Wednesday, 2007-04-04

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nashcherez: Sorry for the delay, but yes, tp-devel would be best00:14
Epyonjeez, empty everywhere.00:28
nashWhat is?00:34
EpyonNah, I'm always in a talkative mood around this hour, and on most channels I stick around it's pretty much empty :P00:35
EpyonTalk about bad sleeping habbits...00:35
Ivni've heard of that..00:36
Ivnnot sure what it is tho...00:36
EpyonYeah, it's that thing your brain needs when the beer ends.00:36
EpyonWhich in my case should be no earlier than in an hour or so :)00:37
Ivnuuh... in my case.... a few more hours...00:37
Ivni've been playing minisec all day ... and just colonized a planet....00:37
EpyonIvn, you have to have a lot of beer then :P00:38
Ivnwhiskey for me :P00:38
EpyonAh whiskey ^_^00:38
EpyonWhat brand?00:38
IvnJohnny Walker black or green00:38
EpyonGreen? We don't have that one here in Poland (just black and red label)00:39
Ivnred = 6 y, black = 12 y, green = 15 y, gold = 18 y , and so on00:39
Ivni think there are 2 more.. blue and skyblue..00:39
EpyonHah, didn't know that :)00:39
Ivnyou never know what you might learn00:40
EpyonSo I guess that bottle of black label that my friend keeps on his cabinet since I remember should have it's label changed xD00:40
Ivnprobably xD00:40
Epyon22 hours left till the slot count is known.00:41
Epyon+0-4 days for Google-styled deadline :>00:42
Ivnare you participating ?00:42
EpyonYou aren't?00:42
Ivni mean00:42
Ivni am00:42
EpyonWhat are you applying to?00:43
Ivnwant to code a multilingual web frontend00:43
Ivnor , multilingual support for tpserver00:43
EpyonYou mean the metaserver?00:43
Ivnmessages and metaserver00:43
EpyonHow many apps? 2 or 1?00:44
EpyonI hope you get the non-metaserver one :)00:44
Ivni preffer the web appliance :)00:45
Ivni love doing php-gd-db stuff.00:45
EpyonMy friend is applying for the meta, and she's realy keen on getting in :/00:45
Ivnmultilingual support ? or another thing ?00:45
Ivni forgot how keen is translated00:46
Ivnwhat does it mean in that sentence ?00:46
EpyonDon't ask me, I'm a ... hell anyway, I don't do database/net stuff :]00:47
Ivnhahaha :P00:47
Epyonkeen = eager00:47
Ivnaah, noted.00:47
Ivnfirst time on SoC ?00:47
Ivnit is a neat experience.00:48
EpyonWe'll see :)00:48
EpyonUp to date I've only been nervous about it :P00:48
EpyonYet I already learned a lesson.00:48
IvnIf you get accepted, then the nervousness gets extended :P00:49
EpyonNext year I'll just apply to one org.00:49
Ivnwhy ?00:49
EpyonBecause conflicts are not fun :|00:49
EpyonI don't like turning somebodies expectations down.00:49
EpyonEscpecialy after convincing them to my idea beforehand.00:50
Ivnah ok... then it turns worst if you get accepted by two organizations, and have to decide which one :S00:50
nashEpyon: We forgive you ;-)00:53
nashAnd dude, submit multiple...00:54
nashIvn: Actually you never get accepted for more then one00:54
Ivnthere was a case in soc 200500:54
Ivnthe guy had to decide.00:54
EpyonIvn, conflicts are solved beforehand00:54
Ivnperhaps was because it was the first soc too..00:54
EpyonAFAIK after slot allocation.00:54
nashCould well be00:55
nashAlso mentor orgs can decide how they like... which includes us asking the student to decide00:55
Epyon21 hours till slot allocation if google meets it's own deadline.00:55
EpyonWhich it never does xD00:56
* cherez holds his breath00:56
Ivni'm going to put some turbo on my spaceships... or reduce the turn length...00:57
nashIvn: You can type 'turn end' at teh server console to end the turn00:57
Ivnyeah, but for some reason00:57
nashTP04 has support for clients ending hte turn00:57
Ivnwhen the game starts00:57
EpyonGoogle: turn end00:57
Ivnanything i put on console, gets ignored00:57
EpyonDuh, doesn't work :(00:57
