Thursday, 2007-08-02

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mithrohi greywhind01:00
greywhindhi Mithro01:00
mithrogreywhind: so how goes everything?01:12
mithrogreywhind: any more ideas on what you might want to work on?01:23
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * r7d842d385d21 /README: More information in the README..01:31
greywhindoh - umm, i'm still thinking AI01:49
mithrohad a look at the AI i've been working on?01:50
greywhindnot yet - tpsai-py, right?01:51
mithroit's kind of simple01:51
mithrobut seems to work okay01:51
mithrocould be a good framework to start from01:51
greywhindi'll look at it tomorrow01:51
greywhindas well as galaxie, probably01:52
mithrotpsai-py is around 600 lines of code01:57
mithroI really do need some help with tpclient-pywx as well btw01:58
greywhindi'll try to help01:59
mithroactually, you know what would be really cool02:04
mithroif we could have an AI which "assits" a player02:04
mithrokind of like in galaxie02:04
greywhindhmm... i could try to incorporate teamwork...02:04
greywhindbut is there a player communication system?02:05
greywhindhow can it ask to ally with someone?02:05
mithrogreywhind: you could send them a message02:05
mithrobut I was thinking more built into the client02:05
mithroso the AI could "suggest" various different orders and stuff02:05
greywhindah - i forgot, there's the message system02:05
greywhindi see what you mean02:06
greywhindlike an advisor02:06
greywhindhmm...  that could be interesting02:08
greywhinddo you happen to know anything more about the status of the RFTS ruleset?02:11
mithrono, xdotx has been AWOL for the last week and a bit02:21
mithronash: ping!02:34
mithronash: so how goes your house :)02:35
mithroarg! pdf spam :/02:36
nashArranging removalists02:36
mithroi'm dieing to see more galaxie work :)02:37
mithrocurrently galaxie just crashes before it's able to beat tpsai-py02:38
mithroand just restarting the client makes the AI do very strange things02:38
nashRecolonises I bet02:39
nashmithro: You'll get more soon02:39
nashBut I haven't written code in my own time for a while02:39
nashOf course if there was a non-minisec ruleset floating around I'd squeeze more effort in02:39
mithronash: well, I would put more effort into TIMTrader if I could get a non-trivial Minisec game to the end02:41
nashAt this point however... it would still be a squeeze ;-)02:41
nashmithro: Heh02:41
mithroI've got llnz testing with tpsai-py a bit now02:41
nashmithro: Well I move next week02:41
nashfirst priority will be to get rid of the crashes02:41
mithrohopefully will help make tpserver-cpp a lot more stable02:41
nashThen I want to split the system up a bit more...02:42
mithronash: there is something crazy going on with battleships, and I can't figure out if it's a galaxie or tpserver-cpp problem02:42
nashWell I don't think galaxie ever builds them...02:43
nashWhat is the issue?02:43
mithrocrazy (null) or strange info in galaxie02:45
mithroo btw, galaxie isn't display any details like name and stuff when you bring up the info/orders screen02:46
nashReally really broken then...02:47
* nash takes a peak02:48
* mithro waits for llnz to hate his localization idea :)02:50
nashmithro: Got a server anywhere?02:50
mithronash: hrmm, I could put one up02:50
nashmithro: Tell me and I'll watch galaxie crash here... ;-)02:51
nashAPI break ...02:51
mithroAPI break?02:51
nashTHere was an API break in upstream E recently02:52
nashI haven't updated galaxie to handle it02:52
nashIt's a good long term thing ;-)02:53
nashSource compat has been maintained, just not binary craziliy enough02:54
mithrowho needs binary compatibility! it's not like anyone actually uses E :)02:54
nashIt's not officially released...02:56
nashSo it builds with the new API, or it will as soon as I recompile ewl...02:59
mithrobtw, you seen DystopicFro's latest stuff?03:00
nashYeah... it looks awesome ;-)03:01
nashjust got to get him a job at google so they can keep paying him to work on 1 daya aweek03:02
mithronash: yeah :)03:03
nashmithro: So is there a server I can connec too?03:09
mithrosorry got distracted03:09
mithroactually, not really - just realised I've been trafficed shaped at home so it would be really laggy :/03:10
nashmithro: That's cool03:10
mithrocurrently uploading my junkmail folder to try and trail the basyeian filter to get pdf spam03:11
nashI'll be another few minutes before I'm ready03:12
nashupdating libcurl decided to upgrade my openoffice too :-/03:12
mithrowhat do you use libcurl for?03:13
nashIt's used by EWL for it's http stuff03:14
nashWhich I use for widgets :-(  Although I'm considering dropping it03:14
nashElse I can rebuild ewl without libcurl...03:15
nashwhich make be faster...03:15
mithrowhy does EWL have HTTP stuff?03:16
nashActually reading what I jsut wrote... I have NFI03:16
