Tuesday, 2007-07-31

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jothamsomeone has to01:44
jothamEpyon: hey man, the .3ds file works the best - i suggest putting all models in that format, only thing is i am missing your texture jpgs, specifically FX3_PANE.JPG02:35
jothamEpyon: anyway this is what the 3DS gave me when i spat it out the raytracer (i added some lights and a ground surface) http://the.fieldsofnoise.org/Archive/temp/Ship-001.jpg02:54
tpb<http://ln-s.net/m6H> (at the.fieldsofnoise.org)02:55
jothamEpyon: so yeah if you could do the rest of the files in 3DS format, and bundle the texture jpgs i think it'd be great02:57
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llnzhi mithro06:44
mithrohey llnz06:44
mithrofixed the resource bug?06:44
llnzis it repeatable?06:45
llnzie, no, i haven't fixed it, is it really broken?06:49
llnzmithro: can i close some of the older (from this month) bugs?06:51
mithrollnz: yeah06:51
mithrocan't get past turn 10-15 now06:51
mithrollnz: if you wanted too you can test with the AI too06:52
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llnzi should test tpsai-py....06:53
mithroyeah, it requires a little setup06:53
llnzTraceback (most recent call last):06:56
llnz  File "./tpsai-py", line 286, in persisence06:56
llnz    run(connection, cache)06:56
llnz  File "./tpsai-py", line 209, in run06:56
llnz    threat.ref.append(object)06:56
llnz  File "/home/lee/oss_projects/tp-py/tpsai-py/things.py", line 124, in __getattr__06:56
llnz    raise TypeError("One of the references (%s) does not have that attribute!")06:56
llnzTypeError: One of the references (%s) does not have that attribute!06:56
llnzin tpsai-py06:57
mithrowhen did you update?07:00
llnzit was a fresh clone07:00
llnzjust before07:00
mithrols -l tp07:00
llnzotal 407:01
llnzlrwxrwxrwx 1 lee lee  30 2007-07-31 22:57 client -> ../../libtpclient-py/tp/client/07:01
llnz-rw-r--r-- 1 lee lee   0 2007-04-22 01:29 __init__.py07:01
llnz-rw-r--r-- 1 lee lee 137 2007-04-22 01:42 __init__.pyc07:01
llnzlrwxrwxrwx 1 lee lee  29 2007-07-31 22:57 netlib -> ../../libtpproto-py/tp/netlib/07:01
mithromore ./tp/client/version.py07:01
llnzversion = (0, 2, 2)07:02
mithrollnz: hrm, your libtpclient-py is quite out of date07:02
mithromore ./tp/netlib/version.py07:03
llnzjust updated libtpproto-py and libtpclient-py to head07:04
mithroany luck?07:05
llnznope, does the same thing07:07
llnzMy ID is  307:07
llnzTraceback (most recent call last):07:08
llnz  File "./tpsai-py", line 286, in persisence07:08
llnz    run(connection, cache)07:08
llnz  File "./tpsai-py", line 209, in run07:08
llnz    threat.ref.append(object)07:08
llnz  File "/home/lee/oss_projects/tp-py/tpsai-py/things.py", line 124, in __getattr__07:08
llnz    raise TypeError("One of the references (%s) does not have that attribute!")07:08
llnzTypeError: One of the references (%s) does not have that attribute!07:08
llnzpublic server, btw: llnz.dyndns.org07:10
llnztry if you want07:10
mithrothat doesn't make any sense07:11
* mithro checks he has pushed everything07:12
llnzit seems to do that after the end of turn...07:12
mithrohow long is the end of turn07:12
mithrocan you do a "turn end" ?07:13
mithroand again?07:14
mithroit appears you have two "threats" at one location07:15
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * rbd0994653176 /tpsai-py: Fixed a typo.07:16
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * r830a36120ac1 /things.py: Removed commentted out code.07:16
mithrollnz: well, that is the one case I hadn't tested :)07:16
mithrogive that a try07:16
mithroit's pretty verbose07:19
mithrothere is something strange going on with merge fleet orders too07:20
mithrowhen I have like 5 fleets all try and merge at once, they all just vanish07:21
mithroI use 10 second turns07:21
mithrowith the following,07:21
mithrominisec_max_systems = 40007:21
mithrominisec_min_planets =07:21
mithrominisec_max_planets = 507:21
mithrominisec_total_planets = 107:22
mithromakes for good simple testing07:22
llnzyou don't get 400 systems, only 4507:22
llnzodd, total_planets should only give one non-player and non-static planet07:23
mithrollnz: yeah07:23
jothamwhat timezone is Epyon in, and does he post on the mailing list?07:23
mithrojotham: hrm, I haven't seen him posting on the mailing lists07:24
mithrohe is UTC+207:24
llnzmithro: one fleet should be told not to merge07:24
mithroin poland07:24
mithrollnz: one fleet is not given a merge order07:24
mithro(the "flagship" fleet as called by the output)07:25
mithrobtw just a few tips07:25
mithroyou can use07:25
mithro"tpsai-py -s" to do a single run07:25
mithroassignments with plain brackets (), means that object is directly assigned07:26
mithroassignments with curly brackets {}, means that object is going to build a fleet to be assigned to that task07:27
mithro<Task TakeOver - <Threat refs=[<Planet @ 17>]> ((34%) assigned to [07:27
mithro        (3.89, <Asset refs=[<Fleet @ 15>]>, 2.9),07:27
mithro        (3.89, <Asset refs=[<Fleet @ 19>]>, 17.1),07:27
mithro        {13.83, <Asset refs=[<Planet @ 13>]>, 14.3}])>07:27
