Thursday, 2008-01-17

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mithrollnz: any change to look at midorikid's changes?01:21
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CIA-11midorikid documents * r3adf46c13119 /protocol/protocol.xml: Fixed description and long name of ObjectParams.03:10
CIA-11midorikid web * r7462e4a45f9f /dev/documents/protocol2html.xsl: Added the beginnings of a parameterset section.03:10
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llnzhi JLP03:35
JLPllnz: ahoy03:35
llnzcia not working currently... :-(05:06
CIA-11llnz tpserver-cpp * rc56d62935813 /tpserver/ (objectbehaviour.cpp objectbehaviour.h):05:08
CIA-11Added virtual setupObject in ObjectBehaviour.05:08
CIA-11Does nothing, but could be used by the various subclasses to do the right05:08
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llnzand now it is05:09
CIA-11llnz tpserver-cpp * r781eec97f6e2 /tpserver/objecttype.cpp: In ObjectType, setupObject now actually sets up the object.05:11
CIA-11llnz tpserver-cpp * rb0ce608d6af5 /tpserver/objecttypemanager.cpp: Actually set up the object in ObjectTypeManager::setupObject.05:15
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CIA-11llnz tpserver-cpp * r85e4c6c9caf4 /tpserver/objecttypemanager.cpp: Fix copyright date in objecttypemanager.cpp05:31
CIA-11llnz tpserver-cpp * r7ed4e1379df7 /tpserver/ (objectparametergroup.cpp objectparametergroup.h):05:32
CIA-11Made ObjectParameterGroup have a smartpointer and be lighter.05:32
CIA-11No need to keep name and description, and the packDescFrame method as they05:32
CIA-11are handled by ObjectParameterGroupDesc now. SmartPointer will help prevent05:32
CIA-11unneccessary copying.05:32
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* llnz wanders off07:57
llnzlater all07:57
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mithronash: ping?18:33
greywhindhey mithro18:33
mithrohey greywhind18:34
mithrohow goes everything?18:34
mithroget your essay done?18:34
greywhindmithro: good, and yes, i did.18:34
mithrogreywhind: so what you working on today then? :P18:41
greywhindmithro: not sure yet... any suggestions?18:41
mithrogreywhind: well...18:42
mithrothe toolbar buttons are probably a good start18:42
* mithro pokes nash with something sharp and pointy19:02
mithrogreywhind: sorting out the server browser bit would be good too19:02
mithrobut I think that is going to be a little complicated as it probably means modifying libtpproto-py too19:02
greywhindmithro: i'll look into the buttons first19:03
mithromidorikid: did you get tpserver-cpp working in the end?19:14
midorikidmithro: I got it running.19:19
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jothamdamn he's gone20:26
nashGone to his interview20:52
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CIA-12noegnud tpclient-pywx-statetracker * r043aeb7a00df /windows/main/ (overlays/ Gave Home button on Starmap panel a function (return to zoom fit).23:19
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