Thursday, 2007-04-05

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nashmithro: Was there an update on when then?00:11
mithrothe mailing list00:11
nashWhich one?00:11
nashAhh soc-announce00:15
nashHmm.. the US seems to be using a slightly different time zone then I thought00:15
nashWe'll also be pushing the date for publishing the list of accepted00:15
nashstudent proposals to Wednesday, April 11, 2007, 5 PM Pacific time00:15
nash(Thursday, March 28, 2007, 12:00 AM UTC)00:15
nashApril 11th in the US == March 28th everywhere else...00:16
EpyonYou managed to confuse me nash :|00:16
nashEpyon: The 11th is the official publication date00:17
nashJust they messed up the time00:18
* nash notes they should just use one timezone, not two00:18
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mithronash: they should just use UTC :P00:47
nashmithro: Indeed00:47
* nash notes this applies to mithro too... 00:47
nashWho uses adelaide time?00:47
nashQED really ;-)00:49
mithroeveryone knows I'm the center of the universe :P00:54
nashThe universe has just left.00:54
nashEveryone: Stop existing00:54
mithrocenter not the whole universe :P00:56
* nash notes mithro shoudl read up on relativity some time...00:56
EpyonKheesh ;]01:01
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nashThat guy so needs 'screen' for irc01:47
jothamscreen is awesome01:54
jothamin the days of programming over dialup it saved me from going insane01:55
Epyondailup.. ahh, those were the days...01:55
jothami use it just because cntrl-a-a is so easy for terminal alt-tab equivilent01:55
nashso is alt-N...02:00
jothamin screen?02:00
nashNope, gnome-terminal ;-)02:00
jothamcntrl 1 2 3 4 i thought did that02:00
jothametc for each terminal02:01
jothamer alt02:01
nashyep... all good02:01
nashtabbed terminals rock02:01
jothamtotally agree02:01
jothamputty needs tabs02:01
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nashNah.. .just move to linux ;-)02:40
jothamcan't for work02:40
nashDo what I do then... work for a pure linux company ;-)02:42
nashanyway - I'm going to lunch02:46
jothamnot many linux companies in corporate advertising industry02:46
* nash notes changing career because you OS sucks is probably a bit too far02:47
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Epyong'night everyone03:52
* nash is back from lunch03:55
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nashTonight is a bit of a hack fest for me... hope to get references working nicely in my client05:11
nashThen the weekend... orders... finally ;-)05:11
mithronash: cool05:21
mithroi'll probably do the video's this weekend while procrastinating writing up my honours stuff05:21
nashSo yeah, trying to handle GRS in messages for now05:21
nashIs there anywhere else GRS is used (or is intended for use)?05:21
mithronash: everywhere! :P05:22
mithrowell anywhere something needs to reference something else05:22
mithrostill needs a bit of work05:22
nashSo... where else is it used?05:23
* nash also will be adding some suggestions for the GRS soon to the mailing list.05:23
mithronash: well it'll probably be used in the order stuff in the near future05:24
nashWhere near future == TP-405:25
* nash wonders how that and SoC will work... should be interesting05:25
nashAnd of course clients keeping up with new rulesets will be interesting05:25
mithroit will be intresting05:27
nashAnd I am starting on designing my trade based ruleset05:28
nashThen I need to work out how to implement it05:28
nashWhich server that is ;-)05:31
* nash wants to see Lua server bindings05:31
* nash should set up a proper webpage for tp05:32
mithronash: I would like to intergrate you into the main website really05:48
mithroI really need to do that website reorg - specially since we'll now actually have multiple games to play05:49
nashWell I'll still want my own page for some stuff05:49
nashBut I'm happy to put stuff on the tp site.05:50
mithronash: why?05:50
nashAnd an extra link is good05:50
nashDraft rulesets for instance05:50
mithronash: I would like draft rulesets to be on the main website :P05:52
nashQuestion: is the main revision control in darcs, or in CVS?05:53
mithroanyway, we can discuss this later when I'm not in a hurry05:53
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nashAnyway - I'm off home for a while07:31
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nashheyo all08:46
nashQuiet here tonight...09:12
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llnzhome again10:42
llnzdemo1 up again10:42
llnzhi nash10:43
nashhow is life?10:43
llnzfine thank, a bit tired though10:44
nashSame really10:44
nashLong week - even though it's only 4 days10:44
nashSecreatry resigned at work today10:44
nashOtherwise.... okay10:48
nashSo any big new features in tpserver ? ;-)10:48
nashllnz: Any reason your signature would take so long to verify?10:49
llnznot yet10:49
llnznope, you have my public key?10:49
nashI think it is trying to get it from a keyserver10:50
nashIs it somewhere I can just import?10:50
llnzthere is one you can download from llnz.dyndns.org10:51
llnzimport it into you public keyring10:51
llnz(or pull it off a keyserver, lots of signatures)10:52
nashHmmm... seems to be an issue woth gpg at my end...10:53