nashI think it may be some sort of autofuckup magic03:16
* nash tries again03:17
nashAs it's only ecore that uses ecore for such things... :-/03:17
* nash hates autocrap and libforTools03:19
mithronothing much better exists :/03:20
* nash wonders why removalist prices range by a factor of 5 for the same job03:20
* nash introduces mithro to 'make'03:20
nashMe also introduces mithro to Imake - which actually tried to solve the problem from the right angle03:20
mithronash: make doesn't automatically figure out that you have to use the gnu toolchain to get a working compiler on Solaris03:20
nashmithro: CC does03:21
nashAnd automake doesn't work out what compiler to use either03:21
nashAnd it can't even figure out how to cross compile correctly03:21
mithrothe latest autoconf can do cross compiling a lot better thanks to the OE guys03:22
mithroplus patching autoconf/automake onces it a lot better then patching 100's of custom build systems03:22
nashExcept patching autoconf is patching 1000s of custom build systems03:23
nashboy ewl takes a long time to build :-(03:25
* nash tries -j 403:25
* nash wishes he had a 4 core processor so he could use -j 16 or something03:25
nashHmm... it helps... but my machine still sucks03:27
nashAh... I see why it's slow.  Every widget is being compiled indivually into a seperate loadable module03:29
nashSo mithro... this server?03:33
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mithrotry mithro.dyndns.org03:34
mithrollnz: hey03:34
llnzhi mithro03:34
mithroyour quickstart config files could enable console logging by default03:34
mithrootherwise you can't see if it started okay03:34
nashmithro: Is there an account that will work?03:35
mithronash: it should have auto-create on03:35
nashIt's barfing here03:36
nashWeird... second time it worked03:37
nashThat's one bug03:37
nashmithro: Can you force turn end03:37
nashThen I need to bail03:37
nashFound 3 bugs03:38
nashAnd anohter03:38
mithrookay :)03:39
mithrocheck out the fleet orbiting tpsai's planet03:39
nashThat's an interesting fleet03:40
nashBig one too ;-)03:40
mithronash: should be 1 battleship, 1 frigate03:41
nashAnyway - I need to bail at this point.03:41
nashI'll look into those bugs first thing tomorrow03:41
nashAnd the battleship one too :-/03:41
mithroatleast you have seen the multitued of bugs03:41
nashWarning: tpe_event_send with NULL freefn.03:42
nash        This doesn't do what you think it does.03:42
nash        Event is `BoardUpdate'03:42
mithrollnz: btw, have you seen the "merge order" bug?03:43
llnznot yet03:43
mithroyou might need a bigger universe to see it03:44
nashHmm... seems to be high-bug-season ;-003:44
mithronash: :P03:44
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* llnz wonders if he should wait for the AI to attack him, or to launch a pre-emptive strike04:03
mithrollnz: try both :)04:05
llnzwell, it did have all last night, and all today to try04:07
mithrollnz: it will attack you when it gets close enough to your units04:09
mithrollnz: but my guess is that is has too many things to colonise first04:10
llnzthere are no planets left to colonise04:10
llnzi think04:10
llnzoh, there is one04:11
llnzMars of all of them04:11
llnzcan't get my fleet to orbit and colonise04:11
mithrollnz: hrm?04:12
mithrowhen running tpsai-py you can see what it is thinking on the output04:12
llnzit appears to still be building frigate-battleship pairs04:13
mithrol<Task Destroy  - <Threat refs=[<Fleet @ 21>]> ((14%) assigned to [(0.04, <Asset refs=[<Fleet @ 40>]>, 14.3)])>04:14
mithrosee that percentage in the brackets?04:14
mithroif that is less then 100% it means that the task can't fully be completed04:14
mithrohence it's not going to send it's fleets off to attack you untill that gets above 100%04:15
llnzTask TakeOver - <Threat refs=[<Planet @ 0x7f2dd0 (seq: 2072 length: 148)>, <Fleet @ 0x876610 (seq: 1271 length: 121)>, <Fleet @ 0x8933d0 (seq: 2072 length: 129)>]> ((7%) assigned to [{14.88, <Asset refs=[<Planet @ 0x876950 (seq: 6435 length: 199)>]>, 6.7}])> will complete 6.67% in 14.88 turns04:15
mithrollnz: that shows it's building a fleet to takeover one of your planets04:17
mithrowhich currently has two fleets orbitting it04:18
mithromake sense?04:18
mithrollnz: btw, should the AI be able to see your ship designs?04:19
llnzAC Prime, the closest planet04:19
llnzruleset dependant04:20
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r9ee1315b8584 /tp/netlib/objects/ Nicer print (in some cases)..04:21
mithrollnz: because it doesn't seem to be able to see them04:21
mithrollnz: pull an update and you'll get ids instead of memory addresses :)04:21
mithrollnz: o btw, do you hate my localization idea? :)04:23
llnzi am just about to reply04:23
llnzhehe, looks like it might try in 3 turns time04:29
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llnzlooks like the AI is about the merge fleets04:52
