Monday, 2007-08-06

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nash_hmm... I've got me a underscore00:21
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nashmithro: pong00:22
mithronash: any idea whats up with galaxie?00:22
mithrois it that I need a newer ecore like llnz suggested?00:22
nashI believe that is the case00:24
nashThat was the API break I mentioned.00:24
nashNot sure why it worked for you before at all however if you updated00:24
nashI didn't go through it on the weekend for you - packing :-(00:26
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r8b9f4c8eab60 /windows/ Removed unused values.01:16
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r8413cdb765db /windows/ Fixes for translation of the resource stuff.01:16
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r2acb168e2db8 / (12 files in 2 dirs):01:16
CIA-3Removed a lot of excess prints.01:16
CIA-3Removed the old debug stuff which was broken anyway.01:16
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r817360c4d8e5 / (15 files in 4 dirs): Make the client installable.01:16
mithronash: so the fix is to wait for a new ecore to filter down?01:27
nashFor that one.. unfrotunately yes :-(01:28
nashWhere are you getting them from?01:29
* nash wonders why they aren't already there01:29
mithrofrom edevelop01:29
mithrothe latest debs where from the 17th of July01:29
* nash looks to see when the changes went in01:30
nashJul 26th01:33
nashMore recent then I thought01:33
nashOne of the weird things is since august there has been nightly automatic building for the whole archive :-(01:34
mithronash: maybe the debs have moved?01:50
nashIt's possible01:50
nashThere is massive website rearranging01:50
* nash looks 01:50
mithroyeah I saw that01:53
tpb<> (at
nashThere is that - but that is build from source - using the easy_e17 script01:55
nashChews a lump of bandwidth obviously01:56
nashBut you get the whole hog on the positive side01:58
mithroI prefer packaged stuff personally02:01
nashYeek.. .that page is 52 page long02:06
nashCan't see it currently packaged anywhere02:10
nashedevelop now redirects to enlightenment org02:12
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xdotxllnz: how (and when) do I get the selected object to set the number of turns, during order creation?04:46
llnzcreateFrame could well be the best place04:47
llnzcf move order04:48
xdotxand i should/could use game->getOrderManager()->getOrderQueue(orderqueueid)->getObjectId() to get the selected obj?04:48
llnzi might make a shorter on (in Order baseclass)04:50
xdotxllnz: so then, what does it mean if that object is bs?04:50
xdotxorder queue isn't associated with the object correctly?04:50
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llnzif the id is 0, then no object assigned04:51
xdotxthe order queue id looks right, but the obj id is 004:53
mithrollnz: does tpserver-cpp set the velocity correctly?05:14
llnzshould do05:14
mithrodo these numbers look right?05:15
mithro(2633658476L, 1717981548, 0) (158475693, 122005961, 0)05:15
mithropos, velcoity05:15
llnzabout right, depends on max speed05:16
mithroI'm obvisouly doing something wrong05:19
mithrowoot, that works!05:22
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r5e3d27145112 / (quickstart-minisec.conf quickstart-mtsec.conf):05:27
CIA-3Added info logging to console to quickstart configurations.05:27
CIA-3Because mithro asked.05:27
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r39e54c8888bc / (quickstart-minisec.conf quickstart-mtsec.conf):05:27
CIA-3Merge with git://
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r971f0e6ab613 /modules/games/rfts/ (buildfleet.cpp fleet.cpp fleet.h rfts.cpp rfts.h): cleaning up build fleet05:27
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rbce22727b568 /modules/games/rfts/ ( fleet.cpp move.cpp move.h rfts.cpp): working on move order05:27
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r0d8e74940035 /modules/games/rfts/ (fleet.cpp move.cpp): fixing bug with fleet creation / orders05:27
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*** mithro changes topic to " | 96,336 lines of code (minus 12k for libltdl) | GSoC started! |"05:54
mithroxdotx: seeing lots of RFTS commits?05:59
