Saturday, 2007-08-04

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mithrono JLP :/03:53
mithro~seen JLP03:53
tpbmithro: JLP was last seen in #tp 6 days, 17 hours, 10 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: <JLP> mithro: ahoy03:53
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tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-08-04T04:06:41 not replied to.04:08
mithronash: ping?04:35
mithroanyone alive today?05:26
llnzhi mithro05:27
mithrohey llnz05:28
mithrotpserver-cpp seems to be relatively stable ATM05:28
llnzreasonably stable, some features still missing05:29
mithrollnz: I mean in terms of Segfaults per hour :)05:30
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mithrollnz: it would be nice to have a stable persisenece05:32
llnzi know05:33
mithrothe atleast after a seg05:33
mithrowe could continue the game05:33
mithrobtw have you thought about adding a SQLite backend?05:35
llnzi have05:35
mithroo btw have you added the log output to the console to the quickstart configs yet?05:37
llnzmight create a generic sql back end05:37
llnzdoesn't it?05:37
llnzi'll look into it05:37
mithronot by default05:37
xdotxllnz: think you'll be around much tomorrow?05:38
llnzyes, should be05:39
xdotxalright. i'm gonna get some sleep; planning on a big day tomorrow05:39
xdotx'night guys05:40
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llnzhi JLP05:40
JLPllnz: ahoy05:41
mithrohey JLP05:41
mithroJLP: you do translation right?05:41
mithro(for the KDE project?)05:41
JLPmithro: yup05:41
mithroJLP: do you use gettext at all?05:42
llnzmithro: kde uses a dirivative of gettext05:42
JLPmithro: i translated using KBabel, which uses gettext in background05:42
mithroJLP: would you be interested in translating tpclient-pywx?05:43
JLPyeah for KDE3 there was a modified gettext, to properly support something that wwasn't available in older versions of it05:43
JLPwith KDE4 and new gettext they are switching to pure gettext05:43
mithroJLP: i'm just unsure how to go about translation05:46
mithroI know I'm suppose to generate .pot files?05:46
JLPmithro: you mean how to generate translation files from source code?05:47
mithroJLP: kind of, I know that I use a program called xgettext to extra the strings05:48
mithrobut I don't know where to go from there05:48
mithrothe xgettext output doesn't make much sense to me05:48
JLPif i remember correctly  it shoud be just something like "xgettext *.cpp -o output.pot"05:50
mithroyeah, that is about as far as I got05:52
mithrowhat do I do with the pot?05:52
mithroJLP: your comments on Localisation thread would be good too05:52
mithroand I also started a reorg branch of the website05:53
JLPwell if the output is right you just copy it into some po file, open it with KBabel (or just some text editor) and then add strings to msgstr which is below the original string in msgid05:54
JLPmithro: yeah i'll check the threads, after the summer school finished i went to sea with friends for a week05:55
JLPso no internet and no time until today05:55
JLPand i also have to go now, will be back in 2 or 3 hours05:56
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CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * r4aafa20153ee /
CIA-3Make the error messages on network failures better.06:51
CIA-3Fixed the colonise order when used in the "TakeOver" context.06:51
CIA-3A few other error checks.06:51
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * r13254cb06038 /tpsai-py: Restart the AI on a "crash".06:51
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * rd39c4ee054f3 / Added method which removes any "left-over" orders.06:51
mithrollnz: ping?06:51
mithrollnz: you been playing against tpsai-py right?06:53
mithrothose patches should fix a few "weird" things which can happen06:53
mithrospecifically when the AI reassigns a fleet to a new task06:54
mithroit now actually removes any sperious orders06:54
mithrothere is something strange going on with the orders however06:56
mithrooccassionly I can't remove an order06:57
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mithrollnz: do you have time to chat about orders?07:02
llnzmithro: sure07:02
mithrookay, I think both Colonise and MergeFleet should take a "target" id07:03
mithrothat would solve a couple of problems07:03
mithro1. The "can't colonise Mars" problem07:03
mithro2. Also allow things like Planets orbiting other planets07:04
mithroas well, I would like to be able to specify which Fleet I'm trying to merge with07:04
llnzi do see the point07:05
llnzthey are just to check the local point for, not the destination? (ie no automatic move order)07:06
mithroI think that makes sense07:07
llnzok, i'll look at adding that tomorrow07:08
mithrodunno, if you should auto remove the order?07:08
mithroor set the turn length to -1 (infinity)?07:08
llnzi think it is better to fail and remove than keep trying every turn07:09
