Saturday, 2007-08-18

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CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rc799c9bd144f /modules/games/rfts/ (planet.cpp planet.h rfts.cpp): tweaking and fixing planet population & stat calcs02:50
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rf2bc452bee3c /modules/games/rfts/ (10 files):02:50
CIA-23ship tech in (can purchase, updates on all planets, allows more mark02:50
CIA-23production, and automatically upgrades all pdbs)02:50
CIA-23also misc bug fixes :p02:50
CIA-23niphree /tmp/oyIpF54S0D/ndlmvK3SkS * rc0126679570d / (Frame.php xstruct.php):04:16
CIA-23added unpack_list04:16
CIA-23fixed Game frame format04:16
CIA-23via git-CVS emulator04:16
CIA-23niphree /tmp/fY0pwHoEvG/MvqB8joeFI-rewrite * r06a1e13282c3 /connect.php:05:46
CIA-23pack all in function05:46
CIA-23via git-CVS emulator05:46
CIA-23niphree /tmp/UlEwuWiYvU/hhyIy8lOid-rewrite * r492f05b68091 /class/BackConnect.php:05:47
CIA-23added writeFrame function and some code cleaning05:47
CIA-23via git-CVS emulator05:47
CIA-23niphree /tmp/6KekKINipX/0G2zhXJEh7-rewrite * r61fa5b87c696 /class/GameConnect.php:06:44
CIA-23added connection options06:44
CIA-23via git-CVS emulator06:44
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jothamhey niphree06:48
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CIA-23llnz libtpproto-cpp * r9521712935b2 / Added to tarball.07:19
CIA-23jezuch libtpproto-cpp * r320293a7cbf8 /debian/ (control rules): Make it build from zero-state (clean git repository) and fix lintian errors about Depends: subst.07:19
CIA-23jezuch libtpproto-cpp * rb31eb7c731c8 /debian/ (changelog watch watch.ex): Fix some more lintian warnings.07:19
CIA-23llnz libtprl * rfec5024bb3e3 / Added to tarball.07:20
CIA-23jezuch libtprl * rbef01b0430cb /debian/ (control rules): Make the package pbuildable and shut up lintian a bit.07:20
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mithrohowdy people07:26
mithro~seen niphree07:26
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 40 minutes and 10 seconds ago: <niphree> hello07:26
llnzhi mithro07:26
mithrollnz: how goes everything?07:26
niphreehey mithro07:27
mithrohey niphree07:27
llnzwhen were you going to tell me that the gaming miniconf was accepted for lca08?07:27
mithroI'm on mobile internet, so I might be a bit in and out07:27
mithrollnz: oh! I'm sorry07:27
llnzit's ok07:27
mithrollnz: the Gaming Miniconf was accepted but the Open Hardware Miniconf was not07:28
llnzthat's no good for open hardware miniconf07:28
* llnz used to watch opencores.org07:28
jothamhey mithro07:29
mithrohey jotham07:29
mithroanything new in the battleviewer?07:29
jothamnaah, i've been working on one of my other projects today :p07:29
jothambut it'll get some love tomorrow07:29
mithrojotham: cool07:30
mithroniphree: how goes progress?07:30
mithrodoes back-connect work?07:30
mithroniphree: I see commits to the metaserver :P07:31
niphreeyes, it works. Now I'm working with database :]07:32
mithroniphree: have you been able to commit your changes to libtpproto-php?07:33
mithroniphree: ooh, I see your commits to libtpproto-php :)07:33
niphreehmm - I commited also libtproto-php07:33
mithroniphree: it's looking good so far07:35
mithroso you working on cleaning up the rest of the code now?07:35
niphreeyeah :/ I has stupid mistake in it - and I was wondering why it dosn't work :/07:35
* jotham has spent the evening trying to get non-blocking http file transfers07:35
niphreewhen I'll clean this code I must find different php-ide program, or I'll have to do this in notepad :/07:36
mithroniphree: why?07:39
* mithro spent the whole day trying to convince independent game developers that OSS is good!07:40
jothamyeah that's cool07:42
mithrojotham: with the inbuilt python HTTP stuff?07:43
jothamwell what i wanted was to use urllib so someone else would maintain it other than me07:43
mithrotpclient-pywx uses a seperate thread for media download07:43
jothambecause as soon as you write your own wheel, you have to drive on it07:43
jothamended up finding a good asyncore implimentation on effbot org07:44
jothamand hacked it up07:44
jothamand now i have non blocking http connects and downloads, sure i still have to do most of the transaction forging manually, but for what i need it's ok07:44
jothamand at least i only have to maintain the transaction/protocol code, rather than the entire set of tcp actions07:44
* jotham is old enough to have learned to write as little code as possible or he'll have to maintain it :p07:45
niphreemithro: becouse in current I cannot change tab lenght, or set if tab=X*space07:45
mithrojotham: unless you can pawn it off to someone else :P07:45
* mithro has been trying the second approach ;)07:45
