Sunday, 2007-08-05

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mithroxdotx: why?00:06
xdotxmithro: because the dev client looks cooler than the current pywx client :P00:07
mithrohe he00:07
mithrowell if you hurry up and finish RFTS you can help me out ;)00:07
xdotxllnz: any idea why my order seems to be getting assigned to the star system instead of the planet i selected?00:08
xdotxmithro: me, python? ionno00:08
llnzxdotx: did you set the orderqueue's objectid correctly?00:09
xdotxllnz: maybe...00:10
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xdotxllnz: :/ it seems like i did00:37
xdotxor.. maybe i set the queue id twice instead ~~00:50
llnzyou don't need to set the queue id anymore, it is set by orderManager00:51
llnzso does it go?01:08
xdotxfound another error, think i just fixed it01:10
xdotxeek - kdev crashed in the middle of typin01:11
xdotxllnz: to be clear, when do i should i call doneWithObject?01:21
mithrowhy don't you just use a GC?01:29
* mithro is just being facicious01:38
mithrollnz: so, when is tpserver-cpp going to get FOW?01:42
* mithro would like to see how that effects the AI01:44
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * r0b2fea49d83b /tpsai-py: Remove evil spaces!01:57
llnzxdotx: when you have finished using the object, it might (in future) cause the pointer to that object to be invalid02:02
llnzmithro: because it's used to update the database at that point02:03
llnzmithro: FOW is possible now, and has been possible for at least a year02:03
mithrollnz: you should probably force the pointer to null to make sure people are doing the right thing?02:03
mithrollnz: no FOW in Minisec?02:03
llnzcan't force the pointer to null, in the local stack02:04
llnzmithro: should minisec has FOW?02:04
mithrollnz: well, it could be an interesting option02:04
mithrowhat are the turn times on demo1?02:05
llnzevery 10 minutes02:05
mithroahh okay02:07
xdotxllnz: alright. any idea why my order doesn't seem to be updating client-side?02:22
llnzxdotx: does the order do anything to the object?02:23
xdotxllnz: hmm, no02:23
xdotxllnz: just testing with no op right now02:24
llnzthen it probably doesn't update the object (changes the modtime) and the client caches the old object and orders02:24
xdotxah right, i thought of that earlier but got sidetracked02:24
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r550465799a36 /windows/
CIA-3Make the resource output a little bit nicer.02:26
CIA-3(cherry picked from commit 22898ae2e633014697cd9ca756b723fe194bffac)02:26
xdotxyep, that was it02:31
llnzbbs, dinner02:34
xdotxnow i know how those newbie programmers that i TA feel when they're all like "omg how did you know that?!" on some bug/error02:34
xdotxllnz: enjoy02:34
llnzi will fix orderqueue to update the object i think02:34
llnzbbs, dinner02:34
* xdotx nods02:34
mithroxdotx: everything in the tpclient-pywx-dev should work apart from the starmap02:37
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * rd5f0d3c7d200 /tp/netlib/objects/ TimeRemaining can be -1, which means unknown.02:52
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r1da3d6e7bd51 /tp/netlib/objects/ Slightly better error message.02:52
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r33060b0e977f /tp/netlib/discover/ ( Moved the discover servers into a seperate file.02:52
* llnz is back02:54
* xdotx back too03:14
xdotxmithro: teaching aide -  for school03:14
xdotxmithro: ah, and i don't really -need- the starmap right?03:15
mithroxdotx: yeah03:17
mithroyou can use the system menu to get around quite fine03:18
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r655cb4f99f66 /modules/games/rfts/planet.cpp:03:19
CIA-3setting orderqueue owner on planet setowner (very helpful ;)03:19
CIA-3added non-working build fleet order03:19
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r0f6cac0e3815 /modules/games/rfts/ (7 files):03:19
CIA-3Orders working (no op at least)03:19
CIA-3Added basic rfts turn process03:19
CIA-3Added owned object interface03:19
xdotxi may start playing with that some more then03:19
mithroTBBle: ping?03:20
mithroxdotx: it still need quite a bit of work03:20
* xdotx nods03:21
mithrobut if people are actually complaining about it03:23
mithroit may get more love03:23
xdotxllnz: what is the owners list for order queue's used for?03:27
llnzcontrol who can see, add and remove orders into the order queue03:27
xdotxright, right. so then, what good does addOwner(0) do? name the universe as an owner?03:30
mithrollnz: btw don't forget to update the quickstart config files03:30
llnzplayer 0 is no player03:31
