Sunday, 2007-06-10

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llnzwb xdotx01:38
llnzxdotx: how is it going?01:52
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xdotxllnz: alright, you?01:53
llnzfine thanks01:53
llnzbbs, dinner02:11
xdotxhmm. does tp support wrapping maps?03:55
llnznot really03:58
llnzyou could define your universe on the surface of a sphere i guess03:58
xdotxinteresting.. that type of thing is supported?04:00
llnznot really04:00
llnzit would make programming move orders "interesting"04:00
JLPahoy all05:22
llnzhi JLP05:23
JLPxdotx: i see that you are adding info about the ruleset to the wiki, nice06:11
JLPllnz, mithro: regarding rulesets, is there any plan to add support for sending ruleset instruction for TP protocol 406:13
llnzruleset instructions?06:14
JLPyeah, for example a user opens a client, opens the list of servers and he sees all the different rulesets that are available on each server06:15
JLPi guess a user would like to be able to clikk on a button or someting that would show him the rules of the game06:15
llnzJLP: something like "remote game admin"?06:15
JLPthe same information could later be accessible from menu Help -> Rules or something like that06:17
JLPllnz: no i didn't mean remote administration, just the manual/instructions downloading for all the different rulesets06:19
JLPthe minimal information could just be the name of ruleset, short description, maybe story behind it and the link to all the manual for the ruleset that would be maintained in the server or on the web somewhere06:21
JLPthe client can then open an external browser to the web page with instruction or maybe provide a simple built-in browser06:21
llnzthere are no plans to add anything like that06:22
xdotxi could see something like that. also possibly a brief list of some of the common properties/differences06:22
JLPllnz: so is it worth thinking about adding this to TP04, or will it have to wait for future TP protocol06:24
llnzi think that it is a possibility06:25
llnzwrite a suggestion to the email list06:25
JLPwell in any case, i'll add this idea to Wiki06:25
JLPyeah and i'll write about it to the mailing list06:25
JLPwrote a quick intro to Protocol -
tpbTitle: Protocol - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
xdotxpast bed time. seeya guys06:58
llnzcya xdotx06:58
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JLPI've also added a start page about TP04 to wiki -
tpbTitle: TP04 - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
llnzcool, i'll add some urls to the page07:41
JLPok, there is probably some more info in the tp-devel that could be added07:41
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llnzlater all07:54
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sijmenhey all :)08:58
sijmenI just read that wiki page about TP4, now I'm wondering: would having server information served as html impose a security risk? like phising09:01
JLPsijmen: ahoy, welcome back09:04
sijmenyeah, on and off ;)09:05
mithroniphree_afk: ping?09:07
JLPsijmen: nice catch about security09:19
JLPsijmen: and i have no idea what could be done about it09:20
sijmenuhhmm.. I can see two options; 1. on the place where the internal browser would be, show the url and a 'display' button, or 2. use RTF or something like that09:21
sijmenor just leave it :P09:23
JLPyeah maybe the manual markup should be realy basic, so that client could only accept these basic thing and ignore anything other and so that it would be relatively simple to create integrated viewer for this documentation09:26
sijmenmany UI toolkits come with an RTF viewer right?09:31
sijmenat least .NET and Cocoa do, the two I'm most familiar with :P09:31
mithroRTF is an evil format09:34
sijmenokay. whyy?09:38
mithroit doesn't have a well defined standard09:41
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sijmenokay, that sounds bad :)09:42
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JLPhm 300 pages of RTF standard, and I couldn't see any licensing info09:46
mithrothe standard came after the implimentations09:48
JLPremonds more more of the ooxml, badly written, unclear, no reuse of existing iso standards, questionable licensing09:50
sijmenis that what OpenOffice uses?09:52 uses ODF - OpenDocument Format - ISO/IEC 2630009:52
sijmenis ooxml is the Microsoft thing then?09:54
JLPOOXML is Office "Open" XML, which Microsoft is trying to push alone, and is some kind of reaction to ODF, they just have to reinvent the wheel nd make it worse09:55
JLPtry to implement this :
JLPit's also interesting to read comments that canadian standards organisation is collecting about OOXML:10:03
tpb<> (at
sijmennow that's a pile10:03
JLPyeah a pile of badly written specificaion which only purpose is to trick standards organisations into thinking it is an open standard and by standardising it locking users into this format and by extension into MS Office10:05
daxxarMany attributes throughout the Ecma 376 spec take values in "English Metric Units" (EMU). For example, attributes of type ST_PositiveCoordinate (, page 4505) are measured in EMUs. This is not a known unit in existing literature. It is only defined inside a paragraph in section page 655, so that "91440 EMUs/U.S. inch, 36000 EMUs/cm". Similarly, (2.18.105, page 1836 ) specifies "twips"—twentieths of a point (1/1440th of an inch).11:15
mithroniphree_afk: ping?11:29
sijmenhow's the SoC going on?12:00
mithrosijmen: way to quickly12:10
sijmentime or development going to quickly? :P12:11
mithrosijmen: time12:20
sijmenaye, too bad12:21
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mithroniphree_afk: ping?13:11
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mithroniphree_afk: ping?14:04
sijmen3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss14:14
mithrosijmen: sadly yes :/14:15
Epyonwho uses a 3 packet ping? o.O14:19
sijmenmithro :p14:19
mithrohey Epyon14:23
mithrohow is your project going?14:24
EpyonDon't ask -_-14:24
EpyonI just started :/14:24
mithroEpyon: did you get anywhere with your name generators?14:24
EpyonI decided to enroll for PhD studies, and learned that the exam is in less than two weeks o.O14:24
Epyonmithro, I'd do that but I don't know TP's internals. If I'd just supply a set of python functions, would you integrate them for me?14:25
mithroEpyon: just make a program which you give it a seed and it outputs X number of names to stdout14:26
Epyonkk, I'll do that when I get some free time :/14:27
mithrothat will intergrate with most things14:27
mithroEpyon: no hurry14:33
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sijmenoh cool name generator coming.. TP keeps getting better16:11
sijmenthat chat above is about name generators isn't it :o16:17
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JLPniphree: hi, i've just seen your introduction mail and your blog17:41
JLPniphree: dont forget to also add the bog to
tpbTitle: Planet SoC (at
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