Friday, 2007-08-03

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CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * recaf541a7f75 /modules/games/rfts/fleet.cpp: Missing a couple fleet functions00:54
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r620ce8ab0854 /modules/games/rfts/ (nop.h rfts.h): Idle typographical and unsigned changes (boring)00:54
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r4574693c1786 /modules/games/rfts/ ( buildfleet.cpp buildfleet.h rfts.cpp): Starting build fleet order00:54
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r58edb191ed14 /modules/games/rfts/rfts.cpp: Changing engine & battle component tpcl req functions00:54
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * ra6cdaa77ebb7 /modules/tpcl/mzscheme/tpmzscheme.cpp:00:54
CIA-3Better warning/error messages around file loading in TpMzScheme.00:54
CIA-3Should help diagnose problems better.00:54
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r166dcbf62fdd / (17 files in 3 dirs):00:54
CIA-3Made ObjectData::clone() const.00:54
xdotxoh boy - updates00:54
CIA-3Should protect against some silly things.00:54
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r685e5780f9d4 / (quickstart-minisec.conf quickstart-mtsec.conf): Added quickstart-*.conf files for minisec and mtsec to help people.00:54
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r08f0d4198c89 /
CIA-3Added quickstart-*.conf to make dist created tarball.00:54
CIA-3So the next release will have these two files in.00:54
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * rf065c2f57940 /tpserver/ (order.cpp order.h):00:55
CIA-3Added addParameter protected method to Order.00:55
CIA-3Start of clearer ownership of OrderParameters in subclasses of Order, and00:55
CIA-3to delete all the objects more clearly.00:55
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r276395880928 /modules/games/minisec/fleet.cpp:00:55
CIA-3If there is no OrderQueueId assigned (ie, 0), then don't try to modify it.00:55
CIA-3Should fix one of mithro's EOT segfaults.00:55
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r063a9638aac1 /modules/games/minisec/minisecturn.cpp:00:55
CIA-3Protect against removed objects in the otherorders list.00:55
CIA-3Should fix mithro's other segfault. MinisecTurn will probably get rewritten00:55
CIA-3at some point to remove the chance of this happening anyway.00:55
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r19f06f8109e4 /modules/games/minisec/ (minisec.cpp minisec.h):00:55
CIA-3Added debug ability with seeding the universe generation PRNG to minisec.00:55
CIA-3To use, set minisec_debug_random_seed to an integer. It creates the same00:55
CIA-3universe everytime the ruleset is loaded (and universe created). If not00:55
CIA-3set, the game-wide PRNG is used, with it's random seeds.00:55
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * rc34663a812e8 /tpserver/designstore.cpp:00:55
CIA-3Removed automatically created property for each component type.00:55
CIA-3This removes a not useful feature, and makes the RDE clearer (no hidden00:55
CIA-3properties) and implementing multi-category properties/designs easier.00:55
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * re1908c06494f / (6 files in 3 dirs):00:55
CIA-3(77 lines omitted)00:55
nashMany many updates00:59
xdotxyeah.. more than it shows there too01:05
xdotxapparently some i forgot to commit a while ago01:06
nashmithro: You there?01:07
nashxdotx: Have a server running?01:09
nashxdotx: Do you know how to change tpserver-cpp's turn lenght from the console?01:18
mithronash: I do!01:37
mithro2turn end will end a turn01:37
mithro"turn end" will end a turn01:37
nashmithro: Yeah, but I wanted to change the turn length, so I can run through a game quickly01:38
nashfor some reason it's ignoring the '10' in my config file01:38
mithrobecause lee changed all the turn parameters01:38
mithrosettings set turn_length_over_threshold 120001:40
nashThat doesn't sound like 10 seconds01:42
mithrothats 1200 seconds :)01:43
mithro(1200 = 20minutes)01:43
nashtpserver-cpp> zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  tpserver-cpp -C ../ai_comp-short.conf01:44
mithroyay for C/C++ :)01:44
mithrotry the minisec ones maybe?01:55
mithronash: so any luck?02:03
nashIt segfaults02:04
mithronash: which tree?02:04
mithroRFTS or the mainline?02:05
nashmainline, but old02:05
mithronash: why not update?02:05
nashCause I didn't want to fuck around updating and rebuilding, I wanted tow work with what I want02:06
nashI hate having to update everyting every second bloody day02:06
mithronash: well, the fact that we have found probably 10 bugs since you last updated might be worth it02:09
* mithro should test tpsai-py on tpserver-py02:18
nashYEah... makes it hard to do with my current set up though02:18
nashguess no more bugs are fixed until tomorrow then02:18
mithronash: you had any luck finding the cause of some of the galaxie bugs?02:19
nashI think I've fixed a couple02:19
nashI'll push what I can tonight02:20
mithrowanna push the changes sometime?02:20
mithrowhy not push everything! :P02:20
nashWell I can say I have fixed some bugs... a one-off 88 byte leak probably isn't a major concern for instance02:20
nashmithro: I'll push everything on the master branch02:20
mithronash: okay02:27
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xdotxGentlemen, behold!...03:32
llnzhi xdotx03:33
xdotxllnz: what's required to get orders in the lil' order menu?03:33