mithromeans that Fleet 15 is assigned to the task, will take 3.89 turns to complete the task and contributes 2.9% of the final task07:28
mithroand Planet 13 is assigned to build something which will take 13.83 turns (to build a move to the destination) and will contribute 14.3% of the final task07:29
mithrothe AI works okay07:32
mithrobut it is not smart enough to know that sometimes it should colonise before attacking07:33
mithroit just does things which are "nearest"07:33
llnzmight leave it overnight to see how it does07:34
mithroten second turns work okay with "minisec_total_planets = 200"07:39
mithroable to get resources segfault?07:41
llnznot yet07:41
mithroactually seems to be caused by galaxie rather then tpsai-py07:41
mithroI generally use galaxie to view the results07:41
mithroIf I can get the segfault again, any information you want?07:42
llnzis that why tpclient-pywx is getting no love?07:42
llnzThe incorrect pointer is set correctly, so I'm not sure (without running under valgrind, but even that is hard with guile leaking heaps)07:43
mithrotpclient-pywx isn't getting any love because it's too hard to reproduce bugs with it07:47
mithroI want to be able to play a complete Minisec game without tpserver-cpp crashing :P07:48
mithroplus, tpsai-py uses libtpclient-py which tpclient-pywx also uses07:48
llnzit's been a fair while since tpserver-cpp crashed on me07:50
llnzat least a month07:50
mithrollnz: yes, but the problem is that you don't do any "real" testing?07:51
mithrowhen is the last time you issued more then 10 merge orders :)07:51
mithrothere is also something funny happening with battleships07:52
llnzbeen a while since i've used merge order07:52
mithrollnz: hopefully you can use tpsai-py to do some testing07:53
llnzi do test, mainly things that i've change, hardly play for long periods07:53
llnzyeah, tpsai-py looks helpful07:53
mithroa full minisec game with "minisec_total_planets = 5", only takes 30-40 minutes07:53
mithroand should cover most orders07:54
mithrocurrently it issues - build, merge, move, colonise07:54
mithroI'll get to split fleet eventually07:54
mithrooh, and it also tests combat07:58
* mithro should run to AI against each other07:58
mithrollnz: the pushes on the Sun are what introduced the resource bug07:59
mithrobefore them I was getting to turn 100-20007:59
llnzodd, nothing touched.... oh08:00
llnzcan i close 1762596 and 1762603?08:02
Epyonjotham, the smoothing groups are fubared as I suspected :(08:04
Epyonjotham, my timezone is irrevelant, for I live like I'd be 6 hours shifted xP08:05
jothamsmoothing groups? there were phong tags08:07
jothami can nurb some of the patches etc08:07
jothamdid you read all of what i said? can you hook me up08:07
jothamand i'll have some ships firing lasers for you in the next few days :p08:07
Epyonwell you see those triangles at the sides?08:10
EpyonAnd generaly the triangulation08:10
Epyon3DS doesn't have support for smoothing groups :(08:10
jothami don't know what a smoothing group is08:11
jothambut i can apply phong tags to surfaces if their normals are right08:11
Epyonit basically tells that the given triangles should form one surface08:11
jothamyes i can do that with a phong tag08:11
tpb<http://ln-s.net/m9p> (at chaosforge.org)08:12
Epyonas for the texture there's a problem :/08:13
EpyonIt's commercial -- part of the 3ds MAX distro :/08:13
jothami can just retexture them and they will only be like 64x64 or 32x32 anyway08:14
EpyonI mean I have nothing against sending you those, but they can't be put in the tp media repo08:16
jothamyeah you'd have to talk to mithro about that08:16
jothami suspect he'd want you to retexture them with your own or free textures08:16
jothamsince the 3DS file will reference them08:16
mithrollnz: possibly?08:22
mithromaybe solve the current segfault furst?08:38
jothamok bed08:40
llnzmithro: hasn't crashed for me yet08:43
* llnz wanders off08:49
llnzlater all08:49
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CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r41207ea07fd4 /src/gui/TextCtrl.py:15:45
CIA-3Making TextCtrl look nicer.15:45
CIA-3Getting rid of the grey highlighting on the far right edge and providing15:45
CIA-3highlighting for TPCL Expression Editor keywords.15:45
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r204268ae5e79 /src/gui/xrc/ComponentPanel.xrc: Regenerated XML from wxGlade15:45
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r7b5693ba839b /src/ (3 files in 3 dirs):15:45
CIA-3Added TPCL Editor Dialog window15:45
CIA-3And py script to display it.15:45
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rd4d51866490f /src/tpcl/ (Representation.py data/base_blocks.xml data/blocktypes.xml):16:09
CIA-3Initial work on TPCL Editor16:09
CIA-3There's going to have to be a lot of thought going in here to make sure16:09
CIA-3that the methods used allow for a robust system that is also powerful. My16:09
CIA-3intial ideas have proved to be unsatisfactory so I'll have to go have16:09
CIA-3some more 'deep-thought' time.16:09
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rc4a99e2841bd /README: Updated README to include info on TpclEditor.py16:32
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