xdotxmithro: the trick is to commit on 1-2 line changes ;)06:00
mithroxdotx: isn't it 3am where you are?06:07
mithrollnz: ping?06:12
llnzmithro: pong06:14
mithrollnz: do you get the /etc/cron.weekly/download-updates emails?06:15
xdotxmithro: heh, yep. it's 306:15
llnzmithro: yes06:15
mithrollnz: feel free to login and do the update06:18
mithroxdotx: so you had much progress?06:18
xdotxmithro: progress, but it always feels like not enough06:20
mithroso can you build a fleet yet?06:20
xdotxtesting in pytext06:20
mithroxdotx: the building part?06:22
* xdotx nods06:23
xdotxmithro: i step through the code and it looks like it should be working06:23
mithroxdotx: so want some help trying to figure it out?06:24
xdotxmithro: sure, but i probably should be getting to bed soon06:27
mithroxdotx: so where should I start?06:28
xdotxmithro: hmm, right now i'm confused on syntax for order_insert in pytext06:30
mithroorder_insert in pytext sucks :)06:31
xdotxheh alright then06:31
mithroit's hardcoded pretty much06:36
mithrowhat is the format for your build-fleet instruction?06:37
mithrois it similar to the normal buildfleet?06:37
* xdotx nods06:37
xdotxshould pretty much be the same06:38
mithropretty much != exactly?06:39
xdotxi think it's exactly the same06:39
mithrocan you check?06:41
xdotxmithro: yep, same06:44
xdotxer, wait06:44
xdotxno, mine doesn't have a fleet name06:44
xdotxjust a fleet list06:44
mithroyour not going to be able to add it using tpclient-pytext then06:46
xdotxmithro: i'm going to try adding it with pywx and checking for objects with pytext06:50
mithrothats probably a good idea06:50
mithrojust adding a few quick features to tpclient-pytext which may make it easier for you06:50
xdotxthe object gets created (and added) on the server, but then when i check with the client for the object number (which i'm sure is correct), it's not there06:54
xdotxi really should get some sleep though06:55
mithroxdotx: okay07:00
xdotxmithro: i should definitely get this finished tomorrow and start on more interesting things the next day07:05
xdotxer, tomorrow/ later today07:06
mithroi'll see you tommorrow07:06
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CIA-3mithro tpclient-pytext * r61dd9ee8f278 /tpclient-pytext:08:51
CIA-3Make order_inserting a bit nicer with the totally dynamic orders libtpproto-py uses.08:51
CIA-3order_desc <id> - Get an order description08:51
CIA-3order_help <name> - Get help on how to insert an order08:51
CIA-3order_insert has been updated so it does a whole bunch of error checking now too.08:51
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r939ff4c74aae /tp/netlib/ Better error message if xstruct runs out of arguments.08:52
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * rc194874eeb07 /tp/netlib/objects/ (
CIA-3Allow a client to figure out the names of arguments types.08:52
CIA-3(Probably needs a cleanup...)08:52
mithrojotham: ping?08:52
* llnz wanders off08:52
llnzlater all08:52
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pschulz01mithro: Which package did you want me to have a look at? tpclient-pywx ?08:59
mithropschulz01: yeah, the development versions09:05
mithrothere is no easy way to package tpclient-pywx's stable version09:06
pschulz01mithro: ?09:06
pschulz01mithro: I don't understand.09:07
pschulz01mithro: Is it also in git?09:07
mithropschulz01: there are currently two branches of tpclient-pywx09:07
mithrothe "stable" version which is only getting bug fixes09:07
pschulz01mithro: Are they bot in git?09:07
mithroand the "development" version which is getting new development09:07
pschulz01Are they branched?09:08
mithrogit:// <-stable09:08
mithrogit:// <- development09:08
pschulz01OK.. got that one09:08
mithrodevelopment branched off from stable about 6-12 months ago09:08
pschulz01mithro: I just copy/merge the 'debian' dir from stable into development.09:09
mithroyeah possible09:09
pschulz01mithro: (Although I'll have to figure out how to do that.)09:09
mithroa merge wouldn't be possible09:09
mithrojust copy and commit09:10
pschulz01mithro: Manual copy then.09:10
pschulz01mithro: Yeah.09:10
pschulz01Ok.. looking at it.09:10
mithrostable and development have diverged to far from each other09:10