llnzadd the ordertype number to the associated orderqueue03:34
llnzi used setDefaultOrdersTypes functions03:34
xdotxlike in planet?03:34
llnzyeah, and fleet03:35
xdotxllnz: that doesn't seem to be working. the types are set in the local orderqueue, but i don't see the orderqueue actually being accessed anywhere03:38
xdotxyes, a closer look at order queue object param was required03:43
llnzmakes a difference when TP04 will be used03:44
* llnz ponders comparing TP04 to IPv6....03:44
xdotxllnz: if the order base class owns and deletes orderparams, shouldn't it be private?04:47
llnzit will be soon04:48
llnzi've checked some of your classes and they don't use addOrderParameter yet04:49
* xdotx exactly why i noticed it's not private04:49
llnzwell, i will make it private now then04:50
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r9e9b7900a822 /tpserver/order.h:04:54
CIA-3parameters member of Order baseclass now private.04:54
CIA-3Use addOrderParameter and getParameters instead.04:54
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r3b8bf5eff1ce /modules/games/rfts/nop.cpp: Updating nop order to not delete it's order param04:54
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r386e077bc9c7 /modules/games/rfts/ (buildfleet.cpp nop.cpp): switching to addOrderParameter04:54
xdotxllnz: i'm setting the order types in the orderque (for planets) and not seeing any orders in the menu05:00
llnzis there anything you want me to look at?05:00
llnzok, i'll have a look05:01
llnzshould there only be one planet?05:04
llnzwell... the owner of the planet is -1 ie, no player05:05
llnzi guess the orderqueue also has no owner05:05
xdotxoh, didn't commit that change - sec05:05
llnztherefore the player (any player) can't add orders05:06
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CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * re82da169b257 /modules/games/minisec/minisec.cpp:05:07
CIA-3Fix setting the ObjectId for the OrderQueues in static Minisec Universe05:07
CIA-3Quite possibly fixes mithro's segfault, bug 1763776.05:07
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r7149a3fc8c83 /modules/games/minisec/mergefleet.cpp: Fixed Merge bug. Ships no longer disappear.05:07
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r5dedec14d28c /modules/games/mtsec/mergefleet.cpp: Fix mergeFleet in MTSec as well.05:07
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r9e9b7900a822 /tpserver/order.h:05:07
CIA-3parameters member of Order baseclass now private.05:07
CIA-3Use addOrderParameter and getParameters instead.05:07
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r032b7cf32bb8 / (4 files in 3 dirs): Merge with git://
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rc9ce56a37110 /modules/games/rfts/rfts.cpp: setting test planet's owner to the player05:07
llnzdo i need to log in as a specific user, or just the first one?05:08
xdotxllnz: first one05:09
xdotxllnz: or.. last one i suppose05:09
xdotxllnz: i was wondering how the owner is set for the orderqueue05:09
llnzin Planet::setOwner(), you could remove the current owner, then add the new one to the orderqueue05:13
llnzor... where ever else is suitable05:13
xdotxthat would certainly make sense05:14
xdotxheh. new owner abbreviated "no" can make for some odd looking statements05:17
llnzhehe, yeah05:17
xdotxie. setOwner(no)05:17
xdotxthat did the trick05:20
xdotxnow i just need to make my orders useful ;)05:20
xdotxoh i'm so about to start playing with the protocol.. see what i can do05:27
llnzwhat will you be playing with?05:28
xdotxplanet object params i think05:28
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llnzhi DystopicFro07:39
nashheyo Demitar07:40
nashllnz: xdotx: So which tpserver should I be using? #rfts or #master07:43
* nash wonders if he is talking to himself07:44
llnzwell... either currently07:45
nashOkay - essentially the same?07:46
llnzyeah, #rfts has rfts though07:46
llnzand #master will get core changes faster07:46
* nash will stick with master as I may hit bugs then07:47
DystopicFroahoy nash, llnz07:48
nashhow is life DystopicFro07:49
DystopicFrosorry for the lack of response - getting ready to offer moral support to the gf at a job interview o.O07:49
nashAhh... fair enough ;-)07:49
nashWish her luck from me ;-)07:50
nashAnd tell don't worry too much about it07:50
DystopicFronash: thanks >.<07:51
llnzsame from me07:51
DystopicFroand thanks as well llnz o.O07:52
DystopicFrokk, lates all, off I go07:52
nashhave fun07:56
nashWow there is a lot a rfts stuff not in main ;-)07:57
llnzthere is no rfts stuff in main08:02
nashThat would qualify as a lot ;-)08:04
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* llnz wanders off09:24
llnzlater all09:24
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* nash wonders if mithro is around10:03
mithronot really10:03
nashI'm about to push a rather notable lack of crash fix10:04
nash8 way AI battles are happily happening10:04
nashThen I go to bed10:04
CIA-3nash galaxie * r0e2d9eb96b26 / (12 files): Update for latest ecore...10:05
CIA-3nash galaxie * r726206f48758 /ai_util.c: Use the correct data type in the AI support library.10:05
CIA-3nash galaxie * r0e78a0465a9f / Update for a more modern filename.10:05
mithronash: on tpserver-cpp10:08
nashmithro: Yeap10:08
nashtpserver-cpp current ehad10:08
mithrowill give it a go against tpsai-py10:08
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llnzwb xdotx23:14

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