Sunday, 2007-04-01

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* nash waves00:56
* Epyon waves01:05
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nashEpyon: Those ships you gave me the other week - how did you generate them?01:50
Epyonnash, by hand :P02:09
nashYes, but what was the 3d model?  What did you use to convert to a 2d model02:15
nashMost fo my 2d art is generated SVG sources at the moment, so I use inkscape to generate svg->png, then edje_cc to compile to theme file.  So getting the 3d -> 2d png -> edj file would be nice ;-)02:22
EpyonIt was created and rendered in 3ds max. I can output it to a 3ds file if you want.02:36
nashthat could be cool02:39
nashI can get blender (or some other open tool) to convert to render correct?02:41
* nash knows Epyon is not a blender fan02:41
EpyonI guess 3ds format is portable enough :)02:44
nashBlnder handles it these days02:45
EpyonIt's not that I'm not a blender fan, it's just that there's a unbreakable distance between it and 3ds02:45
EpyonIt surely should. The format is simple implementation wise.02:45
EpyonI can always export it to whatever via maxscript.02:46
* nash notes Epyon shoudl submit more patches then ;-)02:48
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mithronash: well, your the only entry for the AI comp04:31
mithronash: so do you want your swag signed or unsigned?04:34
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* nash is back05:57
* nash is a little disappointed05:57
nashmithro: Signed by who exactly?05:58
mithrowell, by the Thousand Parsec founders, IE Lee and I :P05:58
nashHOw much of a PITA is it?05:59
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cherezwhen will the next competition be?06:01
mithroa little amount, I'll just ship it to Lee first, then he'll forward to me and then I'll forward it to you06:01
mithrocherez: same time next year probably06:01
nashSod the signing then ;-)06:01
mithronash: he he, okay06:01
mithroI also need your shirt size06:01
nashI'd like to see a 7 day ruleset comp in 6 months or so06:01
nash(after the google money ;-)06:02
mithronash: i'm thinking of having one during LCA 200806:02
mithroor some other event where we can pimp to people directly06:02
nashXL or XXL depending on the version06:02
mithronash: so how goes the video of two AI fighting?06:03
nashMy current focus is improving the UI to a useful level06:04
nashVids will be after that06:04
mithronash: well, can you make a "dump screenshot once each turn" feature in short order?06:06
nashmithro: Is that a hint?06:06
nashYou after it for a reason I take it06:06
mithroyes, I want to put video's of your ai on the website :P06:07
nashmithro: Okay, let me see what I can do06:08
mithrofeel free to dump into any format which convert can read06:08
nashmithro: First version will be raw ARGB06:09
nashmithro: I may as well do the video then06:09
mithroi'm happy to play with it to get a good video06:09
* nash warns mithro... this may be slow...06:20
nashIs there a traditional key for 'screendump'?06:21
nashAnd what will 'start recording' be?06:21
mithroprintscreen is pretty normal06:21
nashokay... version 1 is done... lets see if this segvs...06:34
nashWell that gives me an empty buffer...06:40
* nash notes screengrabs in evas are as annoying as all hell06:45
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nashblerg... the method I used to use for screengrabs is no longer legal... time for a hack.07:25
nashmithro: When did you want those screenshots by?08:09
nashIf you like i can run it at work using hte version of evas there (FancyPants version) and it does screenshots happily08:09
nashI'm not sure what the correct method for screenshots are these days08:10
mithronash: well probably good to find out? :P08:11
nashmithro: I will... probably tomorrow08:12
nashjust hte person I want to ask isn't online08:12
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nashllnz: Pong?08:57
llnznash: ping08:57
nashllnz: You sent me a ping late last night?08:58
llnzgoing to ask if you had any ideas for assignment filter feature ids08:58
nashRight - not really ... I don't think08:59
nashWhat do you mean BTW?08:59
llnzeach filter has a feature id08:59
nashAhh...  Well filters should all be in a particular range09:00
llnzwe could arrange them so there was info about the order they are applied, etc09:00
nashOtherwise a rule like ..09:00
nashyeah - that was what I was about to say09:00
nashso filters are applied lowest-> highest09:00
llnzand maybe which sets are mutually exclusive09:01
nashSo if the set is valid the server cannot refuse...09:01
llnzserver can always refuse09:01
nashSo maybe 8 bits for a level09:02
nashThen 8 bits for levels09:02
llnzshould be extermely uncommon09:02
nashthen some magic up the top 16 for 'is a filter'09:02
nashllnz: I'll be back shortly09:02
llnzok, let me know when your back09:02