mithromakes most sense for a human I guess07:11
mithrollnz: we also need an "intercept" order07:14
mithrobtw, a lot of these orders are "common" between basic rulesets07:15
mithrohave you thought about adding the ability for MTSec to inherit from MIniSec orders?07:15
mithroor is it too complicated?07:15
llnzi am going to wait before creating "common" orders (objects too), i suspect there isn't actually that much in common07:16
mithrowell, Move is a pretty trivial order07:17
mithroColonise is too?07:17
llnzahh, but future rulesets might set the speed, use a different property id for the speed, or whatever07:18
llnzcolonise is very planet object specific07:18
mithrowith move you could have a "getSpeed" function which each ruleset defines?07:19
mithrollnz: so where is tpserver-cpp at?07:28
llnzit terms of development?07:29
mithrohow long until a stable release?07:31
llnzmost of the TP04 things are ready07:31
llnzthe biggest thing still changing is pre-player views of objects07:31
llnzonce i get the finalised, i will fix tpmysql persistence, and then release07:32
mithroso how long are we talking?07:32
llnzif i get time, maybe a month or so07:33
mithroso where is RFTS?07:33
mithroand how goes MTSec?07:33
llnzRFTS is coming along, i intend to merge it into master the day after SoC finishes07:34
llnzMTSec hasn't had any love recently other than cross ported fixes and keeping up with interface changes07:34
llnzmight have another go at MTSec after the next release07:35
mithroany thoughts of supporting the BattleXML stuff?07:35
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jothamoh hey07:36
mithrojotham: any luck with Epyons models?07:36
jothamyeah...i asked/said07:36
jothama couple of days ago07:36
llnzyeah, i will support battlexml, when I redo minisec (and mtsec) combat07:36
jothamhe needs to do the rest of the ships and we will be using 3DS from now on as the format, and he needs to talk to you about textures and texture licenses07:37
jothami have some renders done now that i am using07:37
jothambut only of the one ship he gave me07:37
mithroso when are we going to see some battleviewer commits?07:38
jothamwhen i have something to show07:38
jothamlike i said, i'm redoing it with the event / pygame library i wrote myself (thats what i've been doing the last few weeks)07:39
jothamso the Ocemp dependancy will go07:39
jothami pretty much want to leave what i wrote for dead07:39
jothamre: the current source07:39
jothamlot of this has been learning with how to deal with sdl properly for UI stuff07:40
jothamwhich i'd never done before07:40
jothamand maybe i can trade my ocempgui dependancy in for the pyxml one07:40
jothambut it's optional anyway, as of the code i wrote a month ago or whatever07:40
jothamanyway yeah, now i have a ship model i'm good, be good to get the rest of them though07:41
jothamso you need to talk to Epyon about that imo07:41
mithrojotham: how has work been going?07:43
mithrojotham: bummer :/ Still haven't found the new people?07:45
jothammajor recruitment agency here says this city is short 1500 IT workers07:45
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mithrojotham: yeah, you where saying that a while ago07:47
* llnz is finding lots of little bits of work around07:47
llnzoh, i'll be in Wellington next weekend07:47
jothamthere is tons of work here if you can do web07:48
mithroarg, galaxie doesn't compile anymore:/07:48
llnzmithro: you need update ecore07:48
mithromy ecore is from
* llnz should go07:50
llnzjotham: if you want to meet up, drop me an email07:50
* llnz wanders off07:50
mithrollnz: what do you use?07:50
llnzlater all07:50
llnzmithro: i don't07:51
llnzlater all07:51
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mithrohey xdotx08:34
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CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r821c83769282 / (3 files in 3 dirs): Support the different types of ElementTree.09:43
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r3697452b698c /tp/server/db/ (log message trimmed)09:43
CIA-3Horrible hack to work around unknown brokeness.09:43
CIA-3AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'strftime'09:43
CIA-3This error is caused by the default handler on the row09:43
CIA-3I have09:43
CIA-3 Column('time', DateTime, nullable=False, index=True,09:43
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mithrohey JLP10:21
JLPmithro: ahoy10:21
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * rc33e09ebeae0 / Print offending order.10:22
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * rf8acceb1459f / Fixed small typo.10:22
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * r0476395c12b1 / ( tpsai-py):10:22
CIA-3Added support for autodetecting OrderType IDs.10:22
CIA-3Added support for checking BuildFleet Orders (rather then just always recreating them).10:22
