Tuesday, 2007-08-07

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mithronash: got something to show you later today00:01
nashmithro: Cool00:01
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rd02aca7ef621 /src/ (3 files in 2 dirs):00:06
CIA-3Updated a few UI things00:06
CIA-3More descriptive expansion point names and corrected the highlighting00:06
CIA-3of TPCLEE keywords00:06
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rd10b06086d40 /src/gui/TpclEditorDialog.py: Removed spurious dialogs on button clicks in TPCLEE00:07
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nashSo xdotx: Is RFTS going to be ready?01:25
xdotxnash: if i have anything to say about it01:26
nashxdotx: You do have something to say about it?01:26
nashxdotx: What about combat?01:27
xdotxnash: hmm, i'm planning on getting to combat stuff this weekend01:28
nashOkay... Any idea how to do it?  I assume you read the massive description in the manual... both lines01:28
xdotxi probably did, but not recently01:29
nashBasically it;s the only part of hte game not described in intricated details01:29
xdotxoh oh, yes.01:30
xdotxyeah, i assume they did that on purpose01:30
xdotxthe two lines went something like "combat occurs, then there's a break and you may be in a position to withdraw, repeat until dead or withdraw"01:31
mithrohey xdotx01:43
mithrothe features I added to tpclient-pytext should be helpful to you01:43
mithroorder_insert is a little bit more sane now01:44
mithroand you can use "order_desc" to get descriptions of orders01:44
mithroand "order_help" to figure out how to call order_insert :)01:44
mithrobe back in 2001:45
mithrobtw, you need to get an order description before you can get help on it or insert orders based on it01:47
xdotxmithro: hey, and cool02:05
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mithrohowdy people02:13
mithroxdotx: ping?02:13
xdotxmithro: pong02:27
mithroxdotx: you see the scrollback?02:27
xdotxmithro: with the added order support in pytext? yeah02:28
xdotxmithro: thanks02:28
mithroI would really like some feedback if you get a chance to use it02:28
mithroyou'll need to update both tpclient-pytext and libtpproto-py02:28
xdotxi "fixed" the problem with build fleet02:28
xdotxmithro: done02:30
xdotxmithro: any idea why, if i set an order on an object, then remove that object from it's parent, i get repeated (every turn) calls to create the order?02:31
xdotxcomes from client-pywx02:31
mithrosounds like there might be something wrong with the cache02:32
xdotxi'll look in to it more, maybe get a log and bug report.02:32
mithroxdotx: I can have a look into it a bit later if you can give me the procedure to reproduce it02:33
mithrojust want to finish this stuff to show nash02:34
xdotxmithro: kk02:34
nashmithro: timtrader?02:34
mithronash: no02:35
nashback in a while02:36
nashthat I just found out about02:36
CIA-3mithro tpviewer-pygame * rd73a715bee82 / (fleet.png star.png starmap.py):02:50
CIA-3Initial working display.02:50
CIA-3Just a huge hack really..02:50
CIA-3mithro tpviewer-pygame * r58b2f8ddf2a9 /starmap.py: Added support for a pop-up with text in it.02:50
CIA-3mithro tpviewer-pygame * r79a2d06c5d26 /starmap.py: Place the box near the object we are looking at.02:50
mithronash: :)02:51
* mithro waits to be yelled at by nash 02:52
CIA-3mithro tpviewer-pygame * r692e973c0d23 /README: Added README file.02:53
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r132721503e76 /modules/games/rfts/ (rfts.cpp rfts.h): Moving component & design creation out as helper functions02:54
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r8ceb2304fdd9 /modules/games/rfts/buildfleet.cpp: "fixing" build fleet (llnz why does this work?! / shouldn't i not do this??)02:54
nashmithro: The only comment I'd make, is you'd be a lot more productive not reinventing wheels every second week02:55
mithronash: I agree, I'm using it to experiment with making the starmap nicer02:56
* xdotx ponders the different kinds of wheels to invent02:56