cherezthe forums mirror the mailing lists?00:58
nashor exit00:58
nashcherez: They do indeed00:58
Ivntpserver-cpp> quit00:58
Ivnsame thing for exit00:58
nashBlerg... that's a PITA00:58
EpyonIvn, winsows??00:58
Ivni think it may be a problem with guile...00:58
Ivn(more compressed than before)00:58
* Epyon is an ugly, stinkin and ****** Windoze person ^_^00:59
Ivni think it's guile fault.00:59
* Epyon wants to plug in a secondary linux box with xgl tough xD01:01
Ivnbut, if you need linux bad, there is always vmware or colinux.01:01
EpyonI have a knoppix-hd-install on another partition, yet never have the will to boot to it :/01:02
EpyonI mean rebooting is SCARY!!!01:02
EpyonIt stops torrents, servers and bots!01:03
* cherez shudders01:03
EpyonI never do it more often then needed.01:03
EpyonLike once a month or two is enough :|01:03
Ivnwith windows, anything greater than 0 is normal.01:03
Ivn0 reboots01:03
Ivndepends on the user...01:04
EpyonAnyway, I can't stand sleeping without the sweet noise of the pc's ventilator01:04
Ivni'm used to it too !01:05
EpyonI knew a guy who reinstalled his XP like once a week :/01:05
Ivnmy old athlon xp 2100 with a 7000 rpm fan sounds like the sea01:05
Ivnuh, a friend got spywares every 2 days...01:05
EpyonBut actually all bad things about M$ aside, XP is a quite stable system if maintained properly.01:05
Ivnhowever, in windows flavors01:06
Ivny prefer win2003 enterprise01:06
EpyonThe problem is that proper maintenance of a XP box is a lot harder than Linux :/01:06
Ivndepends.... if you use only open-source software, and are behind a good firewall...01:06
Ivni dont even use antiviruses/spyware on my laptop01:07
jothamgive a muppet any tool and he will fuck it up01:07
jothaman os is a tool01:07
chereza muppet?01:07
jothama stupid person01:08
Ivnbut there are tools easier to f*ck up01:08
EpyonYeah, firewalls are nice. The first three programs that landed in my banlist on the firewall were IE, OE and WMP :)01:08
tpb<> (at
EpyonEven the XP command line is somewhat useful now.01:09
* Ivn colnized alpha centauri prime01:09
Epyon(okay I admit, I've got cygwin in my path and use perl instead of batchfiles)01:09
Ivnis "somewhat" useful...01:10
Ivnjust to do cd.. cd.. cd.. dir01:10
cherezif you install enough GNU tools on your path...01:10
Ivnyep.. i can't live without wget, grep, find, cat, etc01:10
cherezin my high school I had to use windows, so I installed a ton of GNU utils onto the path so the console wasn't worthless01:10
Epyoncherez, just to mention that I always do ls instead of dir :P01:10
Ivnbut i preffer something bash-alike01:11
EpyonIvn, I've got all of those mentioned in the path ;]01:11
EpyonYet, I'm a devil's advocate here. I'd really like to move to linux totaly :(01:12
Ivnbut.. ?01:12
cherezdoes correcting spelling errors constitute a good patch?01:13
Ivnsuch as "weather" instead of "wether" in the README ? :P01:13
EpyonIvn, two of the programs I use often don't have decent OS counterparts01:13
cherezinitial instead of inital in server.py01:13
cherezEpyon: 3DSMax?01:14
Ivni think if there are lots of corrections, is a good patch01:14
Epyonyep, and PS01:14
Ivnif 3DSMax is a reason, i'll go to blender01:14
cherezit's misspelled through the whole file01:14
Ivnsince i got to blender, forgot 3ds01:14
Ivnps = photoshop ?01:15
Ivnit can be run with wine01:15
EpyonIvn, nope01:15
EpyonChecked that01:15
cherezI personally find the GIMP easier to use than Photoshop01:15
EpyonNot CS's01:15
Ivnahps, never tried cs's01:15
EpyonGIMP Tablet support sucks01:15
cherezoh, tablet01:15
EpyonAs for blender it's years behind 3dsmax01:16
Ivntablet is another history...01:16
cherezif I owned a tablet I'd look into submitting a patch01:16
Ivni'm not sure. However, i never used allllllllll features of 3ds, and only got to 3dsmax v601:16