nashI shall09:03
llnzi'll post what i have so far09:03
* nash is back09:46
* nash pokes llnz 09:47
llnzah, cool09:47
llnzthe range for filters is from 0x1000 to 0x1FFF09:48
nashAnyway - personally I'd still like to have it so "if client requests all valid filters" server cannot say 'no'09:48
nashSo 12 bits all up09:48
llnznash: what happens if there is a change of state in the server between the getfeatures and the client sending setfilters?09:49
nashLike what?09:49
llnzlike ssl gets disabled09:49
llnzfor example09:49
nashIf the available filters change... then it is a invalid filter now09:50
nashSo the client can rerequest the list of filters09:50
nashBut random 'server can refuse' is bad09:50
llnzah, i see what you mean09:50
nashif it is advertised, it is advertised09:51
nashBesides if SSL gets disabled, what about everyone who is already using the filter?09:51
llnzif it is not available, it is not advertised09:51
nashRight.. but the example you cite... if I am connected over SSL and someone disbales it in the server... what happens?09:52
nashAnd why does filter negotiation handle this, but nothing else?09:52
llnznash: either they continue with ssl, or they get disconnected, depending on the server09:52
nashRight - so filter neg cna do the same thing09:52
llnzwhat do you mean?09:52
nashNetwork protocols are inherently full of race conditions09:53
nashSo if the server disables SSL, then the response is "unsupported filter"09:53
nashThat is fine09:53
nashYou need to handle that anyway09:53
nashI just really really don't like "can reduse because of the phase of the moon"09:54
nashAnyway - back to allocating09:56
nashthere are 12 bits right?09:57
llnzfirst 4 are the level (16 levels)09:57
nashSo max is 16 different filters?09:57
llnzmaybe, still thinking09:57
nashI think 6/6 woudl be a better (but more annoying split)09:58
nashCan we get a 16 bit slice somewhere>09:58
nash8/8 would be best09:58
llnznot sure whether to encode mutually exclusivity somewhere in it09:58
llnzwhich would allow more, more than one at each level09:58
nashis it worthwhile to send a list with each filter to say "excludes X,Y,Z"09:59
* nash also wonders if jsut starting with the basics would be bset, and worry about these complicatons when/if filters which need this arise10:00
llnzyeah, maybe just have the 16 levels for now10:00
llnzor maybe take more bytes....10:01
nashllnz: The other thing is clients and servers need to know what a filter is anyway - so it can be described in the meta protocol anyway10:01
nash"Filter FlyingMonkey cannot be used with SmokingTortise"10:02
nashAnd since filters can't be per server anyway...10:02
nashllnz: tpserver-cpp question: Does it ever send references with messages?10:03
llnzon message boards?10:03
llnzyes, it should always10:04
nashAhh... I see my bug10:04
* nash slaps self10:04
nashIf I don;t ask the message parser to get any out... it doesn't get any out10:04
nashMuch better... Seeing 2 and 3 with most messages10:05
llnzsounds about right10:06
nashExcellent - shall have to start adding GUI controls for them10:10
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llnzhi dmpayton10:13
CIA-17Lee Begg <[email protected]> * documents/protocol/ (protocol.xml protocol.xml): Added from field to getidlist and idlist base frames for getting changes instead of just the list10:13
dmpaytonI'm crashin' at a friends house tonight, and finishing the drive to the new place tomorrow. Figured I"d highjack his computer for a bit and pop in.10:14
dmpaytonI hate long car rides...10:15
nashdmpayton: As do most sane people :-)10:18
dmpaytonnash: you mean I actually have something in common with "most sane people"?10:18
nashdmpayton: Count noses... there is another10:18
CIA-17Lee Begg <[email protected]> * documents/protocol/ (14 files): Added Modify Object frame, also set readonly on object fields that can't be modified10:21
nashback later10:22
dmpaytonWelp, I'm off.10:49
dmpaytonHopefully internet will be up at the new place in a few days10:49
dmpaytonCatch ya guys later10:49
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llnzmithro: ping?11:04
* llnz ponders if "Position, Velocity or Acceleration" means one object parameter type, or three11:05
mithrollnz: 3 i think11:40
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* nash is back - breifly12:25
CIA-17Lee Begg <[email protected]> * documents/protocol/ (protocol.xml protocol.xml protocol.xml): Added basic object parameters, almost enough to do minisec12:48
* llnz wanders off12:50
llnzlater all12:50
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* nash waves23:25
nashhow is life?23:29
jothamhave you guys seen this?
tpb<> (at
cherezI've seen it23:33
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cherezanything specific about it you wnat to discuss?23:41

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