mithrohopefully it will get merged into tpclient-pywx as the starmap02:56
mithrobut it was just easier to develop as something a seperate for the moment02:56
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/tpclient-pygame$ wc -l starmap.py02:57
mithro337 starmap.py02:57
mithroand with galaxie out of commission, I need something I can use which doesn't suck as much as tpclient-pywx ;)02:59
nashWell have house now...03:05
nashwill be catching a train on Friday morning... with laptop ;-)03:05
nashSo expect some commits after that03:05
mithronash: cool03:06
mithroone interesting thing the above does03:06
mithrois that when you mouse over a fleet it displays where that fleet is going03:07
mithrowhich I've found extremly useful over the last 24 hours03:07
nashBest guess I assume?  Or just for known ones03:07
mithrowell, just a line in the direction of the velocity03:09
nashright -03:10
nashDid you add the little arrows ala Stars!?03:10
mithrono, I use a line which fades away03:10
nashThe arrows tell you were it will be each turn (at current rate)03:11
mithroI'll show you03:11
mithroopps, the description box is covering it up now :/03:12
tpb<http://ln-s.net/Z2z> (at www.thousandparsec.net)03:19
tpb<http://ln-s.net/MA5> (at www.thousandparsec.net)03:20
nashYou are reusing my art I see ;-)03:22
mithronash: see how the line changes color at each turn?03:28
CIA-3mithro tpviewer-pygame * rac8f0d02f449 /starmap.py: Info window now only pops-up when a person is holding down the mouse button.03:29
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * ra1107ca49df6 /tpsai-py: Print out if a fleet doesn't have any ships.03:32
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * ra655a9a2512f /tpsai-py: Make the previous patch work on tpserver-cpp.03:37
nashmithro: Umm... no, not really03:41
nashAnyway - off home03:42
nashTalk to you tomorrow03:43
mithronash: okay03:44
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * r93f96fc881a3 /tpsai-py: Possible fix for Python 2.4 and Python 2.5 differences.03:44
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * r28f24b0bad09 / (things.py tpsai-py): Allow a battleship only fleet to help out with a takeover order.04:54
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * r31ec9dd1e60a / (things.py tpsai-py): Started using a "Fulfilment" class instead of a tuple.04:54
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mithrohey llnz05:26
llnzhi mithro05:26
mithrollnz: you should checkout tpviewer-pygame05:29
llnzi don't have pygame installed05:34
mithroapt-get install python-pygame ?05:35
mithrobblr dinner05:38
mithrollnz: you hold down the mouse button to get a pop-up of what is at that location06:08
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * rc19e2bbb5efb / (README tpsai-py): Updated README..06:09
mithrollnz: i updated tpclient-pytext to be useful too06:17
llnzsaw that06:22
mithrollnz: could be good when developing new orders06:24
mithroand it lets you see what libtpproto-py things the order is made up out of06:24
mithrollnz: did you get my email about player distance?06:25
llnzi did, been a bit busy here06:28
llnzgrrr... can't apt-get currently, local proxy broken06:29
llnzdid you get the email about launchpad and bazaar?06:29
JLPahoy people06:39
llnzhi JLP06:42
mithrohey JLP06:44
mithrollnz: yeah06:44
JLPyesterday i found this: http://tropheesdulibre.org/?lang=en06:53
tpbTitle: Les Trophées du Libre (at tropheesdulibre.org)06:53
JLPshould we register Thousand Parsec too?06:54
llnzwhy not06:55
llnzand feel free to nominate me and the project at http://www.nzosa.org.nz/06:56
tpbTitle: New Zealand Open Source Awards 2007 | NZOSA (at www.nzosa.org.nz)06:56
mithrollnz: I thought you already nominated the project?06:57
llnzyeah, but it doesn't hurt to have mutliple nominations (especially from different points of view)06:58
jothamany idea what happend with the other spaceship models from Epyon07:27
jothamthe one he gave me works really well07:27
jothamnice having something pretty to work with for once07:28