mithrothe new stuff which should let you install tpclient-pywx only went into the development branch09:10
mithroo btw the development branch of tpclient-pywx depends on the development branch of libtpclient-py too09:11
pschulz01mithro: It is possible to 'cherry-pick' changes from one branch to another.. but I'm not exactly sure how to do that yet.09:11
mithroI use that sometimes to back/forward port changes09:12
pschulz01Does the development branch have a version?09:13
pschulz01I'll have to call it something like '-devel'09:14
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/tpclient-pywx-dev$ more version.py09:15
mithroversion = (0, 3, 0)09:15
pschulz01mithro: ta.09:16
mithroprobably want a date the deb was built as well09:16
pschulz01Um.. Ok - 2007070609:17
pschulz01Um.. Ok -2007070609:18
mithroyeah something like that09:18
mithroI know you need some magic in the version number too so that 0.3.0 > 0.3.0-<date>09:18
pschulz01mithro: I scare to ask in #ubuntu-motu again.. maybe I'll go ask in #debian-devel09:19
mithrohe he09:20
mithropackaging yet to be released things is always hard from my understanding09:20
pschulz01mithro: Normally the suffix is -n where n goes 1,2,3,, etc09:20
mithropschulz01: yeah but that is only for "released" software09:21
pschulz01mithro: The 0.3.0 is you're number.. which should be updated by you.09:21
DystopicFrob              [p;09:21
mithrohey DystopicFro's cat09:21
pschulz01DystopicFro: Wa?09:21
pschulz01mithro: So maybe..
mithropschulz01: 0.3.0 is the version that this client will be when released09:22
mithroso I guess you could call it "almost 0.3.0"? :)09:22
pschulz01mithro: Package will be -109:22
pschulz01Which is 0.3.0 of the 'released' software with the '-1' packaging.09:23
pschulz01mithro: (So ignore me :-)09:23
pschulz01mithro: Make the daily builds.. 0.3.0.<date>09:23
mithro0.3.0-1 would be the first packaged version of the 0.3.0 release right?09:24
pschulz01If I screw up then 0.3.0-2 is released.09:24
mithrobut the stuff in git is not a "release"09:25
pschulz01mithro: Not until you 'tag' it...09:25
mithroso for the daily builds you need something which evaluates to less then 0.3.009:26
pschulz01mithro: Um.. I can take the latest git.. apply a tag for 0.3.0.<Todays date>, and built a release (tar) and then package that.09:27
mithro0.3.0.<todays date> > 0.3.009:28
pschulz01Not sure :-) Maybe not09:28
pschulz01mithro: Asking in #debian-devel09:28
mithrodpkg --compare-versions "1.0-4.1" gt "1.0-4joe5" && \09:30
mithro  echo "NMU version -4.1 greater than -4joe5"09:30
tpbTitle: Packaging tips for unofficial Debian packages (at
pschulz01mithro: haha.. ta.09:31
mithroProblems will arise because dpkg will consider the final version 1.0 lower than the beta or release candidate version. The solution is to use a version like 0.99+1.0rc2-0joe1 which uses a lower version than 1.0 (0.99) and joins the release candidate version with a plus sign. This way the final version is greater than the previous one: 0.99+1.0rc2-0joe1 < 1.0-0joe1.09:31
mithroso you probably want09:32
mithro0.2.99+0.3.0git20070707-0 ?09:32
pschulz01mithro: Have to go... sorry.. but that looks like a good start.09:33
mithrohrm, that doesn't work RC releases :/09:34
mithrotim@ultraslim:~$ dpkg --compare-versions "0.2.99+" gt "0.2.99+0.3.0rc1" ; echo $?09:34
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mithroDystopicFro: ping?09:44
mithroit being 7am I think he may be asleep09:44
mithrodunno where that message came from09:44
mithrowell I'm off to watch some TV09:54
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CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r57e587ed3bb2 /src/gui/ ( xrc/EditorDialog.xrc): New GUI for TPCL Expression Editor13:30
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rd0dbc9ef4b60 /src/ (5 files in 4 dirs):13:30
CIA-3Added support for indentation in TPCL Expressions13:30
CIA-3Now things stay nice and pretty. Good god though this won't scale at13:30
CIA-3all for larger expressions. It's probably bad even now. I need a less13:30
CIA-3powerful computer for testing purposes.13:30
mithroJLP: ping?13:30
mithroDystopicFro: ping?13:30
DystopicFromithro: pong13:33
mithrohey DystopicFro13:33
mithrohows everything going?13:34
DystopicFropretty good13:34