llnzxdotx: so therefore no one is the owner03:31
llnzyou don't need to add 0, just remove all03:32
llnzmithro: yeah03:32
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r5e3d27145112 / (quickstart-minisec.conf quickstart-mtsec.conf):03:36
CIA-3Added info logging to console to quickstart configurations.03:36
CIA-3Because mithro asked.03:36
mithroxdotx: so how far along is rfts?04:06
xdotxmithro: working on getting fleet building right now04:21
xdotxmithro: i plan/hope on having that in tonight as well as movement04:21
mithroxdotx: so have you got building working?04:31
mithroor economies?04:33
xdotxmithro: negative04:35
mithroxdotx: would be good if there was a TODO/Timeline somewhere04:39
mithrothe SoC is rapidly coming to an end04:39
xdotxmithro: i know, i feel so behind. i'm currently reworking my timeline as a result04:41
xdotxmithro: i expect to get a lot more work done these last few weeks since i don't have school to worry about so much04:42
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* llnz ponders05:12
mithrollnz: what are you pondering?05:41
llnzthe various causes why i get nothing done on a sunday night05:42
xdotxbecause lazy sundays are good?05:44
llnz4 one hour long tv shows in a row05:44
xdotxsundays are usually one of my most productive days, because i know it's the last day of my weekend.. except when i don't have class monday05:45
* xdotx recommends selling the tv05:45
llnzit's built into my LCD monitor (second monitor is a CRT)05:46
xdotxllnz: so, i can create components fine, but when i add a design to the store => death05:47
llnzhave you added the properties?05:48
xdotxit dies during the tpcl evaluation05:51
llnzoh? error message?05:52
xdotxnone from the service05:53
xdotxor... sec05:53
xdotxum.. yeah.. nevermind05:57
xdotxit's workin' fine. no idea what i did different this last time05:58
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xdotxllnz: where/how is the order type set?06:27
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llnzxdotx: set by ordermanager when order type is added06:28
xdotxllnz: hmm, what would it mean if it's somehow wrong?06:30
* mithro can't figure out why his computer decided to automatically shutdown06:31
xdotxmithro: crash style or ordered/proper shutdown?06:32
xdotxllnz: in createFrame the order type should be set correctly, right?06:33
mithroseems like it shutdown properly06:33
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llnzxdotx: yes06:33
xdotxllnz: and i shouldn't have to do anything to set the type, should i?06:33
xdotxother than adding the type initially06:34
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llnzdo you create the order from the ordermanager?06:34
xdotxas far as i can tell i'm not creating an order at all?06:35
llnzcreateframe in what object?06:35
xdotxthe order06:35
xdotxerk i bet i know06:37
xdotx:/ apparently more problems06:43
* xdotx wasn't setting the type id in order's clone06:45
* xdotx takin' a break06:46
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r24ba1bceeda0 /modules/games/rfts/ (8 files): working on build fleet order07:37
* xdotx should get some sleep07:49
xdotx'night guys07:49
llnzso should i07:50
llnzcya xdotx07:50
* llnz wanders off07:51
llnzlater all07:51
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mithroJLP: ping?11:07
JLPmithro: pong11:09
mithro~seen niphree11:30
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 1 week, 1 day, 3 hours, 56 minutes, and 39 seconds ago: <niphree> mithro: eee... not now :] I've just started working11:30
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CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rc82d1f2ec900 /modules/games/rfts/ (buildfleet.cpp rfts.cpp rftsturn.cpp):19:22
CIA-3Nop and build fleet orders working19:22
CIA-3bug: build fleet's fleet is not showing up19:22
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mithrohey xdotx, any progress today?23:24
mithronash: ping?23:24
xdotxmithro: progress yes, but my build fleet order does everything right - except actually make a fleet show up23:24
mithroxdotx: doh!23:25
mithrobtw tpclient-pytext can be useful for trying to debug if a object is getting created or not23:25
xdotxmithro: i've been stuck on it for a while so i'm going to work on a move order instead23:25
* xdotx nods23:25
mithroas it doesn't use a cache, it just directly requests the object23:26
xdotxi'll likely switch to it for that23:26
mithroso if you know it was suppose to be created id 7723:26
mithroyou can just do a23:26
mithro"object 77"23:26
mithronash_: ping?23:41

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