llnzmerge bug04:59
llnzhehe, time to crush the AI05:00
* mithro assumes that the Merge bug wiped out the AI's fleet?05:07
llnzmost of it05:07
mithrothe AI also isn't smart enough to concentrate on one enemy fleet at a time05:08
llnzit currently has 6 bearing down on it05:09
llnzmostly fleets of 4 battleships, but 3 fleets have 805:10
mithroI think I need to add a logging feature to the AI so I can review at a later date what it choose to do and why05:10
mithroEpyon: ping!?05:19
daxxarI think he's gone to bed?05:22
daxxarAt least e gave up developing about 9 hours ago. :-)05:23
mithrohey daxxar05:23
mithrohow has your SoC project being going?05:23
daxxarCome along nicely05:23
daxxarBut some downtime now, since I've got an exam upcoming wednsday05:24
mithrodaxxar: what was your project again?05:27
daxxarMy Google Summer of Code project: & &
tpb<> (at
mithrodaxxar: have you thought using Ctypes for the wrapper instead of Swig?05:31
daxxarI've never heard of Ctypes05:32
daxxarctypes is python-only?05:32
daxxarand only supports C?05:33
daxxarIf I want something for Python-only, I think Boost.Python would suit me better05:33
mithroctypes is a way for python to call C functions without having to write a wrapper05:40
mithroit started as an extension but is part of python 2.5 now05:54
mithrollnz: so you fixed the merge bug yet? :P05:55
llnzcoded, yet, committed and pushed, no05:56
llnzwill test it in 5 turns time05:56
daxxarYeah, but the API I'm exposing is C++05:59
mithroahh well06:00
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r7149a3fc8c83 /modules/games/minisec/mergefleet.cpp: Fixed Merge bug. Ships no longer disappear.06:17
mithroyay! :)06:18
llnzi hope06:19
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mithrollnz: any luck?06:31
llnz2well, my test worked, hopefully the AI has no problem anymore06:33
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mithroI know of a bugs06:43
CIA-3mithro web-reorg * r9db700063484 / (66 files in 7 dirs): Start of reorginsation.06:44
CIA-3mithro web-reorg * rb402395752b8 /playing/LAYOUT: Added suggested layout for client pages..06:44
CIA-3mithro web-reorg * rfcc2490475b7 / (76 files in 8 dirs): Moved around the downloads...06:44
CIA-3mithro web-reorg * r9c88bca8e194 / (6 files in 4 dirs): More moving about.06:46
CIA-3mithro web-reorg * r8bf8222fd627 /bits/ ( Started changing top menubar.06:46
CIA-3mithro web-reorg * r2940c124e04f / (bits/ menu.css parsec.css): Start of flyout menus..06:46
mithrollnz: I think the email diffs might have just mailed everyone a VERY large diff06:51
llnzmailman might catch a *very* large diff06:51
mithroseems it has, can't post over 400k06:52
mithroneed to do a bit of work on the email script06:52
mithrollnz: feel free to help out on the reorg branch06:53
mithrollnz: did you reply to the localization email?07:18
llnznot yet07:18
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CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r5dedec14d28c /modules/games/mtsec/mergefleet.cpp: Fix mergeFleet in MTSec as well.07:33
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mithrowhy can't you colonise Mars?07:43
llnzbecause it's too small to orbit07:44
mithrotoo small to orbit?07:44
mithrowhat does that mean?07:47
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llnzit appears that it doesn't get selected as a container for the fleet07:49
llnzprobably because it is too small07:49
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* llnz wanders off08:19
llnzlater all08:19
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Epyon_mithro ?08:46
mithroEpyon_: ?08:46
daxxarYou pinged him, and he lost his backlog.08:48
daxxarI just relayed the message08:48
tpb<> (at
Epyon_Heh, I guessed, all done in properitary software :P08:50
tpb<> (at
Epyon_Yep I've read that08:51
mithroyou could probably do the same in Blender08:51
Epyon_mithro, that's the whole point -- everyone sais "you could do that in Blender", but when it comes to doing, they all use commercial alternatives anyway ;]08:52
mithroEpyon_: seen Elephants Dream?08:53
Epyon_Because it's easier.08:53
Epyon_mithro, one sparrow doesn't announce spring08:53
Epyon_It was done as a "prrof of concept", I'm sure it would be more easily done using commercial tools.08:54
Epyon_If only 3ds MAX wouldn't cost 3500$ -_-08:54
mithroEpyon_: each to their own08:58
mithroI'm not a 3d artist08:59
Epyon_Neither am I, but I know the tools :)09:02
mithrothe only tool I ever really used was Rhino3d09:16
mithroback when it was a free beta09:16
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CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r25c1318b7d16 /src/ (5 files in 4 dirs):10:24
CIA-3Working GUI for TPCL Expression Editor10:24
CIA-3Very basic, but it works as a mockup of what I'd like to pursue. And it10:24
CIA-3works. Neat.10:24