jothamcan i let grep know that each char has 2 bytes, and the second one is padded with a null?10:55
nashjotham: UCS-2?10:56
jothamor do i have to make my patterns kinda "f\0o\0o\0" ?10:56
nashexport LANG=<somelocale>.ucs210:56
nashOr similar10:56
nashmay do it ;-)10:56
jothamdunno was just looking at this file that was behaving "ungreppable" with xxd and saw all these nulls10:56
jothamok cheers10:56
jothamcan i get a list of locales?10:56
nashlocale -a10:57
jothamonly have utf8 options10:57
nashdpkg-reconfigure locales10:58
nashjotham: How many files are yo grepping?10:59
jothambooh that wont let me choose new locales, but i'll follow your lead and add a ucs2 locale11:00
nashCan you do for i in * ; iconv -f utf-16 -t utf-8 $i -o $i.utf811:00
nashThat may be easier11:00
jothamyour for syntax was not loved by bash, but the idea was gold11:03
nashjotham: Upgrade to zsh11:04
jothamyou arn't the first person to tell me to use a more awesome terminal11:04
nashYou mean shell?11:04
jothamsorry heh it's late11:05
nashzsh doesn't require do done etc for single statement for and while loops - which is very very convienient11:05
jothamyes, a new shell11:05
nashSince 90% of the time thats what you do11:05
jothamyeah the bash syntax is a bit...cute11:05
jothamyou know in a shell session when you press alt-# where # is 0-9 and it says (arg: #) ?11:06
jothamwhat is that all about, no ones ever answered for me11:06
nashNo idea.. never bothered to figure out myself - I always have Alt-N bound to something else11:07
jothamneed to do it in a terminal that doesn't send the alt key stroke to the tabs11:07
jothamoh that's what you meant by alt-N earlier today11:07
nashNormally it's to jump to a different tab11:07
jothami thought you literally meant alt-(shift+n)11:07
nashAhh.. sorry, a little ambiguous11:08
jothamless ambiguous than fixing these shadow maps11:08
nashWhat are you adding shadows too?11:19
jothamworking on a logo11:20
jotham <-- haha11:20
tpbTitle: xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe (at
jothamok going to read in the bath11:20
nashhope it's not an e-book11:20
llnzfinally caught up with emails11:45
nashheh - you must have answered mine first11:45
llnzi had kept an eye on the forums and knew what they were about11:46
nashAnyway - I'll be back in a while11:49
nashMight be a long while11:49
nashIf you are around, I'll talk to you then.11:49
nashHave fun11:49
* nash is back12:35
llnzwb nash12:39
* llnz ponders12:39
llnzshould i add one more thing to tp04 protocol.xml to make minisec possible in it's current form?12:41
nashThat way you can start to test TP0412:42
llnzneed to change a few more things to be up to the protocol3 doc12:43
* nash will start to test it immediately12:43
llnzerrr.... protocol412:44
* nash starts chanting "minisec in tp04"12:48
nash"what do want"12:48
* nash replies "minisec in tp04"12:48
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nashAnyway - I'm off12:57
llnzhi mithro12:57
nashTalk to you tomorrow probably12:57
llnzcya nash12:57
mithrohave a gnight nash12:57
nashNight llnz , night mithro12:57
nashmithro: Quick qustion: Anything from google?12:57
mithronash: hold on one sec12:57
mithro Keep eye on Announcement list for student allocation info; coming soon(ish) - More info:
tpbTitle: Google Code - Summer of Code - Google Summer of Code (at
mithrofrom the topic on the summer-discuss channel on slashnet12:58
nashNothing yet then...12:58
nashAnyway - night12:58
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mithrohey llnz13:00
mithrohow is everything?13:00
mithrothis channel feels a bit empty now :/13:00
llnzmithro: fine, been away from home until this evening13:01
*** mithro changes topic to "Google SoC (results 10th April - Pacific) - | AI Programming Competition (due March 31) - | Logs - | metaserver - | 2007-02-26, TP ranked 126th on SF"13:01
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mithroi wish I had time to work on tp :/ my honours project has been killing me13:04
llnzi'm fairly busy with finishing my masters thesis by 30 April13:05
llnzbut this weekend i should get a bit done13:05
mithroi have about 3 weeks left13:05
llnza bit done on tp13:06
mithrohow goes the tpserver-cpp fixup?13:06
llnzgoing to try to get protocol.xml mostly complete for tp0413:06
llnzand start writing ruleset module development guide13:06
mithrothe 10th is coming soon :P13:07
mithroonly 5 days13:07
llnzi know13:07
mithroanyway I'm heading off13:08
mithrowhat you doing over easter?13:08
llnznot a whole lot, might be out sunday sailing, and saturday night with megan13:09
llnzhave monday and tuesday off uni as well13:09
mithroI have to work on the honours project documentation over easter :/13:12
mithroanyway off to bed :/13:13
CIA-17Lee Begg <[email protected]> * documents/protocol/ (protocol.xml protocol.xml):13:24
CIA-17Added Integer object type, enough now for minisec:13:24
CIA-17 Also fixed some other objectParam blocks, missing structure tags.13:24
CIA-17 Contents draft and subject to change.13:24
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llnzhi Ivn14:15
* llnz wanders off14:29
llnzlater all14:29
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