DystopicFrohow's things for you?13:34
mithrogood, just about to head to bed13:34
DystopicFroah, yea, I always see you around at all hours >.<13:34
DystopicFromust be the wee hours of the morning over there13:35
mithroahh, your files are dos formatted again13:35
DystopicFrobloody editor13:35
mithrogetting lots of errors like this13:37
mithroTraceback (most recent call last):13:38
mithro  File "/home/tim/oss/tp/tpruledev/src/gui/", line 102, in OnInsert13:38
mithro    self.root_expression.InsertExpression(pos, expression)13:38
mithro  File "/home/tim/oss/tp/tpruledev/src/tpcl/", line 390, in InsertExpression13:38
mithro    raise ValueError('There is no expression at offset %d' % offset)13:38
mithroValueError: There is no expression at offset 013:38
mithroTraceback (most recent call last):13:38
mithro  File "/home/tim/oss/tp/tpruledev/src/gui/", line 102, in OnInsert13:38
mithro    self.root_expression.InsertExpression(pos, expression)13:38
mithro  File "/home/tim/oss/tp/tpruledev/src/tpcl/", line 390, in InsertExpression13:38
mithro    raise ValueError('There is no expression at offset %d' % offset)13:38
mithroValueError: There is no expression at offset 2313:38
DystopicFroBah encoding. I knew that it was too good to be true that it worked flawlessly on my comp13:40
DystopicFroThe StyledTextCtrl does funky stuff with its character encoding13:40
mithroinserting a boolean or number doesn't seem to work13:40
DystopicFroAnd since I base all of the operations on expressions by offset that completely messes things up13:40
DystopicFroah, those things, aye, are not yet functional13:40
DystopicFroI was just starting to work on that13:40
mithroit seems to work if I put the cursor just before the *EXP*13:42
DystopicFromithro: aye, I'm pretty sure that it's just an encoding issue that linux handles differently than windows13:43
mithrowhat is suppose to happen?13:43
mithrodo I have to put the cursor at *EXP* before doing the insert?13:44
DystopicFroI suppose I should write a quick readme13:44
DystopicFroInsert pushes the currently selected expression into the expansion point under the cursor13:44
DystopicFroso you have to pick where you want to insert the code first13:44
mithroDystopicFro: have you thought of making those *EXP*'s buttons which bring up a dialog box which lets you select the TPCL code bock?13:44
mithrothen it could only show the TPCL code blocks which make sense in that context?13:45
DystopicFromithro: that's an idea that I hadn't thought of before, really13:46
DystopicFrobut I've bounced around that issue a lot, in terms of how much assistance the editor should give13:46
mithroyou already have a text editor in the client?13:47
mithroI think this is about trying to make building up expressions point and click easy13:47
mithrodo you know if you can insert controls into the box?13:47
DystopicFroI'm pretty sure that widgets can't be inserted13:48
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mithroDystopicFro: arg, that sucks13:48
DystopicFrobut there are ways to provide overt emphasis to blocks of text (i.e. borders)13:48
DystopicFroand then it could be a response to the clicking event that brings up another dialog13:48
mithroDystopicFro: if you can get that to work, it might be okay13:50
mithroanother option might be using a HtmlWindow?13:50
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DystopicFroAye, that's an option, but it wouldn't lex on its own and wouldn't do nice things like match parentheses13:51
DystopicFroMy concern is in limiting things so much that a user would be very limited in what they could do13:52
DystopicFrowhat I've been striving for is a setup that will allow the user easy access to information about various functions (descriptions with examples of usage, for example) and organizing everything logically13:53
DystopicFrothe editor takes care of syntax and everything else and lets the user worry about functionality13:53
* mithro thinks13:54
mithrotake the example of wanting to create something compound component13:54
mithrowhich returns different "cloaking" strengths depending on other components on a hull13:55
mithrosay, "if ship is armed - return 0, for each other cloak add +1, for each other electrical component add +0.1, for each cargo hold add -5, result must still be positive"13:57