CIA-3This should mean the client now support tpserver-py.10:22
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r88b9004a2c12 / ( tp/server/ Allow turning of packet echo.10:29
mithroJLP: so does this look like a normal .pot file?10:37
tpb<> (at
JLPmithro: yup looks just fine10:38
mithroJLP: wanna give a got at translating it, and I'll see if I can get tpclient-pywx-dev to load it in a different language?10:39
JLPmithro: sure10:39
mithroI'm pretty sure there will be missing strings and stuff10:39
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r2290f11c11ec /locale/ ( tpclient-pywx.pot): Added stuff for translation.10:58
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r4d577990608d / (8 files in 2 dirs): Make more strings translatable.10:58
mithroJLP: latest pot;a=blob_plain;f=locale/tpclient-pywx.pot;h=56520c37e700c543bc463fe0d833f60c816144fb10:59
tpb<> (at
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/tpclient-pywx-dev$ grep msgid ./locale/tpclient-pywx.pot | wc -l11:03
mithrothat means there are 189 strings which need translating right?11:04
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JLPmithro: i just finished translating the first version of pot, will now update to the latest11:23
mithroJLP: wow, that was fast!11:23
mithrowhat language are you translating too? "Slovenian"?11:23
JLPmithro: yeah, into slovenian11:24
JLPbtw, there were some words where it wasn't clear to what they refer to11:24
JLPsome were even just letters11:25
JLPit would be nice to add some translation comments there so that you know what New is all about (to be able to translate it into the right gender)11:25
mithrohow do I do that?11:28
JLPmithro: hm don't know yet, this translation context is one thing that was missing in older gettext and kde did it in a special way11:30
JLPi'll have too look into the info pages11:30
mithroso where is this .po file?11:31
JLPi'm just updating it to the second pot11:33
mithroso I need to create a .mo from the .po right?11:33
mithrowhats Slovenian's two letter code?11:34
JLPyeah with msgfmt you create mo from po11:36
JLPslovenian -> sl11:37
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mithrohrm, that was rather unpleasent11:44
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JLPok translation complete11:50
JLPpo should be in
tpbTitle: Index of /tp (at
mithroJLP: okay so how do I set the LOCALE to be slovenian?11:58
mithroJLP: I have to set LC or something?12:00
JLPmithro: hm i forgot about that, i'm just looking but i guess LC_MESSAGES=sl_SI should work12:01
mithrolocale.Error: unsupported locale setting12:02
JLPmaybe you have to install some slovenian language support packages for glibc before it recognizes it12:03
JLPotherwise i'll try it here, i just need to update from git12:06
mithroJLP: any idea what the packages I might need are?12:07
JLPmithro: have no idea for ubuntu12:08
mithroOkay is not slovenian right?12:21
JLPnope, OK should be "V redu"12:23
mithrohrm, I think these are default gnome buttons12:23
* mithro tries installing language-pack-gnome-sl12:23
mithroahh, that seems to have worked12:25
JLPso now the client is in slovenian?12:26
mithroJLP: give this a try12:26
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r430268b61227 /windows/xrc/ ( Remove files which are not used.12:26
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r75ed4c8fbdfc / (8 files in 5 dirs):12:26
CIA-3First translation by JLP.12:26
CIA-3Plus a bunch of fixes.12:26
mithroJLP: most things are12:26
mithroI think your translation might be a bit out of date12:27
mithroi'm unsure if the translation has broken anything either12:27
JLPhm i get this error after updating:12:32
JLP$ ./tpclient-pywx12:32
JLPwxPython Version
JLPNo module named OpenSSL12:32
JLPThousand Parsec Protocol Library Version (0, 2, 3, '9ee1315b858470735cfbb5f5a76c5cc46a0dc947')12:32
JLPTraceback (most recent call last):12:32
JLP  File "./tpclient-pywx", line 10, in ?12:32
JLP    import requirements12:32
JLP  File "/home/jlp/Programming/thousandparsec/tpclient-pywx-dev/", line 160, in ?12:32
JLP    print "Thousand Parsec Protocol Library Version", tp.netlib.__version__, "(installed at %s)" % tp.netlib.__installpath__12:32
JLPAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__installpath__'12:32
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * rd802e078e30d / (locale/ locale/tpclient-pywx.pot tpclient-pywx): Comments in the translation file.12:34
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * rdc2abac7c871 /tp/netlib/ Added installpath.12:36
mithroJLP: give that a try12:37
JLPworks now12:37
mithroJLP: the extra version number let me see that the problem must be mine12:38
mithroas your git version also matched mine :)12:38
mithroJLP: so is it working okay?12:45
mithroshould do a ROT1 translation to check everything works :P12:47
mithrohave to figure out what to do about too12:48
