Thursday, 2007-06-07

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bokamithro, ping03:37
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llnzjava protocol library? cool06:20
* llnz adds it to the sloccount06:23
JLPahoy all06:53
llnzhi JLP06:57
llnzthanks for the libtpproto-cpp patches06:58
JLPllnz: no problem07:09
JLPi've started looking how to create objects model in parsek and noticed this unsigned/signed thing07:10
JLPllnz: btw, is the modtime of the universe the same as the modtime of the last modified object?07:12
llnztp04 difference lists will clear it up07:12
JLPcool, so for now i should just record the modtime of the universe and on new turn update only objects with higher modtime07:15
llnzupdate any object with a modtime in the list greater than the currently held object07:16
llnzlibtpproto-cpp 0.3.0 could well take care of that07:17
* llnz wanders off07:46
llnzlater all07:46
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daxxarJLP: Heyhey, soz, I was asleep ;-)08:05
daxxarAnd now, a shower!08:05
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mithrohey people08:08
JLPmithro: ahoy08:08
mithrohow is everything?08:09
mithroanymore parsek work?08:09
JLPafter logger i have been thinking about how to store objects localy08:11
JLPcorrected a few thing in the c++ protocol library08:11
mithroyeah saw that08:12
JLPi hope that in time for akademy 2007 parsek will be able to show starmap and maybe even be able to set orders08:18
JLPif all goes well i'm planing to officially announce parsek during akademy 2007, maybe on a kde-games conference08:18
mithroJLP: that would be cool08:19
mithroJLP: so where is parsek at?08:25
JLPi'm also thinking of making a t-shirt with Thousand Parsec logo to wear on akademy08:25
JLPmithro: parsek so far connects to server, shows the countdown, displays messages in a table and has logger to show debug and other messages08:26
mithroJLP: cool08:44
mithroto bad I'm a KDE bigot08:45
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mithromorning people20:31
mithrohey nash20:40
mithrohow goes everything today?20:40
mithro~seen niphree20:40
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 5 days, 10 hours, 43 minutes, and 17 seconds ago: <niphree> mithro: ... heh - I almost forgot about this.20:40
mithro~seen dmpayton20:40
tpbmithro: dmpayton was last seen in #tp 2 days, 19 hours, 41 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: <dmpayton> In the mean time...20:40
mithronash: :/20:41
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mithroso how is everything today?23:37
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