Friday, 2008-01-18

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mithrohey peoples02:29
llnzhi mithro02:29
mithrogreywhind: that wasn't quite how I was hoping the home button would work02:49
CIA-12llnz tpserver-cpp * r598b698bbeee /modules/games/mtsec/ (22 files): Updated MTSec, now compiles again.02:57
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CIA-12llnz tpserver-cpp * r808e982174c0 /modules/games/mtsec/ (planet.cpp universe.cpp): Added missing modtime touches in MTSec.05:11
CIA-12llnz tpserver-cpp * rb2d3b62e533a /modules/games/minisec/ (planet.cpp universe.cpp): Added missing modtime touches in Minisec.05:11
CIA-12llnz tpserver-cpp * r543e642963bd /tpserver/ (objecttype.cpp objecttype.h):06:24
CIA-12Added method to get ObjectParameterGroupDesc.06:24
CIA-12Needed for the way RFTS does one tiny little thing.06:24
CIA-12llnz tpserver-cpp * rae7c0db18656 /modules/games/rfts/ (20 files): Converted RFTS to the new Object API.06:24
* llnz is back where he started06:26
llnzthe core and the games work, history support is needed and ObjectView, and persistence is still broken06:27
llnzit's now a whole lot easier to do history support and objectview now06:27
* llnz wanders off07:14
llnzlater all07:14
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remaximmy email inbox is flooded everyday :( ... but it's not spam... it's worse07:39
remaximit's the TP mailinglist posts ;) ...07:39
remaximmaybe I find a way to forward them into another folder so I can ignore them07:41
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mithroanyone alive today?22:33
CIA-12mithro libtpproto-py * r79e9cfb2e543 /tp/netlib/objects/ (
CIA-12Fixed problem with the subtype not matching the instance's class.23:12
CIA-12(Added assert to catch this problem.)23:12
jothamhey mithro23:13
jothami ahd a question23:13
jothamdo you use ctypes, or anything like that, with tp23:13
mithrojotham: tp related?23:13
mithrokind of23:14
mithrolibmng-py and schemepy are both written in ctypes23:14
jothamit's just i wondered if it'd be possible to write anything in C for python without adding any dependancies to the project23:14
mithrojotham: well not quite, you still need someway to compile the c object23:14
jothamyeah that's where i was at23:15
jothami didn't know if it required pythons dev headers for instance23:15
mithrono, the c object is just compiled normally23:15
mithrowithout any reference to python23:15
mithroIE with libmng-py I'm just use the standard or libmng.dll23:15
mithro(the ones that C programmers would link against)23:16
mithrojotham: btw if you are programing in python again, you should checkout pyglet23:16
mithroit's kind of pygame 2.023:16
jothamsounds interesting23:16
mithroit's opengl based23:19
mithroand written in ctypes23:20
mithrojotham: but we would love to have a working battleviewer agian :)23:21
jothampyglet sounds really interesting23:22
mithroI think it's probably going places23:24
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * r7bcda55b8757 /windows/main/overlays/ Set the order subtype correctly.23:24
CIA-12mithro tpclient-pywx-statetracker * r7ce4ec63fe8e /windows/main/ Removed excess print.23:24
mithrothere will be an interactive tutorial on it at the Gaming Miniconf23:25
mithrowhich will be videoed23:33

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