mithroI need to write some tpcl to repsent that13:58
mithroneed something like (if (> design.armed) (let x 0)) (let x (+ x 1*design.cloaks)) (let x (+ x 0.1* .... ?14:00
mithroIf I could just start with14:02
mithro(lambda *EXP*)14:02
mithroI click on *EXP* and select the if14:02
mithro(lambda (if *BOOL* *EXP* *EXP*))14:03
mithroI click on *BOOL* and select the > option14:03
* DystopicFro nods14:03
mithro(lambda (if (> *EXP* *EXP*) *EXP* *EXP*))14:03
mithroclick on the first *EXP* and select the armed property14:04
mithro(lambda (if (> design.armed *EXP*) *EXP* *EXP*))14:04
mithroclick on the second *EXP*, select number literal, enter 014:04
mithro(lambda (if (> design.armed 0) *EXP* *EXP*))14:04
mithroand onwards....14:04
mithrowith that kind of format I think you might have a hope of building reasonably complicated expressions?14:05
mithromaybe this use case too?14:05
mithroI stuffed up in the above example and it should be > 114:05
mithroI click on the '0', and change it to a '2'?14:06
mithroor I click on the 0 and select remove14:06
mithroand it goes back to being *EXP* ?14:06
mithrodoes that make any sense?14:07
DystopicFromithro: aye, complete sense14:07
mithroDystopicFro: the second question is, does it fit with what you are trying to do?14:07
DystopicFrothe issues that I feel are present in that approach, however, are the human factor of deciding what's what - i.e., what should the *BOOL* in the if be filled with14:08
DystopicFroThose labels, the *BOOL*, *SYMBOL*, *EXPR* are holdovers from what I originally conceived of14:08
DystopicFroWhich was very similar to what you're talking about14:08
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mithroDystopicFro: oh?14:09
mithrohey greywhind14:09
DystopicFroBut in pursuing that I started expending a lot of effort in trying to provide absolute perfection in the classification of expressions14:09
greywhindhey mithro14:09
greywhindawake later and later every day?14:09
mithroDystopicFro is distracting me :)14:10
DystopicFroand I went back and re-read a bit of the R5RS specification14:10
DystopicFroand realized that what I was trying to do was completely counter-productive14:10
DystopicFroand was introducing the potential for a lot of error and also just the possibility of artificially limiting the user14:11
mithrogreywhind: btw, had any more thoughts? It would be really good if you could take another look helping out with a client14:11
mithroDystopicFro: do you have an example?14:11
DystopicFroWell, in the case of conditionals14:12
DystopicFroWhat's an acceptable test?14:12
DystopicFroIf the ultimate value of an expression is a boolean value it should be acceptable, yes?14:12
mithroDystopicFro: yeah, sounds about right14:12
greywhindmithro: i would be happy to start by helping with a client, but i think that at some point (perhaps half-way?) i'd like to switch to making an AI (either a computer-controlled player AI or an "advisor")14:12
mithroan AI advisor would be pretty helpful14:13
mithrobut we really need to concentrate on making the clients much more userfriendly :)14:13
DystopicFromithro: and so attempting to limit what can be put in there by the context of the surroundings is both artificially limiting and error prone as it depends on what I decide is appropriate14:13
DystopicFromithro: now, I'm all for perhaps including the sort of funcionality you're talking about as a secondary means of interface14:14
DystopicFromithro: maybe accessed via a context menu?14:14
mithroDystopicFro: I personally would see it as the primary interface14:14
mithroDystopicFro: the idea is that ruleset designers aren't going to be huge programmers14:14
mithro(hence why they need a ruleset development environment :)14:15
mithroDystopicFro: well my interface doesn't necessarily have to "restrict" what you put in the *BOOL* part?14:15
mithroyou could have your complete tree in the pop-up?14:15
* mithro would also like to point out that he designed tpcl and the requirements stuff, and I can't even rattle the above simple example off the top of my head14:16
DystopicFromithro: for clarification - I see the tree being populated with all available functions that are built into TPCL as well as any expressions that the user chooses to save14:16