mithrojotham: no07:34
* mithro pokes Epyon with something07:34
* llnz has booked flights to AU for LCA0807:52
llnzmithro: is your gf going to attend?07:57
mithrollnz: probably not07:58
llnzmegan is (on the partners programme)07:58
llnzoh well....08:04
* llnz wanders off08:04
llnzlater all08:04
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jothami have Epyon's graphic flying around08:35
jothamand i wrote a spritesheet format that pickles the surface data and meta data08:35
jothamand i wrote a converter using PIL to convert the output frames from teh 3D renderer to the image format required for the sprite sheet08:36
jothamfor use in sdl/pygame08:36
jothamthat was a good effort for this evening08:36
jothamshould work08:38
tpb<http://ln-s.net/njh> (at the.fieldsofnoise.org)08:38
jothamgive it a whirl08:38
jothambe nice to see Epyon's other ship types, as that one looks good08:38
mithrohrm... no pshulz109:13
mithrowooot! flying ships!09:23
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rbc41bbc2caa0 /src/ (gui/TpclEditorDialog.py tpcl/data/base_blocks.xml):09:36
CIA-3Updated TPCLEE to allow insertion of initial expression09:36
CIA-3No checks to see if it's a procedure definition by lambda, though.09:36
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * r12d5e9c15540 / (things.py tpsai-py):09:52
CIA-3Support multi-pass assignment of tasks.09:52
CIA-3Should stop the AI from attacking when it doesn't have enough planets to build a fleet.09:52
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r9c5e10eaef0b /tp/netlib/objects/Order.py: Better __repr__ method for Orders.09:54
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mithrohi guitsaru11:23
mithroyou in the USA?11:24
mithroup a bit early? :)11:24
guitsaruIt's 11 am11:24
guitsaruor almost 11 anyway11:25
mithrooh? Your on the otherside of the US - I was thinking Pacific....11:25
* mithro is in Adelaide, Australia11:25
guitsaruYeah, central.  In Kansas.11:25
mithrowe have quite a few people from this area11:26
mithronash is from Australia, llnz is from New Zealand11:26
guitsaruThat's cool11:26
mithroso, I'm assuming you got my email :)11:27
guitsaruI did.  And just fired back a response.11:27
mithroyeah, just came through then11:29
mithroit's getting pretty late here, so I'll have to go in a short bit11:30
CIA-3mithro tpviewer-pygame * ra2f44bf910a7 /starmap.py:11:31
CIA-3Moved the position translation to a class.11:31
CIA-3Added support for getting multiple objects at one location.11:31
mithroguitsaru: so do you want to get setup right away? :)11:31
mithroso what operating system are you on?11:32
guitsaruMac OS X11:33
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * rddcfe4821d69 /things.py:11:33
CIA-3Have a minimum distance to assemble a fleet from.11:33
CIA-3(This should stop the problem where fleets coming two different sides of a11:33
CIA-3target accidently converge on a target before being ready - should also11:33
CIA-3make assembly a bit more stable.)11:33
mithroguitsaru: the first thing you are going to need to install is a program called "git"11:33
mithroif you haven't heard of it before, it's a Revision Control System that the Linux kernel uses11:34
mithrothat will let you get a copy of the code11:34
mithrowhile your at it, I also recommend downloading the tpclient-pywx binary dmg to have a play with it11:35
mithroI'm afraid that Mac hasn't gotten a lot of testing as know of the developers have them11:36
greywhindtoo tired to put together a coherent sentence, mithro? :P11:37
mithrosomething like that11:37
mithroI'm afraid that Mac hasn't gotten a lot of testing as none of the developers have them11:38
mithroso whats your experience?11:39
guitsaruI've done mostly C# RAD development when I had an internship at Honeywell11:40
guitsaruMostly software to test some of the hardware over serial ports11:40
mithroarg, this is a bit frustrating11:41
mithrothe AI is choosing to do two totally different things on different computers given the same input11:41
