5 AI battles have been completed?  Uh oh.  Have to go.  Nevermind.19:26
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mithrollnz: well I think broken persistence is a big problem19:27
mithrodo you need object view for tp04?19:27
llnzobject view is needed for better behaviour for difference lists when visibility is an issue19:28
llnzand it would save breaking persistence again after the release19:29
mithrollnz: :(19:29
* llnz is glad he only has one persistence back end to worry about currently19:31
mithrollnz: I've almost finished breaking tpclient-pywx19:32
llnzhumm... maybe there is a way not to break persistence... or at least limit the break19:33
mithrollnz: btw, I don't think the "turns" are been calculated correctly by the server19:57
jothamso it looks like the pyglet mac installer is bugged19:59
jothambut i sorted it out now and need to file a bug report with them19:59
mithrollnz: take the move order19:59
mithroit seems to always be calculcating based on the current location20:00
llnzthat's true, and a know issue20:00
llnzyou are the first to complain about it20:01
mithrollnz: it's the first time we have been able to issue move orders quickly :P20:02
mithrollnz: do you know how I solve that problem?20:03
llnzi know how to solve it, just a little hard20:03
llnzit affects other orders as well20:04
mithrollnz: I take a copy of the object and then pass it through each order (which is free to change it)20:05
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mithroso what is everyone up to?23:35
jothamwell i'm glad i can seperate out what i did from pygame pretty easily23:36
jothamtrying to get my head around pyglet23:36
jothamit's definatly going to be faster and cleaner23:36
mithropyglet definately looks like it is the future23:40
* llnz is update his laptop, ready to take away to LCA23:40
mithroi'm sure you have told me this before, but when do you get into Australia again?23:40
mithrohow long is the flight from NZ? about 3 hours?23:41
jothamsoon i'm not going to have a house any more23:41
jothamand not sure where i'm going to live23:41
jothamso i should buy a laptop23:41
llnzflight is just over 3 hours, arrive 8:25am on tuesday23:42
llnzjotham: that's not good, having no house23:42
jothammy ex and i are kinda going through a divorce of sorts, since we owned so much togeather23:43
jothamso yeah the house is a casualty23:43
mithrollnz: good tpserver coding time?23:44
llnzi'm back on the laptop i had at the last lca (the laptop i had at SoC mentor summit has a broken harddisk)23:46
llnzso battery life is close to 023:46
mithrohd transplant?23:47
llnzi'll probably get a new drive for it when i have some money23:47
mithrodoesn't really help for LCA :(23:49
llnzhence why i'm updating debian on the (old) laptop23:49
llnznew kernel, new X, git, new kde (probably not 4.0.0 though), etc, etc...23:53
mithrostill no battery however?23:56
llnzold battery, at a guess has about 15 minutes life23:56
* llnz is tempted to get an eee pc23:57

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