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rfea32ec7e5ff /src/tpcl/data/base_blocks.xml: Added a few more base blocks10:33
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CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r48200584ab63 /src/ Added shebang line12:25
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DystopicFronash: ping?20:27
nashDystopicFro: !20:28
DystopicFronash: ahoy thar20:28
DystopicFrohow goes things?20:28
nashMostly okay20:28
nashLast runnign around sorting out thing before move20:28
DystopicFroah >.<20:28
nashtrying to get RGB666 framebuffers working through 90,180,270 degree rotations20:28
DystopicFrosounds like it's pretty stressful over there right now o.O20:29
nashI see more updates on your blog20:29
DystopicFroaye, I got the basic idea that I have of the expression editor up and running20:29
nashFrom screenshots it is looking good20:29
DystopicFrothanks >.<20:30
DystopicFrosome issues are already evident, but nothing that isn't solvable20:30
DystopicFromy biggest concern is that it fits with what you, mithro and llnz all sort of have in mind in terms of the interface and functionality20:31
nashWhere do you see you can get to from here - assuming it fits what you think20:31
* DystopicFro ponders a bit20:32
DystopicFroI can get all of the builtins for TPCL supported, probably with at least minimal tooltip support20:33
* nash goes has a drink20:33
DystopicFroI can add support for creating and saving custom expressions for reuse20:33
nashOkay, where do you see it as far as building a game goes with it?20:33
DystopicFrowell, that is limited by the current server design20:34
DystopicFrothere are a few more things that can easily be generated for both tpserver-py and tpserver-cpp20:34
DystopicFroplanets, systems, etc, and resources20:34
DystopicFrobut rules20:34
DystopicFroor rather20:34
DystopicFrowould be much more difficult to provide some sort of generic support for20:35
nashSo assuming things like combat are taken care of... how about MTSec or TIMTrader?20:36
nashAlso assuming generic 'move' and similar are taken care of too20:37
DystopicFroTo give you a really honest answer I'll have to step back from where I'm currently at and reevaluate rulesets from a broader point of view than I've currently taken20:38
nash:-) Sounds good then... deep thoughts are the best ones20:38
* DystopicFro agrees20:38
DystopicFronash: I'll mull that over and have an answer for you by Monday my time, at the latest20:40
nashWhat I'd love to see is being able to build most of game - tech and similar things at least generically20:40
nashDystopicFro: Sounds cool - post to your blog.  It's a good way for everyone to see ;-)20:41
DystopicFroI think that a lot can be done in a way that's abstracted from the specific servers20:41
nashI agree20:41
DystopicFroespecially if they each provide support for certain basic, core functionality in terms of orders and interactions between objects and the like20:42
DystopicFroand anyone who wants to impliment a feature that isn't supported by the current arrangement would only push things forward for everyone then20:42
nashI agree entirely20:43
nashI think if you can build around that idea, it would be a good thing.  If you can thnk how to do some of that using a lisp interface then... it's all good20:44
DystopicFroAye, I'll certainly have a go at it then >.<20:45
EpyonQuite lively here as for this late hour xP20:45
DystopicFroEpyon: nothing to see here, just plotting the domination of the universe, move along, citizen20:47
nashEpyon: 11am here... ;-)20:48
EpyonDystopicFro, I only plan World Game Industry domination as for now :P20:53
EpyonWorld Domination via a neural MMORPG is planned for later xP20:53
Epyon3PM here xP20:54
EpyonPM is after midnight? -_-20:54
nash3 in the afternoon21:00
mithrohowdy people21:02
nashheyo mithro21:02
mithroarug, 600 emails21:04
* mithro has been playing with his spam filters21:06
mithroDystopicFro: ping?21:12
mithroDystopicFro: things like subtract take any number of arguments, IE (- 1 2 3 4 5) is perfectly valid21:15
tpb<> (at
DystopicFroadded in a clarification of my thoughts21:35
DystopicFroaware of that issue, and a few others, but I'm happy enough with the fact that I've got some semblance of order and functionality >.<21:35
mithromight I suggest something like this?21:37
mithro(- *VAR* *VAR* *...*)21:37
mithroeach time you click the *...* it adds another *VAR* ?21:37
* mithro runs of22:06
CIA-3mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r3d3390681c9a / (13 files in 3 dirs): Getting ready to extract text for translation.22:07
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DystopicFromithro: that sounds like an awesome way of implementing the ui element of it, or some slight variant of that22:41

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