Saturday, 2007-06-09

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llnzok, that was a bit more than 2 hours00:43
mithrohowdy people01:09
llnzhi mithro01:09
mithroJLP: ping?01:10
llnzhi mithro02:05
llnzbbs, dinner02:06
mithrohey llnz02:13
xdotxhey mithro, llnz02:23
xdotxllnz: heh, a "bit" more than 2 hours ;)02:23
* xdotx also getting dinner02:24
mithroxdotx: how goes your progress?02:28
mithro~seen dmpayton02:28
tpbmithro: dmpayton was last seen in #tp 4 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes, and 34 seconds ago: <dmpayton> In the mean time...02:28
xdotxmithro: since last update, almost none. i get most of my work done fri-mon02:52
xdotxgot school mon-thurs02:52
mithroxdotx: when does school finish? or did I misunderstand the USA school year?02:58
xdotxmithro: ah, i'm just taking a couple summer classes. i'll be done toward the end of july02:59
mithrowell looking forward to your next status report :P03:04
* llnz is back03:17
xdotxwb llnz03:18
mithroxdotx: you played any more RFTS?03:56
xdotxmithro: not much, but i was reading over the manual some.. and that's exactly what i intend on doing in a few minutes03:57
* mithro is waiting for dinner to cook03:57
* xdotx is eating dinner and helping a friend with her comp03:58
mithroxdotx: whats the time where you are? friday?03:59
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xdotxwhat was that?03:59
llnz<mithro> xdotx: whats the time where you are? friday?04:00
xdotxand is CTRL-X the shortcut for quit-now-no-questions! in x-chat or is it just a really pathetic bug?04:00
xdotxit's 1am saturday now04:00
xdotxi think i'm 18hrs behind you guys04:01
xdotxPST is GMT-8 and you're GMT+12?04:01
llnzi am at UTC + 12hr, mithro is are UTC + 9.5 hr, iirc04:02
JLPahoy all06:30
JLPmithro: pong06:30
mithroJLP: i was going to ask you something06:31
mithrobut I have fogotten now06:31
JLPmithro: did niphree send you the report and stuff?06:33
mithroJLP: only the intro email06:33
JLPmithro: so 3 reports are still missing06:34
mithroJLP: kind of06:35
* JLP will be right back, getting some breakfast06:36
* JLP is switching to his laptop07:36
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* llnz wanders off08:14
llnzlater all08:14
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mithroniphree_afk: ping?10:26
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llnzhi all23:20
mithrohey llnz23:57
llnzhi mithro23:57
mithro~seen nash23:57
tpbmithro: nash was last seen in #tp 2 days, 3 hours, 16 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: <nash> Cruddy.23:57
mithrono dmpayton :/23:57

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