Friday, 2007-08-17

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CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp * r431f6d8bebd7 /tpserver/playerconnection.cpp:06:19
CIA-23Make Account Creation not also log in.06:19
CIA-23Requested by mithro and nash. Closes 1775990.06:19
CIA-23Could the client at least be smart enough to log the player in after creating06:19
CIA-23the account, instead of having to type the password three times in a row?06:19
CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp * r4994b25b598a / Added to EXTRA_DIST to have it in the tarball.06:24
CIA-23jezuch tpserver-cpp * rcdc2b948f9fc /debian/ (control rules): Make it pdebuildable (Build-Depends: and rules fix).06:28
* llnz wanders off06:55
llnzlater all06:55
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CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rd7f87db41fc1 /modules/games/rfts/colonise.cpp: colonise now attacks planet and checks for a take over07:03
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rb96202f1e07d /modules/games/rfts/ (7 files): added/started on pdbs and ship tech.07:03
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r97685843ffac /modules/games/rfts/ (10 files):07:03
CIA-23added wrapping map movement. move is also now actually based on ship speed07:03
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r71c5285f6e92 /modules/games/rfts/ (rfts.cpp rfts.h): all star systems added07:03
xdotxsleepy time07:05
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mithrohowdy people08:28
mithroguitsaru: how goes everything?08:30
guitsaruThings are going well08:30
mithrobeen up to anything interesting?08:31
mithro~seen niphree08:31
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 14 hours, 7 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: <niphree> good night08:31
guitsaruThey started yesterday08:31
mithrowhat year are you in?08:31
mithroat Uni?08:33
* mithro finds the american system very confusing08:33
guitsaruWell, speaking of classes, I have to go to calc08:33
guitsaruI'll probably be back on around in an hour and a half or so.08:34
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* DystopicFro didn't really consider how he would be integrating the TPCL Expression Editor with the RDE when he designed it09:18
* DystopicFro thinks that mithro might have been on to something with the context menu interface09:18
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mithromorning everyone17:29
mithro~seen niphree17:29
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 23 hours, 5 minutes, and 11 seconds ago: <niphree> good night17:29
greywhindhey mithro17:29
Epyonevening everyone xP17:30
JLPmithro: seen this ?
tpb<> (at
xdotxJLP: whoa cool17:33
mithroJLP: yeah, she asked me if it would be okay :)17:33
EpyonCongratz :D17:35
mithroEpyon: if you see niphree, remind her to commit :P17:36
Epyonkk :)17:37
mithroJLP: next goal, slashdot ;)17:37
JLPmithro: no doubt about it :)17:38
mithrojotham: ping?17:39
mithroarg! evil anacron17:40
mithroI wasn't paying attention and it downloaded 14Mb over my mobile link :/17:41
* mithro beats it with a huge stick17:41
mithrojotham: if you do pop-up and have any new cool stuff with the battleviewer, could you send me a link to the latest code?17:46
* mithro has to run17:48
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