Thursday, 2007-07-12

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JLPahoy all06:59
llnzhi JLP06:59
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llnzlater all09:13
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CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r325cc03308a0 /src/codegen/ (4 files):11:22
CIA-3Refactored CPP codegen11:22
CIA-3Pulled common functions out in to CodegenUtils. TPCL Formatting and the11:22
CIA-3adjustment of invalid characters are both now handled from one place.11:22
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rf0453fa6ec15 /src/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Implemented Renaming functionality11:22
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r49def4a7f5ed /RFTS/persistence/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Adding 'version' attribute to RFTS object xml files11:22
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r3376947a90c1 /src/gui/
CIA-3Added object panel...this is necessary for some changes made a while11:22
CIA-3Geez I sure hope nobody is actively trying to get this thing to work when11:22
CIA-3I'm making commits. Absent minded as I am I break things by forgetting11:22
CIA-3to add things or by only committing a fraction of the src tree >.<11:22
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r980d7283149b / (7 files in 6 dirs):11:22
CIA-3Blanket commit from top of project dir tree11:22
CIA-3Hopefully this will catch all my noobishness and let people who get the11:22
CIA-3source actually run the program11:22
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DystopicFronash_: ping, going to the store and then making dinner, I'll be on later than expected tonight, check the latest commit and tag, though, things got nice and polished for the most part, I think19:32
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nashDystopicFro: Well, I'll be here all day ;-)19:33
DystopicFronash: ping?23:36
nashDystopicFro: ?23:59

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