Monday, 2007-04-02

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nashjotham: So when are you going to implement it in TP?00:06
nashjotham: Why not?00:31
nashAnd playing it for now counts as research ;-)00:35
cherezanything else that counts as research that works well into college life?02:49
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mithromorning people03:05
Epyongood, late night mithro :)03:08
mithronash: ping?03:28
mithrohow goes the screenshot thingy?03:28
nashmithro: Heyo03:58
nashmithro: Haven't touched it today03:58
cherezscreenshot thingy?04:10
nashTo capture screenshots from my application automatically04:14
nashmithro: Actually I have a way - X only however...04:35
cherezwhat else would you want a screenshot from?04:40
nashcherez: My app will display on X, fb, dfb, gdi, wince, qtopia windows, FST FancyPants Canvas server...04:44
nashAnd possibly a few others I have forgotten04:44
cherezoh, wow04:44
nashSo limiting to X... is a limitation ;-)04:44
cherezhow do you pull that off?04:45
nashIt's based on evas.  Also since I use the platform for my job... I'm fairly familiar with it.04:45
nashWe don't use X as a target very often ;-)04:46
* nash notes unforutanetly the win32(gdi) & wince backends are propietry however04:46
* nash is working on that problem04:49
nashIf I had a win32 person who could do the integration to current head it would help04:50
nashmithro: So how do you want the screenshots to be named?05:01
nash/home/nash/test.png is probably not appropriate ;-)05:01
* nash larts mithro for not being here...05:23
jothamcruel mistress05:28
nashBah... he pinged me and wasn't ehre when I ponged05:28
mithronash: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 :P05:30
mithroor some other sequence05:30
mithropreferably so they sort in string order05:30
jothamhey guys05:31
nashmithro: Screenshot-%03d.png05:31
nashmithro: You are mostly after vids however?05:31
nashAlso current limitation is it works on the current screen buffer ;-(  So you need to keep it on screen05:31
mithronash: thats fine05:33
mithroi have plenty of computers in my house which have linux on them :P05:34
mithroi can make vids easy enough05:34
mithromight just do quick animated gifs :P05:34
nashmithro: So you want me to add a 'record' function... save a shot every turn?05:34
mithrothen I can convert it to what ever I want05:34
mithroprobably evil flash videos05:35
nashmithro: It's a bit hackish at the moment.05:49
nashBut shift-PrintScreen starts recording05:50
nash5 seconds after a turn begins it takes a screengrab05:50
nashmithro: I just pushed to the git archive:05:58
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mithrookay cool06:06
nashgive it a try - tell me how it goes06:15
nashmithro: Bat Cave?06:24
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* nash id leaving07:44
nashtalk to you all tomorrow07:44
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JLPllnz_mlaptop: ahoy09:12
JLPanything interesting happened during the weekend09:13
llnz_mlaptopi did a lot of work on adding tp04 to protocol.xml09:13
llnz_mlaptopnot finished yet, but not far off being able to implement minisec in it09:15
llnz_mlaptopof course, it will take a fair bit of tpserver-cpp to implement it09:16
JLPwhat about ai competition, did we already get all the submitions?09:16
JLPso you have already started checking them?09:18
llnz_mlaptopi haven't09:18
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llnzlater all11:02
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mithrohowdy people11:15
mithronash: ping?11:24
* nash is back12:38
nashmithro: ?12:38
mithroi can't figureout how to slove this problem12:38
nashWhat do you need to slove?12:40
* nash wonders why mithro thinks nash can solve it ;-)12:40
mithroto hard to explain over the internet12:41
mithroI was just expressing my frustration12:41
nashWas there a specific reason you pinged me then?12:41
mithronash: i forgot why12:48
nashGood to know I'm randomly wanted ;-)12:49
nashAnd if you see llnz around, tell him I'm happy to start moving my client to tp04 for a test case for him ;-)12:50
nashdaxxar: You around?13:13
mithronash: :P13:30
mithronash: sometime I want to discuss with you your C libtpproto stuff :P13:30
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brlcadthe game is never really finished15:28
IwanowitchAh, well, we can only try.15:30
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daxxarHi nash, I am now16:15
daxxarJust got back from a cabin-trip. :)16:15
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* nash waves23:57
* nash notes no mithro23:57
* nash looks for daxxar23:57
* daxxar waves to nash23:57
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daxxar<3 Firefly23:58
jothamshame they never finished the season =\23:58
jothamgood shows are never popular enough to recieve any long term funding like crap like stargate and farscape23:58
jotham...and voyager nggh23:58
daxxarThey finished the season, didn't they?23:58
jothami thought it only got to 17 or so out of 2023:59
daxxarOh, but they were informed that they were going to be cut off the air, IIRC.23:59

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