DystopicFroSo I can see the list getting quickly overpopulated and hard to handle as a popup or as a secondary dialog14:17
mithrobtw, most of the expressions won't be any more complicated then the above option14:18
* DystopicFro still isn't convinced of the time-saving benefits of the context-menu/secondary dialog and so will implement it as well over the course of the week14:20
DystopicFromithro: I'll cobble something together that I think fits your vision and we'll see how it goes >.<14:20
mithrowell, it's changing how the work flow goes14:20
mithroin your current system, I click on an option on the side, move my cursor to the position, then hit the insert key14:21
mithrowith my system, I hit where I want the new expression to go, then select what I want to go there14:21
* DystopicFro nods14:22
mithroI don't even have to worry about "the cursor"14:22
DystopicFroI set up the workspace to reflect my own work flow14:22
DystopicFroI'll get something working where both interfaces are available and are fully functional14:23
mithroDystopicFro: on another note, if I was editing a complicated 20-line expression, I would probably want to use my normal editor14:24
mithroan "Open TPCL in another program" might be a nice option to have14:24
DystopicFroWhat I see as the biggest advantages of the RDE is that it can check your TPCL code for errors as it gets entered in14:25
mithroDystopicFro: I recommend you have a chat to nash about it14:25
DystopicFroAnd the two biggest features of the Expression Editor as being that it can provide a complete list of all available funcitons along with descriptions of what they do, and makes inserting them easy and free from any syntax errors or mistypings14:26
DystopicFroso, we're coming at it from different directions >.<14:26
mithroyeah it looks like we are14:26
DystopicFromithro: I'll definitely have a talk with nash, hopefully things are more settled for him with the move and all that14:26
mithroyour "Expression Editor" is more what I would call a "Helpful Text Editor", rather then an "Easy Expression Builder"14:27
mithroDystopicFro: ultimately he is the "boss" as far as your project is concerned14:27
DystopicFromithro: definitely14:27
DystopicFromithro: but after the expression editor is built it's easy enough to downsize it into an "easy expression builder"14:28
mithrowhat I actually pinged you about was intergrating tpserver-py with the ruleset editor14:28
* DystopicFro nods14:28
DystopicFroI remember the convo we had about that earlier14:28
mithroso, you managed to split the stuff which reads your config away from your gui?14:29
DystopicFroAye, all the XML stuff is in XmlObjname modules14:30
mithroBTW do you use python 2.5?14:30
DystopicFromitrho: aye14:30
mithroI see you are using element tree14:30
mithrohere is how you should import it14:30
mithro# Need to find an ElementTree implimentation!14:30
mithroET = None14:30
mithroerrors = []14:30
mithro        import elementtree.ElementTree as ET14:30
mithroexcept ImportError, e:14:30
mithro        errors.append(e)14:30
mithro        import cElementTree as ET14:30
mithroexcept ImportError:14:30
mithro        errors.append(e)14:30
mithro        import lxml.etree as ET14:31
mithroexcept ImportError:14:31
mithro        errors.append(e)14:31
mithro        import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET14:31
mithroexcept ImportError:14:31
mithro        errors.append(e)14:31
mithroif ET is None:14:31
mithro        raise ImportError(str(errors))14:31
mithroyou shouldn't need the elementtree included in your tpruledev then14:31
greywhindmithro: wouldn't it be easier to use a pastebin?14:31
mithrogreywhind: probably :)14:31
DystopicFromitrho: the reason for including elementtree is the fact that I've changed it up a bit14:32
mithroas xml.etree.ElementTree <-- comes default with python14:32
greywhindmithro: i've got a script for my IRC client that allows me to type /paste to automatically paste and link whatever's in my clipboard :)14:32
DystopicFroedited the output so that it prints out much more nicely14:32
DystopicFrobut as that's not necessary14:32
DystopicFroI'll go ahead and alter the imports14:32
mithroDystopicFro: is that based on the stuff I gave you?14:32