greywhindthat's odd.11:42
mithroyeah very11:42
greywhindthere's no randomness to the AI at the moment, correct?11:42
mithrothe only thing different is the python version11:43
mithrowhich seems to be causing the system to not issue Colonise orders11:43
greywhindoh - i'm returning home today, Mithro.11:44
mithrogreywhind: where is "home"?11:44
greywhindmithro: about two hours away, but it means the internship will be officially starting.11:45
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rbb3a16dab2b2 /src/ (4 files in 3 dirs):11:46
CIA-3Initial stab at entering literal values11:46
CIA-3Strings, numbers, boolean values and the quote operator are all11:46
CIA-3implemented now. I'm not sure if I like how this is implemented, but it11:46
CIA-3works >.<11:46
mithrogreywhind: ahh, cool!11:46
mithrogreywhind: well, I would really love some help with tpclient-pywx (development branch)11:47
mithrothere is just so many things which need done on it11:47
mithrobtw how much time do you expect to spend on Thousand Parsec?11:49
guitsaruOk, got git installed11:56
mithroguitsaru: okay cool!11:59
mithroguitsaru: did you get a chance to get the DMG?11:59
guitsaruOh, is there a dmg for the latest build, or should I just get 0.2.1?12:00
mithrono dmg for the latest build :/12:07
greywhindmithro: at least the equivalent of 1 hour a day, i think. sorry - i had to go afk for a bit12:10
mithrogreywhind: okay12:10
guitsaruOk, got 0.2.1.  The .app file doesn't work correctly.  Running the Contents/MacOS/tpclient-pywx file from the terminal starts it though12:12
mithrowhat MacOS version do you have?12:13
guitsaruThe latest12:13
mithrothats a bit weird12:14
mithrothis is why we need a Mac developer :)12:14
mithroguitsaru: okay12:18
mithroso you want to checkout the AI?12:18
mithroto use the AI you need 2 libraries plus the AI12:19
mithrogit-clone git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/libtpproto-py.git12:20
mithrogit-clone git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/libtpclient-py.git12:20
mithrogit-clone git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/tpsai-py.git12:20
guitsaruOk, done12:21
mithrogot a nice fast internet connection?12:21
mithrocd tpsai-py.git12:21
mithromkdir tp12:21
mithrotouch tp/__init__.py12:21
mithrocd tp12:21
mithroln -s ../../libtproto-py/tp/netlib netlib12:22
mithroln -s ../../libtpclient-py/tp/client client12:22
mithroI'm missing a p in that first symlink12:22
mithrothen go back to the tpsai-py directory12:25
* mithro fixed the problem12:26
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * r8f916c698e8b / (things.py tpsai-py):12:26
CIA-3Reworked how the underassigned tasks are reallocated.12:26
CIA-3Now the task with the least allocated is reallocated first.12:26
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * rc417d159a3f2 /tpsai-py: Should be equals, not is!12:26
mithroto run the AI12:26
mithrodo a ./tpsai-py <Thousand Parsec Server URI>12:27
mithroyou can find a server here -> http://metaserver.thousandparsec.net/12:27
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : Metaserver Server Listing (at metaserver.thousandparsec.net)12:27
mithroor I can help you setup one locally12:27
mithroguitsaru: the public servers generally have very long turn lengths (ie 10 minutes)12:29
mithroI use 10 second turns locally12:29
guitsaruGood idea12:29
mithrohave you tried logging with the client to a server?12:30
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rdb23934719f5 /src/ (gui/TextCtrl.py tpcl/data/tpcl_base.xml):12:33
CIA-3Began adding the built-ins of TPCL12:33
CIA-3And boy are there sure a lot >.<12:33
mithroguitsaru: the development client is a lot nicer looking :)12:36
guitsaruThat's good12:36
*** guitsaru is now known as guitsaru_lunch12:37
mithroyou might also find that the newly developed tpveiwer-pygame might be useful for debugging the AI12:37
mithroguitsaru_lunch: well, I'm thinking of heading to bed12:38
