Wednesday, 2007-08-01

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mithrohowdy people01:42
jothamEpyon: hey bro can you do the rest of those files?02:39
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mithrohey llnz05:15
mithroany luck with the bug?05:15
mithroI can reliably reproduce it05:15
llnzhi mithro05:16
llnzi had it this morning, but running it again hasn't produced it yet05:16
mithrogalaxie seems to produce it much more quickly05:21
mithroany recent news from xdotx?05:21
llnznope :-(05:21
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mithromaybe poke him again?05:35
llnzthink i know the cause05:41
* llnz plays without AI to check05:48
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * re82da169b257 /modules/games/minisec/minisec.cpp:06:00
CIA-3Fix setting the ObjectId for the OrderQueues in static Minisec Universe06:00
CIA-3Quite possibly fixes mithro's segfault, bug 1763776.06:00
llnztry that06:01
llnzmithro: ping?06:25
mithrollnz: sorry GF is over06:40
llnzhehe, no prob06:40
* llnz is reading the SoC midterm results06:41
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mithrollnz: is the AI working okay?06:55
llnzyes, i think so06:55
mithrowith no competition it should take over the universe fairly quickly06:56
llnzwell, i'm playing against it while working on other things06:57
mithroo btw, it doesn't seem you can login after an account creation frame06:57
llnzyou are already logged in after account creation in tpserver-cpp06:58
mithrollnz: which isn't in the specification06:58
mithroand really doesn't make a huge amount of sense06:59
llnzit isn't specified either way06:59
llnzwell, it does, *instead* of login, doing a create account06:59
llnzit does make sense, rather07:02
llnzit is silly to have the player create an account, and then be fired back to the login screen, without the correct details07:09
llnzmost would expect to be immediately logged in (even if the server didn't do what tpserver-cpp does now)07:10
* llnz leaves the AI running overnight again08:21
* llnz wanders off08:21
llnzlater all08:21
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Epyonmithro, jotham, I commited the 3ds exports08:30
mithroEpyon: cool08:40
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mithroEpyon: cool thanks!10:49
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Epyonnp :)14:58
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rb86d55e96461 /src/tpcl/ (5 files in 2 dirs):15:22
CIA-3Basic Python Representation of TPCL code in place.15:22
CIA-3Still buggy but wanted to commit since it's been a while. It looks like15:22
CIA-3this may actually work. Yay.15:22
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r9b3cd5678342 /src/tpcl/
CIA-3Fixed bug dealing with offset values not being calculated properly15:30
CIA-3Since the order in which flags were set and operations were performed15:30
CIA-3was messing up the state of the expression15:30
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rf35386878608 /src/gui/
CIA-3Started skeleton of TpclEditorDialog15:43
CIA-3Brief outline of functionality for each button and stuffs. Introduced15:43
CIA-3an import bug. Damn python. This has happened before and I just worked15:43
CIA-3around it. This time I'm going to get to the bottom of things. Now that15:43
CIA-3I've got the tpcl expression objects working (tested on the command line)15:43
mithroso DystopicFro, what can I do with the editor?15:43
CIA-3I'll deal with the GUI tomorrow.15:43
DystopicFromithro: you can play with it on the command line and manually insert expressions into each other15:43
DystopicFrotomorrow I'm going to start messing with the GUI to get some functionality in there15:44
DystopicFroand if this proves to be an acceptable solution I'll start expanding the TPCL expression database15:44
mithroDystopicFro: sounds cool15:45
mithroDystopicFro: can you put some more screenshots of the current ruleset editor on your web?15:45
DystopicFrowell, I put two new screenshots up two days ago15:46
DystopicFroone of the error reporting and one of the tpcl editor window15:46 you mean my actual webspace and not my blog?15:46
mithroDystopicFro: you did?15:50
mithrolast thing I'm seeing is on the 23rd of Junly15:51
DystopicFromithro: aye15:51
DystopicFroboth on July 31st15:51
tpb<> (at
* mithro pokes his feed reader with a stick15:53
mithrowell I'm heading to bed16:01
mithrokeep up the good work!16:01
DystopicFromithro: gnite16:02
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CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r163f61493224 /src/tpcl/
CIA-3Fixed various bugs16:35
CIA-3Found the bugs while generating a simple statement. I'm sure that the16:35
CIA-3performance of the tpcl expressions will not scale well at all...but16:35
CIA-3maybe that will never be an issue, eh? We'll see. Tomorrow is dedicated16:35
CIA-3to interfacing with the GUI.16:35
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CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r5fc1a9090f58 /src/gui/ ( Moved SchemeSTC xrc handler to XrcUtilities20:36
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r8030d05d2451 /src/ (7 files in 5 dirs): Yea. I should probably not import modules that aren't there.21:04
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