EpyonDespite Wacom doing drivers for linux (nice of them) they aren't good enough :/01:16
cherezOS drivers?01:16
Ivnwhat does not work in the tablet/gimp ?01:17
Ivni've got a tablet somewhere..01:17
EpyonIvn, I think it's impossible for a single human to grasp more than 10% of 3ds's features on a good level in a single lifetime.01:17
Epyon3ds is IMHO the only program I worked on that has a complexity greater than an OS.01:18
EpyonI still discover tricks that were under my nose all the time, that increase my work speed even further.01:18
EpyonIt's like perl -- there are always ways to get the result you want to achieve faster :)01:19
EpyonLearning to work with the MaxScript listener was one of such revelations.01:20
jothamheh i have a certificate in photoshop01:22
jothamas part of my art degree01:22
jothamdumb ass certificate01:22
jothamlearned a lot about photographic manipulation01:22
Ivnuh.. i've got sleepy01:23
Ivnand got to drive home yet...01:23
* jotham goes back to programming an interactive graph =\01:24
EpyonMy favorite example in max is the screw problem ;]01:24
jothamEpyon: URL?01:24
Ivnwhich one is that ?01:24
EpyonNo URL. Just the question how long it will take you to do a screw with a hexagonal top?01:24
Ivnprobably ages... i'm all rusty on 3ds :D01:25
EpyonIn blender?01:25
Ivnhalf the ages, as i left 3d-design 2 years ago01:25
EpyonLike a year ago I was proudly showing people how I can do it in 2 minutes.01:26
EpyonRecently I learned new tricks.01:26
EpyonWent down to 23 second.01:26
Ivnthat's faaaaaaaaaaaaast01:26
Ivnlet me ask my brother.. he is good at blender01:26
EpyonIt's not me, it's max's hierachical modifier system :|01:26
Ivnbut i dont think he can beat 23 seconds01:27
EpyonThis is the whole problem :01:27
EpyonWith Blender you can achieve the same effects.01:27
Epyonas with 3ds01:27
EpyonBut in 3ds if you know the tool well you'll do it in 1/10th of the time :/01:28
jothamstart your clock01:28
Ivnyeah.. i can believe that.01:28
EpyonI recently began to come back to 3ds after a break.01:28
Ivn21:29:20 (over here)01:28
Epyon(for TP btw)01:29
EpyonI modeled a battleship.01:29
Epyon1 hour -
Ivndo you have a pic ?01:29
tpb<> (at
Ivnfrigate ?01:29
Ivn3ds models ?01:30
Epyon(no textures, also an hour including design sketches)01:30
Ivnif you ever put those models for downloads, let me know...01:30
jothamdamn it01:30
jothamwork keeps interupting01:30
* jotham starts again01:31
EpyonIvn, they'll be in the TP media repository :)01:31
Ivni'll to use them on an opengl app....01:31
Epyon5 minute scout xD -
Ivnif i got the web gui working, doing an opengl client would be fun.01:31
EpyonYeah I was counting on the 3D client to use those.01:32
EpyonAlthough the polycount could be reduced a little01:32
Ivnmy bro says at most 1 minute to the screw01:33
Ivn21:33:52 (here)01:33
jothamit's a spiral sweep booleaned on a cylander with a hexagonal extrude booleaned to a rect to make the incision at the top01:33
EpyonIvn, you've sent him the pic?01:33
Ivndoing it now..01:33
Ivnwhich one of those ?01:33
Ivnor all those ?01:33
Epyonnah, the screw of course :)01:34
Epyonjotham, I'm afraid to ask for the poly count :)01:34
jothamuh you can set that01:34
jothamcinema lets you manage polycount very well01:34
jothamand does very nice booleans, it was desinged as an engineering tool01:35
EpyonAaaah, cinema - cheater :D01:35
EpyonIt's also a good tool.01:35
jothamit's horrible to animate in01:35
jothambut it's fine for stills01:35
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EpyonMaya and Cinema come close. Lightwave is further.01:35
EpyonBlender is far beyond :(01:35
jothammaya beats lightwave and cinema for aniamtion01:35
jothamit totally depends what part of the thing you are doing01:36