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * re6b2795a2cdf /src/tpcl/data/tpcl_base.xml: Added templates for all TPCL functions12:48
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rcd0708ca8199 /src/tpcl/data/tpcl_base.xml: Fixed typo in XML file12:49
*** guitsaru_lunch is now known as guitsaru12:52
mithrowb greywhind12:57
mithros/ greywhind / guitsaru12:57
guitsaruI'm firing up my parallels install to see the windows client12:58
guitsaruIt complained about missing msvcp71.dll12:58
guitsaruI downloaded the dll and it runs fine now13:01
mithrohttp://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?msvcp71 ?13:01
tpb<http://ln-s.net/no7> (at www.dll-files.com)13:01
mithroguitsaru: forwarded you 'Setup instructions for tpclient-pywx on Mac....'13:20
guitsaruCool, thanks13:20
mithrotook for forever to find it13:20
mithrowell heading to bed13:34
daxxarguitsaru: vcredist.exe from Microsoft is what you want. :-)14:41
daxxarguitsaru: It contains all the msvc*.dll-s, i.e. the VC runtimes14:42
guitsaruah, ok14:42
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* nash waves18:53
* nash notes a new face on channel... well new nick anyway...18:53
nashheyo guitsaru18:56
EpyonSo much for the new face :P19:39
nashMust have been something you said19:42
EpyonI didn't say anything, it's what you said that scared him off :P19:43
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* Epyon hides.19:43
nashBah... I saw the network traffic for your backchannel insults19:43
EpyonOMG, I've been tracked o.O19:44
nashOnly by me... and I only release the logs to google and myspace... so it's like, totally private19:47
guitsaruSorry, hey nash19:48
nashguitsaru: That's cool19:49
Epyondoes someone here have the game programming gems series?20:17
nashCan't say I do20:23
*** guitsaru is now known as guitsaru_away20:53
xdotxEpyon: i've got access to some of them21:12
Epyonxdotx have you gotthe CD for book 2 at hand?21:13
xdotxperhaps, lemme check21:13
xdotxEpyon: can't find my book here, but i'm sure they've got it at school21:27
EpyonI'll have it tommorow anyway, but thanks for the help anyway :)21:32
jothamhey Epyon21:50
jothamdid you see your ship flying around21:50
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Epyonjotham, unfortunately I havn't got py installed. But judging by the sprites it would be nicer if you rerendered them by point of view not rotation :P22:05
jothamfor what i'm doing it needs to be this way22:05
jothambecause the ships will all be arrayed in orbit around the planets22:06
jothamfor a given battle22:06
*** guitsaru_away is now known as guitsaru22:06
jothambut i just thought you might want to see what it looked like crudely animating22:06
nashNah... Epyon only wants to look at pixel perfect final renders22:17
jothamwell i hope he gets the rest of the models done22:18
jothamEpyon: it wont make much sense (my angle choice) until you see it all togeather22:19
Epyon  jotham, the freigther and the scout 3ds models are already in the repo22:19
jothamoh cool!22:20
jothamwhat did you mean by point-of-view renders btw22:24
jothamthey are from a pov22:24
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mithrohowdy people22:27
nashheyo mithro22:27
mithronash: I think I'm about happy with tpsai-py22:27
nashmithro: Now we both need to start getting the AIs to work with MTSec or RFTSec22:28
mithroonly thing it doesn't really do is split fleets22:29
mithronash: tpsai-py I think is good for making tpserver-cpp much more stable22:29
mithroand honestly I'm hugely interested in extending it at the moment22:30
* mithro can't type today22:30
mithroand honestly I'm not hugely interested in extending it at the moment22:30
nashmithro: So you'll actually implement a game of some flavour somewhere?22:31
mithronash: yes22:31
mithroI hope to get back to tim trader22:31
mithroand actually finish it off22:31
mithrothen it's time to have a hard look at tpclient-pywx and get a release of the development version22:32
mithrogreywhind: ping!22:32
mithrojotham: the animated ships look cool!22:34