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mithroniphree_brb: I would recommend something like Xemacs :)07:50
llnzi recommend quanta07:51
mithrozend studio is not bad, but you have to pay for that07:51
jothami am a vim fag :\07:55
* mithro is a vim user himself07:55
jothami am addicted to / and ? i think07:55
mithrowhats the ? do?07:55
jothamreverse search07:55
jothamso you can go up instead of down07:56
* llnz will have to remember that07:56
mithrointeresting, I have never used it07:56
jothami don't use a mouse when i code, so it's good to jump backwards07:56
mithrojotham: I use shift N07:56
jothamis that the reverse of the last forward search?07:56
mithroits "find match reverse"07:57
mithroif n is for "next match"07:57
jothamone thing i don't know how to do in vim i'd like to know07:57
mithroI use hardly any of Vim's real power07:57
mithroA friend uses much more of it, and he is a machine when he gets going07:58
jothamwhen you shift-v to line select, then do  < or > for me it deselects everything you had selected, i'd like to keep the selection07:58
mithrobits of code just magicly change as he hits the keys :P07:58
mithrowhats < > do?07:59
jothamindent or outdent(outdent?!!)07:59
jothamgood for moving blocks around in python07:59
mithroahh yeah07:59
mithroyeah, I do use that07:59
mithrohe is really good at refactoring with vim07:59
jothami'm refactoring my screensaver at the moment08:02
jothamsince the first version i wrote (which works) when i was hungover08:02
jothamand is a fucking mess08:02
jothamnon blocking http transactions will help usability too08:03
mithrousability of a screen saver?08:04
jothamwell if you try wake your computer up and it's blocking trying to retrieve an http asset08:05
jothamthen you have to wait for it08:05
jothamwhich is rubbish08:05
jothamscreensavers should vanish when you want them to08:05
* llnz wanders off08:06
llnzlater all08:06
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mithrojotham: what does this screensaver do?08:07
jothamdownloads images from a few websites and displays them08:07
jothamnothing fancy08:08
jothambut sometimes http requests can jam for a few seconds08:08
mithrojotham: ahh cool08:08
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* mithro is going to disappear soon08:09
mithroniphree: any questions/comments/etc?08:09
niphreewhat to do whan I found diferent data in database (or no data) from getgames ? update/insert ?]08:12
mithroniphree: return some type of error08:13
mithroniphree: you should be checking against the incoming data rather then the data in the database08:14
mithrowell got to run now08:16
mithrosee ya!08:16
jothamlater mithro08:16
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mithroDystopicFro: don't forget to readl
tpb<> (at
mithrognight everyone09:13
jothamnight mithro09:14
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CIA-23jezuch tpserver-cpp * r7995fc2c46da /debian/control: Make the tpserver-cpp metapackage properly depend on packages in several categories (core, scheme, persistence, ruleset)17:57
CIA-23jezuch tpserver-cpp * ra693a15b766f /debian/tpserver-cpp-scheme-guile.install: Modify debian/tpserver-cpp-scheme-guile.install to install something to tpserver-cpp-scheme-guile package17:57
niphreegood night all18:14
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xdotxllnz: can i not insert end lines in message bodies?18:24
llnzyes, you can18:26
llnzor should be able to18:26
xdotxmaybe the pywx client ignores them?18:26
* xdotx is sending them anyways18:35
llnzthe tpserver-cpp welcome message has a new line in it18:47
xdotxreally now? do you see it client-side?18:51
llnzi don't remember18:51
llnzwill look later18:51
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r098cc2f82ba4 /modules/games/rfts/ ( fleet.cpp nop.cpp nop.h planet.cpp rfts.cpp): removing NOp order (was only used for testing)20:29
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r3c80e659d788 /modules/games/rfts/ (13 files): implemented victory points and end game20:29
xdotxphew. that should conclude all basic features.20:30
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mithromorning people20:33
xdotxheya mithro20:59
xdotx[17:30] <xdotx> phew. that should conclude all basic features.20:59
mithroxdotx: woot!?21:01
mithroxdotx: you tell nash? :P21:02
mithrobe back in 1021:05
xdotxmithro: not yet. i've got a little more i'm goign to do to finish up some calcs.21:12
* xdotx also afk for a few21:13
CIA-23jlp web-reorg * r38a183f9398f / (bits/ parsec.css):21:18
CIA-23Added "clear: both" to content div so that it doesn't overlap21:18
CIA-23the menu. It happened if the menu was too long for one line.21:18

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