IvnEpyon: how much did it took you to create the battleship ?01:36
EpyonTrue. I was talking about modeling.01:36
jothamcinema wins for composition, maya for animation, and light wave is a good modeler01:36
EpyonIvn, anhour including designing on paper.01:36
jothami have to write cinema plugins as part of my job01:36
EpyonIvn, and tweakes to the model to make it look good.01:36
EpyonIvn, it would be less if I wouldn't worry about the triangle count and connections :/01:37
Ivnit looks like those empire-ships in starwars01:37
* Epyon was a fan of Star Wars for a long time :]]01:37
Ivnbefore digitalremastering ? xD01:37
EpyonBefore the three new highbudget lowplot fanfilms xD01:38
jothamyou have to say that?01:38
jothami doubt the new generation of films really created any fans01:38
Epyon"fanfilm" - unoriginal film of shitty quality made by some crazy fans :P01:39
jothamohh fanfilms proper01:39
jothami thought you meant the last 3 movies01:39
Epyon... that doesn't catch the spirit of the original by any means.01:39
jothambecause there are actually fan films out there01:39
EpyonYeah, some of them better than those :)01:40
Ivnwell!, got to sleeeeeep01:40
Ivnwrite to you tomorrow guys!01:41
Epyong'night Ivn :)01:41
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mithrocherez: ping?01:52
cherezmithro: pong01:52
mithrocherez: you should have email?01:53
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nashmithro: What is 'cpp-ser' in the header?01:54
mithronash: dunno01:54
nashstupid bots01:54
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nashThat is so much better01:55
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cherezCreating patch to ""...01:56
cherezNo recorded local changes to send!01:56
* cherez afks01:57
nashmithro: Have you got the procedure for sending patches in your darcs howto/intro?02:20
mithronash: yes02:20
mithrocherez: you need to record the changes first02:20
* nash should read that one day...02:20
nashAlso - tpserver-cpp from darcs is currently broken for the metaserver02:27
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nashheyo [1]fizzleboink04:53
* nash prefered the version of fizzleboink without numeric prefixes04:53
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mithrohowdy people07:53
jothamhey mithro07:54
mithro~seen nash07:54
tpbmithro: nash was last seen in #tp 3 hours, 1 minute, and 6 seconds ago: * nash prefered the version of fizzleboink without numeric prefixes07:54
jothamhows your final project going07:55
mithrojotham: slowly07:55
jothamwhat are you making07:55
mithroI need a 1k sine wave in A-Law or Mu-Law now07:55
mithroa budget 8 line to telephone interface07:55
mithroa budget 8 telephone line to USB (computer + asterisk) device07:56
mithroso just fired up my laptop to use matlab to generate me some samples07:56
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llnz2hi all08:07
mithrojotham: any more progress on the battleviewer?08:08
mithrohey llnz208:11
mithroi'm still at uni :P08:11
jothamjust dicking around with the ship graphics08:13
jothami figure the ships are gonna have to be quite small to show a reasonable sized battle08:14
jothami need to hurry up and get it finished so i can make a python gl client :p08:14
mithrobeen able to load any of the other battle files yet?08:14
jothamno and i need you to fix the weaponpoint thing08:15
mithroahh, i had forgotten about that08:16
mithroit it urgent?08:16
mithroie I thought the only problem was you where randomly putting the locations in?08:18
jothamnot urgent08:18
mithrocan you load any of the other files without it? (just ignoring the weapon points?)08:22
jotham i have to rejig stuff a bit to do the other files08:24
jothambut i deff need to get onto that08:24
jothami need to learn how to use elementtree08:24