mithroguitsaru: any luck with the setup instructions for tpclient-pywx?22:34
mithrolooks like tpsai-py crashed demo122:35
mithrojotham: you just need some cheezy sound effects, vrooooooooooom! :)22:36
jothami've never used pythons mixer stuff22:37
jothammy friend assures me it's trivial22:37
guitsarumithro: I got most of it.  I couldn't get py2app installed22:37
mithroguitsaru: oh?22:38
guitsaruthe setup.py wasn't working for some reason22:38
mithroguitsaru: can you give me the output?22:39
guitsaruyeah, let me try again22:39
greywhindmithro: what's up?22:46
mithrogreywhind: I have some tasks I would like to chat to you about22:47
greywhindmithro: can we maybe wait about an hour?22:47
mithrogreywhind: sure22:48
greywhindmithro: alright. see you a bit later.22:48
guitsarumithro: nevermind, it installed this time22:49
guitsarumithro: I sent you an email about another problem though22:49
tpbTitle: Mac Setup - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at www.thousandparsec.net)22:51
guitsarufatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly22:52
guitsarufetch-pack from 'git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/libtpclient-py.git#development' failed.22:52
mithrohrm... looks like git-clone and cg-clone don't work the same way :/22:54
mithroguitsaru: hrm, looks like you are going to have to install cogito23:06
mithrothis might be useful http://www.dpompa.com/git-
guitsaruOk, that worked.23:13
guitsaruNow it's all set u23:13
tpbtpb has joined on worldforge23:15
tpbmode change by purple.worldforge.org on worldforge: +nt23:15
mithroguitsaru: so in theory23:15
mithroyou can go23:15
mithrocd tpclient-pywx23:15
mithropython requirements.py23:15
tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-08-07T23:17:01 not replied to.23:19
mithroguitsaru: updated the instructions a bit more23:21
tpbTitle: Mac Setup - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at www.thousandparsec.net)23:21
mithrobe back in 523:23
mithrowill have to run off very soon23:38
mithroguitsaru: any luck with the new instructions?23:38
guitsarutrying to get pygame installed23:39
mithropygame isn't a required dependency23:39
mithroyou only need if you want to use tpviewer-pygame, the battleviewer or the intro movie23:40
guitsaruThe stable version runs23:41
guitsarudev version does not23:41
guitsaru22:44:25: Debug: /BUILD/wxPython-src- assert "traits" failed in Get(): create wxApp before calling this23:41
guitsaruTrace/BPT trap23:41
mithroI'm assuming because it's a trap, you didn't get a backtrace?23:43
guitsaruThe only thing before that error  is what I see when I run requirements.py23:45
mithrookay can you try this23:46
mithrocd tpclient-pywx-dev23:46
mithrocd tp23:46
mithrocd client23:46
mithroopps.. that isn't going to work...23:47
mithroopen up /usr/local/lib/python2.5/urllib.py in your fav editor23:48
mithroaround line 130523:48
jothamis su actually short for supervisor rather than superuser?23:48
mithrothere is something like23:48
jothamgiven the legacy of 'supervisor' refering to the os kernel on ibm mainframes23:48
mithrojotham: I always thought it was "switch user"23:48
jothamhum true23:49
mithro        try:23:49
mithro            import ic23:49
mithro        except ImportError:23:49
mithro            return {}23:49
mithrocopy the return {} line23:49
mithroand put it just above the import ic line23:49
mithrothen try again23:50
guitsarusame thing23:50
mithrowasn't what I thought it was23:51
mithroI'm afraid I can't really do any more debugging without access to a mac :/23:52
mithrolooking above23:52
mithroit seems to be because of some call to wx before the wxApp has been created23:52
mithrowhich is going to be very hard to debug23:53
guitsaruI don't know how much it is going to help, but I just emailed the full output23:53
guitsaruI'll be back in a few minutes23:55
mithroguitsaru: I have to run23:56
mithroI'll be back later tonight and around tommorrow23:56
mithroguitsaru: that traceback is useful23:58

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