Friday, 2007-06-08

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tpbaloril has quit worldforge (Ping timeout: 620 seconds)01:39
mithro~seen greyhawke01:45
tpbmithro: I have not seen greyhawke.01:45
mithro~seen greyhawk01:45
tpbmithro: I have not seen greyhawk.01:45
mithrohrm... how did he spell it...01:46
mithro~seen greywhind01:59
tpbmithro: greywhind was last seen in #tp 2 days, 6 hours, 24 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: <greywhind> nice to talk to you01:59
tpbaloril has joined on worldforge02:07
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CIA-3mithro web * r67e6fc365dc4 /rss.php: Fix RSS feed. Evil encoding problems.04:28
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llnzhi all06:19
JLPahoy all07:01
JLPoh i see we can nominate Thousand Parsec for 2007 Community Awards07:14
tpb<> (at
JLPshould we post news item about the nomination and also post to mailing list?07:22
JLPis this ok:07:49 is providing Thousand Parsec some services like bug tracker. They are preparing for the second annual Community Choice Awards by collecting nominations. So we ask all people who like Thousand Parsec and 4X games to cast a ballot for Thousand Parsec nomination. Thanks in advance for your support!07:49
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llnzJLP: that looks fine07:57
JLPok, i'll add the news and post to ML07:58
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JLPbtw do we use UTC for the time for news on main page?08:02
llnzi guess we should08:03
* llnz wanders off08:09
llnzlater all08:09
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CIA-3jlp web * r33b7c7d73cb9 /news/ Nomination of TP for 2007 Community Awards08:24
CIA-3jlp web * r24b2792ec1d2 / (news/ rss.php): Merge with git+ssh://
tpb<tpb@worldforge> New news from Nomination of Thousand Parsec at SourceForge.net08:31
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llnzI will be around in 2 hours or so18:45
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JLPniphree: ahoy20:32
JLPniphree: how's it going20:32
niphreeJLP: hi :]20:36
niphreeJLP: good - I'm writing my report for mithro20:36
JLPniphree: great to hear, we've already got one from xdotx20:37
JLPniphree: i was thinking it would also be nice if you could send a brief introduction to tp-devel mailing list20:39
JLPniphree: who you are and what you will be doing, something like this, take a look at other introductions for some examples20:39
niphreeJLP: I just send one to mithro - so he could look on it20:40
JLPniphree: cool20:41
JLPniphree: any problems or questions so far?20:45
niphreeJLP: I had some problems with PEAR - but it's ok now. I just never use this before20:46
JLPniphree: what about the thousand parsec side of things? all clear?20:47
niphreeJLP: I think so20:49
niphreeJLP: ok, I'm going to sleep :/20:49
JLPniphree: nice, if any question comes up just ask us20:49
JLPniphree: yeah 3 in the morning here too :)20:49
niphreeJLP: ok! :]20:49
niphreeJLP: o_O :D20:50
niphreegood night20:50
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JLPniphree: good night20:50
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