DystopicFromithro: yes, but also printing out attributes in a nicer fashion since so much data is stored as attributes14:33
mithrocan you seperate out your code from the base elementtree?14:34
mithrobecause it could probably be useful for other things14:34
DystopicFroIt goes against everything that I've been conditioned to structure my thoughts as14:34
DystopicFrobut since python doesn't limit access to object members14:34
DystopicFroI should be able to pull it out of the elementtree package with a problem14:34
mithroDystopicFro: "forking" a package is generally considered bad unless you have a *really* good reason14:35
mithroas now every time there is a new elementtree release you have to merge their changes into your own14:36
DystopicFromithro: aye, but given that the last release was in 2005 I'm not all too worried about that14:37
DystopicFrobut then, best practices are there because they are, in fact, "best" in most cases >.<14:37
mithroDystopicFro: ahh, that is because elementtree is now part of stock python14:37
mithroIE elementtree development occurs inside the python tree :)14:37
* DystopicFro wipes the egg off of his face14:37
DystopicFroYea. Didn't see that.14:38
mithroDystopicFro: don't worry, only found out a week or two ago14:38
mithroThe Element type is available as a pure-Python implementation for Python 1.5.2 and later. A C implementation is also available, for use with CPython 2.1 and later. The core components of both libraries are also shipped with Python 2.5 and later.14:39
mithroThere's also an independent implementation, lxml.etree, based on the well-known libxml2/libxslt libraries. This adds full support for XSLT, XPath, and more.14:39
DystopicFromithro: ah, kk14:40
DystopicFroI'll go ahead and stick those imports in later today14:40
mithrothey are about 90% compatible for what we want to use em for14:40
mithroso the ./game_objects directory is what I want to look at if I'm using tpruledev code?14:41
mithrobecause I'm seeing some gui imports in that directory?14:41
* DystopicFro thinks to see if he did anything that makes it imposible to use game objects without nodes14:42
DystopicFroin the game objects directory?14:42
DystopicFrothere shouldn't be any gui imports14:42
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/tpruledev/src/game_objects$ grep gui *.py14:43 gui import CategoryPanel14:43 gui import ComponentPanel14:43 gui import PropertyPanel14:43
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/tpruledev/src/game_objects$ grep rde *.py14:43 rde.Nodes14:43 rde import ConfigManager14:43 ObjectNode(rde.Nodes.DatabaseNode):14:43
DystopicFrohm, the Panel imports are all things that should have been deleted many weeks ago14:45
mithroanyway I needed to be in bed 2-3 hours ago :)14:45
DystopicFrokk mithro, gnight >.<14:45
DystopicFroI'll recheck the game_object code14:45
mithroDystopicFro: i'm sure I've given you much food for thought :)14:45
DystopicFroand ferret out any references to other parts of the code that don't need to be there14:45
DystopicFroso ther eare no spurious imports14:45
DystopicFromithro: aye, plenty o.O14:45
mithroDystopicFro: last thing before we go, I think it would be good if we could do a public release of tpruledev before the end of SoC, do you think that would be possible?14:46
DystopicFroThe RDE without the expression editor should be ready to go14:46
DystopicFrothe expression editor I hope to have mostly done by the end of this week14:46
DystopicFromithro: So, it should be entirely possible14:47
mithroDystopicFro: coolioes!14:48
mithroanyway I'm really off now14:49
mithrogreywhind: we should chat some time later14:49
DystopicFrokk, gnite mithro >.<14:49
greywhindmithro: sure - sleep well14:50
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DystopicFronash: ping?22:34
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rb7bd8a5d6738 /src/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Altered GUI for Expression Editor again22:36
nashDystopicFro: Pong!22:52
DystopicFroack >.<23:20
DystopicFro10 minutes too late23:20
DystopicFronash: just checking in, had a talk with mithro earlier on today23:21
DystopicFronash: we have differing opinions on the direction that the expression editor should be following23:21
