Monday, 2007-06-11

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mithro~seen dmpayton00:51
tpbmithro: dmpayton was last seen in #tp 5 days, 23 hours, 52 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: <dmpayton> In the mean time...00:51
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llnzhi all01:43
mithrohey llnz01:56
llnzhi mithro01:57
mithrohow is everything?01:57
llnzfine thanks01:59
mithrowhat have you been up to?02:01
mithrohaven't seen many tpserver-cpp commits recently02:03
llnzbeen busy02:03
* mithro has being trying to study for exams, rather unsuccessfully :/02:05
* mithro hopes everything is okay with dmpayton - haven't seen him around for almost a week :/02:05
JLPahoy all05:30
mithrohey JLP05:36
xdotxhey JLP05:36
mithrohey xdotx, how goes everything?05:38
mithroxdotx: a bit late where you are now?05:38
xdotxmithro: alright. heh yeah, kinda tired but don't feel like sleeping05:38
xdotx(working on the RFTS wiki)05:39
mithrodon't forget to save often05:39
xdotxi'm working on a local copy right now05:39
mithrobrowsers have a nasty habit of crashing just before clicking save :)05:39
xdotxand i CTRL-S habitually05:39
* mithro has muscle memory of Esc:w05:42
mithroJLP: checked these recently -> ?05:44
tpbTitle: 4X on Blogs - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
JLPmithro: nope not in the last couple of days, i just remember i've quickly seen the news about the release of sword of the starts addon05:46
JLPbut i didn't check out how it looks or what is it and what people are saying about it05:48
jothamcan i tell heapq some how what attribute of an array of instances to use for the sort comparison?06:29
jothamheapq is a python module06:29
jothamany help would be appreciated06:29
mithrojotham: possibly06:45
mithrojotham: what are you trying to do?06:45
jothamuse heapq to sort a bunch of instances07:05
jothamby one value in each07:05
jothamone instance property07:06
mithrodo you actually want to store the objects sorted?07:08
jothamwell it's a list of zdepths07:08
jothamobjects with z depths07:08
jothamso i want to use heapq to keep them sorted in a z order07:09
jothambased on whatever they have when they enter the queue07:09
mithrowell heapq used the __cmp__ method i believe07:09
mithroso you could just override that on your class07:10
mithrootherwise you'll have to write a wrapper class07:14
jothamcmp sounds good07:14
jothambbl, bath07:14
mithrowell you would be overriding __cmp__ in the wrapper anyway07:15
mithrojotham: might want to read
tpb<> (at
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* llnz wanders off09:22
llnzlater all09:22
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mithrohey people22:44
mithro~seen dmpayton22:44
tpbmithro: dmpayton was last seen in #tp 6 days, 21 hours, 45 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: <dmpayton> In the mean time...22:44
mithrohey nash, how was your long weekend?22:44
nashmithro: Okay22:45
nashEnded up buying ahouse in the middle...22:45
nashSo on one side... busy for the next few weeks.22:45
nashAfter that, my new transport routing to work will give me 1 and half hours of coding time to do what I wish ;-)22:45
mithrowhere is it located?22:46
mithrotakes you 1+1/2 hours to get to work?22:46
nashmithro: Both ways22:47
mithrois it a single train ride, or do you have to transfer a few times?22:47
nashNope, single uninterrupted 45-50 minute train ride, normally with seat...22:50
mithroa 45 minute train ride without a seat would suck22:52
nashI have a 20 minute ne without seat at the moment22:53
nashIt's irritating enough22:53
nashSo yeah... Interesting week... 6 weeks will be moving again, with all the usual loss of connectivity22:54
nashAnyway... lunch time23:00
nashTalk to you in a while mithro23:00

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