Wednesday, 2007-07-25

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mithrohowdy people06:18
Epyonyo mithro ;]06:24
llnzhi mithro06:29
jothamhey Epyon would it be ok for me to use your models in my part of tp?06:31
jothamand where could i get the actual models from06:31
* mithro pokes Epyon06:32
EpyonSure it would.06:32
mithroEpyon: can we get your models in to the media repository?06:32
EpyonYet they are very high-poly06:32
mithroEpyon: thats okay06:32
EpyonAnd in 3ds MAX 9 format06:32
mithroEpyon: thats still okay06:33
EpyonAnd multi-part -_-06:33
jothamdoesn't matter about the poly06:33
mithroEpyon: still fine :)06:33
Epyonmithro, lol :P06:33
jothami'll render them out at 32x32 or 64x64 i think06:33
mithroEpyon: have you used SVN before?06:33
jothami am using Cinema 4D06:33
Epyonjotham, what do you need them for?06:33
jothami have been (off and on) working on a tool for playign / reinacting battles06:34
Epyonjotham, I don't know if there's a MAX importer to cinema 4d06:34
jothamand i have made about 11 spaceships all up and they all suck =)06:34
Epyonjotham, don't tell me mine are better -_-06:34
jothamthey have a classic charm nothing i've made has06:34
EpyonAnyway, I need to eat now (soup's hot) be back in 20 minutes.06:35
jothamanyway cinema can open .3ds files06:35
mithroEpyon: if I give you a username and password for SVN, do you think you could commit your models?06:35
jothambut not .max files06:35
jothambut i hear LWO or OBJ files are better06:36
jothammaybe you could do a test06:36
jothamone ship in 3DS OBJ and LWO06:36
jothamprobably your most complex ship06:36
jothamand i'll see how it goes06:36
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mithrojotham: maybe we can get some stuff from ?06:46
tpbTitle: Wing Commander - Privateer Gemini Gold (at
jothamlooks cool mithro06:47
jothamif you can arrange it06:47
jothamor whoever06:47
tpbTitle: Vega Strike - Home (at
mithrowell, if they have open source graphics we don't even have to ask :)06:47
jothambut Epyon is already part of our project no?06:47
mithrojotham: yeah06:49
mithronow if I can just get him to commit his work :)06:49
jothamyou guys did choose to use the most antisocial vcs around06:49
tpbTitle: Revision 24: /media (at
mithrojotham: our media is kept in Subversion :)06:49
* llnz keeps quiet06:50
mithrojotham: any of these any use ?06:51
tpb<> (at
jothamno i need 3D models for what i want to do06:53
mithrojotham: okay06:54
jothambasically i want to create a rotation of each model, every 5 or 10 degrees, haven't decided yet06:54
jothamso that i can place it anywhere and have it appear to face toward the center roughly06:54
mithrojotham: ahh06:54
jothamthen when it has a suitable starfield behind it06:54
jothamit should feel quite ... sexy06:54
mithrojotham: sounds cool06:55
jothamand run like absolute shit since it's pygame =D06:55
mithrobad craftsman that blames his tools ;)06:55
jothamgood craftsman knows the limitations06:55
jothamcrazy craftsman does it anyway06:55
jotham(which i am doing)06:56
Epyonk' I'm back.07:03
Epyonjotham, mithro, what do you need?07:04
llnzEpyon: i suggest you upload the original file format, plus at least one "common" format07:05
Epyongimme a SVN account then, and where to upload it (and how, for I don't use SVN often)07:06
Epyon|Or I can just upload them to my server07:06
jotham22:33         jotham | anyway cinema can open .3ds files07:06
jotham22:33         jotham | but not .max files07:06
jotham22:34         jotham | but i hear LWO or OBJ files are better07:06
jotham22:34         jotham | maybe you could do a test07:06
jotham22:34         jotham | one ship in 3DS OBJ and LWO07:06
jotham22:34         jotham | probably your most complex ship07:07
jothamOBJ and LWO are the 'common' formats, but for me persoanlly if the format doesn't work comming out of 3DSM it's pointless =)07:07
EpyonHmm, there may be a problem that I used procedural textures...07:07
jothami can retexture them roughly07:07
jothamif you are OK with that of course07:07
EpyonWhy shouldn't I be?07:08
* jotham shrugs, some people are very peculiar about things07:08
EpyonI share all the rights to the models and images to TP07:08
jothamideally i'll get the idea "working" and then you can redo the models/texture export for my part of the project if you show interest and wish to do so07:08
jothami'll use the same key surface idea to do a key color for each team07:09
EpyonHmm, I started to work on low-poly versions of some of them...07:10
EpyonHmm, no LWO export :/07:12
* llnz wanders off07:12
llnzlater all07:12
jothamlater llnz07:12
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EpyonHmm, I guess I can't legally export the textures -- they're MAX default ones :/07:15
EpyonI guess I should make my own.07:15
Epyonjotham, here's the test version --
jothami'll check it when i get home from work07:21
mithroEpyon: so can you send me a public key?07:22
mithroand I'll give you ability to commit your files07:22
* mithro nudges Epyon07:26
mithrorather empty in here today07:27
jothamecmascripts apple and call are pretty nice07:39
mithrojotham: ?07:39
jothamer damn i am tired huh07:40
jothamECMAscript's apply and call are pretty nice07:40
mithroECMAscript == Javascript right?07:40
mithrowhats "apply and call"07:40
jothamjavascript is an implimentation of it07:40
tpb<> (at
jothamlets you call some function in another context, allowing you to define what 'this' resolves to07:42
mithrojotham: Python has apply too07:46
jothamno doubt07:46
jothammost scripting languages seem to owe a lot to lisp07:46
EpyonPublic key? Why do I need that?07:46
jothamand it's a lisp idea07:46
jothami just think ecmascript is a far more mature language than people realise07:46
EpyonSince when do OS projects need that kind of security o.O07:47
mithroEpyon: it means you never have to type a password :)07:50
EpyonSo how does sourceforge handle that?07:50
EpyonI needed to type my pass only at the first submit...07:50
Epyonvia the cmdline svn client.07:51
mithroEpyon: Sourceforge uses public keys last time I looked07:51
mithro(unless it has changed)07:51
EpyonOkay, anyway, how do I supply you such a key? -_-07:52
mithroEpyon: you send me the "public key"07:57
mithrothe same thing you paste in the box Sourceforge gives you07:57
daxxarEpyon: the commandline client caches auth-stuff.08:46
daxxarEpyon: there's a --no-auth-cache or something to disable it. :-)08:46
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mithrojotham: how did the files go?09:26
jothamam still at work09:26
jothamlike i said yesterday...been working a lot lately09:27
jothampretty tired09:27
mithrojotham: oh okay09:29
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