nashSorry - I wasn't here earlier house was settling today23:21
nashIs settling I shoudl say23:21
nash35 minutes23:21
DystopicFroso that's good right? aside from the hectic hubbub of the move, everything's all set for you?23:22
nashjust waiting for final confirmation23:23
nashAnyway - so how do you and mithro disagree?23:23
DystopicFrojust in terms of the footprint of the expression editor, really23:24
DystopicFroI favor something meaty, an emphasis on an overall picture of tpcl and stored code snippits23:25
DystopicFromithro's vision, if I understood correctly, was much more minimal23:25
DystopicFroa smaller, more quickly accessed context menu to pick tpcl expressions quickly23:25
DystopicFroA lot of the issue, I think, came from the fact that the interface for the expression editor is far from complete23:26
DystopicFroit's incredibly clunky and lacks a lot of the functionality and work flow that I have planned for it23:26
nashBased on that... I personally prefer the bigger view23:26
nashPriting out a list of expressions should be fairly easy to do...23:27
DystopicFronash: I'm sure that I'm horribly misrepresenting mithro's POV, but the work-in-progress editor is working fairly well, I think23:27
DystopicFroI told mithro I would implement what I understood of his idea alongside my own as well, just for comparison purposes23:28
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nashQuick question: What are your plans after SoC ends?23:28
* nash waves to mithro23:28
DystopicFromithro: ahoy23:28
mithrohowdy people23:28
mithrohey DystopicFro, didn't think you would still be up when I got up :)23:29
DystopicFronash: school and lots of it, I'm transfering uni's so I have a lot to make up23:29
DystopicFromithro: I'm usually awake late at night, just with the gf23:29
nashWhen do you start?23:30
DystopicFronash: but I plan on finishing what I've started, to the point where I'm satisfied with my work23:30
DystopicFroclasses start on the 20th23:30
mithronash: don't forget we have IRC logs :)23:30
DystopicFromithro: when you get a chance pull the latest of the expression editor, I put in something more like my original vision for the interface23:31
DystopicFromithro: left-click on an expression for the option to insert at that point - it would be trivial to add a context menu with the sort of items you want there as well, I think23:31
mithroDystopicFro: oooh... I like that23:32
DystopicFromithro: cool - I think that's what I'll expand on, then, maybe offer a smaller selection of the basic tpcl expressions in the context menu and leave the more complex stuff to the tree control23:34
mithroDystopicFro: you could just pop-up that tree control?23:35
DystopicFromithro: totally, but I quickly see that as getting out of control as I want to have every function that's in the spec available through the expression editor23:37
mithroDystopicFro: have you thought of a "help" browser type window?23:38
mithrowhich has the blocks on the left, and the help info on the right?23:38
DystopicFromithro: to what extent? what I've got in mind is an info box that will pop up a dialog on the currently selected block23:38
mithrokind of what I assume would occur when you click the info button?23:38
DystopicFroI can totally expand it into something more like that, though23:39
mithrobecause that would be a really useful pop-up dialog23:39
DystopicFroyea, right now I store all of the tpcl blocks in xml23:39
DystopicFroand they're marked up with descriptions and a display string23:40
DystopicFrowhich I plan to use for the info dialogs (or the help browser)23:40
mithrodoes the bit inside the stars need to be EXP?23:50
mithroit could use useful if they had a short description?23:51
mithroIE (if *TEST* *WHEN-TRUE* *WHEN-FALSE*)23:51
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DystopicFromithro: it can vary, yes23:55
DystopicFroand I completely agree23:55
mithroDystopicFro: just a thought23:55
* mithro has a memory like a bucket with no bottom23:56
mithroanything you can do to make it so I don't have to remeber things is good :)23:56
DystopicFroagain, I completely agree, the more info quickly and painlessly available, the better23:57
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