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jothamargh is right11:28
jotham <- first in a series of bottles i have to do for another project11:29
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jothamok, bed11:30
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EpyonHello all :)14:22
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Ivnhow can i attack other battleship in the pywxclient ?15:01
IwanowitchJust be in the same location.15:01
Ivnsame x/y/z or same "solar system" ?15:02
IwanowitchWell, same x/y/z I think... Though, if you are on the same planet, that counts as being in the same position.15:03
Iwanowitch(with additional defence of the planet)15:03
Ivnhavent worked for me15:03
IwanowitchAlso, being in a solar system is different from being on a planet.15:04
Ivnhowever, i cannot set x/y/z manually15:05
IwanowitchMmm, it's a bit strange there. With that P button, you can select a point of the map with the mouse.15:06
Ivnbut i can only select objects15:06
Ivnand when the ships are on a planet/solarsystem cannot be selected on the map15:06
Ivnalso, the cross turn black on the map, and i cant see it xD15:06
IwanowitchYeah, I share your pain :P15:07
IwanowitchBut in 3 months, we'll have a shiny 3D client :P15:07
Ivnand a web one...15:07
Ivni'm not sure about others, but i started mine already.15:08
IwanowitchI haven't, I have waay too much work for school :(15:09
Ivni have lot of work too... but i got caught playing with my bro..15:10
Ivnand he wants to start a new ruleset15:10
Ivnhehe.. we decide to blast our asses on 0/0/015:11
Iwanowitch0/0/0? The coordinates?15:13
IwanowitchIt seems to be a popular meeting place.15:13
Ivnkinda easy to remember15:13
Ivn:( he blasted my tiny battleship15:13
Ivn7 battleships against 1, is a little unfair tho15:15
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clayasaurusresubmitted app18:11
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Ivntpprotophp now can connect to tpserver xD21:07
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Ivnanyone that understands sequence frames online ?22:14
Ivnor alive..22:14
Ivnguess not22:15
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Epyonnash, mithro, any news on slotcount?23:28
nashEpyon: Not sure23:28
nashEpyon: mithro jsut quit...23:29
* nash looks at google23:29
Epyonnash, maybe a shock... :P23:29
nashEpyon: Not that I can see23:32
nashHowever mithro may have got something about it23:32
Ivnjust crashed my tpserver xD23:33
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Ivna question :23:38
Ivnin the protocol23:38
IvnGet Objects by ID Frame23:38
IvnSee Get With ID23:38
Ivni dont understand how to send a frame "get with id". where is the type ?23:38
nashIt's one of the general types23:38
nashYou should be able to click on the link in the page23:39
Ivnjust saw it23:39
Ivntype 5...23:39
Ivni think i'll take a break xD23:39
nashbut basically it is <#toget><oid><oid>...23:39
Ivni was confused, as the document for protocol 323:39
Ivnreferences "get with id" frequently...23:40
Ivnbut it appears on green and without type23:40
nashEpyon: BTW: Where did you get the info that the slot count would be out today?23:41
Ivnfyi, tpserver-cpp crashed when i was logged with a player, and then connected disconnected the same player from another location.23:42
nashit does that23:45
Ivnthen i'll continue to crash my server :P23:46
mithronash: it was suppose to be out on the 4th, but they are running late23:47
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mithronash: it was suppose to be out on the 4th, but they are running late23:48
Ivnwell.. i'll take a break.... i'm starting to loose it :P23:51
Ivnsee ya guys23:51
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nashThat's cool23:55

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