Friday, 2007-07-13

*** tpb has joined #tp00:00
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DystopicFronash: double-pong00:02
DystopicFroreading about text rendering algorithms00:02
DystopicFroahoy nash, was just about to head to sleep00:03
nashtext rendering?00:03
nashAs in layout?  BOx models and the like?00:03
DystopicFroAs in...I was just hanging out, waiting for a response to my ping, read a bit of joel on software and got lost in a related article about text rendering techniques00:04
nashheh ;-)00:05
nashDoing your midterm BTW ;-)00:05
nashSo anything you say now counts extra ;-)00:05
DystopicFrowhich, unfortunately, I didn't really pay much attention to other than the fact that the engineers at microsoft misrepresent the position of the dots on i's00:05
DystopicFroooo...that nash guy...really great guy...should be getting a stipend just like me for all he does...yeh...that's the ticket...00:05
nashDystopicFro: MS text rendering is real bad00:06
nashDystopicFro: I meant for what I was writing ;-)00:06
nashBUt that's good too00:06
nashActually my biggest beef is they don't give mentors anything but a t-shirt...00:06
DystopicFrowell, the project got $500 per student, yeh? which means mithro got $2000?00:07
DystopicFrobut, yeah, not entirely equal on the scales there00:08
nashActually the surprise would be a better call.  The cash I understand00:09
nashYou;d say you are ahead or on schedule?00:11
DystopicFroI'd say I'm on schedule, though I feel a little bit ahead.00:12
nashDone ;-)00:14
nashThe last question was basically: "Should we pay them?"00:14
nashYou got you a yes ;-)00:14
nashHave you done your bit?00:16
DystopicFroI hope that I'm delivering what you all expected. I feel quite proud of what I'm doing, but want to start getting involved more with the everyone in general to make sure it's really useful00:16
DystopicFroaye, I did my half a day or two ago00:16
nashDystopicFro: It's good stuff ;-) You should be proud of it.00:17
DystopicFronash: thanks o.O00:18
DystopicFroso, right now, everything is cleaned up and functional so far as I can see00:19
DystopicFroI've imported the rfts stuff that I could find, though xdotx is doing some interesting stuff for generating his components on his own00:19
DystopicFroand now am going to start on incorporating pyscheme00:19
nashheh.  Shame he couldn't do his project after you finished yours actually00:20
DystopicFroaye, but this way there's some immediate gratification a la RFTS and something to pay off in the future with more rulesets (I hope >.<)00:21
nashYeah - more rulesets you play with the better00:22
* nash wonders if you should look at Stars! or something and see how that goes...00:23
* DystopicFro laughs00:23
* DystopicFro has the feeling that he's going to be working on a new ruleset during the second half of GSoC, to get a good feel for how to refine it00:24
* nash likes to hear that 00:24
DystopicFroWell, it's the best way to gauge just how possible it is to make rulesets server-nuetral, either by abstracting more of the ruleset into TPCL code or something else00:26
nashI tend to agree.00:28
nashMakes perfect sense.00:28
nashAnd it gets you out of the toy code region pretty quickly00:28
DystopicFrogets a new ruleset for TP :P00:29
DystopicFroApparently the kitten wanted her voice heard as well.00:30
DystopicFrokk, I'll head off to bed then, thanks for getting the mid-term eval done, makes sure I gets paid >.<00:30
DystopicFrohave a good one nash00:30
nashHave a good00:31
DystopicFrooh...34 steps per Stars! >.<00:32
nashHave a go at the number of components and ship designs ;-)00:41
*** mithro has joined #tp01:01
nashwelcome back01:09
mithroI think I need a holiday to recover from that "holiday"01:20
nashPeople normally do01:20
mithroDystopicFro: ping?01:26
nashHe went to bed I think01:27
mithrojust sent him an email about his XML problem01:30
mithronash: looks like his editor is going well?01:30
nashmithro: Yeah01:31
nashDamn cool01:31
mithroJLP: ping?01:43
mithro~seen llnz01:49
tpbmithro: llnz was last seen in #tp 16 hours, 35 minutes, and 54 seconds ago: <llnz> later all01:49
mithro~seen jotham01:49
tpbmithro: jotham was last seen in #tp 1 week, 3 days, 17 hours, 6 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: <jotham> so what was the deal with using Epyon's ships?01:49
mithrojotham: ping?01:49
mithroxdotx: ping?01:57
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mithro~seen dmpayton02:17
tpbmithro: dmpayton was last seen in #tp 2 weeks, 1 day, 2 hours, 24 minutes, and 17 seconds ago: <dmpayton> gnight02:17
nashmithro: The last question in the review is "should person be paid"02:19
nashBy the way niphree has been connecting a lot... generally for 7 minutes at a time... :-(02:19
mithro~seen niphree02:20
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 2 days, 13 hours, 6 minutes, and 45 seconds ago: <niphree> JLP: maybe ;) It's worst when you are inside - maybe it's same for all countries, when I move from here I'll check ;)02:20
xdotxmithro: pong02:47
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mithroxdotx: how goes it go?03:05
xdotxmithro: not bad. hope to get a functioning game (building and moving fleets) this weekend03:07
xdotxmithro: maybe some more work towards production03:08
mithroxdotx: cool03:08
xdotxmithro: heh, glad somebody else thinks so too03:09
xdotxi tell my friends/room mates what i'm doing and they're just like '... uh?'03:09
mithroxdotx: he he03:27
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mithrohey nash04:25
mithronash: ping?05:05
mithrodid Greywhind contact you at all?05:05
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nashmithro: Can't say he did05:18
mithronash: forward you the email05:24
mithrobasically looks like we will have another student05:25
nashYep ;-)05:25
nashAny idea what he wants to do05:25
tpb<> (at
mithrogreywhindbut i'm thinking maybe either something to do with AI, Diplomacy, or Macs05:27
mithroyay logs!05:27
mithroo btw, did I say that I passed all my courses? Means I can officially graduate now!05:29
mithrogot 2*C, 1*D and a HD for my Honors project05:31
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nashWell done in the marks05:46
llnzhi all05:59
mithrohey llnz06:12
llnzhi mithro06:20
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JLPahoy people07:27
JLPmithro: pong.07:28
mithrohey JLP07:28
llnzhi JLP07:37
mithroso how is life treating you?07:40
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* llnz wanders off08:47
llnzlater all08:47
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