JLPmithro: lots of stuff doesn't appear translated here, especialy in main game window12:49
mithrooh :/12:49
mithrolooks like the log is all in english too12:50
mithroJLP: whats not translated on the main screen?12:52
JLPmithro: here only the buttons are translated (like in orders and messages panel)12:54
mithroJLP: for some reason the translation of things like "Turns" doesn't appear to be working :/13:03
mithroJLP: give this a go13:06
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r3d641670c5c2 / ( tpclient-pywx windows/ Install the translation framework earlier.13:06
JLPmithro: yeah, much better now13:09
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CIA-3mithro libtpclient-py-development * r3572de58ff8d /tp/client/ ( Let the callback messages be translated.13:17
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * rfc2d007b0d5f /locale/ ( tpclient-pywx.pot): Include libtpclient-py messages to be translated.13:22
mithroJLP: more stuff to translate!13:22
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/tpclient-pywx-dev/locale$ grep msgid tpclient-pywx.pot | wc -l13:22
mithrothat should mean that the log window is translated13:25
* mithro ponders heading to bed13:29
mithroJLP: so how does the translation look?13:32
mithro~seen niphree13:33
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 1 week, 0 days, 5 hours, 59 minutes, and 39 seconds ago: <niphree> mithro: eee... not now :] I've just started working13:33
JLPmithro: 5 fuzzys and 40 untranslated ones to go13:33
mithrowhat are fuzzys?13:33
JLPstrings that changed only a little, or maybe not at all13:35
mithrocould you regenerate the .mo and see if some of the log messages changed?13:35
mithroprobably a good idea to get you to run the client in your native language as much as possible to make sure nothing is broken13:38
JLPhm i think the translations of log messages are not working13:51
JLPlet me try again, maybe i copied something to a wrong place or forgot to run somethin13:54
greywhindhey mithro - i'm looking at the test website. is the navigation bar supposed to be all white with black outlines and wrap to a second line that's overlapped somewhat by the rest of the page?13:56
mithrogreywhind: no, but I've yet to fix it13:56
JLPmithro: tried again but still doesn't work13:59
mithrohrm... it appears to be working for me14:02
mithroJLP: oh, did you update libtpclient-py ?14:02
JLPmithro: damn i knew i forgot something :)14:04
JLPit's working now14:04
mithrowell on that note I think I'll go to bed14:04
mithroJLP: feel free to commit the translations14:04
JLPmithro: ok14:04
JLPand good night14:04
mithroJLP: btw don't forget to comment on the mailing list about stuff14:14
mithrohelp with the reorg website is also appreciated14:14
* mithro disappears14:14
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* llnz ponders21:05
EpyonCIA-3 is apparently dead today -_-21:07
llnzmaybe they are rebalancing the CIA bots21:10 is dead too :/21:10
llnzEpyon: they have a new site now21:12
llnzwhich could well be down too21:13
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llnzback in an hour or so22:08
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mithroheyo people23:31
llnzhi mithro23:32
xdotxhey mithro23:36
xdotxllnz: it looks like it  would be useful to have a map of order queues in the order manager - a queue for each order type23:40
llnzxdotx: for end of turn?23:40
llnzi've been thinking about that23:40
* xdotx nods23:41
llnzmight do it in base turnprocess class23:41
xdotxthat seems like it would make sense too23:42
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xdotxhmm. or perhaps have an order queue have some way of sorting / separating itself by order type maybe23:44
llnzlike track the type of the first order?23:44
xdotxllnz: like instead of a list, have a map if lists, a list per order type23:45
llnzhummm... why?23:45
llnzif an object can do many things at the same time, then it can have multiple order queues23:46
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xdotxllnz: ah. yeah, i was coming to that conclusion as i typed an explanation :p23:46
mithrotpserver-py has a way of getting all the orders which are "first" in a queue and of a certain type23:47
llnzlike a mobile ship building ship could have a queue for moving, etc, and a queue for building23:47
* mithro dislikes how only 1 order can occur in tpserver-cpp in a turn23:49
llnzmithro: not a restriction of tpserver-cpp, only the *current* minisec and MTsec turn process classes23:49
* mithro dislikes the current turn processing then ;)23:50
mithrollnz: did you see that JLP translated tpclient-pywx to Slovenian?23:51
llnzmithro: yes, cool23:51
xdotxmithro: when will the pywx dev client be functional?23:52
mithroxdotx: dunno, when I figure out the mess that is the current starmap23:53

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